Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto Schoolwide Newsletter, Rātapu (Sunday) 20 October 2024, Week 1

Principal's Patch

Kia ora koutou

First week of Term 4 and we enjoyed seeing everyone back after the break and hearing stories of travel, 'staycations' and relaxation! 
On Friday we welcomed our new whānau and their tamariki to Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto. Welcome to our kura and we look forward to our time with your whānau.
This week we also have school athletics. Please see the notices below for more information.
Also, read the PTA notices, they have been very busy! We appreciate the work they do in support of the tamariki and our kura. 
As we begin our final term for the year a reminder, please feel free to contact your child's Home Group Teacher at any stage. They are more than happy to hear from you to celebrate successes and about any questions or wondering you or your child may have.

Staffing update

In 2025 we will welcome Hugo Weaver to our staff. Hugo will be the Kauri (Year 7 and 8) Team Leader. Hugo is excited to be joining us and working with the Kauri team.

Congratulations to Sarah Angelo. Sarah has been appointed to a permanent teaching position here at Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto. Sarah is currently working in the Kahikatea team. 

Our Team Leader Structure for 2025:
Koru - Katie McFarlane
Kahikatea - Sarah Junghenn
Kōwhai - Anna Reid
Pōhutukawa - Steve Cooke
Kauri - Hugo Weaver

Our thanks to Amber Donovan and Stacey McLachlan for so capably filling the roles of Acting Team Leaders. Thank you for stepping up and supporting the school in this way for 2024.

2025 Enrolments - do you have a 4 year old!

We welcome enrolment forms for any New Entrant students who may start with us in 2025. It is never too early to pre-enrol your child, and having this data early will help us in the coming months when we begin to organise teaching staff for the following year.

If you know of any in our area, please encourage them to enrol.

Enrolment forms can be collected from the Office or can be found online here.

Upcoming Curriculum Day

The Ministry of Education has allocated a curriculum day for all schools to work on the English and Mathematics curriculums in preparation for implementation in 2025. A reminder that our Curriculum Day is on Monday, November 18th. The school will be closed for students on this day. 

We are fortunate to have BOSCO open and available to book on this day. If you wish to sign your tamariki up for BOSCO on this date, please either head to to make a booking, or, contact Harriet on 027 645 6632 or via email at

Considerations for home-group placement for 2025

As we start to put together home groups for 2025, we know that you may hold particular information or insight that you want to share that will support the placement of your child for next year.
While our teachers hold a lot of knowledge and understanding around the needs of our children, we are keen to also know if there is anything particular you think we should be aware of as we make these decisions.

As you will appreciate, putting home groups together is a hugely complex puzzle where the needs of all children need to be carefully considered. This means that we are not asking for 'requests' for teachers or for friendship groups as we would never be able to meet all of those. What we are seeking, is to be made aware of anything important you think we need to consider that we might not be aware of. We will add your thoughts to ours, and do the best we can to make sure that everyone's needs have been considered in our process.

If you have anything you want us to know, please email me (not the teachers) so that I have all the information in one place. I will need this information by the end of Week 5  - Friday 8th November.

Ngā mihi nui
Jo Smith - Tumuaki (Acting Principal)

Important Dates

Upcoming Events

Mon 21 Oct - Fri 25 Oct - Walk or Wheel to School Week
Wed 23 Oct - PTA Meeting, 7:30-9:30PM, Green Room
Wed 23 Oct - BOT Meeting, 5:30-7:30PM, Staff Room
Thu 24 Oct - School Athletics 
Mon 28 Oct - Labour Day (kura/school closed)
Fri 1 Nov - Kauri Sausage Sizzle
Thu 7 Nov - Strings Concert, 11:00am in the Hall
Sat 9 Nov - PTA Bingo Night, in the Hall
Fri 15 Nov - Canterbury Anniversary Day (kura/school closed)
Mon 18 Nov - Curriculum Day (staff only - kura/school closed)
Wed 27 Nov - PTA Meeting, 7:30-9:30PM, Green Room
Wed 11 Dec - BOT Meeting, 5:30-7:30PM, Staff Room
Fri 13 Dec - Final Celebration Assembly, 9.45-10.30am, in the Hall
Mon 16 Dec - Year 8 Graduation
Tue 17 Dec - Last day of Term 4, School finishes 12.30PM

Term Dates

Click here to view 2024 term dates 

Citizen of the Week

Molly McGuigan - Year 4

Molly, you are a great example of  someone who demonstrates all our school values. Molly, you have a beautiful, kind and caring nature. You are loyal, empathetic and considerate. Thank you for the positive impact you have on those around you. Tino pai, Molly!

Maadev Samaratunge - Year 4

Maadev, you are a very kind, caring and positive member of the hub. You consistently demonstrate our school values on a daily basis and you are an outstanding role model to others. Well done, Maadev!

BOT Update

Principal Appointment

The Board of Trustees is pleased to announce the appointment of Cade Englefield as our new Principal. With nearly 30 years of experience in education in both New Zealand and the UK across all primary school year levels, Cade will be joining us from his current role as Associate Principal at Christchurch South Karamata Intermediate School. He will officially start with us on Monday, 27 January 2025. We are confident that Cade’s experience and leadership will be a great fit with the Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto culture and values.

We would also like to sincerely thank Deputy Principal Jo Smith, who has done an outstanding job as Acting Principal since January. Whilst Jo opted not to apply for the permanent position, her leadership, along with support from the wider team, has provided valuable continuity and speaks to the depth of experience and commitment across our kura leadership team.

We look forward to welcoming Cade as he joins us in continuing the great work at Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto.

School Notices

2025 School Term Dates 

Staff Only Days
Monday 27, Tuesday 28, Wednesday 29 & Thursday 30 January

Term 1
Friday 31 January to Friday 11 April

NB: Learning Conferences all day Friday 31 January and Monday 3 February. Supervision will be provided for families who have requested it. Classes start Tuesday 4 February. 

Waitangi Day Tuesday 6 February - School Closed

Term 2
Monday 28 April to Friday 27 July

Term 3
Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September

Term 4
Monday 6 October to Tuesday 16 December

These dates will be added to the website in further detail next week.

Food Allergy Guidelines

Across our school, we have a number of children with different food allergies.

To support the wellbeing of these students we have the following guidelines in place which we ask you to follow
  • All students should only eat lunches and snacks that have been provided by their caregivers.  
  • Bottles, other drinks, and lunch boxes provided by caregivers should be clearly labelled with the name of their child.  Home group teachers and caregivers will decide where the children’s bottles and lunch boxes will be kept during the day to ensure no cross contamination occurs.
  • Parents are asked not to bring food into school to be shared with other children.  Whilst we understand that there are times you want to celebrate special events for your children with their friends at school, e.g. birthdays or being awarded prizes, by bringing food and treats for them to share, we have a policy of children only eating the food that their whānau have prepared and sent with them.  We have a number of students with food allergies and also need to respect the wishes of some families who want to monitor what their children are eating and prefer their children just to eat food they have prepared. From time to time, there may be an event that teachers have organised that will involve food (cultural or learning activities) and they will have advised families in advance that this will be happening.  
  • At the beginning of each year caregivers will need to check the expiry dates on any medication to be held at school.  
  • On the first day of school, caregivers will need to bring their child’s medication to the school office.  Caregivers will need to sign a medicine authority form (School Docs).  The responsibility of monitoring the expiry dates of medications rests with the parent.
  • Caregivers may be asked to come and talk to staff about their child’s specific health needs and ways we can support them at school.
We will inform you during the year if specific guidelines for your child’s hub change. 

Our full allergy policy and guidelines are available on the Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto website under Information - Policies - SchoolDocs, then search ‘allergy’.

If you have any questions or concerns, please discuss them in the first instance with your child’s home group teacher.

Walk or Wheel to School Week (starts Monday)

In Week 2, from Monday 21st October to Friday 25th October 2024, our school is participating in Walk or Wheel to School Week, brought to you by the Christchurch City Council. This fun and action-packed week is to promote walking and wheeling to school. There are daily themes and prizes up for grabs for students who participate. For more information head over to the Christchurch City Council webpage. We can’t wait to get started next week!

If students walk or wheel to school 3 mornings or more during the week they will go in the draw to win spot prizes.  Cards that students need to fill out if they are participating will be sent home (pictured below). Tamariki (children) need to write both their name and hub on this card. 

Healthy Lunches

Good nutrition is essential for fueling the body and brain for optimal learning and wellbeing. It is so great to see so many healthy, balanced school lunches coming to school. 

We have noticed a number of children are growing and needing extra protein and carbohydrates. An easy way to provide this is the addition of a cheese sandwich or similar.

Please also ensure that your child has a full bottle of water each day.  

Below are some reminders and hopefully some inspiration from NZ Nutrition Foundation to support you with your children's lunches.

Lunchbox Ideas

Lunchboxes can be a real challenge – you want to make sure your children eat a variety of healthy foods, but you also need to know the lunch will be eaten! By including foods from each of the four food groups you will help ensure they get all the necessary nutrients. Asking your children what they would like, or involving them in preparing their own lunchboxes, will reduce the likelihood of the food being thrown away or coming home uneaten.

The Healthy Lunchbox

Let’s think about filling our lunchbox in terms of the four food groups:

Vegetables and Fruits
  • Vegetable sticks – carrot, cucumber, and celery with an optional dip such as cottage cheese, hummus, pesto, Greek yoghurt, tzatziki
  • Small (cherry) or chopped tomatoes
  • Fresh fruit – chopping bigger fruit  beforehand will make it easier to eat – a variety throughout the week maintains interest and ensures a variety of nutrients
  • Fruit pottles
  • Mini salads – coleslaw or a lettuce salad with tomato, grated carrot, and cucumber
  • Small packet or handful of raisins or dried fruit
Grain foods (bread, rice, pasta, breakfast cereals)
  • Sandwiches
  • Cereal bars
  • Plain biscuits
  • Plain popcorn
  • Rice crackers
  • Potato or pasta salad
  • Potato cakes
  • Leftover pasta and rice dishes
Milk and milk products (milk, cheese, yoghurt)
  • Pottle of yoghurt or yoghurt squeezable
  • Plain or flavoured milk
  • Cubes or slices of cheese
  • Cottage cheese – add to sandwiches or use as a dip for vegetable sticks
Legumes, nuts, seeds, fish and other seafood, eggs, poultry, and/or red meat with the fat removed
  • Meat or chicken sandwiches
  • Egg or tuna sandwiches
  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Hummus – Add some to sandwiches or put a couple of tablespoons in a container to go alongside vegetable sticks
  • A small handful of nuts and seeds (unless your child's hub is nut-free)

Kauri Sausage Sizzle fundraiser

The senior students are running a sausage sizzle on Friday 1st of November.
Sausages will be delivered to classrooms. Sausages are $2 each, and all proceeds are going towards the Year 7 and 8 school end-of-year trip to Cass Bay.
There will be a group of senior students collecting orders and money outside of the hall next week on Thursday and Friday before school. Limit 2 sausages per person. The sausages are Hellers brand. There are a small number of halal and vegetarian sausages available. Please make sure to order these specifically if required.

Orders will be taken outside the hall on Thursday 24th and Friday 25th of October 8:30-8:55am.
Thanks for your ongoing support of the Kauri team!

Parking Around Schools & Infringement Fee Increase

Please see the below infographics from the Christchurch City Council, which covers the most common reasons parking fines are given around schools.

These infringement fines are increasing as of 1 October 2024 because the amounts set by central government are being changed for parking fees across the country.

Please take note and ensure that you are parking correctly, to keep everyone safe, and avoid fines.

Strings concert 7th November at 11:00 in the hall. Caregivers welcome.

If you would like your child to learn the violin, viola, cello please come along and listen - there will be details of enrolments for 2025 at the concert.
Anne Robinson is our itinerant strings teacher and Head of Strings for Christchurch School of Music.
Please contact Anne if you wish to find out any further details.


The Christchurch School of Music is a busy and great place to learn and play music.

Enrolments for 2025 are open.  Please complete this google form if you are planning on re-enrolling for 2025 lessons

Sports News

Koru Games Recognition

We were incredibly humbled to receive the below email:

"As the dust settles on the 2024 Koru Games, we just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU for the part you played in making the Games such a success! We hope Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto enjoyed their time at the Games. 

The Selwyn Sports Trust was very impressed with the way the students from Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto conducted themselves during the Koru Games and played within the spirit of the Games. To acknowledge your positive contributions to the Games, you have won a $1,000 Dynasty Sport teamwear voucher. 

We look forward to hosting Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto at the Koru Games in 2025!"

This is such awesome recognition of our tamariki and all the coaches who fostered amazing team spirit within their teams.  


Our whole school athletics is on Thursday the 24th of October.

The day celebrates the teaching and learning of athletics and Run, Jump, Throw that has been happening across the school. 

Koru - 9:15 to 10:00
Kahikatea - 1:30 to 2:20
Kōwhai - 10:50 to 12:40
Pōhutukawa and Kauri - all day

You are welcome to come and encourage our tamariki (children). Please leave dogs at home as some of our children can be afraid of dogs and this can impact their participation - thank you. 


We are looking for five adults or senior students to support us with the running of the Year 5 to 8 events. No prior experience is needed.  You will work alongside one of our Kaiako (teachers) and they will explain how the event runs. If you do have prior experience or expertise, that would be a bonus!

The roles we need filling are:
1 x to support with sprint heats
2 x to support with shot put
2 x to support with discus
If you can help out, please fill out this form

What to wear
Children can wear their house top or red polo with black shorts, track pants, leggings, or similar. For footwear, trainers or shoes that are comfortable to run in are ideal. Shoes must be worn for shot put and discus.  

Please make sure that your child has their sun hat and water bottle with them on this day. 

What to do if your child is injured
If your child is injured or can not participate for any reason and will still be at school on Thursday, please let your child's homeroom teacher know. 

Children who are unable to participate may be able to take on a role where they help on an athletics rotation, take photos or support in another way. This way they still participate and contribute in the event. 

House Relay
If you would like to participate in the house relay in the teacher's and whānau team, please fill in this form.

The House Relay is the final event and the whole school comes out to cheer the runners on. The tamariki, (children) adore seeing their kaiako, (teachers) and whānau, (family) take part. Don't worry if you don't consider yourself a fast runner; the children would love for you to participate and they'd love it even more if they beat you!

PTA News

Calendar Art

All the students have been working hard to produce amazing art work.
Every child has received an ordering sheet with their unique ordering number. With that code, you will be able to access your child’s art work (on and order some high-quality, personalised, christmas presents!

Orders close MONDAY 21st of October at 11.30pm.

Bingo Night 9th November 2024

Get ready for Bingo Night!!!!! 

On 9 November, the PTA is hosting a Bingo Night in the hall to fundraise for Kapa Haka uniforms for our Tamariki. This event promises to be a fun-filled evening for our community. 

Tickets are $16. This includes 1 Bingo card, but extra cards can be purchased on the night. Supper and snacks will be provided. We have had some generous donations come through and we are so excited about some of these prizes! 

Leading up to the big event we will be selling raffle tickets for an epic raffle package! Make sure you’re following our Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto PTA Facebook Page for the big raffle package reveal over the weekend!


A massive thank you to everyone who bought CookieTime cookies to help fundraise for our new school gazebo.  We also thank the family who made a generous donation towards this as well. The gazebo has just arrived and is looking awesome, we can't wait to use it next week for athletics.

Weetbix Tryathlon

  • Entries are open for the Weetbix Tryathlon on 23rd February 2025 at Jellie Park. Early bird entries get a discount so sign up today.
  • The TRYathlon is all about giving it a TRY and is a rewarding and fun day out for you and your child. Every child gets a t-shirt and medal. We have the school gazebo set up where children and parents can meet and each year the PTA usually have an offering for the children.
  • Children 6 years old on event day can complete in the Splash & Dash
  • Children aged 7-15 years old on event day, can complete the TRYathlon as an individual or in a team of two.
Our school has created a School Group which you can join when you enter from home. Search for Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto when prompted. By linking to our school group it will give us the chance to win some great prizes.
The direct link to register into our school group is

Community Notices

(Notices placed here are contingent on space and do not reflect the views or opinions of the school.)

Luminaires Singing and Acting Workshops - Term 4

Our workshop participants will work towards performances at a special Christmas event!
In the workshops we focus on helping each individual to improve their skills and technique in a fun and supportive environment.

Thursdays at Phillipstown Community Hub
Singing 4-5pm
Acting 5.15-6.30pm

You can sign up for one or for both
Prices are $150 per term ($120 Community Services)
15% discount if you sign up for both

Follow the link to sign up and find out more (late enrolments are fine)

Free Envirokids Sessions For Kids

Envirokids is a free program for kids aged between 5-13 years old that runs every Saturday from 10am-1pm in the kiosk at the Botanic Gardens. The activities run incorporate a mix of interactive fun and environmental education.

Southern Districts & South East Ōtautahi Cricket - only a few gaps across grades!

Harcourts & NZ China Friendship Society Art Competition 2024

A copy of this poster about our upcoming Art Competition is below and also a document with all the details about the competition or for these details,  click here or scan the QR code in the poster with your phone. 

Te Radar's CookBookery - A CHS Spanish Class Fundraiser

A fundraising event for the Cashmere High School Spanish class trip to South America in 2025. All profit will go towards the trip. The show starts at 7:00pm with food, beverages and other fundraising events starting from 6:00pm. Buy tickets here.

The Show - A comedic celebration of food from the beloved and bizarre cookbooks of our past. Te Radar has sampled a century and a half of New Zealand cookbooks to find the tastiest morsels, with a side of sumptuous vintage food photography.

Bike lessons will be starting tomorrow /Wednesdays ,16 October 5-7pm , at Addington School. Please tell your friends and help us spread the word!

New students are welcome! You can start as a beginner at any class - we have lots of help available, and will support you whatever your skill level. 

We are also keen to keep supporting our current students. We will help you build your skills and confidence, to help you achieve your bike riding goals, whether this is riding on the road, or just for fun! 

Can't wait to see you tomorrow

Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto Schoolwide Newsletter, Rātapu (Sunday) 22 September 2024, Week 9

Principal's Patch

Kia ora koutou

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori

This week, Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto has been celebrating Te Wiki o te Reo Māori (Māori Language Week).

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori is a time to celebrate and encourage the use of te reo Māori in the classroom, home, workplace, community and beyond. 

It commemorates the presentation of the Māori Language Petition to parliament on 14th September 1972 and has taken place every year since 1975. It is an opportunity for us as tangata tiriti and tangata whenua to celebrate, promote and help revitalise the language across Aotearoa.

Like any language, te reo Māori has a lot of interesting characteristics that make it stand out. Unlike the English alphabet, which has 26 letters, the Māori alphabet has 15 letters or distinct sounds.

Wero (Challenge)
Practise your pronunciation of the Māori alphabet with your tamariki using this website to support you.

Kaua he whakamā ki te kōrero Māori - Don't be shy to speak Māori 

ahakoa he iti he taonga  - no matter how small, treasure it.

Te Whānau Mahi Tahi - Our Senior Kapa Haka at Cashmere High School for Pō Whakangahau

Last Week of Term 3

2025 Term Dates will be confirmed in Term 4. Thank you to everyone who has already sent in enrolment forms for 2025. Having these in early helps us to predict potential staffing requirements, and we welcome you to pick up an enrolment pack from the Office before the holidays - or download it from the website, linked here, at any time.

With the last week of Term 3 upon us, our final day is this Friday the 27th of September, this is a reminder that next term, all children need to come to school each day with a school hat and their (named) drink bottle, it is also recommended that children come to school with sunscreen applied. 

We Get There Together - Thank you to everyone for their ongoing mahi (work) at kura (school). What a busy Term it has been, and it has gone by so incredibly fast! We hope the holiday time will provide the tamariki with a well deserved break and a chance to recharge for the final term of 2024. 

Ngā mihi nui
Jo Smith - Tumuaki (Acting Principal)

Important Dates

Upcoming Events

Tue 24 Sep - Thu 26 Sep - Koru Games (Senior Students)
Wed 25 Sep - PTA Meeting, 7:30-9:30PM, Green Room
Thu 26 Sep - BOT Meeting, 5:30-7:30PM, Staff Room
Fri 27 Sep - Celebration Assembly, 10:00-10:30am, in the Hall
Fri 27 Sep - Beckenham's Got Talent!, 1:30-3:00pm
Fri 27 Sep - Last day of Term 3, School finishes 3pm
Mon 14 Oct - First day of Term 4, School starts 8:55am
Fri 18 Oct - Welcome Assembly, 9.15-9.30, in the Hall
Fri 18 Oct - Picnic in the Park (Possible Date), 5-7.30PM 
Wed 23 Oct - PTA Meeting, 7:30-9:30PM, Green Room
Wed 23 Oct - BOT Meeting, 5:30-7:30PM, Staff Room
Thu 24 Oct - School Athletics TBC
Mon 28 Oct - Labour Day (kura/school closed)
Thu 7 Nov - Strings Concert, 11:00am in the Hall
Sat 9 Nov - PTA Bingo Night (TBC)
Fri 15 Nov - Canterbury Anniversary Day (kura/school closed)
Mon 18 Nov - Staff Only Day (kura/school closed)
Wed 27 Nov - PTA Meeting, 7:30-9:30PM, Green Room
Wed 11 Dec - BOT Meeting, 5:30-7:30PM, Staff Room
Fri 13 Dec - Final Celebration Assembly, 9.45-10.30am, in the Hall
Mon 16 Dec - Year 8 Graduation
Tue 17 Dec - Last day of Term 4, School finishes 12.30PM

Term Dates

Click here to view 2024 term dates.

Citizen of the Week

Art Van Tongeren - Year 6

Art, you rock! You carry tremendous mana within our team and we love the way you calmy and quietly approach challenges with confidence. You make a positive difference through your words, and lead the way for others to follow through your actions. Kei runga noa atu koe.

Jaiden Sitompul - Year 8

Jaiden, you have a big heart and always show that you care. You are very aware of when your peers need support and always display empathy and understanding. 'We love challenge' is a value that you live by. Jaiden, you grab hold of opportunities, displaying confidence and growing resilience.

School Notices

Support for our Thai and Brazilian students

We are looking for a person who can speak and read Thai and a person who can speak and read Portuguese, to sit with some students in our school during a formal reading and maths test, to translate the instructions into Thai or Portuguese. Each test will take up to 60 minutes and will be done in school time.

If you have the skills, time and willingness to do this please email

Your help will be very much appreciated.

Health Update 

There has been a number of cases of vomiting, and tummy bugs across the school.  If your child is sick, please keep them home, and practice good hygiene. Staying at home if you are feeling unwell helps to reduce the spread.

Please remember that if your child has been vomiting, they need to stay home for 48 hours since their last episode/event.

Coffee Van!

We are very fortunate to now have a coffee van at school on Mondays from 8am to 9am.
Please note that no children should be served after 8.45am. Please arrive earlier with your child if you wish to share a hot drink together before school starts.

To help care for the environment please consider bringing a keep cup to use.

Please see the price list below.

Congratulations to...

Kawariki.. who had an amazing achievement last Sunday at the Surf Lifesaving “Southern Regional Pool Rescue Championships”.  This covers all of the South Island (Te Waipounamu).

He won top U13 Male Competitor overall and these were his results:

Individual Events:
1st U13 Male 50M Brick Rescue Medley
1st U13 Male 50M Swim with Fins
3rd U13 Male 50M Brick Carry
3rd U13 Male 100M Swim with Obstacles 

Team Events:
1st Under 14 Mixed Brick Relay
1st Under 14 Mixed Obstacle Relay
2nd Under 14 Mixed Medley Relay

Pō Whakangahau - Te Whānau Mahi Tahi

On Thursday the 12th of September, our senior Kapa Haka group performed at Pō Whakangahau, which was held in the Performing Arts Centre at Te Iringa o Kahukura, Cashmere High School. The evening showcased Kapa Haka groups from a range of local schools. Our rōpū, (group) performed waiata and haka, including some original waiata written by Cath Milo. The children worked tirelessly in the lead-up to this event and performed superbly. The quality of their voices and the expression in their faces was a joy to watch. 

The performance was amazing and we were all so proud - Ka pai tamariki mā!
Ngā mihi nui - a big thanks - to Jenny Diggle for supporting our tamariki, and 
to Whaea Cath Milio for all of her mahi (work), leadership and guidance of this rōpū.  

Kauri Speech Finals

A huge congrats to all of our Kauri speech final competitors today! They did so well and really represented our Kura with pride. It is such a hard thing to do and they all demonstrated huge amounts of we love challenge.

The results are:
Year 7
1st: Oscar Wood
2nd: Annabelle Aitken
3rd: Ben Winchester

Year 8
1st: Harriet Parawa
2nd: Bonnie Hopkinson
3rd: Oliver Breitmeyer

Oscar and Harriet went on to represent our Kura at the Year 7 and 8 Inter-School Speech competition this week, and both did an amazing job - Ka rawe! 

Congratulations to Oscar who won the Year 7 section.

Scarlet's Scarf

Earlier in the term Kahikatea ākonga (students) read "Scarlet's Scarf" and have made these creations by finger knitting / looming.

Gardening Club is growing!

With Summer well on its way the gardening club could do with donations of surplus vegetables & herb seedlings please, seeds are also welcome.  We have some very keen gardeners in the school!

If anyone has topsoil they’d like to move on we would welcome this, whether a wheelbarrow or trailer load. We'd also love donations of newspapers to create new beds.

If you have children’s rakes & spades your kids may have grown out of, we would welcome those too.

There will be a couple of boxes in the office for donated newspapers & seedlings.
Please contact the office if you have any soil etc. & we’ll get the appropriate help. 

Many thanks from the Gardening Club!

Senior String Ensemble

Strings concert 7th November at 11:00 in the hall. Whānau welcome.
If you would like your child to learn the violin, viola, cello please come along and listen - there will be details of enrolments for 2025 at the concert.
Anne Robinson is our itinerant strings teacher and Head of Strings for Christchurch School of Music.
Please contact Anne if you wish to find out any further details.

Sports News

Touch Rugby

Term 4 is touch rugby season. There is an awesome weekly competition, Centennial Junior Touch, held at Centennial Park, next to Pioneer Recreation Centre. We know that some whānau have been organising touch teams to play in this competition. If you are in the process of organising a team, please fill out the attached form. We hugely appreciate the mahi, (work) and enthusiasm shown by whānau in providing this sporting opportunity to our tamariki, (children). By filling in this form you are helping us keep up to speed with what teams exist representing our school and you can let us know how we can support you.

School Duathlon and Canterbury Duathlon

Our School Duathlon saw a group of enthusiastic competitors run and bike to victory. This endurance event requires participants to dig deep to finish the challenging course. Every competitor deserves to feel proud of their efforts. 

School Champions
Year 5 Hayd'n O'Connor and Jayme Scott
Year 6 Laura Stoney and Zach Guise
Year 7 Alex Scott and Abigail Blencowe
Year 8 Annabelle Smith and Jack Sayer 

The Canterbury Duathlon was held Ruapuna Speedway. This course is even longer than our school course and the sheer amount of competitors on the start line can be pretty daunting too: there can be more than one hundred people in some categories. It's a cool experience to race your bike around the race track. 

All of our competitors represented our school exceptionally well, with awesome spirit and determination. The results this year are particularly exciting. 

Hayd'n O'Connor 1st Place
Levi Bunting 2nd Place
Laura Stoney 3rd Place

Congratulations to all of our Duathlon competitors. 

Winter Sports Uniform

If your child has a sports top, shin guards or football boots that have been borrowed from school, please return these as soon as possible. If your child has a black polo or basketball singlet and is competing in Koru Games they may keep their sports top. 

Ultimate Frisbee

The Ultimate Frisbee team had a friendly game at Christchurch South Karamata Intermediate School on Friday at lunchtime.  

This opportunity was set up and supported by a parent who has been coaching the team during lunch times. We are hugely appreciative to Dave for sharing his expertise and enthusiasm for this sport with the tamariki (children), and to all of our parent help - we couldn't have done it without you.

Koru Games

This week, 50 of our Year 7 and 8 students are participating in Koru Games, a three-day sports tournament that takes place at venues across the Selwyn District. We have teams entered in Kī o Rahi, ultimate frisbee, touch rugby, hockey, and basketball. Many of our tamariki, (children) are competing in a sport that is new to them, while some are following a passion of theirs in a sport that they have prior experience playing. We wish all our teams the best for this tournament. A huge thank you to whānau, who are coaching and managing teams at this event. 

PTA News

Bingo Night Donations

The PTA are thrilled to announce that our school will be hosting a Bingo Night on 9th November 2024 to fundraise for Kapa Haka uniforms for our Tamariki.

This event promises to be a fun-filled evening for our community, and we are seeking the support of local businesses to make it a success.

We would love to hear from anyone who owns a business or works in a business who would be interested in donating goods or services that can be used for spot prizes, bingo prizes or for our raffle/auction.

Please email us at

More details about our Bingo night will be out soon…

Weetbix Tryathlon

  • Entries are open for the Weetbix Tryathlon on 23rd February 2025 at Jellie Park. Early bird entries get a discount so sign up today.

  • The TRYathlon is all about giving it a TRY and is a rewarding and fun day out for you and your child. Every child gets a t-shirt and medal. We have the school gazebo set up where children and parents can meet and each year the PTA usually have an offering for the children.

  • Children 6 years old on event day can complete in the Splash & Dash

  • Children aged 7-15 years old on event day, can complete the TRYathlon as an individual or in a team of two.
Our school has created a School Group which you can join when you enter from home. Search for Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto when prompted. By linking to our school group it will give us the chance to win some great prizes.

If someone you know requires financial assistance to enter the TRYathlon, such as subsidised entry fees or funding for necessary equipment, then you can apply to the Weet-Bix TRYathlon Foundation for assistance. Visit for details.

If you have any school related questions please contact the PTA via or send us a chat message on our Facebook page and we will try and help.

BOT Update

Policy Review Term 3 - Closes in 1 Week

We would welcome your feedback on our policy topics, and subtopics, that are up for review this term. These topics can be found at the link below. Please follow these intstructions below to submit your feedback.
  1. Visit the website
  2. Enter the username (beckenham) and password (pride).
  3. Follow the link to the relevant policy as listed.
  4. Read the policy.
  5. Click the Start your review button at the top right-hand corner of the page.
  6. Select the reviewer type.
  7. Enter your name (optional).
  8. Follow the prompts to show that you've read the topic and enter your feedback if you'd like to comment.
  9. Agree to the privacy statement and click “Submit review”.
If you don't have internet access, school office staff can provide you with printed copies of the policy and a review form.
This review closes on the 27th of September 2024.

Community Dental Services - Holiday Clinics October 2024

The Community Dental Service will be closed for the upcoming school holidays:

     Closed from: Monday 30th September 2024
     Reopen: Monday 14th October 2024

Four of our community dental clinics will be open during the break:

     Rangiora    (163 Ashley Street)
     Rolleston   (2/3 Norman Kirk Drive)
     Aranui        (240 Breezes Road)
     Timaru       (18 Woollcombe Street)

If your child is experiencing any dental pain/discomfort, you can call us on 0800 846 983 and/or email: and one of our clinicians will contact you.

BOSCO School Holiday Programme - onsite at Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto

Bookings are still available for the October Holiday Programme at BOSCO.
Please use the link below to register as a parent and make bookings via our booking system Aimy Plus.

Community Notices

(Notices placed here are contingent on space and do not reflect the views or opinions of the school.)

Te Matatiki Toi Ora The Arts Centre have a range of school holiday activities for pre-schoolers through to teens, including thrilling performances, circus fun, vibrant workshops and artistic adventures. There’s something for everyone, from a Superhero Circus to Ōtautahi’s Next Top Rocket, by some of Christchurch’s many fabulous artists and performers. The Centre also has a free fun-zone, which families can drop into at their leisure. It’s all happening between the 27 Sep – 13 Oct. View the full programme.

Canterbury Kidz Kartz


An invitation for anyone interested in joining Kidz Kartz, and a friendly reminder for our Kidz Kartz Families!

Kidz Kartz offers horse crazy children the opportunity to learn everything about horse care, maintenance, how to handle and drive ponies, race day preparation, and even the chance to race at official race day meetings! 

The Kidz Kartz initiative is to offer all children (aged 8-16 years) the opportunity to experience working with miniature horses and ponies. And learn everything they need to know to be able to pursue a career in the equine industry or own a horse of their own one day! 

Registration Details:
Wednesday 25th September
Riccarton Park Racecourse, training area off Racecourse Road
4:30pm - 5:30pm 

For more information please find us on Facebook - Kidz Kartz & Pony Trust Canterbury or email

We look forward to seeing you there!

AFS NZ - Student hosting opportunities

Welcome the world into your home and become a Global Family with AFS AFS Intercultural Programmes is an international, voluntary, non-governmental, not-for-profit organisation that provides exchange programmes and intercultural learning opportunities to help people develop the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to create a more just and peaceful world. Hosting an AFS exchange student is your family’s chance to experience a new culture right here, in your own home. AFS friendships last a lifetime, expand your horizons and give you a new family member. We welcome all types of families and offer support throughout the hosting experience. Check out our website for more information and to see the students looking for host families for 2025:

Join us these school holidays and unleash your child’s imagination with a range of enchanting workshops:
  • Creative Clay Pot Plant & Planting Fun
  • Create your own Magical Kingdom
  • Scented & Glitter Fragrance Making Workshop
  • Posy Jar: a Blooming Adventure of Creativity & Scent!
Choose from two morning or afternoon sessions per day: Monday 30th September, Tuesday 1st, 3rd & 7th October

Suitable for children aged 3 – 12yrs (please support under 7’s by remaining for the session)

$25 per session. Purchase 4 or more workshops and receive $10 off your order with coupon code fun-filled (applied at cart)

Price includes materials and self-serve tea & coffee

Spaces are limited—sign up today and let your child’s imagination blossom!


Come to Children's Imagination Academy for an amazing lineup of Spring holiday workshops from October 7th to 11th- something for everyone!

  • Young Designers T-Shirt Printing: Design and print your very own cool t-shirt with Down Below Print Co!
  • Yoga: Have a spring stretch, breathe, and unwind with fun yoga sessions for all levels.
  • Labyrinth Meditation: Take a relaxing journey through our labyrinth and find your zen.
  • Bubble Art: Dive into a world of colorful bubbles and create some bubbly masterpieces!
  • Drama Session: Step into the spotlight and explore the magic of drama with interactive games and scenes.
  • Creativity Reflection Session: Share and reflect on your creative adventures with new friends.
Spaces are filling up fast, so make sure to book your spot ASAP! Don’t miss out on this fantastic week of connection and creativity.

Bookings Essential
For more details and to sign up

Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto Schoolwide Newsletter, Rāmere (Friday) 6 September 2024, Week 7

Principal's Patch

Kia ora koutou

Staff Only Day Professional Development

On our most recent staff only day, our kaimahi (staff) came together to take part in a Professional Development workshop on the topic of Restorative Practice, which was presented by Rich Matla. It was a highly engaging and incredibly informative day. Restorative Practice is a strong part of our school culture and Positive Behaviour for Learning. Staff explored how to support children by working with them when unpacking boundaries, and routines and exploring incidents. This also included how to work with those ready and able to engage and those who may take a little longer or who have a skill set to build. Keep an eye on team blogs for some tips for home.

Staffing Update

Nau mai haere mai ki te Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto kaimahi. Welcome to our two new Teaching Assistants, Maisy and Lucy. Maisy will be working mainly with the tamariki in Koru, and Lucy will be working in Kahikatea, Kōwhai, as well as gardening club and ESOL. 


We also welcome Chloe to an administration role. Chloe will be supporting the admin team until the end of the year.


Maths and Literacy Curriculum

You will have seen in the media that the focus for Curriculum Refresh for 2026 is English and now includes Mathematics. As a kura we have strongly focused on how we teach English and Maths over the past 3 years. We know we are in a strong place with the upcoming changes, and there will need to be time for staff to familiarise themselves with Te Mātaiaho The New Zealand Curriculum. The Ministry of Education has asked schools to take a Staff Only Day in Term 4, the focus being on these curriculum areas. Our day will be Monday 18 November.

2025 Enrolments - do you have a 4 year old!

We welcome enrolment forms for any New Entrant students who may start with us in 2025. It is never too early to pre-enrol your child, and having this data early will help us in the coming months when we begin to organise teaching staff for the following year.

If you know of any in our area, please encourage them to enrol.

Enrolment forms can be collected from the Office or can be found online here.

School events

It has been a busy couple of weeks at school! Further down you will see photos and write ups. Well done to all the tamariki involved and to our whānau for your support.

Ngā mihi nui
Jo Smith - Tumuaki (Acting Principal)

Important Dates

Upcoming Events

Thu 12 Sep - Pō Whakangahau - Te Whānau Mahi Tahi (4:30-6:30PM, Cashmere High School)
Fri 13 Sep - Celebration Assembly, 10:00-10:30am, in the Hall
Thu 19 Sep - New Entrant and Year 8 Photos, 9:00-10:00am
Tue 24 Sep - Koru Games (Senior Students)
Wed 25 Sep - Koru Games (Senior Students) 
Wed 25 Sep - PTA Meeting, 7:30-9:30PM, Green Room
Thu 26 Sep - Koru Games
Thu 26 Sep - BOT Meeting, 5:30-7:30PM, Staff Room
Fri 27 Sep - Celebration Assembly, 10:00-10:30am, in the Hall
Fri 27 Sep - Beckenham's Got Talent!
Fri 27 Sep - Last day of Term 3, School finishes 3pm
Mon 14 Oct - First day of Term 4, School starts 8:55am
Fri 18 Oct - Welcome Assembly, 9.15-9.30, in the Hall
Fri 18 Oct - Picnic in the Park (Possible Date), 5-7.30PM 
Wed 23 Oct - PTA Meeting, 7:30-9:30PM, Green Room
Wed 23 Oct - BOT Meeting, 5:30-7:30PM, Staff Room
Thu 24 Oct - School Athletics TBC
Mon 28 Oct - Labour Day (kura/school closed)
Fri 15 Nov - Canterbury Anniversary Day (kura/school closed)
Mon 18 Nov - Staff Only Day (kura/school closed)
Wed 27 Nov - PTA Meeting, 7:30-9:30PM, Green Room
Wed 11 Dec - BOT Meeting, 5:30-7:30PM, Staff Room
Fri 13 Dec - Final Celebration Assembly, 9.45-10.30am, in the Hall
Mon 16 Dec - Year 8 Graduation
Tue 17 Dec - Last day of Term 4, School finishes 12.30PM

Term Dates

Click here to view 2024 term dates.

Citizen of the Week

Alex Mussell - Year 8

Alex, you bring fun, insight and inclusivity to our Kauri whānau. You are a deep thinker and motivated learner, who is naturally curious about our world. Your quick thinking coupled with your dry sense of humour is appreciated by many. Alex, you are in your element in a team environment whether that's problem solving in a group or playing sport. Thank you for the way you show our kete values every day at kura.  

Simon McKean - Year 4

Simon, you are an excellent role model in our hub and someone who makes a positive difference on a daily basis. The Kōwhai team appreciates your kindness, enthusiasm for learning as well as your willingness to help out whenever you see a need. Tēnā rawa atu koe, Simon!

School Notices

Kiingi Tūheitia Tangihanga

The Māori King passed away last week, and as a show of respect we raised the Tino Rangatiratanga flag at half mast. Our ākonga Māori shared with us that it is important to them for all kids to know about this, as it shows respect to Māori, and the Kīngitanga. We love this advocacy from our tamariki, and we got to hold space with them while the flag was raised, and a karakia was said. At the end of the day as the flag came down, waiata and haka took place, with all ages and abilities joining in and sharing this space together.

This was such a great display of leadership and respect from our tamariki.

Updating Student/Whānau Contact Details

It is important that we have the correct contact details for people who are listed as caregivers for all of our students.  If you have moved house, changed your phone numbers or have different people who you would like to have as emergency contacts, please get in touch with the office and update us with the new details.
Obviously if other details concerning your child have changed, e.g. medical issues, then we would also appreciate knowing about these. 

Hats, Sunscreen & Drink Bottles

Term 4 is incoming and this is a reminder that in Term 4 all children need to come to school each day with a school hat and their (named) drink bottle, it is also recommended that children come to school with sunscreen applied. We welcome children to begin bringing their hats now!

Water Play

We are looking for donations of old water play equipment for some of our tamariki to use during the warmer months. If you are willing to donate anything such as a hose, watering can, old guttering, etc we would gratefully accept! If you do have something to donate please give it to the office. Thank you for your ongoing support! 

Coffee Van!

We are very fortunate to now have a coffee van at school on Mondays from 8am to 9am.
To help care for the environment please consider bringing a keep cup to use.

Please see the price list below.

Lunch Orders

Lunches are delivered to the school office for children to collect at 1.20pm

Monday – Sushi Factory is available through LunchOnline.
Tuesday – Subway is available through LunchOnline
Wednesday – Subway is available through LunchOnline.
Thursday – Sushi Meets Dumplings is available.
Friday – Sushi Factory is available through LunchOnline.

Lunchonline (Subway/Sushi Factory)
Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto uses Subway and Sushi Factory through the Lunchonline web based ordering system. To open an account please go to the Lunchonline website to get started.
Lunchonline orders need to be placed by 8:30am on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Sushi Meets Dumplings
Sushi Meets Dumplings will deliver on Thursdays.
To place an order, please complete this form – Sushi meets Dumplings order form.
Orders for Sushi Meets Dumplings need to be placed before by 9am on Thursdays.

Maths Whānau Evening

Thank you so much to all the families who attended our recent Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto maths evening. It was wonderful to see so many people together sharing ideas about maths!
These are Rob's slides from the evening. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your child's Homegroup teacher, or alternatively, you can email them to

Kauri Ski Trip

What an amazing day! The sky was blue, not an ounce of wind in sight and 16cm of fresh snow!
The Year 7 & 8 kids were wonderful and had a blast. 


We had wonderful news from the school band The Groovy Geese who came second place on their performance night at Bandquest 2025!

Alex, Art, Alfie, Mark and Robbie received huge applause for their two songs “For What it’s Worth” and “Little Lion Man” and we were so proud of their hard work and efforts which were rewarded on the night. They have won a $300 Rockshop voucher for the school. 

The judges commented on their musicality, stage presence and how tightly they performed. Well done and huge thanks to everyone who helped. 

Rockshop Bandquest is Aotearoa’s live music event for Primary and Intermediate aged school students. In its fourteenth year, the programme annually hosts hundreds of young bands in venues throughout the country.
The kaupapa is to encourage Primary and Intermediate aged musicians onto the stage; learning through experience and developing their performance skills alongside their teamwork, communication, goal-setting and leadership skills.

Entrants get to perform in a supportive and encouraging competition format, with a focus on education, inspiration, and entertainment.

Sports News

Winter Sport

Over the past 11 school weeks, children from Years 5 to 8 have participated in winter sport. Fourteen teams competed against local schools in football, netball and hockey. The children have shown fantastic dedication to their team throughout this season and it has been awesome to hear about the leadership and sportsmanship shown by tamariki (children), at their games. My highlight was hearing the positive talk and encouragement that was a continuous narrative of our Year 7/8 football games. 

A huge thank you goes out to the adult coaches who volunteered their time to support this sporting opportunity. Helping us with winter sports is a huge time commitment and we are extremely grateful for your time and expertise.  Nga mihi nui mo to mahi! 

Back at kura (school), children developed skills in badminton, table tennis, Korff ball and theatre sports.

If your child has a sports top, shin guards or football boots that have been borrowed from school, please return these as soon as possible. We have upcoming sports events and will need to reallocate uniforms. If your child has a black polo or basketball singlet and is competing in Koru Games or Canterbury Duathlon, they may keep their sports top. 

PTA News

Thank you all for getting behind our Cookie Time fundraiser! We raised a fantastic $2,800 which makes a significant contribution to the new school gazebo. The gazebo, complete with Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto graphics, has been ordered and should be easy to spot at upcoming events. 

We hope you’re all enjoying the cookies! We have a few bags left so if you would like to buy another bag contact

Speaking of events, registration opens for the Weetbix Tryathlon next week. We’d love to get a prize winning big group together this time around! Look out for a Hero post next week. 

BOT Update

Policy Review Term 3

We would welcome your feedback on our policy topics, and subtopics, that are up for review this term. These topics can be found at the link below. Please follow these intstructions below to submit your feedback.
  1. Visit the website
  2. Enter the username (beckenham) and password (pride).
  3. Follow the link to the relevant policy as listed.
  4. Read the policy.
  5. Click the Start your review button at the top right-hand corner of the page.
  6. Select the reviewer type.
  7. Enter your name (optional).
  8. Follow the prompts to show that you've read the topic and enter your feedback if you'd like to comment.
  9. Agree to the privacy statement and click “Submit review”.
If you don't have internet access, school office staff can provide you with printed copies of the policy and a review form.
This review closes on the 27th of September 2024.

Principal Appointment Ongoing

The Board of Trustees would like to remind you that the Principal position is currently being advertised and we expect to hold interviews later in October.

Measles Immunity - Te Whatu Ora | Health New Zealand

Importance of being immune to measles
Aotearoa New Zealand is at a very high risk of a measles outbreak. Measles cases are rising worldwide, increasing the risk of an infected person bringing measles into the country. This is happening while a decline in local childhood immunisation rates is being recorded.

Measles is a serious and highly contagious disease. It makes most people very sick and can cause severe complications, including damage to the lungs (pneumonia), brain swelling (encephalitis), and sometimes death.  Measles also affects your immune system, so if you get measles you are more likely to get other infectious illnesses for months or years afterwards. 

Across Aotearoa, people’s immunity to measles is currently too low to prevent outbreaks from happening.

Checking if you are immune to measles
It is important to find records to confirm if you are immune to measles and not rely on your own or anyone else’s memory.

This is because many viral illnesses can cause symptoms like measles, particularly in tamariki (children). In the past, people may have mistakenly been told they had measles when they had another illness instead.

It is also common for people to be told they received vaccines as a child, but without written records, no one can be sure what vaccines they received and when they received them.

In Aotearoa, the timing of when measles vaccines have been given to a person has changed a lot over the years. This means many people are not aware that they missed out on getting one or both of their measles vaccines. This is particularly likely for people born in Aotearoa between 1969 and 1980.

To find out if you are immune to measles, you can check your relevant immunisation records or test results. Proof of this information is needed for a healthcare professional to confirm if you are immune.

Community Notices

(Notices placed here are contingent on space and do not reflect the views or opinions of the school.)


Ahoy there me hearties! Luminaires is seeking singers, dancers and actors for their next major show, “Pirates of the Curry Bean”

For ages 8-25. No experience necessary.

For more information and to register go to:

If you have any questions or would prefer to be involved behind the scenes then find us on social media or email us

Brain Play has arrived in Christchurch! We teach all things science & technology to Kiwi kids - coding, robotics, science experiments, Minecraft & more. Join a free drop in session of our after-school coding classes - group sessions for ages 7 - 12. Or send us an email to hear more about our 1:1 sessions - these are a great match for students who are looking for extension, a new hobby and to build confidence and skills, and/or for students with high and complex needs. Visit to read more, or email us on

French Classes for Children - Beginners

Give your child the opportunity to start learning French!

Alliance Française Christchurch is offering a beginners' class for children in Term 4. These fun and interactive classes are perfect for children who want to explore a new language and culture.

When? Thursdays, starting October 17th
Time? 4 PM - 5 PM
Where? Alliance Française Christchurch, 275 Cashel Street
Cost? $150 per term

For more information or to enrol, visit All welcome!

Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto Schoolwide Newsletter, Rāmere (Friday) 23 August 2024, Week 5

Principal's Patch

Kia ora koutou,

You may have seen in the media that schools are currently finding it challenging to get relievers to cover classes. With the sickness that often comes at this time of year, both students and staff, we have had days where we have had to do some 'juggling' to ensure coverage of staff. The students were amazing when we had to do this, as it meant some changes to what they expected that day. Thank you also for your support.

2025 Enrolments - do you have a 4 year old!

We welcome enrolment forms for any New Entrant students who may start with us in 2025. It is never too early to pre-enrol your child, and having this data early will help us in the coming months when we begin to organise teaching staff for the following year.

If you know of any in our area, please encourage them to enrol.

Enrolment forms can be collected from the Office or can be found online here.

Ngā mihi nui
Jo Smith - Tumuaki (Acting Principal)

Important Dates

Reminder: It is a Staff Only Day this Monday the 26th of August. School is closed to students.

Upcoming Events

Mon 26 Aug - Staff Only Day (kura/school closed)
Wed 28 Aug - PTA Cookie Time Fundraiser Collection in the Hall (2.45-3.15pm & 6.00-6.30pm)
Wed 28 Aug - BOT Meeting, 5:30-7:30PM, Staff Room
Wed 28 Aug - PTA Meeting, 7:30-9:30PM, Green Room
Fri 30 Aug - Celebration Assembly, 10:00-10:30am, in the Hall
Wed 4 Sep - Kauri Ski Trip TBC
Tue 10 Sep - School Duathlon (12.15-3.00pm)
Thu 12 Sep - Pō Whakangahau - Te Whānau Mahi Tahi (4:30-6:30PM, Cashmere High School)
Fri 13 Sep - Celebration Assembly, 10:00-10:30am, in the Hall
Thu 19 Sep - New Entrant and Year 8 Photos, 9:00-10:00am
Tue 24 Sep - Koru Games (Senior Students)
Wed 25 Sep - Koru Games (Senior Students) 
Wed 25 Sep - PTA Meeting, 7:30-9:30PM, Green Room
Thu 26 Sep - Koru Games
Thu 26 Sep - BOT Meeting, 5:30-7:30PM, Staff Room
Fri 27 Sep - Celebration Assembly, 10:00-10:30am, in the Hall
Fri 27 Sep - Last day of Term 3, School finishes 3pm
Mon 14 Oct - First day of Term 4, School starts 8:55am
Fri 18 Oct - Welcome Assembly, 9.15-9.30, in the Hall
Wed 23 Oct - PTA Meeting, 7:30-9:30PM, Green Room
Thu 24 Oct - School Athletics TBC
Thu 24 Oct - BOT Meeting, 5:30-7:30PM, Staff Room
Mon 28 Oct - Labour Day (kura/school closed)
Fri 15 Nov - Canterbury Anniversary Day (kura/school closed)
Mon 18 Nov - Staff Only Day (kura/school closed)
Wed 27 Nov - PTA Meeting, 7:30-9:30PM, Green Room
Thu 12 Dec - BOT Meeting, 5:30-7:30PM, Staff Room
Fri 13 Dec - Final Celebration Assembly, 9.45-10.30am, in the Hall
Mon 16 Dec - Year 8 Graduation
Tue 17 Dec - Last day of Term 4, School finishes 12.30PM

Term Dates

Click here to view 2024 term dates.

Citizen of the Week

Alex Mackintosh - Year 8 

Alex you are an excellent role model in our hub. You have grown as a leader and learner within our kura. You are compassionate and thoughtful with a quick wit to boot. Alex, you always step up and make the most of every opportunity. When it comes to learning, you work on improving by responding to feedback and giving your best effort. Thank you for all that you bring to our Kauri whānau.

Constantin Colville - Year 6 

Constantin, you are an excellent example of someone who tackles challenges head-on and approaches all that you do with a positive attitude. 'We Make a Difference' is a kete value you show daily, demonstrating a growth mindset and enthusiastic problem solving skills. Ka pai tō mahi, Constantin. 

School Notices

2024 Whole School Staffing Teams 

Please click the link, here, to see all the names and faces you may see across our kura (school).

Beckenham's Got Talent!

A message for your Tamariki from the Student Council:
We are excited to announce that in Week 10, we will be hosting a spectacular event: Beckenham's Got Talent!

This is your chance to showcase your unique talents and enjoy an afternoon filled with amazing performances! Whether you sing, dance, perform magic, or have a hidden talent, we want to see what you’ve got. 

Each hub will have the opportunity to showcase their performances, with three auditions from each hub that will advance to the finals.

The hub auditions will take place in week eight and the finals will be on the last day of week ten. if you want to take part in this event then tell your teachers to put your name on the Google form.


Our problem-solving teams took up the challenge of answering some very tricky questions at Cantamath on Wednesday. Well done to Lukas, Hanna, Tom, Ruvi, Bobby, Lewis, Ben and Annabelle.  Liv made a fabulous banner for the school, which the compère thought was the best on display. It is now hanging in our school hall. Our Year 7 & 8s had a number of pieces of work in the project competition and did exceptionally well. Well done to the following for receiving awards:

  • Lily and Annabelle
  • Lukas
  • Lewis
  • Mitch
  • Bobby
  • Charlie
  • Freyja
  • Elsie
  • Tish
High Commended:
  • Emmy
  • Mark
  • Lottie
  • Oscar R
  • Tilly
  • Evelyn
  • Matthew
  • Nicky’s maths class
  • Ben Cross
  • Austin
  • Harshit
  • Holly
  • Alex M
  • Alex P
  • Harriet
  • Hanna
Highly Commended in Overall Theme:
  • Bobby
  • Lukas
  • Tish
Our Year 7 Cantamath Team ready to go!

Second Hand Uniform Donations Needed!

We are looking for uniform items, especially larger sizes, for our second hand uniform shop and to support tamariki in need. We are also needing good condition, used shoes for children. If you have anything at home that you would be willing to donate, the Office would gratefully accept your contributions! Thank you to everyone who helps to keep the uniform room supplied, and running. 

The PTA Second Hand Uniform shop is open Monday 2:45-3:15pm & Friday 8:45-9:15am. Cash payments are accepted, and Eftpos is available at the Office.


Please contact the school office if your child will be absent from school. When contacting us please remember to include; your name, your child’s first and last name, the reason for their absence and how long you expect your child will be away from school. This ensures we can code your child correctly.

If you do not provide a reason for your child’s absence, we are required by the Ministry of Education to mark this as an unjustified absence on their attendance report.

Phone: (03) 337-1404
(Press 1 to leave an absence message)
Text Message: 021 027 94107

Variety Club

Our kura (school) is a Variety Club school. We have a number of whānau already involved and accessing the incredible support that Variety provides to whānau, for tamariki (children).

If you, or someone you know, is in need of support, please click the link below to see what is available and how to apply:

If you need support to apply, we have devices at kura that you may use. 

Pastoral Support & Hardship 

As a school we endeavour to provide as much pastoral support as we can to ensure that all of our tamariki have everything they need to succeed at school. If there is an immediate need or barrier you are experiencing, please connect with us to see if we can help: you can do this via your child's teacher, the Office, or the Senior Leadership Team. 

We also know that whānau, and others in our community, sometimes like to contribute towards the costs for students whose whānau might be experiencing some hardship, and are not able to readily fund uniform, stationery or even lunches. This was the driving reason for setting up our school's hardship fund.

If you, or anyone you know, would like to make a contribution to our hardship fund, please let Rachel Higginson know by emailing, or by simply depositing funds into the school bank account (12 3148 0131641 000) with the reference "Hardship donation". This will also be tax deductible.

We will ensure that these funds are used to support those families and young people who need support. Thank you to those who have already gifted to the hardship fund. No matter the amount, big or small, it is hugely appreciated. "We Get There Together".

Road Safety - No U-turns on Sandwich Road

To ensure everyone is kept safe at school drop off and collection, please no U-turns on Sandwich Road. There is a lot of traffic at these times and it works best when the traffic flows smoothly. The drop-off zone is designed to pull into and then drive straight out of. Thank you for helping to keep everyone safe.

Beckenham Maths Evening

We invite ALL our Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto families (NE-Y8) to join us for a hands on workshop that will help you to support and extend your child with Mathematics.

Thursday, 29th August (5:30 pm – 7:30 pm)

5:30 pm Tea, coffee and refreshments in the Hall Foyer.
6:00 pm Workshop starts in the Hall. (Approximate finish time 7:30 pm)

Parents/whānau and students from NE to Year 8
(Please note: no preschoolers or younger siblings. This is for school age children and parents)

Please complete this form to confirm your attendance:

We look forward to seeing you there!

Parking Around Schools

Mana Ake

We have a wonderful new Mana Ake Kaimahi liaison person who will be working in our Kura on Thursdays. Camelah is from Purapura Whetu.  Welcome to our kura community Camelah!

Shelter in Place and Lockdown Procedures

Throughout the year we hold emergency practices/drills to ensure that staff and tamariki know what to do in an emergency. Scenarios include fire, earthquake, shelter-in-place, and lockdown.

Before these practices, we let ākonga (students) know that we have an upcoming practice, and a social story is shared to support everyone in knowing what to expect.

Shelter in Place and Lockdown
If a situation arises that people need to remain inside for safety, Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto has two levels, Shelter in Place and Lockdown. 

A Shelter in Place directive is issued when the threat is external and not directed at the school. For example, the school may activate the Shelter in Place plan if there is a report of a swarm of wasps, toxic smoke from a nearby fire, or an active armed defender in the community (but not in or near the school grounds).

A Lockdown instruction will be less commonly used and is only likely to be issued if the threat is directly to the school or on the school grounds. This will generally happen on instruction from the Police.


Lockdown procedures are determined by Police advice and require the cooperation of students, staff, and parents. We ask all parents/whānau to please follow the protocol outlined below to make sure everyone is safe.
  • When the school goes into lockdown, all parents/whānau will be notified via both a text message (via Hero) and HERO App alert (which will generate an email for those who don’t use the app). Please ensure the contact details the school holds for your child’s caregivers are current.
  • The school will continue to communicate through these channels, plus on the school Facebook page.
  • Students will not have access to laptops or other devices during a lockdown situation. This is for their own protection until the school ascertains the severity of the situation in consultation with the Police.
  • School phones may not be manned, so please do not try and contact the school, or your child. All information will be sent to you through the channels outlined above as soon as it becomes available. We will be doing the best that we can do to keep everyone informed. 
  • The school will remain in lockdown until advised by the Police or other authorised personnel that it is safe to be lifted.
  • Please do not, under any circumstances, come to the school until you are advised it is safe for you to do so. You may be putting yourself and others in danger.
  • Once the lockdown is over, parents will be contacted immediately.
Thank you for your understanding and for taking the time to familiarise yourself with this protocol as we work together in an emergency situation to keep everyone safe.

Community Notices

(Notices placed here are contingent on space and do not reflect the views or opinions of the school.)

How do you play? We’d like to know  

Christchurch City Council is in the early stages of gathering community feedback to develop a Play Spaces Network Plan and we’d like to hear your thoughts. 

Our Parks Unit is responsible for 400-plus play spaces, and we need to ensure we are getting the best of these assets.  

The plan will focus on play spaces within Council parks such as playgrounds, outdoor fitness equipment, ball courts and green spaces, skate and scooter parks, bicycle skill areas, water play areas, and natural areas.      

We’re keen to hear what the community think about the play spaces they use.  This feedback will help us develop a draft Play Space Network Plan.  

To find out more or complete the full survey go to by the 31 August 2024. 

Maths / Strategy Games Club

I'm a qualified maths teacher who works in various local schools. I run a small group for Year 5-8 students who are keen to develop their maths and problem-solving skills.
The present group operates from 3.30 to 5pm on a Wednesday, (but the day may be flexible). We meet at my house which is at the bottom of Cashmere Hills.
If you'd like to know more, please contact me on 0210722939.
Kirsty F

Brain Play Christchurch

Brain Play has arrived in Christchurch! We teach all things science & technology to Kiwi kids - coding, robotics, science experiments, Minecraft & more. Book a free trial of our after-school classes - group sessions for ages 7 - 12. Or send us an email to hear more about our 1:1 sessions - these are a great match for students who are looking for extension, are looking for a new hobby and to build confidence and skills, and/or for students with high and complex needs. Visit to read more, or email us on

Orienteering Training Events for School Students: 7th Aug - 5th Sept

Coaching and training is offered by Peninsula and Plains Orienteers for all school-aged children and sports leaders at all levels. No booking required, just turn up with your running shoes, a compass if you have one and $2 for the map. Bring your own Sport-ident stick if you have one, otherwise we will lend you one (a Sport-ident stick is a microchip that you place on your finger to 'punch' each control on the orienteering course).
Each training session will vary, it is run by volunteers and each will have something different to offer. There will be many different things to go over, so it will not have the same format every session. It may involve a walk around looking at features, or a discussion to start, often it will have a set course to run.
Download a flyer and find more information here:

Halswell Softball Club

Want to do something fun with dad on Father’s Day? Looking for a fun and inclusive sport to play in summer?

Halswell Softball Club prides itself on being an inclusive, ethnically diverse, family orientated club. We have players of all ages, from three years old to seventy years old and everything in between. Our players compete at both representative level and social levels. There is something for everyone!

Halswell Softball Club is based at the Halswell Domain, Christchurch. Although this is our home ground, we have players from across the city.

Free sausage sizzle to help with those hungry bellies and treats for the littlies, we look forward to seeing you there!

Junior Indoor Sports

Cashmere Tennis Club 

Cashmere Tennis Club is running free professional coaching on Sunday the 25th August, 1st and 8th of September. This is a chance for kids of any age to try tennis, they don't even need to bring a racquet or have any prior experience, just come and have a go!
9:00am – 10:00am: Ages 5 - 8 an introduction using low bounce balls and fun games
10:00am – 11:00am: Ages 8 - 12  starting to play games on a full size court
11:00am - 12:00pm: Ages 13+

Kidsfirst 'Stay and Play'

Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto Schoolwide Newsletter, Rāmere (Friday) 26 July 2024, Week 1

Principal's Patch

Kia ora koutou

Welcome to Term 3! It has been lovely catching up with everyone over the week about how the school holidays were for them. 

We got back into learning and school events this week, beginning with the mid-winter breakfast. Thank you to the PTA for organising this. There were lots of positive comments about the delicious porridge. 

As we begin a new term a reminder, please feel free to contact your child's Home Group Teacher at any stage. They are more than happy to hear from you to celebrate successes and about any questions or wondering you or your child may have.

Staffing update

Welcome to Mikyla Campbell. Mikyla is relieving in Rae Marsh's Home Group for the next few weeks while Rae is on medical leave. Welcome to the team Mikyla.

Welcome back to Nicola Reddecliffe. Nicola is the Home Group teacher for our next New Entrant class.

2025 Enrolments - do you have a 4 year old!

We welcome enrolment forms for any New Entrant students who may start with us in 2025. It is never too early to pre-enrol your child, and having this data early will help us in the coming months when we begin to organise teaching staff for the following year.

If you know of any in our area, please encourage them to enrol.

Enrolment forms can be collected from the Office or can be found online here.

Ngā mihi nui
Jo Smith - Tumuaki (Acting Principal)

Important Dates

Upcoming Events

Wed 31 Jul - PTA Meeting (AGM), 7:00-9:30PM, Green Room
Fri 2 Aug - Celebration Assembly, 10:00-10:30am, in the Hall
Wed 14 Aug - Year 7 and 8 (Kauri) Open Evening - 7-8pm
Fri 15 Aug - Celebration Assembly, 10:00-10:30am, in the Hall
Mon 26 Aug - Staff Only Day (kura/school closed)
Wed 28 Aug - PTA Cookie Time Fundraiser Collection in the Hall (2.45-3.15 & 6.00-6.30pm)
Wed 28 Aug - BOT Meeting, 5:30-7:30PM, Staff Room
Wed 28 Aug - PTA Meeting, 7:30-9:30PM, Green Room
Fri 30 Aug - Celebration Assembly, 10:00-10:30am, in the Hall
Tue 3 Sep - School Duathlon, 12:15-3:00PM
Wed 4 Sep - Kauri Ski Trip TBC
Fri 13 Sep - Celebration Assembly, 10:00-10:30am, in the Hall
Thu 19 Sep - New Entrant and Year 8 Photos, 9:00-10:00am
Wed 25 Sep - PTA Meeting, 7:30-9:30PM, Green Room
Thu 26 Sep - BOT Meeting, 5:30-7:30PM, Staff Room
Fri 27 Sep - Celebration Assembly, 10:00-10:30am, in the Hall
Fri 27 Sep - Last day of Term 3, School finishes 3pm
Mon 14 Oct - First day of Term 4, School starts 8:55am

Citizen of the Week (Term 2 Week 10)

Jessica Crump - Year 6

Jessica, you consistently show all of our school values every day. You are always lending a helping hand whenever needed. You are kind, caring and very respectful. You are a self-directed, independent learner which is admired. Tino pai, Jessica!

Citizen of the Week (Term 3 Week 1)

Xanthe Hills - Year 3

Xanthe, you are a positive role model who embodies our school values. You have a thirst for knowledge and your industrious nature helps you achieve great things. We love having you in the Kōwhai team! Tino pai, Xanthe.

School Notices

Year 7 and 8 Intermediate (Kauri) Open Evening 

Wednesday 14th August - 7 to 8pm

We would love for you and your child/ren to join us to learn more about our amazing Intermediate Team. Come and find out more about the learning programmes, leadership opportunities, Education Outside the Classroom and so much more! 

Sensory Tools

All humans have sensory needs that we regulate throughout the day. A great way for children to gain the feedback they need is via the oral/motor sensory system. If your child tends to chew/suck on clothing, fingers, ends of pencils etc, or if you child tends to lack concentration or becomes restless in the day, a chewy could be a great sensory tool. Chewies are mobile, they are fun and child friendly, and can help organize, calm, soothe, and regulate their sensory systems. We have a small stock of chewies at the office that we are selling for when your child's teacher and you feel your child may benefit from this. 

Coffee Cart

If anyone in our community has connections with a Coffee Van or Cart, who may wish to work with us to provide a school gate 'pick me up' service a couple of times each week, we would be interested in hearing from you. Please contact the Office. Thanks in advance.

Whānau Junior Playground Support Roster

We have a wonderful group of whānau, parents and grandparents, who come along to school during lunch play to support our tamariki in the junior playground. We have had a couple of time slots become available for Term 3. The benefits of being on the 'parent supervision roster' include the opportunity to be a part of the school community, and getting to know other whānau, parents and your child's friends. Please email Katie if you would like to offer your help for Term 3.

Cellphone Policy

Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto does not recommend that students bring personal digital devices to school.  Personal digital devices include cellphones, which we manage according to government regulations, and other devices such as laptops, tablets, and smartwatches.

If a parent or caregiver needs to contact their child during school hours, they should call the office.

If students bring personal digital devices to school they must turn their devices off and hand them in to the Office during school hours.

The device will be kept in the office and can be collected by the student at the end of the day.

We recommend students do not bring unnecessary valuables to school. If an insurance claim for damage or loss to personal property is made, any insurance excess is payable by the student or their parents who own the property.

Full policy can be found on SchoolDocs, here. (Username: beckenham Password: pride)

Hauora: Health, Wellness & Winter Bugs

Please find linked here, a guide to managing communicable diseases for schools from Te Whatu Ora (Health New Zealand). This guide provides information on serious infectious diseases you may come into contact with and what actions may be required to stop them spreading.

It covers influenza, gastroenteritis illnesses (including norovirus), measles, meningococcal disease, mumps and pertussis (whooping cough).

For each of these information is provided on:
  • Common symptoms and how the illness spreads
  • How to protect your community and prevent illness
  • What to do if someone has the disease or illness (or if you suspect they have it)
  • Where to find more information


We have a number of noted cases of conjunctivitis throughout the school currently. Thank you for keeping your tamariki home if they are showing symptoms, as this helps reduce the spread.

Conjunctivitis, or pink eye, is a very common condition in children. It causes red, irritated and sticky eyes, and can be extremely contagious.

Children with conjunctivitis should not go to school or daycare until their eyes are better. Thank you for your continued support with this.

Food Allergy Guidelines

Across our school, we have a number of children with different food allergies.

To support the wellbeing of these students we have the following guidelines in place which we ask you to follow:
  • All students should only eat lunches and snacks that have been provided by their caregivers.  
  • Bottles, other drinks, and lunch boxes provided by caregivers should be clearly labelled with the name of their child.  Home group teachers and caregivers will decide where the children’s bottles and lunch boxes will be kept during the day to ensure no cross contamination occurs.
  • Parents are asked not to bring food into school to be shared with other children.  Whilst we understand that there are times you want to celebrate special events for your children with their friends at school, e.g. birthdays or being awarded prizes, by bringing food and treats for them to share, we have a policy of children only eating the food that their whānau have prepared and sent with them.  We have a number of students with food allergies and also need to respect the wishes of some families who want to monitor what their children are eating and prefer their children just to eat food they have prepared. From time to time, there may be an event that teachers have organised that will involve food (cultural or learning activities) and they will have advised families in advance that this will be happening.  
  • At the beginning of each year caregivers will need to check the expiry dates on any medication to be held at school.  
  • On the first day of school, caregivers will need to bring their child’s medication to the school office.  Caregivers will need to sign a medicine authority form.  The responsibility of monitoring the expiry dates of medications rests with the parent.
  • Caregivers may be asked to come and talk to staff about their child’s specific health needs and ways we can support them at school.
We will inform you during the year if specific guidelines for your child’s hub change. 

Our full allergy policy and guidelines are available on the Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto website under Information - Policies - SchoolDocs, then search ‘allergy’.

If you have any questions or concerns, please discuss them in the first instance with your child’s home group teacher.

Year 0-4 Cross Country Challenge

This week, the top-placed students in our Year 0-4 cross country event which was held last term had the opportunity to take part in the Cross Country Challenge. This is held at Hillview Christian School every year with many other schools participating and is usually at the end of Term 2 but had to be postponed due to inclement weather. Luckily, the rain held off on Tuesday and, although it was cold (brrr!), we were able to go ahead with the event this time. The children successfully took part in their cross country races, putting every effort into doing their best. It was fantastic to see the determination on everyone’s faces as they strove to get to the finish line. Well done to you all! Following the races, the children then attended an award ceremony and enjoyed a delicious afternoon tea. It really was a fantastic experience for our tamariki. Thank you to all the parents and parent helpers who came along to support. We couldn’t have done it without you!

PTA News

Cookie Time Fundraiser

The PTA is selling yummy Cookie Time Rookie Cookies, look for the order form in your child's bag or order here

BOT Update

Policy Review Term 3

We would welcome your feedback on our policy topics, and subtopics, that are up for review this term. These topics can be found at the link below. Please follow these intstructions below to submit your feedback.
  1. Visit the website
  2. Enter the username (beckenham) and password (pride).
  3. Follow the link to the relevant policy as listed.
  4. Read the policy.
  5. Click the Start your review button at the top right-hand corner of the page.
  6. Select the reviewer type.
  7. Enter your name (optional).
  8. Follow the prompts to show that you've read the topic and enter your feedback if you'd like to comment.
  9. Agree to the privacy statement and click “Submit review”.
If you don't have internet access, school office staff can provide you with printed copies of the policy and a review form.

Principal Appointment Update

The Board of Trustees would like to update you all as to the progress on appointing a new principal after Sandy’s departure. Thank you so much for all your feedback. It was hugely appreciated and we took on board your comments and suggestions, as well as those from the staff and children, when we put together the application pack. The position is currently being advertised and we expect to hold interviews later in September.

Community Notices

(Notices placed here are contingent on space and do not reflect the views or opinions of the school.)


Get your tiny dancer twirling in our fun Mini Movers dance classes. These classes are aimed at building the children's confidence while incorporating the use of props and introducing basic ballet, jazz and hip hop skills. We love to use our imagination too. Mondays at 9.30 - 10.00am, 76 Hawdon Street. Contact for more information.

The Muse Community Music Trust

Does your child love music? Would you like to give them the best possible musical start?

Music classes for children will begin in term three at Somerfield Community Centre on Wednesdays. The classes are based in the Kodály approach, an approach that helps all learners become confident musicians who can play, sing, read, write, improvise and compose. Instead of focusing on just one instrument, the approach uses singing games within a well planned sequential programme, to develop strong aural, memory and kinesthetic skills, while developing understanding of the language of music . Children who learn through this approach become lifelong musicians, with strong agency over their musical practice.

The classes are delivered by The Muse Community Music Trust who provide scholarships for parents where finances would prevent participation. 

The first class is a free trial. Bookings are essential.

TERM 3 Weekly Singing and Acting Workshops!

Phillipstown Community Hub
Register by 19th July to ensure your place (late enrolments limited, email us to check)
Or email

Ages 8+
Want to learn how to sing? Or develop acting skills?
4-5pm Singing / 5.15-6.30pm Acting
Weekly workshops Thursdays 25 July to 26 September 
Plus a combined afternoon showcase Saturday 28 September
$150 per term / $120 (CSC Holders)
Sign up for both workshops and get 15% off
Scholarships available.