Kia ora e te whānau,
What a wonderful start we have had to 2025 in the Koru team! We are so proud of how our children have embraced 'We Love Learning' and 'We Love Challenge' this week while learning the school routines. We have noticed children independently doing their morning jobs, such as putting their lunch boxes and drink bottles on the shelf, and their bags in the cubbies; fantastic!
Thank you for taking the time to attend our Term 1 learning conferences. These gave us an excellent opportunity to get to know you and your child and set them up for success this year.
On our first day, we had a very special welcome for Cade Englefield, our new Principal. The Koru team were superstars in the audience, watching with interest as Te Whānau Mahi Tahi, our senior Kapa Haka group, and Christchurch South Karamata Intermediate Kapa Haka group performed waiata (songs) and haka.
We have had lots of fun exploring our space and discovering the activities offered during Learning Through Play this week. Here are some photos of tamariki in action.
Fun in the sun!
Busy showing 'We Get There Together'.
On the hunt through the Duplo pile.
Deep in conversation, planning what to do next.
Proud of their construction - 'We Get There Together'.
Organising animals into their family groups.
Exploring the Lego and Duplo.
'We Love Learning' - carefully placing the pieces together.
Showing 'We Love Challenge' during a game of Jenga.
Having some time with Cade at the playdoh table.
Enjoying the fresh air, having races outside.
Digging for treasure.
Tamariki showing 'We Care' by sharing the playdoh and equipment.
Who can build the tallest tower?
Busy at work!
Creating beautiful pictures at the drawing table.
Having fun with new friends.
Exploring the vehicles.
Calling Mum on the telephone, and showing 'We Love Challenge' with a puzzle.
Fifth birthday cake.
Sweet treats bakery.
Playing with the submarine.
Deep in thought.
What else can I fit in my grocery truck?
We visited the Senior Leadership office while on our boundary walk this week. One child even got to sit in the Principal's chair and share his thoughts about what the next steps at Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto should be (longer play times)!
We care about your safety! Please make sure that you enter and exit the school via the Sandwich Road, Eastern Terrace, or Norwood Street entrances. The gate leading from the carpark is out of bounds. Thank you so much for your cooperation with this.
Thank you, whānau, for all of your support in helping our first week at school be so successful. We hope you have a wonderful weekend, and we look forward to seeing the children back at school on Monday.
Ngā mihi,
The Koru team