Kahikatea News Term 4 Week 8

 Kia ora all, 

Can you believe there is only full week of school left?! Term 4 has flown by. The tamariki have worked so hard this year and we are incredibly proud of all the children's mahi. 

Upcoming Events: 

  • Kahikatea Global Grove End-of-Year Performance Dress Rehearsal (for the school) Thursday, 12 December⋅09:30 – 10:30

  • Kahikatea Global Grove End-of-Year Performance ( for Whanau) Thursday, 12 December⋅13:00 – 16:00

  • Final Celebration Assembly Friday, 13 December⋅09:05 – 09:50

  • Meet 2025 Teacher Tuesday, 17 December⋅10:00 – 10:30
  • School finishes Tuesday, 17 December at 12:30pm 

Global Groove 

The Kahikatea production of 'Global Groove' is well underway. The children have been working hard practising lines, making props, singing songs and learning dance moves. Your child's homegroup teacher will have emailed out costume letters. If you have not received a costume letter, please speak to your child's teacher as soon as possible. We are asking that the costumes be at school by the 10th of December at the latest. This will give us time to practise a dress rehearsal, before the whānau performance on Thursday 12th December at 2pm. We hope you can make it!


Friday's final celebration assembly will take place at 9.05am.

End-of-year transitions

There will be lots of opportunities for the children to get familiar with new learning spaces/new peers, during our transition sessions next week. 

Monday 9th December - Koru children will be visiting Kahikatea and getting to know the hub and Year 1s.
Wednesday 11th December am - Year 2s will have a visit to the Kōwhai hub. 
Wednesday 12th December pm - Koru children will be visiting Kahikatea and getting to know the hub and Year 1s.

Kapa Haka

It has been a lot of fun using poi during our Kapa Haka sessions. 

Maths - Fractions Focus 

Our Planet and Beyond: Learning about Space

Transition Visits 

On Wednesday morning our amazing Year 2 tamariki had their first whole group transition visit to Kowhai! Anna welcomed us and we talked about some of the things that we noticed about the Kowhai hub, and we got to spend time with our new soon-to-be Year 4 friends! 
We have another visit next Wednesday morning. Here are some photos of our time in Kowhai....

Kahikatea News Term 3 Week 8


Kia ora Whanau/Caregivers, 

What a busy term it has been! We are fast approaching the school break and noticing that many of our tamariki feel tired and some have been unwell. Thank you for keeping your child at home when they are not well, this helps to stop the transmission of bugs and illnesses. 

PB4L focus word of the week - Determination 

Updating Contact Details 

It is very important that we have the correct contact details for people who are listed as caregivers for all of our students.  If you have moved house, changed your phone numbers or have different people who you would like to have as emergency contacts, please get in touch with the office and update us with the new details.
Obviously, if other details concerning your child have changed, e.g. medical issues, then we would also appreciate knowing about these. 


Megan's dad came to show the tamariki some carpentry skills. The children learnt how to use a hammer and nails. Some items that were created, included a bird box and a seat. 

Other learning from the hub:

Cyber Safety 

Staying Safe Online: Bullying

One in five young people in New Zealand have been the target of online bullying – it can happen to anyone, and it can be hard for parents and whānau to deal with. Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto takes online bullying seriously and would encourage you to chat to your tamariki’s teacher if you have any concerns about online bullying.

Staying Safe Online: Scams

People in New Zealand are losing millions of dollars to scammers each year – and this is just the figures reported to Netsafe so the actual figure is likely much higher!

You and your tamariki must know what to look for to avoid scams. Netsafe has put its best advice together to help you stay safe online and away from scams.

Read their scam tips here. 

Swimming - Term 4 Week 3 & 5 

Please check the Hero notices for our news about swimming in Term 4. If you can help on one of the days please email your child's homegroup teacher. Thanks to those of you who have already emailed! This is such a fantastic opportunity and we rely on parent/whanau support to help make it a success. 

Team Kahikatea- Sarah, Ella, Lisa, Quynh & Amber 

Kahikatea News Term 2 Week 8

Kia ora e te whānau, 

So many exciting things have been happening in the Kahikatea hub this week!


The New Zealand opera's "Opera in Schools" came to Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto and performed 'The Elixir of Love'. 


Greta's mum Lauren came to show Fisher house and Tennyson how to make some delicious scones. The tamariki learnt how to measure ingredients accurately. The scones smelt delicious.

Clip and Climb 

Ella and Amber's homegroup had their trip to Clip and Climb. The children showed determination, resilience and teamwork. Everyone had so much fun! What a great afternoon! 

Other Learning in the Hub

Cyber Safety 

Awareness of Online Harm
Many parents didn’t grow up with the internet, so it can be hard to imagine how tamariki may use it. But digital technology is a key part of our young people’s lives these days. They use it for learning, communicating and entertainment.

Netsafe has released research that looked into parental awareness of children’s experiences of online risks and harm. The research found a mismatch between parents’ awareness and their children’s experiences of upsetting online content.

To check out the research, and other Netsafe resources, visit this link.  


Our PB4L focus of the week is determination. Here are the links to a short story about determination and a catchy song. 


Our maths focus of the week has been learning how to measure accurately. The children have learnt to measure in non-standard units (e.g. plastic multilink cubes) and also learnt how to use a ruler.

Here are some helpful resources:


Just a reminder that due to serious allergies in the hub, we are a nut free zone. Please can children not bring in nut products such as peanut butter sandwiches and coconut snacks. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

                               Have a great weekend everyone!


Kahikatea News Term 1 Week 9

Kia ora whānau,

The end of Term 1 is just around the corner and our tamariki have worked so hard. It is wonderful to see friendships blossoming, resilience growing, and a determination to achieve learning goals. To celebrate and to acknowledge the wonderful work of all our tamariki we will be having a Teddy Bear Picnic/Pajama Day on the 11th of April. Your child/ren is warmly invited to bring: 

A teddy or cuddly toy (no hard plastic toys please) 

1x small blanket (to sit on or snuggle up in) 

their usual packed lunch


wear their pyjamas! 


A reminder to all our whānau that the Home Group teachers are always happy to be contacted if there is anything you would like to share or discuss about your child. The home/school relationship is important and communication plays a large part in this. So please see your child's Home Group teacher in the first instance. 

Word of the Week:

Our word of the week is cooperation. Cooperation is all about teamwork and the ability to work well with others.  Our school values, 'We Get There Together ' ('Mā tātou katoa te waka e hoe') and 'We Care' ('Arohaina te tāngata ma te taiao') are shown when tamariki cooperate well with others. Below is a short animation and a song about cooperation. 

Here is a link to some stories which show the value of cooperation:



We have thoroughly enjoyed our netball sessions this term. Tamariki have worked hard to develop their movement skills of running, jumping, throwing, catching, coordination, and teamwork. 

House Games: 

A big thank you to the Year 7/8 House Captains who organise such fun activities during House Games. 


Just a reminder that Ella and Amber's homegroups visit the school library on Tuesdays to change their books and Quynh and Sarah's homegroups visit on Thursdays. Tamariki must have their library folders at school on these days so that books can be changed. Also, if your child is not bringing a library book home, it may be because books are overdue on their library account. It would be wonderful if these books could be returned to school. If these books have been misplaced, please contact the school office. 


Thank you so much to the whānau who have donated toys, cardboard boxes, and craft supplies to support learning through play. It is very much appreciated and the children love having these new resources to inspire creativity. Lots of these items do get used quickly so it would be wonderful if you can collect and bring in any of the following items. 

  • Craft and construction (wool, boxes, buttons, milk lids, containers, toilet roll tubes) 
  • Magazines, coloured paper or card, posters, old calendars
  • Stickers/labels 
  • Good dress-up costumes (including hats, accessories, shoes) 
  • Wrapping paper
  • Ribbon or string
  • Boxes for box construction (cereal boxes, biscuit boxes, small paper bags, egg cartons etc

We also want to make a really cosy reading space in the hub. If you have any top quality cushions, fabric, rugs or blankets that are no longer needed, please let your child's kaiako know. 

Photo Gallery: 


  • Please name your child's belongings
  • Please remind your child/ren they do not need to bring toys to school
  • Hats are to be worn during break times (Term 1 and 4)

 If you need to korero with your child's teacher please remember you can email us: 


Arohanui, from Team Kahikatea 

Amber, Quynh, Lisa, Sarah, Ella & Katie