Kauri Whānau Update: Term 2, Week 6


Kauri Whānau Update: Term 2, Week 6



  • Reports
  • Learning Conferences
  • Online Safety 
  • Disco

Student school reports went live on Friday and we hope you have all had a chance to read and look through. There has been a lot of hard work and progress made by our Senior students in the first half of the year and the school reports reflect and celebrate this. If you have any questions don't hestitate to ask your childs' homegroup teacher at our learning conferences.

Learning Conferences:
These are happening this week on Tuesday and Wednesday. Appointments are 15mins long and can be made online. You will meet with your child's homegroup teacher, this will include a discussion of the school, any questions you may have and a general check in. We look forward to seeing you!

Online Safety: Gaming

Eighty percent of tamariki in New Zealand aged 8-17 have played games online. Games can have many benefits: entertainment, social opportunities, coordination development, problem-solving and multitasking skills. But, most of all, gaming is popular because it’s fun. 

But games can be tough for parents and whānau to navigate. How much gaming is too much? How do I make sure my tamariki aren’t seeing inappropriate content or chatting in-game with strangers?

Today we’re sharing Netsafe’s Online Gaming Whānau Toolkit so you have all the resources you need to keep your kids safe. 

YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/rPN_ev1RSDQ

What a great night we had on Friday at the Senior disco! Everyone looked stunning and there were some extraordinary dance moves!

Kauri Whānau Update: Term 2, Week 2



  • Hagley College
  • Quiz Night
  • Uniform
  • Cross Country
  • Pics from EOTC last term

Info from Hagley College:

We have an Open Evening coming up on Wednesday 29 May, starting in the Auripo Auditorium with presentations at 4.30 pm, 5.30 pm and 6.30 pm. Each presentation will contain the same information and will be followed by a chance to look around the College and meet some of our staff and students. BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL – interested parents/whānau should head to https://www.hagley.school.nz/enrolment/year-9-enrolment/ to book their seats if they wish to attend one of the presentation sessions.

Applications for Year 9 2025 will open online from 20 May, and close at midday on 27 June. Important information for students and whānau is available here: https://www.hagley.school.nz/enrolment/year-9-enrolment/.


Our 2025 Junior College Lookbook is available to download here: https://www.hagley.school.nz/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/2025_Junior_Prospectus-web.pdf

Quiz Night:

A huge thanks to Nicky for the amazing organisation of the school quiz night which was held last night. Such a great event and I am sure we raised a lot of much needed $$$ to go towards the Kauri ski trip in Term 3. 

 A reminder of correct school uniform, we are monortoring this closely as a team. As the weather is getting colder we are seeing many non uniform hoodies and jackets creeping in. Support from home is much appreciated. LINK to uniform outline on our website.

Cross Country:
Jenny has been busy organising this whole school event for Tuesday 14th May, we have been busy training! Nothing better than a jog on a crisp winter morning. We encourage students' to wear house colour T-Shirts on Tuesday.

Photo Dump-Term 1 EOTC:Waka on Avon, Rutherfords' Den, Adrenaline Forest!

Kauri Whānau Update: Term 1, Week 9



  • Writers workshops
  • EOTC-parent help
  • Technology

Writers Workshops:
  • Our Write On Saturday classes continue to expand with over 100 young writers attending each week. This might just be the thing that your keen young writers are looking for.  For Years 4- 13.
  • In July we will once again be running Winter Writing School with Kidsfest. 

Thanks to all the parents who have offered to help on our upcoming school trips. These are happening on Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th April.
 If you have filled out the form indicating that you would like to help Sarah will be in contact over the Easter weekend. Thanks to those who have offered to come in a car as an emergency vehicle. Sarah will let you know if you will be doing this also. There will be more information coming to all next week.

 Our seniors are loving their Tuesday's at Tech! Everyone is always so involved and there is a hum of productivity in the air when we walk around and check in with our students'. We are loving how proud our kids are feeling in showing us what they are creating and when they finish an item. Tu meke!

A reminder to all our whānau that the Home Group teachers are always happy to be contacted throughout the year if there is anything you would like to share or discuss about your child. The home/school relationship is important and communication plays a large part in this. So please see your child's Home Group teacher in the first instance.

Kauri Whānau Update: Term 1, Week 7



  • PALS Training
  • Cheese Rolls
  • Inquiry
  • Donations/Trips

PALS Training:
On Tuesday, 12 children took part in some leadership training at Cowles Stadium. The children were taught a range of new games and how to teach them to others. The course got the children problem-solving and thinking of ways that they could adapt each game on the fly should things not go to plan or if they needed to make the game harder or easier. Thank you to the whānau who provided transport to the stadium and to Sport Canterbury for running the event.

Cheese Rolls:
Please continue to order your cheese rolls and support the Kauri team in our fundraising efforts. This is the last week you can place your order and all proceeds go to our education outside of the classroom oppurtunities!

This week the focus of our identity topic was looking into the 24 character traits of people. We learnt about each trait and what they meant. In homegroups we carried out a compliment circle, where students nomitated each other for certain character traits and explained how that persone deomstrated the particular trait. It was a very positive and uplifting experience. A reminder that if you are able to come and have a chat with our students about something you have achieved, experienced or been a part of that has contributed to your identity or whakapapa please contact us!

We are planning a few trips in Week 11, the last week of term and will need some parent helpers. Please stay tuned in the next couple of weeks to find out more. Thanks to all who have paid or are paying off school donations. We are relying on these payments and fundraising to be able to provide these oppurtunities for our Kauri students.

Kauri Whānau Update: Term 1, week 5



  • Leadership Week
  • Cheese Rolls
  • Inquiry
  • Walk and wheel
  • School Swimming Sports

Leadership Week:
A few pics from an amazing week. The team had a large amount of positive feedback from staff for our wonderful Year 7 students who organised and ran activities with our younger tamariki. The Year 8 leadership days and over night stay were a huge success and it was great to see everyone working together and having tons of fun!

Cheese Rolls:
Cheese Roll Fundraiser
We hope to get heaps of cheese roll orders to enable us to plan some outdoor education days.  

Many thanks to the 6 people who have offered to help with this fundraiser so far. This help ranges from supplying equipment to ordering supplies to helping out on the day. We need more people on board, so please fill in this form if you can help.

Watch out for the order forms which will be coming home in a few days. Please cast your net wide when seeking orders. Workplaces have been a great place to sell in the past.

Our focus for Inquiry this year is identity, with our overarching statement being: "Whakapapa shapes identity which can build confidence and awareness of uniqueness. "
This term we are focussing on self identity. We have been looking at the meaning of identity, and how our character traits and experiences all make up who we are. We have also tied this theme into our unpacking of Leadership.
If you or someone you know would be keen to come and chat to our tamariki about your job, your experiences, or any ways you show leadership. Or if you have interesting stories that have shaped your identity please get in touch with your child's homegroup teacher. We would love to have you involved!

Walk and Wheel to School:
Next week is Walk or Wheel to School week. If students walk or wheel to school 3 mornings or more during the week they will go in the draw to win spot prizes. Cards have been handed out to students today and will need to be given to homegroup teachers next Friday morning.

School Swimming Sports:
What a fabulous event! It was awesome to see everyone representing our school with pride and making the most of the oppurtunity. Congratulations to student's in Heathcote who won the relay and therefore win the school cup!