Building Update – come and see what’s happening…

Whilst Learning Conferences are on (on Tuesday from 2-6:30pm and Thursday from 2-7:30pm) there will be a display in the hall that we encourage everyone to come and look at to find out about the building programme and what is planned for our school.
As was noted in the last newsletter, we are now able to share the designs with you, and have a sense of the likely timeframe of the project. We will have representatives from the Ministry of Education, the Project Team and the Design Team in attendance at various times throughout the two sessions to answer your questions.

We are re-activating this blog and we will be regularly publishing to this blog as new information about the building process comes to hand. We are very excited that the process which, held up for most of this year, has now reached a point where action is about to happen, and we have information to share with you.

Living Springs Camp

Planning is well underway for Team Pōhutukawa's Term 4 camp at Living Springs (23 - 25 November). Living Springs is a self-contained complex where the children stay in comfortable and clean bunk rooms with attached ablution blocks. Parent helpers stay in the Harbour View Conference Centre or, if on bunk room supervision duty, in an adult bunk room adjoining the children's bunkrooms.

If you are able to be a parent helper at the camp, please complete the online form at by Friday, 2 September. We require the help of approximately 15 parents if the camp is to go ahead. If you are able to help, your role will involve direct supervision of groups of children (inside/outside activities, evening bunk room duty, setting tables, supporting children during the bushwalk into camp), serving meals, operating the dishwasher, helping with the cleaning of all areas used at the end of the stay. You will need to be able to stay the entire camp. As the cost of parent helpers is covered in the camp fee, we will only take the necessary number of parent helpers in order to minimise costs. If we have more volunteers than we need, we will select first based on the skills needed and then names will be drawn from a ballot.

A consent form and medical questionnaire will be sent home in Term 4 to students and parent helpers.

The camp costs us $135 per child to run and this includes food, accommodation, the cost of the programmes run by the Living Springs staff and transport. Your next statement (due out at the end of August) will have a request for contribution for $135. You are welcome to make payments either in full or by instalment at any time. Please don't hesitate to contact your child's teacher or Audrey Cooper (Financial Officer) in the office, if payment will be difficult for you. Any funds raised prior to camp, including our Term 3 Market Day, will be shared evenly across the team and will appear as a credit on the Term 4 statement.

We are looking forward to a great camp.

Kauri Whānau Term 3 Week 5 Update

Life in the Intermediate Hub continues to be all go!

This week:


  • Nicky's maths class trip to Horncastle Arena to view Cantamath projects in the morning.
  • Cantamath problem solving competition at Horncastle Arena after school. Best of luck to Isaac, Alex, Rosie, Amelia (Year 7) and William, Kara, Dom and Oliver (Year 8) and our reserves Kaia and Oakley.
  • Speeches shared in all home-groups


  • Canterbury winter sports tournament at Hagley Park. Best of luck our red hockey team and the red football team, as well as our rugby boys who will be playing with their St Patricks Bryndwr team.
  • Speeches shared in Mountains and Forest


  • Speech finalists announced
  • Final basketball game for girls team. Boys have three more games.

Next week:


  • Team speech finals in the afternoon.
  • Swimming starts and runs for two weeks, every morning except for Tuesday. Children need to come prepared with togs and towel in a plastic bag. We have two buses travelling to Aquagym each day. One will depart at 8:30am and the other at 9:00am. Please check below to see which bus your child will be on.

Tuesday and Thursday:

  • Learning Conferences. School closes at 2pm. Please contact the office or follow the booking instructions on the school newsletter, if you are yet to book your conference.

Being prepared to learn:

Stationery is dwindling for many children. Please make sure your child has the following: pencil, eraser, red pen, blue pen, ruler and glue stick. Being unprepared has a negative impact on learning.

Coast Home-group:

Please bring cotton buds and egg cartons for art tomorrow, if you have some at home.

Ski trip:

A huge thank you to the wonderful parents who helped out on our ski trip last Thursday. After a hiccup at the start of the day, all ran very smoothly. We were very impressed by the perseverance, positive attitude and support of each other, that the children displayed. There will be a display of written experiences and photos to view, when you come to the hub for learning conferences next week.

Koru Blog Term 3 Week 5

The SPCA came to visit! 

The SPCA talked to the children about what they do and how to care for animals.

Learning Sight Words

A novel way of learning some sight words! Can anyone better this? These two had lots of fun inventing this new game.

Thank you !!!!
Thank you Amy McDaid  so much for the many hours you spent making the beautiful painting smocks for Koru children. You certainly modelled the Beckenham Kete of We love Challenge and We Make a Difference.The children love these and I'm sure the Parents will too.They thought the different colours were very cool and were very excited.At long last paint free uniforms hopefully.A dream come true.

We can learn a lot through playing and talking with our friends.

This group of children tested their developing measurement skills during Discovery Time when a one car garage needed to be extended to accommodate three cars! The children learned from each other as they discussed how to make sure that all three cars were going to fit.

Book your Learning Conference online now. Refer to the school newsletter for further details.

Beckenham School Newsletter Term 3 Friday 19th August 2016

Principal's Patch

Kia ora koutou

Paid Union Meeting Wed 7 September - please collect your child at 12:30pm

As you may have heard in the media this week, the primary and secondary teacher's unions are organising joint paid members meetings throughout the country in the next three weeks to inform members about the 'global budget' funding proposal that is currently being discussed by government.
The meeting for Christchurch city schools is scheduled for 1:30pm on Wednesday 7th September. As almost 100% of our staff are members of the union, and are entitled, under their collective agreement to attend the meeting, we are asking that you collect your child from school at 12:30pm on Wed 7 Sept
If your child(ren) normally attend BOSCO on Wednesdays, BOSCO will be operating from 12:30pm.
If you are not able to collect your child(ren) from school that day, please let us know by clicking on this link, so that we can arrange supervision for those children who will remain at school.
Music lessons will continue as usual. Concert Band has been cancelled for that day, and Jazz Ensemble will run from 3:30 - 5pm in the hall.
As we appreciate this is likely to cause some inconvenience to caregivers, we hope that you also understand this is a national issue of concern to education,reflected in the decision that both the secondary and primary teachers' unions have taken to work together and meet during the school day. You can read briefly about the meetings here:
Other links to information are available here, and we will share further links as they become available:

Welcome to Jo Smith

We are delighted to welcome Jo Smith to our teaching staff this week. Jo is a very experienced teacher and is joining our Koru team to take our newest group of New Entrants. Jo will work part time alongside Rowena and Andrea in Hub 12/13for the next two weeks, and will begin full time on Thursday 1st September

Learning Conference Bookings

If you haven't yet made a learning conference booking for either Tuesday 30th August or Thursday 1st September, now is the time to click this link, enter the code b3tj4 and make your booking.
Please remember that school will close at 2pm on both of those days. If you are not able to collect your child at 2pm, please let Jacky in the office know, and we will ensure that your child is supervised until 3pm.

Building Update - Information sharing

During the two afternoons of learning conferences (2pm-6:30pm Tuesday 30 August and 2pm-7:30pm Thursday 1 September) we will have displays set up in the hall for parents to visit before/after learning conferences, to see plans of the new building design and to talk to Sandy and Michelle, along with (as available) Board members, staff from the Ministry of Education, and the project management team, about the designs, the building process and the decanting logistics.
Following the learning conference week, we will then hold meetings for further discussion and sharing of information that may be more specific to particular year groups.

Ngā mihi nui
Sandy Hastings
Principal - Tumuaki

Upcoming Events

Wed 24 Aug
4pm (Y7) & 5pm (Y8) Cantamath at Horncastle Arena
7:30 - 8:30pm PTA Meeting, All Welcome

Thu 25 Aug
9:00am - 3:00pm Strum Strike Blow rehearsal at Horncastle Arena
7:00pm - 8:15pm Strum Strike Blow concert at Horncastle Arena; $5 tickets, doorsales only
10:00am - 3:00pm Canterbury Winter Tournament at North Hagley Park

Fri 26 Aug
8:45-9:15am & 2:45 - 3:15pm PTA Uniform Room open
9:15 - 9:45am Celebration Assembly
7:30pm PTA Comedy Bingo Evening

Tue 30 Aug
2:00 - 6:30pm Learning Conferences.  School closes at 2:00pm.

Thu 1 Sep
2:00 - 7:30pm Learning Conferences.  School closes at 2:00pm

Term Dates

Click here to view the 2016 and 2017 term dates.

Citizen of the Week

Tabea Brookland - Year 3

Tabea, you are such a conscientious student, always striving to do your best. You are an amazing role model, consistently demonstrating the School Values, and your self-motivation is an example to everyone. You also have a great sense of humour and you are extremely loyal and caring which makes you a wonderful friend to anyone at Beckenham School. Thank you for being a shining light. Tino pai, Tabea!

Sharing our Learning

Pohutukawa Team

Market Day:

This term, in Team Pōhutukawa, we are learning about economical activity and decision making. We are creating small businesses and developing products to sell at a market day later this term. The profits from this market day will go towards our camp in Term 4.
This year our market is inspired by the many different cultures of Asia and all the products available will have an Asian theme. The market day will be held on Thursday 15 September at 12pm. We will let you know more about this later in the term.

Canterbury RAMs

Every Tuesday afternoon a group of Team Pōhutukawa students make their way, excitedly, to the hall to work with Marcus from the Canterbury RAMs on basketball skills. This is a high energy hour, with fast paced action as they learn to dribble with “magic hands” and shoot hoops like professionals.


Term 3 is Cantamaths time and many of our Year 6 students are working very hard to complete individual projects to enter into the Cantamaths competition. This year the projects are based on sports and the Rio Olympics. Children have chosen a project from the following topics:
  • Planning a trip to the Rio Olympics;
  • Conducting a statistical investigation into world records in sports;
  • Investigating how mathematics can be used to enhance performance in a sport.
These projects will be on display at the Horncastle Arena on August 24th, during the Cantamaths competition.


In team Pōhutukawa we love reading! Our learning focuses on developing our fluency, our comprehension and our ability to think critically about ideas. We enjoy reading a variety of texts, including chapter books, school journals, Internet research and graphic novels. We use reading in all areas of our learning. A very important area we are developing is using our reading skills to research on the Internet.
Learning in reading includes listening to shared picture books and novels (being read to), instructional lessons with a teacher (reading with) and independent, personal reading (reading by). All these things make up a balanced reading programme. We also love to share our learning by reading and performing plays. This is a fun way to improve our skills at presenting to an audience.

School Notices


Bookclub number 4 brochures have been sent home. Unfortunately the incorrect closing date is stamped on it. Closes 22nd August, thanks.


Many thanks to the parents of 300 or so students who have provided their immunisations details....only 150 to go!! I am now sending out individual emails...please respond if you receive one, even if it is to say "I don't know how to get this information, please help!" If you have an immunisation certificate please either bring it into the office or scan and email Jacky

Cultural Festival Tickets:

Ordered tickets can now be collected from the school office. Thank you

PTA News

Enjoy last years ‘Improv Night’? ….well here’s another opportunity to laugh your socks off!!!

Join Jack & Kitty, from the bowling club, for a night of hilarity & a dash of bingo at the PTA Bingo Night: Friday 26th August

Loads of prizes up for grabs & delicious Kiwiana food on offer….how could you resist such FUN, don’t delay- Book your tickets NOW.

Limited numbers, we will SELL OUT

All funds raised go towards improving the Hall PA system,
If you are able to donate any prizes or vouchers please contact Rachel Wiscombe: OR drop them off at the Office.
Check out the NEW PTA Facebook page  & see some of the amazing prizes up for grabs!!

Sports News

Weekly Winter Sport

Luckily, the weather was perfect for playing sport, as it has been all season for us. For the first time ever, there were no postponements made for winter sport this year. Fantastic! 127 players trooped off for their last visit to Nunweek Park and Hagley Park.
We are extremely grateful to our patient and reliable coaches, who have donated so much of their time to our students. Thank you so much to Paul Middleditch, Rod Gray, Fred Simpson, Adarsh, Lawrence, Leone Scott, Karen McMillan, Murray Chesterman, Jenni Adams, Sarah Freeman, Sonya Sintmaartensdyk, George York, Mike Ansett, Nicky, Caitlyn, Katie and Jarred. Also thank you to the wonderful parents who helped out when we needed extra supervision: Rebecca Hindin, Simon Murfin, Sue and Simon Kingham.
ell done to Joe Flynn, Fergus Knowles and Caleb Jorgensen for representing Beckenham School so admirably this season. Due to the fact that our school didn’t have enough interested Y7 & 8 students to field a rugby team, these boys played for St Patrick’s Bryndwr for winter sport. The coach has been very impressed with their behaviour, skills and sportsmanship. Tino pai mahi boys!
All winter sports tops now need to be returned to Tracy; washed and folded please!
Congratulations to these players for earning player for the day for their team:
Y 5/6 football red - Gabriel Lyall
Y 5/6 football black - Bradley Pye
Y 7/8 football red - Isaac Macdonald
Y 7/8 football black - whole team
Y 5/6 hockey red - Georgina Cockfield
Y 5/6 hockey black - Charlotte Strahl
Y 7/8 hockey red - played a friendly
Y 7/8 hockey black - played a friendly
Y 5/6 netball red - bye
Y 5/6 netball black - bye
Y 7/8 netball red - bye
Y 7/8 netball black - Juliette Gray
Y 5/6 rugby red - bye

Community Notices

(Notices placed here are contingent on space and do not reflect the views or opinions of the school.)

Keep New Zealand Beautiful 

NZ's largest litter clean up is set to take place from Sept 12-18th.
Keep New Zealand Beautiful Clean-Up Week’s central aim is to increase community participation of all kinds, but also addresses issues of sustainability, environment, health, crime and social inclusion. They work in partnership with government bodies to deliver on sustainable and environmental initiatives.Clean up events can be registered to happen in any corner of New Zealand at any time between September 12 to September 18th.  Keep New Zealand Beautiful will arrange to send you everything you need to ensure your event is a success.  This includes rubbish and recycling bags, gloves, health and safety guidelines, volunteer registration forms and much more.
To register an event and receive your free clean up kit see
For more information about registering an event please email

Active Kids Holiday Programmes

September registrations now open!
Week 1 - Monday 26th - Friday 30 th Sept
Week 2 - Monday 3rd - Friday 7 th Oct
Active Kids is an exciting structured programme of sport, physical activity and
play for primary school aged children. The programmes are safe and
affordable; there are a number of programme/venue options to suit you and
your children’s needs. OSCAR subsidies available.
Visit our website for full details.


Holiday fun for sporty 9-13 year olds.  Sportastic is a fun, affordable holiday programme for sporty 9-13 year olds.  Run by the sports science team at Ara, the programme offers a range of fun sporty activities for children who enjoy being active.  The programme runs from Mon 3 Oct to Fri 7 Oct, Cost $175.  To learn more and register visit:

Drama Classes for Children

We can help your child:
  • Overcome shyness
  • Develop positive self esteem
  • Grow their imagination
  • Interact with adults
  • Make new friends
  •  Have lots of fun
Join our after school drama classes.
Ph: 0800-161- 131

Garage Sale

On Sat 27th August from 9am-12pm the Landsdowne Tce Community Centre Playcentre is having a massive garage sale as a fundraiser for the Playcentre. There will be toys, clothes, white elephant, books, cake stall, coffee, bouncy castle and more.

Chinese Immersion Day

The Confucius Institute and the New Zealand Chinese Language Association are co-hosting the 2016 Chinese Cultural Day as part of New Zealand Chinese Language Week. This event will be an opportunity for students to have fun learning about China and to gain insight into another culture. All students, teachers and their families are welcome. Venue: Avonhead School Hall, 55 Avonhead Rd, admission is free. Sunday 11 Sept, 1:30-4:30pm.  Admission is free.  RSVP to by Friday 2nd September.
Date: Sunday 11 September 2016
Time: 1.30 pm – 4.30 pm
Venue: Avonhead School

Okinawa-Te-Karate Organization International Incorporated

Wednesday and Friday nights 7 - 8.30 PM
45 Bromley Road, Bromley, Christchurch
(Bromley Community Centre 03-389- 1657)
Ages from 5 – Eternity
Learn how to defend yourself and those around you from day one.
Come check it out. You won't regret it free introduction lesson.
you can either sit and watch or join in.
Thereafter it’s only $25 a month.

Centennial Junior Touch 2016-17:

Team Registration Fees are the same as last year $125 (8 weeks).  Registrations close on 11th of October 2016. the season starts on Thursday 20th October 2016
All Team registrations will be done through our new module website on the new registration system, please complete the Team Manager Form, Upon submitting the form you will be sent a link to your team registration form. Any problems give the office a call on 3236102.  If you are a school co-ordinator and you will be doing all your school teams forms please use your own e-mail address as the first contact (as the registration form will be sent to you) and the second contact is the team manager please.
The draw will be e-mailed by 14th of October.
All cancellations will be posted on our website before school finishes and all teams will also be e-mailed.
Canterbury Trials U12-14’s – Sheldon Park, Sunday 16th October –  Trials U16-18’s Sheldon Park, Sunday 30th October - Please pass onto your team, I will send another reminder closer to the time. (Please note age group changes)
Intermodule Comp – Sunday 20th November – This is a fun day when other modules around the city get together and play each other anyone interested please let me know and we will send you the information and registration form.


Do you LOVE to sing or dance? Are you keen to learn an instrument?  
StarJam runs a program of performance workshops that take place on weeknights during the school terms from 6:30pm to 8pm.
These workshops are open to everyone with any disability between the ages of 6 and 25 years old.
There are singing, dancing, guitar and drumming workshops across Christchurch with spaces available! 
Our workshops have no set fees but there are only places for 12 Jammers per workshop so each Jammer enrolled is required to attend weekly.
Our workshops are a safe environment, where you’ll be supported by a tutor and volunteers to learn new skills, have loads of fun, make friends and experience the belief that anything is possible.
To find out more get in contact with Jo on 021 782 766 or email 
You can also visit our website at

WORD Christchurch 

24-28 august. Writers & Readers Festival 2016. Visit for more details.

Mobile Phones

Calling all old Mobile Phones to help Sustainable Coastlines look after NZ’s coastlines and waterways. After $2.5 million donated to the Starship Foundation from the sale of unwanted old mobile phones it is time for a new multi award winning NZ charity - Sustainable Coastline to benefit from this scheme.
It would be great if you could rummage around in your drawers and toy boxes and bring into School any unwanted mobile phones you may have.
Phones collected help our School gain valuable rewards and also the environment benefits by keeping our landfills free of mobile phones and their array of hazardous toxic substances.
Please drop any unwanted mobile phones you may have in the collection box in the reception area at School.