Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto Schoolwide Newsletter, Rāmere (Friday) 17 May 2024, Week 3

Principal's Patch

Kia ora koutou,

Support Staff Day 

On Friday we celebrated our support staff - Teaching Assistants, Admin Team, Caretaker and Librarian. We are grateful for their mahi (work) and the aroha (love/compassion) they show our tamariki. They appreciate what each child brings to our kura (school) and value their uniqueness.
So we say THANK YOU to our amazing support staff team!                

Friday was also Pink Shirt Day. As a nation, this is a day to celebrate diversity and promote kindness and inclusion.

"Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora – Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying!"

We invited tamariki to wear something pink if they wanted to and what a sea of pink there was in the playground! Homegroups started the day talking about the origins of the day and how it relates to our Kete Values and our daily life, both in and out of school

Upcoming Staff Only Day

Please note that Friday 31st of May has been confirmed as a Staff Only Day. The school will be closed while our Teachers and Teaching Assistants attend professional development with our Kāhui Ako (a learning group made up of other schools and early childhood providers in the local area).

Ngā mihi nui
Jo Smith - Tumuaki (Acting Principal)

Important Dates

(you can also find the Community Calendar on our website here)

Wed 22 May - BoT Meeting, 5.30-7.30PM, Staffroom
Fri 24 May - Book Character Dress Up Day
Wed 29 May 
- PTA Meeting, 7.30-9.30PM
Fri 31 May - Staff Only Day (kura/school closed)
Mon 3 Jun -
 King's Birthday (kura/school closed)
Tue 25 Jun - Matariki Evening at Kura
Wed 26 Jun
 - BoT Meeting, 5.30-7.30PM, Staffroom
Wed 26 Jun -
 PTA Meeting, 7.30-9.30PM, Staffroom
Fri 28 Jun
 - Matariki (kura/school closed)
Fri 5 Jul
 - Last day of Term 2

Term Dates: Click here to view  2024 term dates

Citizen of the Week

Dylan Batchelor - Year 6

Dylan, you are a good friend and importantly, you are an upstander and a role model in this area. Your love of learning shines through every day. It is exciting to see that you are always keen to increase your knowledge and skills. Ka rawe Dylan.

Zeke Hood - Year 8

Zeke, your determination and focus, paired with your willingness to tackle challenges head-on and seek guidance when necessary, sets you apart. You've shown initiative by taking ownership of your learning journey, and it's evident in the progress you've made. Your curious spirit shines through in your active participation and thoughtful questioning. Additionally, your friendly manner makes you a pleasure to collaborate with. Keep up the fantastic work, Zeke!

School Notices

Spare Clothing

Just a reminder as we approach wet weather, that a spare change of clothes is something you may want to pack in your child's bag if they are likely to need it.

Beckenham Out of School Care Organisation (BOSCO)

BOSCO provides before and after school care, as well as school holiday programmes.

We currently have space in the mornings and afternoons.

WINZ subsidy approved.
Located within the school grounds.

Any questions you may have please feel free to email or call
027 645 6632

Lunch Ordering

Tuesday | Thursday Lunch Ordering

Monday | Wednesday | Friday Lunch Ordering
If you need a Lunchonline account... it’s simple, all you need to do is register an account at:
  1. Login/Place an Order
  2. Create an account 
  3. Add member/s include name, school and classroom number
  4. Under Lunch Orders select student name – Start order and place your order 
  5. You will be directed to the make a payment page
  6. A pop up will confirm ‘your order has been successful’ or check ‘Order History’ tab
  7. Any queries please call us on 0800 LOL LOL (0800565565)

Community Notices

(Notices placed here are contingent on space and do not reflect the views or opinions of the school.)

AUT Survey

Posted in Weekly Newsletters.