Kauri Whānau Update: Term 1, Week 9



  • Writers workshops
  • EOTC-parent help
  • Technology

Writers Workshops:
  • Our Write On Saturday classes continue to expand with over 100 young writers attending each week. This might just be the thing that your keen young writers are looking for.  For Years 4- 13.
  • In July we will once again be running Winter Writing School with Kidsfest. 

Thanks to all the parents who have offered to help on our upcoming school trips. These are happening on Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th April.
 If you have filled out the form indicating that you would like to help Sarah will be in contact over the Easter weekend. Thanks to those who have offered to come in a car as an emergency vehicle. Sarah will let you know if you will be doing this also. There will be more information coming to all next week.

 Our seniors are loving their Tuesday's at Tech! Everyone is always so involved and there is a hum of productivity in the air when we walk around and check in with our students'. We are loving how proud our kids are feeling in showing us what they are creating and when they finish an item. Tu meke!

A reminder to all our whānau that the Home Group teachers are always happy to be contacted throughout the year if there is anything you would like to share or discuss about your child. The home/school relationship is important and communication plays a large part in this. So please see your child's Home Group teacher in the first instance.

Kahikatea News Term 1 Week 9

Kia ora whānau,

The end of Term 1 is just around the corner and our tamariki have worked so hard. It is wonderful to see friendships blossoming, resilience growing, and a determination to achieve learning goals. To celebrate and to acknowledge the wonderful work of all our tamariki we will be having a Teddy Bear Picnic/Pajama Day on the 11th of April. Your child/ren is warmly invited to bring: 

A teddy or cuddly toy (no hard plastic toys please) 

1x small blanket (to sit on or snuggle up in) 

their usual packed lunch


wear their pyjamas! 


A reminder to all our whānau that the Home Group teachers are always happy to be contacted if there is anything you would like to share or discuss about your child. The home/school relationship is important and communication plays a large part in this. So please see your child's Home Group teacher in the first instance. 

Word of the Week:

Our word of the week is cooperation. Cooperation is all about teamwork and the ability to work well with others.  Our school values, 'We Get There Together ' ('Mā tātou katoa te waka e hoe') and 'We Care' ('Arohaina te tāngata ma te taiao') are shown when tamariki cooperate well with others. Below is a short animation and a song about cooperation. 

Here is a link to some stories which show the value of cooperation:



We have thoroughly enjoyed our netball sessions this term. Tamariki have worked hard to develop their movement skills of running, jumping, throwing, catching, coordination, and teamwork. 

House Games: 

A big thank you to the Year 7/8 House Captains who organise such fun activities during House Games. 


Just a reminder that Ella and Amber's homegroups visit the school library on Tuesdays to change their books and Quynh and Sarah's homegroups visit on Thursdays. Tamariki must have their library folders at school on these days so that books can be changed. Also, if your child is not bringing a library book home, it may be because books are overdue on their library account. It would be wonderful if these books could be returned to school. If these books have been misplaced, please contact the school office. 


Thank you so much to the whānau who have donated toys, cardboard boxes, and craft supplies to support learning through play. It is very much appreciated and the children love having these new resources to inspire creativity. Lots of these items do get used quickly so it would be wonderful if you can collect and bring in any of the following items. 

  • Craft and construction (wool, boxes, buttons, milk lids, containers, toilet roll tubes) 
  • Magazines, coloured paper or card, posters, old calendars
  • Stickers/labels 
  • Good dress-up costumes (including hats, accessories, shoes) 
  • Wrapping paper
  • Ribbon or string
  • Boxes for box construction (cereal boxes, biscuit boxes, small paper bags, egg cartons etc

We also want to make a really cosy reading space in the hub. If you have any top quality cushions, fabric, rugs or blankets that are no longer needed, please let your child's kaiako know. 

Photo Gallery: 


  • Please name your child's belongings
  • Please remind your child/ren they do not need to bring toys to school
  • Hats are to be worn during break times (Term 1 and 4)

 If you need to korero with your child's teacher please remember you can email us: 


Arohanui, from Team Kahikatea 

Amber, Quynh, Lisa, Sarah, Ella & Katie 

Koru News: 27/03/2024 Term 1 Week 9

Kia ora, e te whānau,


Our kura/school will be closed on Friday 29th March, Monday 1st April and Tuesday 2nd April. We will see you all again on Wednesday 3rd April. Our last day of Term 1 is Friday 12th April.

Word of the week:

Our word of the week last week was DETERMINATION. Are you a determined person? In what ways do you show determination? How are determination and resilience the same/different? Determination means the ability to continue trying to do something, although it is very difficult.

Our word of the week this week is COOPERATION. Cooperation means working together to get things done. To be good at cooperating with others, you need to be a good TEAM MEMBER. 

Learning Through Play

We are learning to show determination and cooperation during our learning through play time. Have a look at the photos, how do you think the children might be showing determination and/or cooperating?

Maths: Notice, Think, Wonder

What do you notice? What do you think? What do you wonder? Here are all the ideas our children noticed when looking at this picture in Maths. What else do you notice, think and wonder?

Ngā mihi nui,
Stacey, Georgia and Paul

Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto Schoolwide Newsletter, Rāmere (Friday) 22 March 2024, Week 8

Principal's Patch

Kia ora koutou

In the assembly this week we had a celebration for how 'We Make a Difference'. The support the tamariki are showing each other in so many ways across our kura is humbling. What a team!

As a kura (school) we have been receiving communications from the Ministry of Education about attendance. As a country, low and non-regular attendance is a challenge being faced by schools. To give it some context we have included some of this communication below. 

If a student misses one day of school every two weeks, they miss a whole year of school by 16 years of age. As a parent or caregiver, you, alongside our school, play a key role in building strong habits of regular school attendance.

All students are legally required to attend school every day and it is a shared responsibility to make sure students attend and engage in learning from when they first start school. As we enter 2024, every day of school matters.

You must let the school know if your child is going to be absent for a day or intends to be absent for a portion of the school term for whatever reason, like a tangi or medical procedure.  Family holidays or taking time off for extracurricular activities (not organised by school) are not acceptable reasons for being absent.

If you would like to talk about your child's attendance and how we can support please contact your child's Homegroup teacher in the first instance.

In the spirit of We Make a Difference, we are sharing this incredible photo that one of our whānau took from a plane, with Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto front and centre in the foreground. Can you find it?

We Make a Difference in an emergency. Each term we practice how we evacuate the school safely in the event of an earthquake or fire. We will have an evacuation drill before the end of the term.

Ngā mihi nui
Jo Smith - Tumuaki (Acting Principal)

Important Dates

(you can also find the Community Calendar on our website here)

Wed 27 Mar - Canterbury Swimming
Wed 27 Mar
 - BoT Meeting, 5.30-7.30PM, Staffroom
Wed 27 Mar - PTA Meeting, 7.30-9.30PM
Fri 29 Mar 
- Good Friday (kura/school closed)
Mon 1 Apr
 - Easter Monday (kura/school closed)
Tue 2 Apr
 - Easter Tuesday (kura/school closed)
Fri 12 Apr 
- Last day of Term 1
Mon 29 Apr - First day of Term 2
Fri 3 May 
- Welcome Assembly, 9.15-9.30am, Hall
Tue 14 May 
- School Cross Country TBC
Wed 22 May 
- PTA Meeting, 7.30-9.30PM
Wed 29 May
 - BoT Meeting, 5.30-7.30PM, Staffroom
Fri 31 May
 - Staff Only Day (kura/school closed)
Mon 3 Jun -
 King's Birthday (kura/school closed)
Tue 25 Jun - Matariki Evening at Kura
Wed 26 Jun
 - BoT Meeting, 5.30-7.30PM, Staffroom
Wed 26 Jun -
 PTA Meeting, 7.30-9.30PM, Staffroom
Fri 28 Jun
 - Matariki (kura/school closed)
Fri 5 Jul
 - Last day of Term 2

Term Dates: Click here to view  2024 term dates

Citizen of the Week

Siunipa Latu - Year 8 

Siunipa, you have a gift for motivating and encouraging others through your positive energy and words. You have a strong set of personal values and your actions at kura exemplify teamwork, respect and integrity. Siunipa, you enthusiastically participate in learning across the curriculum and embrace opportunities to share your knowledge and skills with others. Tino pai tō mahi, Siunipa! 

Citizen of the Week

Terence Lee - Year 4

Terence, you are an exemplary role model in the Kōwhai hub, approaching each day with a positive, can-do attitude. In all areas of your schooling, you are self-motivated and consistently strive to do your best, no matter how big or small the task. Ka rawe, Terence! 

School Notices

Last Chance for Cheese Rolls

Year 7 & 8 are fundraising for outdoor education days by making cheese rolls. These delicious cheese rolls are made with the traditional Southland recipe! Please click on this link to place your order.  The form must be submitted, by Friday March 22nd.

Many thanks for your support. Orders will be made up on Thursday, April 4th and will be ready for collection after school. If you would like to supply your own container (and we very much hope you do), please clearly name it and drop it off in the collection box outside the hall from Monday, March 25th. 

Easter Holiday Clarification

There have been some questions from whānau about why school is closed on Easter Tuesday. All schools, primary and secondary, across the country are closed on Good Friday, Easter Monday and Easter Tuesday, and always have been, for as long as anyone can remember. We're not sure what the historical rationale for this is - it is just always the way it has been. When schools used to have three, 13 or 14 week terms a year, Easter always fell during the first term, and the 5 day weekend was a very welcome break during a long term.

When schools moved to four, 10 week terms a year in 1996, the Easter break has mostly fallen within the school holidays at the end of the first term. However, in some years - 1997, 2005, 2008, 2013, 2016, 2018, 2021 and now in 2024 - Easter has fallen during the first term, rather than during the holidays.

You can see the Ministry of Education guidance around setting School Terms and Holiday Dates here.

Road Patrol

Our wonderful Y6 Road Patrollers had a refresher training course this week, this was run by Constable Meg. Constable Meg was very impressed with how much they had retained. They had great timing and nice loud, clear commands. A wonderful display of team work, 'We Get There Together' and 'We Make a Difference'.
Thank you to our Road Patrol Team for keeping everyone safe!

Christchurch Schools' Music Festival Representative Group

If your child is an instrumentalist or singer interested in auditioning to be part of one of the representative groups for the 2024 Festival, applications are open now and will close on Monday, April 1st.

The representative groups are Senior Choir (Years 7 & 8), Junior Choir (Years 5 & 6), Orchestra (Years 5 - 8), and Concert Band (Years 5 - 8).

The Festival team are looking to select the very best singers and musicians from across Christchurch for the Representative Groups of the Music Festival, so tamariki have to pass an audition to get in, even if they have been in a Representative Group previously.

More information about the groups and auditions can be found via this link.

If you have any questions, please get in touch.

Ngā mihi

Student council ANZAC Biscuits!

This term the student council is planning activities and messages to commemorate ANZAC day. We are going to be making ANZAC biscuits that children can order with a gold coin on Thursday 11th April, and collect from their teacher on Friday 12th April at morning tea time (one biscuit per person), gluten-free options are available. The money that we collect will be given to the RSA.

BOT Update

Our Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto Board of Trustees met at the end of February, and said a huge thank you and bid farewell to Sampson Karst, our Appointed Whānau and Iwi (Ngāi Tahu) Trustee. Sampson has served our kura on our Board since 2019, and his presence and expertise have quietly made a significant impact on outcomes for whānau and ākonga. Tēnā rawa atu koe!

Term 1 Policy Review

In term 1 we are reviewing topics in the Governance and ManagementParents and Whānau, and Documentation and Self-Review Policy sections. 
Who reviews our policies and procedures?

All reviews are open to board, staff, students, and the school community (parents/caregivers/whānau).
Anyone can review any policy/procedure that has a review button. The board is responsible for board-level overarching policies. 

To start reviewing, click on a topic name above, then click the Start your review button. If a link is inactive, our school doesn't have the topic.

When we review our policies with SchoolDocs, we are reviewing each policy for its content as well as how well the school implements it. To share your comments and rate its implementation, click the "Start your review" button, or see detailed instructions below.
  1. Visit the website https://beckenham.schooldocs.co.nz/1893.htm
  2. Enter the username (beckenham) and password (pride).
  3. Follow the link to the relevant policy as listed.
  4. Read the policies up for review.
  5. Click the Start your review button at the top right-hand corner of the page.
  6. Select the reviewer type.
  7. Enter your name (optional).
  8. Follow the prompts to show that you've read the topic and enter your feedback if you'd like to comment.
  9. Agree to the privacy statement and click “Submit review”.
If you don't have internet access, school office staff can provide you with printed copies of the policy and a review form.

Community Notices

(Notices placed here are contingent on space and do not reflect the views or opinions of the school.)

Te Kura o Huriawa Thorrington has a Cybersafety Parent Workshop on the 27 March and would like to extend the invitation to the wider community. Tickets are available via Eventfinda and are $5 each.

Want to play rugby this winter? 

Join Sydenham Rugby Club - a family oriented club.

Registrations can be done on the club website - sydenhamrugby.co.nz 

A sizing morning/weigh in will be held on the 24th March at the Sydenham Rugby Club (Sydenham Park, Bowling Club).

Any questions please ring the office 332 8875 or email srfc@xtra.co.nz

AKOTECH CodeCamps April School Holidays - EARLY DISCOUNTS

Our holiday camp allows children from the ages of 7-12 to develop 21st century skills in a fun and action packed environment. Create and train your own AI Avatars, make games, code robots & go to work for a simulated Tech Gaming Studio to build games for a big pretend client.  

Develop confidence & initiative through design, creativity, solving problems, presenting & collaboration. Create your own games, worlds and apps to make our world a better place.

We also have Literati Lab just for girls

Venues: Canterbury Uni & STAC
Dates: 15th - 18th & 22nd - 26th April 
Book Now at www.akotech.nz

EarlyBird Save Up to 21% Until 22nd March
Siblings Save 6%

Needing extra academic help?

Spaces available at locally owned & operated Burwood Education Centre (www.nztutoring.org). We have been working alongside schools in assisting struggling Year 2 - 11 students in Maths / English / Reading / Spelling / Comprehension & Extension Tutoring over many years, resulting in greater student confidence and improving educational results. Call Paul on 027-460-3765 for a free student assessment. 

Cashmere Technical FC

Registrations are closing for the 2024 season on 31st March - please register via this link now.

High School Old Boys Junior Rugby Club

Calling all last minute registrations for players Year 1- 8! Come join us at HSOB Rugby
Places available in all teams 
Jump online and register prior to 30 March to receive a boot bag and Training T-Shirt. 

Register here:

Kauri Whānau Update: Term 1, Week 7



  • PALS Training
  • Cheese Rolls
  • Inquiry
  • Donations/Trips

PALS Training:
On Tuesday, 12 children took part in some leadership training at Cowles Stadium. The children were taught a range of new games and how to teach them to others. The course got the children problem-solving and thinking of ways that they could adapt each game on the fly should things not go to plan or if they needed to make the game harder or easier. Thank you to the whānau who provided transport to the stadium and to Sport Canterbury for running the event.

Cheese Rolls:
Please continue to order your cheese rolls and support the Kauri team in our fundraising efforts. This is the last week you can place your order and all proceeds go to our education outside of the classroom oppurtunities!

This week the focus of our identity topic was looking into the 24 character traits of people. We learnt about each trait and what they meant. In homegroups we carried out a compliment circle, where students nomitated each other for certain character traits and explained how that persone deomstrated the particular trait. It was a very positive and uplifting experience. A reminder that if you are able to come and have a chat with our students about something you have achieved, experienced or been a part of that has contributed to your identity or whakapapa please contact us!

We are planning a few trips in Week 11, the last week of term and will need some parent helpers. Please stay tuned in the next couple of weeks to find out more. Thanks to all who have paid or are paying off school donations. We are relying on these payments and fundraising to be able to provide these oppurtunities for our Kauri students.