Koru Team News Term 1 Week 3

Kia ora e te whānau,

We have had a fantastic week in the Koru hub. It has been amazing to see tamariki embrace our school values as we continue getting to know each other!


This week, we have started our mathematics programme. We are working through a thematic unit called 'All About Us', which engages children in early numeracy activities. So far, we have explored children's prior knowledge of numbers, counting, and grouping, and we have conducted a simple statistical inquiry to find out our favourite sports and foods - some children even created their own graphs during learning through play!


Teachers have been busy working through initial assessments with tamariki this week. It is so exciting to see the letters and letter sounds that children already know! Next week, we will be learning what to expect during a small-group literacy time and practising the routines involved. Literacy folders will begin coming home in Week 5.

We have been doing whole-class literacy activities this week. These involve a letter-of-the-day focus. We practise writing the letter in the air, look at our Milo the Monkey book, and go on a Pirate Island adventure (example below). Tamariki then engage in a task linked to the letter of the day.

Learning Through Play

We love learning through play! This week, we have continued to explore the resources and activities within the hub. Learning through play allows children to explore, discover, experiment, and solve problems in playful and imaginative ways. This time is very special as it is a time in which children can make new friends, practise our school values, and have fun!

Yoghurt pouches

Please loosen your child's yoghurt pouch so they can easily open these during eating time. Thanks!


Our library time is each Friday. Please support your child to remember their library folders each week so that they can enjoy issuing two new books.

Staying Safe Online

As our tamariki spend more time online, it's important for parents and whānau to help them stay safe. Now is a great time to talk to them about how we use the internet and digital technology.

Netsafe has created an Online Safety Parent Toolkit, so that whānau have all the information they need to talk about online safety.

If you or anyone in your whānau needs support, you can contact Netsafe.

That's all for now! We hope you have a fantastic weekend and look forward to seeing you next week.

Ngā mihi,

The Koru team




Koru Team Blog

Kia ora e te whānau,

What a wonderful start we have had to 2025 in the Koru team! We are so proud of how our children have embraced 'We Love Learning' and 'We Love Challenge' this week while learning the school routines. We have noticed children independently doing their morning jobs, such as putting their lunch boxes and drink bottles on the shelf, and their bags in the cubbies; fantastic! 

Thank you for taking the time to attend our Term 1 learning conferences. These gave us an excellent opportunity to get to know you and your child and set them up for success this year.

On our first day, we had a very special welcome for Cade Englefield, our new Principal. The Koru team were superstars in the audience, watching with interest as Te Whānau Mahi Tahi, our senior Kapa Haka group, and Christchurch South Karamata Intermediate Kapa Haka group performed waiata (songs) and haka. 

We have had lots of fun exploring our space and discovering the activities offered during Learning Through Play this week. Here are some photos of tamariki in action.

Fun in the sun!

Busy showing 'We Get There Together'.

On the hunt through the Duplo pile.

Deep in conversation, planning what to do next.

Proud of their construction - 'We Get There Together'.

Organising animals into their family groups.

Exploring the Lego and Duplo.

'We Love Learning' - carefully placing the pieces together.

Showing 'We Love Challenge' during a game of Jenga.

Having some time with Cade at the playdoh table.

Enjoying the fresh air, having races outside.

Digging for treasure.

Tamariki showing 'We Care' by sharing the playdoh and equipment.

Who can build the tallest tower?

Busy at work!

Creating beautiful pictures at the drawing table.

Having fun with new friends.

Exploring the vehicles.

Calling Mum on the telephone, and showing 'We Love Challenge' with a puzzle.

Fifth birthday cake.

Sweet treats bakery.

Playing with the submarine.

Deep in thought.

What else can I fit in my grocery truck?

We visited the Senior Leadership office while on our boundary walk this week. One child even got to sit in the Principal's chair and share his thoughts about what the next steps at Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto should be (longer play times)!

We care about your safety! Please make sure that you enter and exit the school via the Sandwich Road, Eastern Terrace, or Norwood Street entrances. The gate leading from the carpark is out of bounds. Thank you so much for your cooperation with this.

Thank you, whānau, for all of your support in helping our first week at school be so successful. We hope you have a wonderful weekend, and we look forward to seeing the children back at school on Monday.

Ngā mihi,
The Koru team


Kahikatea News Term 1 Week 11

Kia ora e te whānau,

What a fantastic term we have had in the Kahikatea team! Ngā ākonga have settled in beautifully with their 2024 home groups, and it has been wonderful to see friendships grow and rich learning taking place. Thank you for your ongoing support as we 'fill our kete for the journey.'

Katie and Amber have enjoyed co-leading the Kahikatea team during Term 1. Amber will be the Acting Team Leader from the beginning of Term 2. She is very excited to be stepping back into this role for 2024 while Katie continues working in her Acting Deputy Principal role for the remainder of the year.


Our concept-based inquiry this year is Identity. This term, we have worked really hard to learn new kupu (words) and rerenga kupu (phrases) by learning our pepeha (introduction) in Te Reo Māori.

Pepeha is a way for all of us to express to others who we are and where we come from. In Te Ao Māori it builds whanaungatanga (relationship/connection).

For Maōri (tangata whenua), pepeha is a set form of words that is recited. Pepeha is about places and people that Māori are connected to through their whakapapa (genealogy).

Non-Māori (tauiwi/tangata tītiri) can have a pepeha if they think about some rules (tikanga Māori). They can express their connection to the places and people they connect to through their own whakapapa.

Each child planned their pepeha, similar to the one below. They then practiced and practiced their pepeha. We are so proud of how well everyone has done! You can look forward to seeing your child's pepeha in their mid-year report learning post.

Teddy Bears Picnic

It was such a treat to come to school in our pyjamas with our favourite teddy bear yesterday! We did a range of fun teddy bear related activities. Here are some photos of the fun!

Wishing you all a wonderful holiday! We look forward to seeing you and your child back at school on Monday the 29th of April.

Team Kahikatea


Kahikatea News Term 4 Week 1

Kia ora e te whānau,

Welcome to Term 4! We have a busy term ahead, with lots of engaging learning experiences planned. 

Weeks 1 - 3: Athletics practice (hurdles, shotput, relays, and long jump).

Weeks 3 - 6: Navigators/Waka Hourua - Tamariki will learn about the journey of the first people to live in Aotearoa/New Zealand. 

Weeks 4 - 9: Cashmere Technical Football Club - Football in Schools programme (two sessions per week)

Weeks 7-10: Fairy tales - Children will learn that a fairy tale is a fictional story, often passed down through generations. We are very keen to incorporate fairy tales from all cultural backgrounds within our team. Please, if you have a fairy tale you wish to share, please let your child's home group teacher know. This unit will conclude with a trip to the Isaac Theatre Royal, where we will watch a performance of Cinderella by the Southern Ballet Company.

Teaching Assistants

This term, we welcome two new teaching assistants to the Kahikatea team. Laura and Karen, we are looking forward to working with you!




Sunhats are compulsory in Term 4. No hat, no play. We find it best to leave sunhats at school each day to ensure that children always have a hat at school. Each home group has a bucket in which these are stored. Please make sure that your child's hat is clearly named.

Little Learners Texts

We encourage children to bring their literacy folder to school at the start of each week with their previous week's text inside. This way, we have enough texts to use in our teaching for the following week. If you have any Little Learners texts lying around at home, please send them our way!

Word of The Week

This week's word of the week is 'upstander'. An upstander will use their words and/or actions to help someone who is being mistreated. The following video has been shared with your child/ren this week.


Please note that Krystal and Katie's home groups have changed library days this term. 

Library days are:
Tuesday: Lisa/Quynh & Katie's home groups
Thursday: Amber & Krystal's home groups

Please support your child to have their folder at school on their library day.

That's all for now!

Team Kahikatea

Kahikatea News Term 3 Week 1

Kia ora e te whānau,

It was so lovely to see the smiles on the faces of the Kahikatea tamariki as they arrived at school on Monday morning! We hope that you all had a wonderful holiday break.

We have an exciting term ahead, with gymnastics, calendar art, House of Science learning, and the Keeping Ourselves Safe programme to look forward to.


Our first gymnastics session will be next Tuesday, the 25th of July. The following social story has been shared with children. Please take a moment to have a look through it.

Sharing Our Learning - What is a Scientist?

On Tuesday, Katie asked her home group the following questions:
- What is a scientist?
- What does a scientist do?

Children then drew a picture of how they view science in action. Here are some examples. We think they are fantastic!

"My scientist is studying eggs from a bird." - Jess

"The scientist is sharing his potions with the little kid." - Louis

"The scientist is doing tests on a hedgehog." - Poppy

"My scientist is holding a potion and is going to bed." - Rossouw

"She's making potions. She is called Rosie." - Violet

The scientists are inspecting the dogs and the cats." - Zac

"The scientist is studying the animals." - Sailor

Nuts at School

This is another reminder that the Kahikatea team has students with nut allergies, one of these is life-threatening. Therefore, we are asking that nuts and nut-based products are NOT brought to school by your child. Nut-based products include items like Nutella, peanut butter, muesli bars containing nuts, etc.

The team is also aware that some children may have other dietary requirements. Please talk with your child’s Homegroup teacher if this is the case so that they are aware and we can create a specific plan to support your child if need be.

Our policy at school is that children only eat their own food and not share. Teachers are reminding children about this, handwashing, and putting food wrappings in their lunch boxes to take home.

If you have any questions please contact your child's Homegroup teacher.

Thank you for your support as 'We Get There Together'.

Literacy Information

Some children have changed into a new literacy group with a different teacher. It has been lovely getting to know our new literacy groups this week! 

Please ensure your child brings their literacy folder to school each day and places it in their literacy teacher's tub. This way, we can make sure that texts are regularly going home for you to enjoy with your child. 

Teachers will be sending home updated materials to support children with home learning by the end of Week 2.

Request for Materials

We love being creative in the Kahikatea team! Please continue to send along recyclable materials to school. 

That's all for now,

Team Kahikatea
