Board of Trustees


The Board of Trustees is responsible for governing the school and setting its direction, including curriculum, staff, property, health and safety, finance and administration. The board makes decisions that the principal, teachers and other staff then put in place.

The board has a charter, which sets out long-term goals and annual targets for the school. The board also monitors and reports annually on its progress towards those goals.

Board meetings are ‘meetings held in public’, but not ‘public meetings’. This means that they are open to the public, but the public does not have the right to speak without prior discussion with and permission from the Presiding Member (Board Chair). If the board is considering confidential matters, the meeting or a part of it, will be closed.

Standing for the board of trustees is a great way to get involved in your child’s education. Trustees receive training and support to help them carry out their responsibilities. Board of Trustees members are elected by parents and staff members.

Our next election will be towards the end of 2025. Three of our current elected parent trustees will complete their term at this time, and their positions will come up for election.

Click here to find out more about becoming a trustee.

Click here for a Community Member’s Guide to the Role of the Board of  Trustees

Board Members:

Our board is made up of:

  • The Principal
  • A staff representative
  • Three to seven parent representatives
  • An appointed Ngāi Tahu iwi representative
  • Co-opted trustees (optional)

Name/Email Role Current Term
Marcel Frei Presiding Member (Board Chair) Sep 2022 – Sep 2025
Ngāi Tahu iwi representative

Appointed Whānau and Iwi Trustee

(Current Vacancy)

Sep 2022 – Sep 2025
Anna Reid Staff Trustee Sep 2022 – Sep 2025
Jo Smith Acting Principal Jan – Dec 2024
Nicole Forster Parent Trustee Sep 2022 – Sep 2025
Thomas Barta Parent Trustee Sep 2022 – Sep 2025
Reena Brinner Parent Trustee Nov 2023 – Nov 2026
Craig Hurford Parent Trustee Nov 2023 – Nov 2026
 John Ussher Parent Trustee Nov 2023 – Nov 2026