Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto Schoolwide Newsletter, Rāmere (Friday) 26 July 2024, Week 1

Principal's Patch

Kia ora koutou

Welcome to Term 3! It has been lovely catching up with everyone over the week about how the school holidays were for them. 

We got back into learning and school events this week, beginning with the mid-winter breakfast. Thank you to the PTA for organising this. There were lots of positive comments about the delicious porridge. 

As we begin a new term a reminder, please feel free to contact your child's Home Group Teacher at any stage. They are more than happy to hear from you to celebrate successes and about any questions or wondering you or your child may have.

Staffing update

Welcome to Mikyla Campbell. Mikyla is relieving in Rae Marsh's Home Group for the next few weeks while Rae is on medical leave. Welcome to the team Mikyla.

Welcome back to Nicola Reddecliffe. Nicola is the Home Group teacher for our next New Entrant class.

2025 Enrolments - do you have a 4 year old!

We welcome enrolment forms for any New Entrant students who may start with us in 2025. It is never too early to pre-enrol your child, and having this data early will help us in the coming months when we begin to organise teaching staff for the following year.

If you know of any in our area, please encourage them to enrol.

Enrolment forms can be collected from the Office or can be found online here.

Ngā mihi nui
Jo Smith - Tumuaki (Acting Principal)

Important Dates

Upcoming Events

Wed 31 Jul - PTA Meeting (AGM), 7:00-9:30PM, Green Room
Fri 2 Aug - Celebration Assembly, 10:00-10:30am, in the Hall
Wed 14 Aug - Year 7 and 8 (Kauri) Open Evening - 7-8pm
Fri 15 Aug - Celebration Assembly, 10:00-10:30am, in the Hall
Mon 26 Aug - Staff Only Day (kura/school closed)
Wed 28 Aug - PTA Cookie Time Fundraiser Collection in the Hall (2.45-3.15 & 6.00-6.30pm)
Wed 28 Aug - BOT Meeting, 5:30-7:30PM, Staff Room
Wed 28 Aug - PTA Meeting, 7:30-9:30PM, Green Room
Fri 30 Aug - Celebration Assembly, 10:00-10:30am, in the Hall
Tue 3 Sep - School Duathlon, 12:15-3:00PM
Wed 4 Sep - Kauri Ski Trip TBC
Fri 13 Sep - Celebration Assembly, 10:00-10:30am, in the Hall
Thu 19 Sep - New Entrant and Year 8 Photos, 9:00-10:00am
Wed 25 Sep - PTA Meeting, 7:30-9:30PM, Green Room
Thu 26 Sep - BOT Meeting, 5:30-7:30PM, Staff Room
Fri 27 Sep - Celebration Assembly, 10:00-10:30am, in the Hall
Fri 27 Sep - Last day of Term 3, School finishes 3pm
Mon 14 Oct - First day of Term 4, School starts 8:55am

Citizen of the Week (Term 2 Week 10)

Jessica Crump - Year 6

Jessica, you consistently show all of our school values every day. You are always lending a helping hand whenever needed. You are kind, caring and very respectful. You are a self-directed, independent learner which is admired. Tino pai, Jessica!

Citizen of the Week (Term 3 Week 1)

Xanthe Hills - Year 3

Xanthe, you are a positive role model who embodies our school values. You have a thirst for knowledge and your industrious nature helps you achieve great things. We love having you in the Kōwhai team! Tino pai, Xanthe.

School Notices

Year 7 and 8 Intermediate (Kauri) Open Evening 

Wednesday 14th August - 7 to 8pm

We would love for you and your child/ren to join us to learn more about our amazing Intermediate Team. Come and find out more about the learning programmes, leadership opportunities, Education Outside the Classroom and so much more! 

Sensory Tools

All humans have sensory needs that we regulate throughout the day. A great way for children to gain the feedback they need is via the oral/motor sensory system. If your child tends to chew/suck on clothing, fingers, ends of pencils etc, or if you child tends to lack concentration or becomes restless in the day, a chewy could be a great sensory tool. Chewies are mobile, they are fun and child friendly, and can help organize, calm, soothe, and regulate their sensory systems. We have a small stock of chewies at the office that we are selling for when your child's teacher and you feel your child may benefit from this. 

Coffee Cart

If anyone in our community has connections with a Coffee Van or Cart, who may wish to work with us to provide a school gate 'pick me up' service a couple of times each week, we would be interested in hearing from you. Please contact the Office. Thanks in advance.

Whānau Junior Playground Support Roster

We have a wonderful group of whānau, parents and grandparents, who come along to school during lunch play to support our tamariki in the junior playground. We have had a couple of time slots become available for Term 3. The benefits of being on the 'parent supervision roster' include the opportunity to be a part of the school community, and getting to know other whānau, parents and your child's friends. Please email Katie if you would like to offer your help for Term 3.

Cellphone Policy

Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto does not recommend that students bring personal digital devices to school.  Personal digital devices include cellphones, which we manage according to government regulations, and other devices such as laptops, tablets, and smartwatches.

If a parent or caregiver needs to contact their child during school hours, they should call the office.

If students bring personal digital devices to school they must turn their devices off and hand them in to the Office during school hours.

The device will be kept in the office and can be collected by the student at the end of the day.

We recommend students do not bring unnecessary valuables to school. If an insurance claim for damage or loss to personal property is made, any insurance excess is payable by the student or their parents who own the property.

Full policy can be found on SchoolDocs, here. (Username: beckenham Password: pride)

Hauora: Health, Wellness & Winter Bugs

Please find linked here, a guide to managing communicable diseases for schools from Te Whatu Ora (Health New Zealand). This guide provides information on serious infectious diseases you may come into contact with and what actions may be required to stop them spreading.

It covers influenza, gastroenteritis illnesses (including norovirus), measles, meningococcal disease, mumps and pertussis (whooping cough).

For each of these information is provided on:
  • Common symptoms and how the illness spreads
  • How to protect your community and prevent illness
  • What to do if someone has the disease or illness (or if you suspect they have it)
  • Where to find more information


We have a number of noted cases of conjunctivitis throughout the school currently. Thank you for keeping your tamariki home if they are showing symptoms, as this helps reduce the spread.

Conjunctivitis, or pink eye, is a very common condition in children. It causes red, irritated and sticky eyes, and can be extremely contagious.

Children with conjunctivitis should not go to school or daycare until their eyes are better. Thank you for your continued support with this.

Food Allergy Guidelines

Across our school, we have a number of children with different food allergies.

To support the wellbeing of these students we have the following guidelines in place which we ask you to follow:
  • All students should only eat lunches and snacks that have been provided by their caregivers.  
  • Bottles, other drinks, and lunch boxes provided by caregivers should be clearly labelled with the name of their child.  Home group teachers and caregivers will decide where the children’s bottles and lunch boxes will be kept during the day to ensure no cross contamination occurs.
  • Parents are asked not to bring food into school to be shared with other children.  Whilst we understand that there are times you want to celebrate special events for your children with their friends at school, e.g. birthdays or being awarded prizes, by bringing food and treats for them to share, we have a policy of children only eating the food that their whānau have prepared and sent with them.  We have a number of students with food allergies and also need to respect the wishes of some families who want to monitor what their children are eating and prefer their children just to eat food they have prepared. From time to time, there may be an event that teachers have organised that will involve food (cultural or learning activities) and they will have advised families in advance that this will be happening.  
  • At the beginning of each year caregivers will need to check the expiry dates on any medication to be held at school.  
  • On the first day of school, caregivers will need to bring their child’s medication to the school office.  Caregivers will need to sign a medicine authority form.  The responsibility of monitoring the expiry dates of medications rests with the parent.
  • Caregivers may be asked to come and talk to staff about their child’s specific health needs and ways we can support them at school.
We will inform you during the year if specific guidelines for your child’s hub change. 

Our full allergy policy and guidelines are available on the Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto website under Information - Policies - SchoolDocs, then search ‘allergy’.

If you have any questions or concerns, please discuss them in the first instance with your child’s home group teacher.

Year 0-4 Cross Country Challenge

This week, the top-placed students in our Year 0-4 cross country event which was held last term had the opportunity to take part in the Cross Country Challenge. This is held at Hillview Christian School every year with many other schools participating and is usually at the end of Term 2 but had to be postponed due to inclement weather. Luckily, the rain held off on Tuesday and, although it was cold (brrr!), we were able to go ahead with the event this time. The children successfully took part in their cross country races, putting every effort into doing their best. It was fantastic to see the determination on everyone’s faces as they strove to get to the finish line. Well done to you all! Following the races, the children then attended an award ceremony and enjoyed a delicious afternoon tea. It really was a fantastic experience for our tamariki. Thank you to all the parents and parent helpers who came along to support. We couldn’t have done it without you!

PTA News

Cookie Time Fundraiser

The PTA is selling yummy Cookie Time Rookie Cookies, look for the order form in your child's bag or order here

BOT Update

Policy Review Term 3

We would welcome your feedback on our policy topics, and subtopics, that are up for review this term. These topics can be found at the link below. Please follow these intstructions below to submit your feedback.
  1. Visit the website
  2. Enter the username (beckenham) and password (pride).
  3. Follow the link to the relevant policy as listed.
  4. Read the policy.
  5. Click the Start your review button at the top right-hand corner of the page.
  6. Select the reviewer type.
  7. Enter your name (optional).
  8. Follow the prompts to show that you've read the topic and enter your feedback if you'd like to comment.
  9. Agree to the privacy statement and click “Submit review”.
If you don't have internet access, school office staff can provide you with printed copies of the policy and a review form.

Principal Appointment Update

The Board of Trustees would like to update you all as to the progress on appointing a new principal after Sandy’s departure. Thank you so much for all your feedback. It was hugely appreciated and we took on board your comments and suggestions, as well as those from the staff and children, when we put together the application pack. The position is currently being advertised and we expect to hold interviews later in September.

Community Notices

(Notices placed here are contingent on space and do not reflect the views or opinions of the school.)


Get your tiny dancer twirling in our fun Mini Movers dance classes. These classes are aimed at building the children's confidence while incorporating the use of props and introducing basic ballet, jazz and hip hop skills. We love to use our imagination too. Mondays at 9.30 - 10.00am, 76 Hawdon Street. Contact for more information.

The Muse Community Music Trust

Does your child love music? Would you like to give them the best possible musical start?

Music classes for children will begin in term three at Somerfield Community Centre on Wednesdays. The classes are based in the Kodály approach, an approach that helps all learners become confident musicians who can play, sing, read, write, improvise and compose. Instead of focusing on just one instrument, the approach uses singing games within a well planned sequential programme, to develop strong aural, memory and kinesthetic skills, while developing understanding of the language of music . Children who learn through this approach become lifelong musicians, with strong agency over their musical practice.

The classes are delivered by The Muse Community Music Trust who provide scholarships for parents where finances would prevent participation. 

The first class is a free trial. Bookings are essential.

TERM 3 Weekly Singing and Acting Workshops!

Phillipstown Community Hub
Register by 19th July to ensure your place (late enrolments limited, email us to check)
Or email

Ages 8+
Want to learn how to sing? Or develop acting skills?
4-5pm Singing / 5.15-6.30pm Acting
Weekly workshops Thursdays 25 July to 26 September 
Plus a combined afternoon showcase Saturday 28 September
$150 per term / $120 (CSC Holders)
Sign up for both workshops and get 15% off
Scholarships available.

Kōwhai News Term 2 Week 10

Kia ora whānau

Here are some key moments from the final weeks of Term 2 in the Kōwhai Team.

Fractured Fairy Tales

As part of our writing focus this term, our literacy groups have been exploring fairy tales and how to 'fracture' or rewrite them to take on a different character's perspective.

The learners in Krystal's literacy group had a surprise this week when Karen brought in a record player from 1960 and played some old-fashioned fairy tales.  They were fascinated by this different form of media that could be used to share stories. 


This term, the Kōwhai students have been developing a digital pepeha. In Māori culture, a pepeha is an introduction that establishes identity and heritage. The children have been learning about the key components that should be included in a pepeha and how to develop, manipulate, store, retrieve, and share this content digitally.


Last week, we held a Matariki evening at school. It was wonderful to see so many parents coming to see the kapa haka group perform and share in our Matariki activities.

Canterbury Cricket

Next term, coaches from Canterbury Cricket will be coming to school to teach the Kōwhai children about cricket. The children will have the opportunity to learn and practise the key skills needed for cricket as part of Canterbury Cricket's Smash Play programme.

School Holidays

We hope you have a wonderful time with your children over the school holidays and we look forward to seeing you all next term.

Kind regards

The Kōwhai Team

Kahikatea News Term 2 Week 10

Kia ora e te whānau,

We have had some fun events over the last couple of weeks, including our wonderful Matariki evening, and our second group's trip to Clip and Climb. 

We also celebrated Sandy at her farewell on Wednesday. It was lovely to hear from educators, students and whānau about the impact Sandy has had at Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto. We wish her all the best in her new role.


We loved seeing so many of our tamariki bursting through the door with excitement after a busy day at school. We had lots of activities happening throughout the hubs, and it was wonderful to see learners and their whānau engaging in these. 

It is a special time to connect with our community and we appreciated seeing so many of you despite the cold weather.

Matariki Maths

Our learners have explored Matariki through a variety of subject areas over the last two weeks. One of these was maths. Some awesome 2D and 3D stars were created!

Matariki Kai

Clip and Climb

Our second groups to attend Clip and Climb also had a blast! For some, this was a new activity which was a little scary, and for others new goals were met. We were really proud of all of our learners. 

Thanks to all of our Clip and Climb whānau helpers for your support.

Literacy Links

When we teach our learners to read and to spell, we focus on using the 'pure' sounds. For example when learning to read the word 'Sam' we sound the word out as "sssss-aaaaa-mmmm, Sam". See below for a great explanation by Emma Nahna (speech-language therapist) of the pure sounds of New Zealand English and their importance in learning to read and write.

Emma also has some other awesome videos on her YouTube channel, such as how to teach Heart Words and consonant blends, for those of you who would like some more in-depth information in these areas.

This was our final blog for Term 2! If you come across any library or reading books at home over the holidays we would love to have these back next term :). We hope you all have a safe and restful break, and we look forward to seeing everyone again on Monday 22nd July. 

Ngā mihi nui,

The Kahikatea Team






Koru Team News: Term 2 Week 10 (5/07/2024)

 Kia ora e te whānau,

Woohoo!! What an amazing term we have had!! We cannot believe it is already the end of Term 2! Your tamariki are doing so well, as they strive to keep up the momentum with their learning! It's been a very busy fortnight, including our Matariki hui, our Art Gallery Trip, and several children having their transition to school visits. We welcome Millie who started in Week 9, and Audrey who have started on Monday of this week. We are so thrilled to have you in our Koru team!

We also welcome Nicola Reddecliffe to our Koru teaching team. Nicola will be the home group teacher for our third homegroup, as more tamariki (children) start throughout next term. We are so excited to have her back in our Koru hub!

Art Gallery Trip:
What amazing outing we had at the Art Gallery. A massive thank you to the wonderful family helpers we had, we could not have done it without you! The children had such an awesome time, and it was great to see their engagement, enthusiasm, and excitement towards the different activities that were on offer. If you have any photos from the Art Gallery trip, please send these through to your child's home group teacher. Here are some snapshots the teachers took:

We will have the amazing art works our tamariki (children) created, up in the learning space next term.

Matariki Evening:
Thank you to those who attended our Matariki evening. It was a lovely celebration for a special event significant to Aotearoa (New Zealand). It was great to wander around and have a look in all the different hubs and see the wonderful activities that were on offer. It was extra special to see happy smiling faces, and seeing plenty of interactions between whānau (families). We hope you all  enjoyed the evening, and had a lovely and safe long weekend. 

A few reminders for next term:
  • Term 3 starts on Monday 22nd July
  • We will be having a Welcome Assembly on Friday 26th July to welcome all our tamariki (children) who started from Week 2 of Term 2, as well as those who begin at the start of Term 3. 
  • Literacy folders are staying in the hub over the holidays and will be handed back next term.
  • Lunchboxes next term: Can you please ensure your children have minimal wrappers in their lunchboxes. This makes it more accessible for your child and easier for them to eat. If there are wrappers or yoghurt pouches, could these please be slightly cut/ripped so your child can independently open these. Thanks for all your support with this. 
  • If Library books head home over the holidays, please make sure these come back in the first week of next term so that your child can get new ones. 
We hope you have an awesome, safe and restful holiday break, and we look forward to seeing our tamariki (children) back refreshed and ready for Term 3. 

Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou,
Georgia, Stacey and Elizabeth

    Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto Schoolwide Newsletter, Rāpare (Thursday) 27 June 2024, Week 9

    Principal's Patch

    Kia ora koutou

    Matariki Evening
    Our thanks to everyone who made our Matariki evening such a success. It was great to see people coming together, having fun, making connections and enjoying some kai (food). We saw 'We Love Challenge' and 'We Get There Together' in action as our Kapa Haka groups performed to a large audience - ka rawe!

    Matariki is a special occasion signifying the start of the Māori New Year. As the Matariki cluster of stars reappears in our night sky we take the time to reflect on the past year, celebrate the present, and plan for the year ahead. 

    Staffing Update
    From the beginning of Term 3, we welcome back Nicola Reddecliffe to the Koru Team. Nicola will be the Home Group Teacher for the New Entrant roll growth class. 

    On Wednesday 3 July at 2.15pm we have a Farewell Assembly for Sandy Hastings. The Board, staff, tamariki and community will take this time to acknowledge Sandy's leadership during her time at Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto. Whānau are welcome to join us for this celebration. 

    With one week left of term, it's a great opportunity to thank staff, tamariki and whānau for the mahi (work) and support during the busy last couple of weeks with the Disco, Learning Conferences and our Matariki evening. These opportunities add to the richness of school life.

    We hope that the coming school holiday provides our tamariki with much needed rest, ready for the start of Term 3 on the 22nd of July.

    Ngā mihi nui
    Jo Smith - Tumuaki (Acting Principal)

    Important Dates

    Upcoming Events

    Fri 28 Jun - Matariki Public Holiday (kura/school closed)
    Tue 2 Jul - Y0-4 Cross Country Challenge, 12:00 - 3:00pm, Hillview
    Wed 3 Jul - Sandy's Farewell Assembly, 2:15-4:00PM, in the Hall, RSVP required
    Fri 5 Jul - Student Council Dress Up Day (see info below)
    Fri 5 Jul - Celebration Assembly, 10:00-10:30am, in the Hall
    Fri 5 Jul - Last day of Term 2, School finishes 3pm
    Mon 22 Jul - First day of Term 3, School starts at 8:55am
    Wed 24 Jul - PTA Midwinter Breakfast 8am to 8.30am
    Fri 26 Jul - Welcome Assembly, 9:15-9:30am, in the Hall
    Wed 31 JulPTA Meeting (AGM), 7:00-9:30PM, Green Room
    Fri 2 Aug - Celebration Assembly, 10:00-10:30am, in the Hall
    Fri 15 Aug - Celebration Assembly, 10:00-10:30am, in the Hall
    Mon 26 Aug - Staff Only Day (kura/school closed)
    Wed 28 Aug - BOT Meeting, 5:30-7:30PM, Staff Room
    Wed 28 Aug - PTA Meeting, 7:30-9:30PM, Green Room
    Fri 30 Aug - Celebration Assembly, 10:00-10:30am, in the Hall
    Mon 2 Sep - School Duathlon, 12:15-3:00PM
    Wed 4 Sep - Kauri Ski Trip TBC
    Fri 13 Sep - Celebration Assembly, 10:00-10:30am, in the Hall
    Thu 19 Sep - New Entrant and Year 8 Photos, 9:00-10:00am
    Wed 25 Sep - PTA Meeting, 7:30-9:30PM, Green Room
    Thu 26 Sep - BOT Meeting, 5:30-7:30PM, Staff Room
    Fri 27 Sep - Celebration Assembly, 10:00-10:30am, in the Hall
    Fri 27 Sep - Last day of Term 3, School finishes 3pm
    Mon 14 Oct - First day of Term 4, School starts 8:55am

    Citizen of the Week (Week 8)

    Imogen Orchard - Year 7

    Imogen, you are a shining star in our Kauri whānau. You are exceptionally kind and inclusive to all. Imogen, we see positivity, integrity and diligence in everything you do. You get involved, strive for excellence and are wonderfully nurturing towards younger tamariki. What a fabulous role model you are. 

    Citizen of the Week (Week 9)

    Max Richards - Year 4

    Max, you are an outstanding role model in the Kōwhai hub. You are polite, thoughtful and caring and also respectful of everyone. You are a self-motivated learner, showing great focus on all that you do. You are a reliable leader and can be trusted to fulfil any responsibility you take on. Tino pai, Max!

    BOT Update

    Principal Appointment

    As you will be aware, we are in the beginning phases of appointing a new Principal for Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto. An important part of this process is to hear from our community. Your voice and experiences are important to inform the Board's decision making throughout this process. 
    The Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto Board of Trustees would really value your input as we embark on this journey, to ensure we appoint the best person for our kura.
    If you would like to contribute to this process, please fill in the form, linked here, by the 12th of July.

    Alternatively, paper forms have been sent home with tamariki today for your completion. Paper forms need to be returned by Friday the 5th of July, the last day of term.

    All responses will be anonymous, and we thank you in advance for your contribution.
    Ngā mihi nui,

    Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto Board of Trustees

    School Notices

    Student Council Dress Up Day

    A message from our student council: This Friday, 5th July, the student council is having a dress-up day to celebrate diversity. Tamariki can dress up in rainbow colours and bring a gold coin to donate to Youthline. Youthline is a group that supports the well-being of young people. This is a great group to call for a chat when you are dealing with tricky stuff in your life. 

    Sandy Hastings' Farewell Assembly

    You are invited to join us in officially celebrating and farewelling Sandy Hastings from her role as Principal at Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto.

    We will be hosting a Farewell Assembly for Sandy on Wednesday the 3rd of July.
    The Assembly is for the whole school, and guests, and will run from 2:15-3:00PM.
    Following the Assembly we will welcome all staff and guests to join us from 3:00-4:00PM for kai (food) and refreshments.

    Please would you indicate your attendance by filling in this form, linked here. We would appreciate knowing numbers, for catering purposes, if you intend to join us after the Assembly.

    If you have any photos, memories or messages you would like to share, these can be emailed to

    Matariki Evening

    Matariki is a great opportunity to share kai and reflect on the past 4 seasons, celebrating the present with whānau, and looking forward to what is to come as the days get longer. Thank you to everyone who attended our wonderful Matariki evening on Tuesday night. It was a very special celebration, and was awesome to see whānau connecting with our kaiako (teachers), as well as with other whānau. A big thank you to the PTA for having a delicious sausage sizzle, and to our tamariki for their exceptional kapa haka performances. We hope you have a happy and safe Matariki weekend! Mānawatia a Matariki!

    Collectively we raised over $500 in koha, consumed 17 loafs of bread, 2 kgs of pre cut onions, and approximately 380 sausages! Kai (food) is a great way to bring a community together!

    Show Quest

    On Friday the 21st of June, 42 Kauri students performed at ShowQuest, at the Town Hall. The students performed a dance that they had conceptualised and choreographed as a group over Terms 1 and 2. The dance explored the positives and negatives of social media: it can disconnect us from our environment, yet connect us with friends and family. The content we see can inspire creativity, but also give us unrealistic expectations for what our lives and bodies should look like. 

    The children were a delight to accompany to this event and they delivered an expressive and engaging performance.  The energy backstage was super positive and exciting. The children were so proud of their performance, and rightly so. 

    Thank you to whānau who helped at the town hall. 

    The performance can be viewed on YouTube and photos can be seen and purchased on the following link.

    Community Dental Service - Holiday Clinics July 2024

    The Community Dental Service will be closed for the upcoming school holidays:
         Closed from: Monday 8th July 2024
         Reopen: Monday 22nd July 2024

    Three of our community dental clinics will be open during the break:

         Hillmorton (80-82 Sylvan Street)
         Aranui        (240 Breezes Road)
         Timaru       (18 Woollcombe Street)

    If your child is experiencing any dental pain/discomfort, you can call us on 0800 846 983 and/or email: and one of our clinicians will contact you.

    PTA News

    With the colder weather well and truly here we are always looking for donations of school sweatshirts and polar fleeces.  If you have been meaning to have a clear out, now is the time!! We particularly need tops in larger sizes. If you are looking to visit the PTA Uniform Shop, the hours are:

    Monday 2:45 - 3:15PM
    Friday  8:45 - 9.15AM

    Thanks in anticipation.

    Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto PTA

    Community Notices

    (Notices placed here are contingent on space and do not reflect the views or opinions of the school.)

    BOSCO school holiday programme.

    Bookings can be made through

    Please feel free to contact Harriet with any questions