What does ‘Gifted and Talented’ Mean?
The phrase, ‘gifted and talented’ refers to children who have exceptional abilities, compared to those in their peer group. Gifted and talented students require deliberate consideration to help them reach their full potential and beyond. At Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto, students with exceptional abilities are supported in a variety of ways both within a differentiated learning programme, the 3 principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and through a variety of enrichment groups.
There are varying degrees of giftedness, academic, musical, leadership, creativity, sport, art and cultural.
We identify students using a variety of tools and observations and may also include student, peer and parent identification. Once identified the student is placed on the Gifted & Talented Register. Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto uses the register to ensure programmes are meeting the needs of these students.
Learning Programmes
Hub planning is modelled on Universal Design for Learning principles. UDL provides a blueprint for designing learning goals, teaching methods, materials, and assessments that work for everyone. It is a flexible approach that can be customized for individual needs. For gifted and talented students, UDL provides opportunities for them to take their learning to a deeper level. In the Hub environment, the needs of gifted and talented students may be catered for through the use of:
- individual or small group contracts
- ability grouping
- thinking tools such as SOLO Taxonomy
- inquiry/passion/discovery learning
- self-directed learning
Extension Groups
Gifted and talented students may also be invited to join special extension/enrichment groups. These groups give students with exceptional abilities an opportunity to work with others who think and respond at the same level and in the same way they do.
Some extension/enrichment groups offered are:
- Special extension groups focusing on a common area of interest
- Leadership programme for Year 7/8
- Te reo Māori extension
- Kapa Haka and Te Whānau Mahitahi
- Cantamath competition
- Literacy Quiz
- Choir and Special Choir
- Ukulele group
- Band training
- Music tuition
- Sport opportunities
- Drama Club
- Media Team
- Code Club
- Robotics/Future Intech