Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto Newsletter, Friday 22nd March 2019

Principal's Patch

As-salāmu 'alaykum - peace be upon you

Friday 22nd March was a day where, across our nation, each of us paused at some point and recalled the change that has happened in our country since the previous Friday.

Thousands of people gathered in Hagley Park, to show their respect for those who lost their lives and their loved ones just one week ago. Around the country, people paused and showed their respect in different ways.

Out of this dark event in our history, we need to find a way to move forward, both for ourselves, for our children and for those in our community who have been singled out in this act.

In our schools we have as our guiding document, the New Zealand Curriculum. This curriculum is underpinned by a Vision, Principles and Values.

"Values to be encouraged, modelled, and explored.

Values are deeply held beliefs about what is important or desirable. They are expressed through the ways in which people think and act.

Every decision relating to curriculum and every interaction that takes place in a school reflects the values of the individuals involved and the collective values of the institution.

The values on the list below enjoy widespread support because it is by holding these values and acting on them that we are able to live together and thrive. The list is neither exhaustive nor exclusive.

Students will be encouraged to value:
  • excellence, by aiming high and by persevering in the face of difficulties
  • innovation, inquiry, and curiosity, by thinking critically, creatively, and reflectively
  • diversity, as found in our different cultures, languages, and heritages
  • equity, through fairness and social justice
  • community and participation for the common good
  • ecological sustainability, which includes care for the environment
  • integrity, which involves being honest, responsible, and accountable and acting ethically
and to respect themselves, others, and human rights."

An event such as happened last Friday, forces us as individuals, as a community, and as a nation, to deeply question and explore our values and the way that our actions demonstrate these values on a day to day basis.

At school we often talk with children about being a 'bystander' - someone who watches an event without getting involved, even when they know that what is happening is wrong and doesn't align with their values. As a nation this last week, we have seen many examples of being an 'upstander' - someone who steps forward and says 'this is wrong and I will support you'. Our challenge, as individuals, as a community, and as a nation, is to carry this behaviour forward into the future and not let it be something that we do just to make ourselves feel better, but to truly act on our values and show courage and integrity by always stepping forward and being an upstander.

Whilst we are not specifically talking with the children about Friday's events, we always try take opportunities to talk with them about showing respect, tolerance, empathy and understanding for others.

Our thoughts and condolences go out to all of the families who have been impacted by the events of 15th March.  

He aha te mea nui o te ao
What is the most important thing in the world?
He tangata, he tangata, he tangata
It is the people, it is the people, it is the people

Sandy Hastings
Principal - Tumuaki

Important Dates

Upcoming Events

Mon 25 Mar - Canterbury Duathlon at Ruapuna Speedway
Wed 27 Mar - PTA meeting at Beckenham, 7:30pm start.  All welcome
Thu 28 Mar - BOT meeting at Beckenham.  5:30pm start.
Thu 4 Apr - Canterbury Swimming sports - Selwyn Aquatic Centre
Thu 4 Apr - Mufti Day - Purple Heroes for Epilepsy

Term Dates

Click here to view 2019 term dates.

Citizen of the Week

Jayda Taylor - Year 6

Jayda, you have displayed amazing engagement so far this year and it is clear that You Love Learning. You show tremendous initiative and your eagerness to learn and contribute ideas is a great example for everyone in the team. Ka rawe tō mahi!

School Notices

Cellphones and Smart watches

Please remember that cellphones, and smart watches that can receive or transmit, are not permitted to be brought to school by students in Years 1-6 and kept on them, or in their bags during the day. If you wish your child to bring a device such as this to school so that you can communicate with them either before or after school, please remind them to hand the device into the office at the start of the day, and collect it at 3pm. 

PB4L (Positive Behaviour 4 Learning)

In term 4 of 2018, our school staff voted to embark upon a school-wide journey with PB4L. Positive Behaviour for Learning is an evidence-based initiative from the Ministry of Education. Its purpose is to foster a positive school environment through positive relationships and the deliberate teaching of positive behaviours. The programme sits alongside our school values, charter and existing restorative practice behaviour model. We have established a team, led by Anna and Nigel, that includes a teacher representative from each teaching team, a teaching assistant, a Board member and a parent. In time, we will seek to gain student representation. 
You can learn more about this programme from the PB4L page on the MOE website.

Lockdown Procedures

As you may have read in the news over the past 24 hours, the Ministry of Education and NZ Police will be working with schools to do a full review of the lockdown processes and procedures of all parties.

Last Friday demonstrated to us that we had done a very good job of ensuring that our children and our staff were clear about our procedures and what was required of them during a lockdown. What we became aware of, is that we haven't done enough communication with parents and caregivers as to your role during a lockdown. We had also not thought enough about the scenario that a lockdown might begin just before the end of school, where we could end up with over 100 caregivers (and 2 or 3 dogs) locked into the admin building with us!

During a lockdown we are expected to lock all doors and windows, turn off lights, and keep everyone away from windows - i.e. out of line of sight. In our learning spaces, this was very easy to achieve in the theatre spaces and small offices we have. Our learning spaces all have internal toilet access too which is a luxury that many schools did not have. However, our admin, library and staffrooms are covered with windows and it was not possible, with the number of people that ended up in there, to satisfactorily achieve the expectations of a lockdown.

We will always do our very best to communicate regularly and clearly with you, across as many platforms as possible. We are following the directions of police during a lockdown and may not deviate from these. During a lockdown, no one may enter or leave the buildings. Parents need to stay away from the school and follow the directions that are sent out. This will enable us all to do our jobs to the best of our abilities, with the shared goal being to keep all of the people in the school safe.

ICAS Assessments 

This year, UNSW Global has moved ICAS assessment dates to Term 3. This means that entry due dates are much later than in previous years. If you are interested in entering your child to compete in these optional competitions we will be gathering entries from mid-Term 2. Keep an eye out on future newsletters for more information.

Student Council News 

Purple Heroes Day for Epilepsy - Thursday 4th April 2019 - Gold coin donation

For our first mufti day of the year, the Student Council are raising funds for and awareness of epilepsy. Come dressed as a Purple People Eater, a grape, a superhero, Barney the Dinosaur - anything PURPLE. Your gold coin donation will go to Epilepsy New Zealand, who support New Zealanders living with epilepsy.

Sports News

Zone Swimming Sports

We had an amazing day at Zone Swimming with 28 students from Pōhutukawa and Kauri. The students' demonstration of sportsmanship was exceptional. My favourite moment was hearing them cheering like crazy for Toby, (I had to do a quick mental check as I was sure that we didn't have a Toby with us - we didn't). A child from another school had fallen behind the pack. The children had found out his name and were chanting 'Let's go Toby! Let's go' all the way home. They did this a lot, cheering for every competitor.


Year 8 Girls: 1st Charlotte O'Connor
Year 6 Girls: 1st Zoe Clarke
Year 5 Girls: 2nd Stella Gillman

Year 8 Girls: 3rd Gemma York
Year 8 Boys: 2nd Ben Evans
Year 7 Boys: 1st Thomas Lyall
Year 6 Boys: 2nd Fergus McMillan
Year 5 boys: 2nd William Pooch

Year 8 Girls: 1st Charlotte O'Connor
Year 7 Boys: 3rd Ben Newton
Year 6 Boys: 1st Cooper Reddecliffe, 2nd Connor Ingram

Open Boys: 2nd Thomas Lyall

The top two go through to Canterburys in Week 9.

Hanmer 4 Hour Mountain Bike Race 

On Saturday, March 16th, teams from all over the school put their bikes on their cars and drove over to Hamner to compete in a four-hour bike race. The aim was to get in as many laps as you could. There were two categories that we had entered: the super juniors and juniors. The super junior teams,(aged 6 to 11) raced one course, whereas the juniors, whos ages went up to 18, raced another. Both teams raced on laps of 6 ks. Although it was a competition the atmosphere was very friendly. Everybody was very cheerful and encouraging, no matter the age or team.

Race report by Paolo Reid

Huxter Mountain Bike Relay

We are promoting the Huxter Mountain Bike Relay again this year. This fun, team event is being held on the 5th of April at Mclean’s Island and is open to years 5 - 8. Children complete laps of a non-technical, single-track course with the aim of completing as many laps as they can within the allotted time. Children may compete as a team, (two children) or as an individual. While we encourage and support children to participate in this event, a teacher will not be present at the event. Therefore, transport and supervision of the children participating is the responsibility of the caregiver.

The cost is $25 for a team or $15 for an individual.

This year entries are being made through the school. To enter, please email Jenny with the child’s name and year level. Payment of entry fees should be made to the office at the time of registering your entry. Entries close on the 29th of March.

For more information visit the Huxter Mountain Bike facebook page or email Jenny on

PTA News


It is with great pleasure to announce Beckenham's Top Team for 2019 is "The Reddies"

It was a close competition with only 2 points between 1st & 2nd

2nd Place- "Bad As Dads"

3rd Place- "The ABs"

Best Dressed - "The Black Cats" ( who had the highest tower Sports Canterbury have ever seen-1.2m)

Thanks to all the competitors who braved the drizzle & cold. Take a LOOK  at ALL the Action shots of the day....TOP TEAM CHALLENGE 2019 Again thanks to our roving photographer, Gail Harris from Platform Design Ltd 

A HUGE shout out to ALL the helpers- whether you sizzled a sausage, donated baking, set up/ packed up or scored on a top team station, today could not have happened without your contribution.

Thanks again to Cory Harris, from , for leading the energetic warm up!! Finally thanks to Sarah, from Sport Canterbury for your expertise & patience.


 We are proud to announce the launch of BECKENHAM BOOTY - a Car Boot Sale located in the Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto car park every LAST SUNDAY of the month

The first car boot sale will be on SUNDAY 31st MARCH, 9am-11am.

Whether you are a 'Marie Kondo' wanabee & want to set free those items that no longer "spark joy"

OR love searching for those treasures amongst other people's "loot in their boot"

Make sure you are there for the first ever BECKENHAM BOOTY & let's Re-cycle, Re-use and Re-wear

A HUGE shout out to Platform Design Ltd for supporting the PTA with another amazing design. We really appreciate all the wonderful work you do

BOOK in your car boot NOW- $25, spaces are limited.


 It’s that magical time again when we ask YOU for your thoughts & ideas. How, when & if you can assist with any of our planned events for 2019. And most importantly, how you would like those raised funds spent.

The PTA SURVEY 2019 is out NOW. Thanks in advance for answering our questions

Community Notices

(Notices placed here are contingent on space and do not reflect the views or opinions of the school.)

Jennian Homes Fun Run - Mother's Day

Sunday 12th May 2019.  South Hagley Park, Deavs Avenue, chCh.  9:00am.  Join us for a run, walk or stroll this Mother's Day.
It'll be a great start to the day and you'll be doing your bit to help beat heart disease.
Register online at

Bookings for the April Holiday Program
are now open!
Monday 15th April – Thursday 18th April
Closed Friday 19th April (Good Friday)
$52 for the week.
Or phone us at: 03 3381795
2 Nash Road, Aidanfield

Free Bouncy Castles, free face painting, sausage sizzle, waffles, clothes, books, white elephant, lucky bottle, live entertainment, baking and much more.

Host Families needed


In April, May, June and July we will be receiving exchange students from France, Denmark, Finland and Germany. Our new arrivals will live with a host family and attend a local school for 3, 5 or 10 months. As we plan for their arrival, we are keen to hear from suitable families who might be interested to host a student.

Host families come in all shapes and sizes, backgrounds and ages.

Hosting an exchange student can be a truly rewarding experience. It allows a family to experience a foreign culture first hand, be exposed to a new language and pass on a bit of our own culture. They might even make a friend for life!

All students have at least basic levels of English, would attend a school in your local area and live the life of a local.
If you have any questions about hosting an exchange student or would like to view profiles of students arriving from other countries, they can call our office on 0800 440 079 or visit our website. Our staff members will be happy to discuss which student might be best suited to their family. No obligation.

Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto Newsletter 8th March 2019

Principal's Patch

Kia ora koutou

Tomorrow's Schools Review - Have your say!

As part of the national Education Conversation | Kōrero Mātauranga, the Government is reviewing Tomorrow’s Schools – the name given to the reforms that dramatically changed the governance, management, and administration of our schools in 1989.
After more than 200 meetings with people interested in education, the Independent Taskforce reported its findings to the Minister of Education in November 2018. Their report: Our Schooling Futures, Stronger Together l Whiria Ngā Kura Tūātinitini has now been released for public consultation.
The report covers eight key issues: Governance; Schooling Provision; Competition and Choice; Disability and Learning Support; Teaching; Leadership; Resourcing; and Central Government Agencies. 
The Taskforce’s report makes a number of significant recommendations for changes to the current education system. Stakeholder feedback on the report and its recommendations will be critical, to inform Government decision making in 2019.
The report addresses 8 Key Issues and makes 31 recommendations for change to our current education system. Read the full report here, or the summary of the recommendations here.
You can watch a short video about the recommendations here

I have been fortunate to have spent the last three days of this week in Wellington, at a meeting of the New Zealand Principals Federation. On Friday, that meeting included principals from all around the country who met to discuss hear from Minister Hipkins and from Bali Haque and Cathy Wylie from the Taskforce, about the Tomorrows Schools Report recommendations. There was much debate, and an increasing sense of urgency around the need to change our current system which is not serving all children and communities throughout the country in an equitable or successful manner.
I urge you to have a look at the report, or some of the supplementary material that is available about it and send in your feedback.

Have your say
An online survey is now open for you to provide feedback on the key issues and recommendations, click here to have your say.

Written submissions or queries can be emailed to

Annual Plan for 2019

Each year, we develop an annual plan to progress our three year strategic plan.
Competition for time in a school is fierce, and we always run a very tight line between managing many areas of focus, and having too many balls in the air!
This year, we have a number of significant areas of focus across our school.
I have summarised them below, and you can read about them in more detail by looking at the Annual Plan (which will be part of our Charter) on our website.

The following are key areas of focus:

  • Student Wellbeing
  • Understanding of Diverse Learners (with a particular focus on understanding how to support students on the Autistic Spectrum and with support from our Resource Teachers of Learning and Behaviour)
  • Developing Mathematical Inquiry Communities (2nd year of focus and working with Professor Bobbi Hunter and her team from Massey University)
(The above three areas are a focus across the schools in our Community of Learning - St Martins, St Marks, Waltham, Ōpāwa, Diamond Harbour, and Cashmere High School)
  • Positive Behaviour 4 Learning (PB4L) - this is a research-based, whole school initiative from the Ministry of Education. 
  • Improving our use of Te Reo Māori across the school (students, staff and in the community)
  • Professional development for staff to understand and implement the new Digital Technologies Curriculum (released in 2017)
  • Continuing our development of pedagogy around Learning through Play
Each of these areas has at least one teacher leading it, supported by either Sue, Nigel or myself, and with a team of other teachers, and in some cases support staff and parents.

At our fortnightly staff meetings (usually Tuesday afternoons) we take time as a staff to focus on particular aspects of these areas.
This coming week, we are excited to be welcoming Dr Emma Goodall to our school. Emma has a vast amount of experience in the area of providing professional development for school staff in understanding and supporting students who are on the autistic spectrum.

Also on our Annual Plan is the board-led Outdoor Spaces Working Group who are developing concept plans for the different outdoor spaces across the school, and will be turning them into projects of work for completion over time.

Principal Sabbatical - Term Two

I have been very fortunate to have been awarded a 14-week sabbatical from the Ministry of Education. Principals can apply for a sabbatical after every 5 years of service, however, the timing for me has previously never been quite right, so now, after 13 years of principalship, I have applied and been successful. The sabbatical starts at the end of Term 1 and goes through to the end of the Term 2 holidays. I will be spending some of that time researching and preparing a report on how schools support students, staff and whānau who are gender diverse or questioning. This is an area that an increasing number of primary schools are navigating and the supports are currently quite limited.
My husband and I will also be spending time taking a holiday to the UK and Europe, where we first met in 1991! Sue Leadbetter and Nigel Easson will be sharing the Acting Principal role during that time.

Reminder - School closing early on Wednesday 20th March

This is to allow the teachers (100% union members) to attend the Paid Union Meeting and discuss the latest offer on their collective agreement from the Ministry of Education. We offered our hall for the local meeting, so that our teachers wouldn't have to travel and to enable us to stay open for as long as possible that day. Thank you for your understanding.

Ngā mihi nui
Sandy Hastings
Principal - Tumuaki

Important Dates

Upcoming Events

Thu Mar 14 - Zone Swimming sports at Jellie Park 9am - 1pm
Wed 20 Mar - School photos. Learning Group, and Individual photos will be taken (am)

Wed 20 Mar - School closes at 1:45pm for Union Meeting

Sat 23 Mar - Bingo Comedy Evening at Beckenham.  Doors open 7pm
Mon 25 Mar - Canterbury Duathlon at Ruapuna Speedway
Wed 27 Mar - PTA meeting at Beckenham, 7:30pm start.  All welcome
Thu 28 Mar - BOT meeting at Beckenham.  5:30pm start.
Thu 4 Apr - Canterbury Swimming sports - Selwyn Aquatic Centre

Term Dates Click here to view 2019 term dates.

Citizen of the Week

Florence Gerard - Year 8

Florence, we love the energy, depth of thinking and honesty you bring to our Kauri Whānau. Your creativity in writing, art and all that you turn your hand to is inspiring. Making a difference to our planet is a passion that you display each and every day.  Tu meke Florence.

Rose Bethwaite - Year 3

Rose, you display a positive attitude to all aspects of learning with your persistence and enthusiasm. You are a role model in our hub who naturally demonstrates our school values and this has seen you always willing to lend a hand or help others who need it. This helps to make our hub a wonderful place to be. Teno pai, Rose!

School Notices

Scholastic Book Club

Issue 2 catalogue of the Schoalstic Book Club will be arriving home this week.  When ordering books through Scholastic Book Club you will be asked for class number.
At Beckenham we do not use class numbers, we use Hub Names.
Here are the Hub names your child will be familiar with.

Hub KORU - New Entrants and Year 1
Hub KAHIKATEA Years 1-3
Hub KOWHAI Years 3-4
Hub POHUTUKAWA Years 5-6
Hub KAURI Years 7-8.

Using the correct Hub name will speed up the processing of your order.

Scholastic recommend you submit your orders by Friday 22 March.
The final closing date is April 19.

Your feedback on the Scholastic Lucky Book Club system is requested (survey will stay open until Monday 18th March)

We have traditionally participated in the distribution of the Scholastic Lucky Book Club catalogues so that whānau can order books and associated toys, through our school. The managing of this scheme takes some time and attention on the part of Anne, our school librarian, and the  'reward' for the school, comes in the form of a small return of vouchers for the library that we then spend on purchasing more books through Scholastic for the school library.

We do get feedback from time-to-time from whānau that they do not put high value on the Scholastic Book Club catalogue and ordering system. Some whānau have said that they find the items in the catalogue are frequently not focused on the books, but on the additional 'toy' items, and that the pressure put on them when the catalogues come home, is pressure they would prefer not to have. Not surprisingly, we don't usually hear from the people who do place orders.

Please would you take a moment to respond to this survey, and we will then make a decision regarding what we do in the future with Scholastic.

As a school - we don't have a strong view either way - we do this primarily as a service to whānau and this is a 'checking in' to find out if this is still necessary and valued.
There is a very brief survey attached - please take 1 minute to complete it. We will be guided by the results, in determining whether to continue with the Scholastic ordering system.

Measles - Canterbury District Health Board

Since 26 February 2019, the number of cases in the latest Canterbury measles outbreak has been steadily climbing and as of 10th March, 20 cases noted, with more likely to be confirmed over the next days and weeks. Some are children who have yet to complete their MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccinations, and some are adults aged between 27 and 50 who have had only one measles vaccination, which was standard practice between 1969 and 1990. Cases have now spread throughout Christchurch.

Measles is a serious and highly contagious, viral disease where up to 30 percent of those who catch it will develop complications – usually children under 5 and adults over the age of 20. Measles during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage, premature labour and low birth-weight in babies. Measles is spread through droplets in the air and through contact, so that anyone unprotected who has been in the same room as someone with measles will likely get it.

The surest protection is for people to have had both of their MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccinations, scheduled to be given to children at 15 months and at four years. As long as children of school age are up-to-date with their vaccinations they should be protected against measles. People vaccinated between 1969 and 1990 should contact their GP team who will provide a booster vaccination. People born before 1969 will have been exposed to measles and will be immune.

Family members who aren’t sure if they have been immunised with two doses of MMR vaccine should talk to their GP team who will be able to provide a vaccination if they need it. An extra vaccination will not cause any harm.

Measles symptoms include:
  • A respiratory type of illness with dry cough, runny nose, headache
  • Temperature over 38.5 C and feeling very unwell
  • A red blotchy rash starts on day 4-5 of the illness usually on the face and moves to the chest and arms.
More information about measles is available at

If you think a child at your school has measles, keep them away from other children until they can be
collected and taken home. If they are already sick they should stay home for at least five days after
symptoms such as a rash appeared. Once measles has been in your school, parents of any children
who are not fully immune (2 doses of MMR) are advised to keep them home for 14 days from the likely date of exposure.

Comedy Bingo Evening

Get a group of friends together and come along for a great night out at our Comedy Bingo Evening on March 23rd. This is a fundraising project for the Year 7 & 8 camp to Wainui. Jarred is coming back to share his comedy talent with us all. Click here to book your tickets:
Many thanks to Platform Design for their poster design.

Welcome to the Green Team 

We have started a Green Team this year, so student volunteers can share their ideas and help us look after, or act as Kaitiaki for our environment.  The team has already started a weekly rubbish race, collecting litter from the playground and park. Check out how much we collected in 10mins last week!

Sports News

Years 5-8 Duathlon Results

The years 5-8 Duathlon was held this week in Beckenham Park.  Congratulations to all of the students who participated in what turned out to be a very warm day.
Students who placed in the top three of each year group are listed below.

Year 5
Petra Cooper - 1st
Torun Joergensen - 2nd
Freya Braun - 3rd
Billy Murfin - 1st
James Stoney - 2nd
Quinn Clarke - 3rd

Year 6
Zoe Clarke - 1st
Mahli Boreham - 2nd
Zara McIvor - 3rd
Josh Breitmeyer - 1st
Jonty Mitchell -2nd
Max van Tongeren - 3rd

Year 7
Jain Cooper - 1st
Mia Aramowicz - 2nd
Ruby McNiven - 3rd
Ben Newton 1st
Eric Cassels-Brown - 2nd
Thomas Lyall - 3rd

Year 8
Sophie Brown - 1st
Charlotte Grey - 2nd
Morven McDaid - 3rd
Ben Evans - 1st
Paolo Reid - 2nd
Daniel Smith - 3rd

Huxter Mountain Bike Relay

We are promoting the Huxter Mountain Bike Relay again this year. This fun, team event is being held on the 5th of March at Mclean’s Island and is open to years 5 - 8. Children complete laps of a non-technical, single-track course with the aim of completing as many laps as they can within the allotted time. Children may compete as a team, (two children) or as an individual. While we encourage and support children to participate in this event, a teacher will not be present at the event. Therefore, transport and supervision of the children participating is the responsibility of the caregiver.

The cost is $25 for a team or $15 for an individual.

This year entries are being made through the school. To enter, please email Jenny with the child’s name and year level. Payment of entry fees should be made to the office at the time of registering your entry. Entries close on the 29th of March.

For more information visit the Huxter Mountain Bike facebook page or email Jenny on

BOT Update

Board of Trustee Elections - Your board needs you!

Board of Trustee elections will be coming up during Term 2. If you are interested in finding out what being a Trustee involves, the NZ School Trustees Association are running free evening workshops you can attend to find out more.

Kōrari - a programme that provides you with governance training to help you understand the role of school boards of trustees.

Haeata Community Campus, Tuesday 9 April - 6pm
Hornby High School, Thursday 11 April - 6pm

To register, email:

Community Notices

(Notices placed here are contingent on space and may not reflect the views or opinions of the school.)

Magic the Gathering

Magic: The Gathering, is the world’s most popular collectible card game. It’s fun and it makes reading, maths, logic and decision making fun as well.

An independent Magic: The Gathering club is running Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto in the Green room every Monday evening. Entry is open to all Year 5, 6, 7 and 8 students and their parents.

No prior knowledge of the game is required and players don’t need to bring any of their own cards (and if they already have some they can).

Game nights run on Monday from 6.30-8.30pm. Entry by gold coin koha.
If you or your kids would like to join in, please feel free to rock up on the night.
Any questions or ideas can go through to

Help Tamariki in your Community

Can you provide a safe, stable home for tamariki until it's safe for them to return home?

All children need a place where they can feel at home, with their wider whānau or caregivers who can give them aroha, a place of belonging and connection with family, whakapapa, and culture.

Come along to our Oranga Tamariki Christchurch Information Session to find out more about the different ways you can care for tamariki.

Our next session is on: Tuesday, 12 March 6 - 8pm, Grand Central Building, 161 Cashel Street, ChCh

Or get in touch anytime on 0508CARERS (0508227377)

McDonalds Youth Duathlon organised by Garden City Rotary

Registrations open now.
The 2019 McDonald's Duathlon to be held at Hagley Park on Sunday, 7 April 2019. This event is run by volunteers from Garden City Rotary Club.
Entries are open to 7 -15 year olds and the duathlon includes a run, bike and run. Entrants can look forward to receiving a Competition Medal, Gift Pack of sponsors’ products and a competition T-shirt.
7 - 10 Years - Run 1km, Cycle 4km, Run 500m
11 - 15 Years - Run 2km, Cycle 8km, Run 1km
This community event is held by Garden City Rotary Club. To enter go to 

Beginner Youth Aerial Circus class

Learn Trapeze, Silks, Lyra and more.
Saturday mornings  9am -10am
Starts March 9th - April 13th
Roy Stokes Hall, New Brighton
for ages 9yrs - 13yrs.

Registrations are Open Cashmere Technical Football Club (CTFC)

Please visit and click on 'registrations'
Every year we have many late registrations from the families of younger grades/first time players (we start from 4 years of age) who have not realised registrations are open/closed...this makes our grade managers volunteer jobs very difficult to organise teams and cater to the many friend request we get.  The sooner you register the more chance we can cater to your friend requests.
Please register NOW if you want your child to play football at CTFC this season
Registration closes March 17th...there is a registration day on at Woolston on this day- but you can also register NOW online with an earlybird discount

Pta Top Team event

The Top Team Challenge & Family Picnic is THIS Sunday 10th March, with the games commencing at 3pm, warm up from 2:15pm

We would love more teams to register- 9 spaces left. 
Pay your $10 per team on the day BUT please pre-register your team NOW. This will assist us with the setting up of the Top Team Stations. 
Teams can be made up with family, school friends, ex-students, teachers...

If being in a team is not your thing-Can you HELP on the Day? (some of the helping roles will still allow you to be in a team):
Can you DONATE Baking/Sweets for the event? :  

How ever you participate please come along to this FAMILY FUN Event- check out the PTA Facebook page for photos of the last event in 2016
Who will be crowned  Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto's TOP TEAM for 2019?

Correction to School closing date and School Photos

Kia Ora, these are the corrected dates for upcoming events.  School photos and school early closing are on Wednesday 20th March 2019.

Important Dates

Upcoming Events

Wed Feb 27 - PTA Meeting in the staffroom.  7:30pm.  All very welcome.
Fri 1 Mar - Celebration Assembly, All Welcome. 12:10 - 12:40 in the school hall.
Mon 4 Mar - Beckenham Outdoor Spaces Meeting, 7:30 - 8:30pm in the staffroom.
Tue - 5 Mar - School Duathlon for years 5 - 8.  In Beckenham Park .
Thu 7 & 8 Mar - Year 8 Leadership Camp at school.
Thu Mar 14 - Zone Swimming sports at Jellie Park 9am - 1pm
Wed 20 Mar - School photos. Learning Group, and Individual photos will be taken (am)
Wed 20 Mar - School closes at 1:45pm

Term Dates

Click here to view 2018 term dates.

Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto Newsletter 26th February 2019

Principal's Patch

Kia ora koutou

We have had a very warm start to the year and there has been lots of learning taking place in the outdoor spaces that we have available. Friday was our first day of House Games this year, and it was great to see students out in their house shirts, interacting in their Houses with children of different ages and year groups. House activities promote the concept of 'tuakana/teina' - where younger ones learn from the older ones, and vice versa.

The school Y5-8 Swimming Sports was held last week - a huge thanks to Jenny Diggle for the massive work that she does to organise these events. The age group champion results are further in the newsletter.

Paid Union Meeting - School closing early at 1:45pm on Thursday 20 March 

Due to a Paid Union Meeting for teachers and principals on this day, school will be closing at the early time of 1:45pm. Please make alternate arrangements to collect your child at 1:45pm. There will not be any supervision provided at school between 1:45pm and 3pm. BOSCO will be starting at the earlier time of 1:45pm, and if you wish to utilise this, you need to book in advance as there will be limited places available.

New staff
Last week we welcomed Nicola Snook and Lisa Griffith to our staff. Lisa is working in Kahikatea on Mondays, and Lisa will be working full time in Kahikatea from next Monday, when Kristika will move to Koru (New Entrants) to start the third learning group there.

Congratulations to Bruce Rodger, a past teacher from Beckenham whom many families will remember. Last week Bruce was awarded a National Excellence in Teaching Award by Minister Hipkins in Wellington.

School Strike 4 Climate

We are proud of the work that Lucy Gray and other young people in Canterbury are doing, in working together to organise the 'School Strike 4 Climate' on Friday 15th March, from 1pm in Cathedral Square. (click here to read an article on Stuff about the strike)
You can read about what they are planning below.
Whilst this seems like an incongruence, to not be discouraging students to strike, we strongly believe that supporting our students to have a voice, and to stand up for what they believe in and to try and 'Make a Difference', show that 'We Care' and believe that we can 'Get There Together' are completely aligned with our school values. 

As a school, we are not actively encouraging or discouraging this action. The students involved will be speaking to the other Year 7/8 students and will be asking them to think about taking a stand. As an opportunity to learn about having a voice, learning about global issues, and taking a stand, this has much learning associated with it.

If Year 7/8 students are wanting to leave school on Friday 15th March to participate in this rally, they will need to have a parent (or another adult nominated by their parent) sign them out at the office and take them.

Ngā mihi nui
Sandy Hastings
Tumuaki - Principal

Important Dates

Do keep an eye on the school calendar as there is a lot happening over the next few weeks!
You can find the school calendar on our web page through this link.

Upcoming Events

Wed Feb 27 - PTA Meeting in the staffroom.  7:30pm.  All very welcome.
Fri 1 Mar - Celebration Assembly, All Welcome. 12:10 - 12:40 in the school hall.
Mon 4 Mar - Beckenham Outdoor Spaces Meeting, 7:30 - 8:30pm in the staffroom.
Tue - 5 Mar - School Duathlon for years 5 - 8.  In Beckenham Park .
Thu 7 & 8 Mar - Year 8 Leadership Camp at school.
Thu Mar 14 - Zone Swimming sports at Jellie Park 9am - 1pm
Thu 20 Mar - School photos. Learning Group, and Individual photos will be taken (am)
Thu 20 Mar - School closes at 1:45pm

Term Dates

Click here to view 2019 term dates.

Citizen of the Week

Archie Arnott - Year 4

Archie, you have made an outstanding start to the year. You consistently focus on doing the right thing and are an extremely caring and helpful member of the team. You work enthusiastically in all areas of school and are a fantastic role model to others. You are an absolute star, Archie. Tino pai!

Layla Wallbanks - Year 6

Layla, we love the infectious enthusiasm for learning that you bring to school each and every day. You have excellent self management skills that enable you to focus on your learning and continue to be a kind and caring friend to all. Tino pai.

School Notices

Scholastic Book Club

The cutoff date for Bookclub Issue 1 is Saturday 30th March.  Just a reminder that all ordering is now done online - no orders are accepted at the office.

Beckenham Outdoor Spaces

There will be a meeting in the staffroom for whānau in the community to come and hear about the proposed plans for the new play area being developed by NE hub.  The meeting will commence at 7:30pm and aim to conclude at 8:30pm. This is the first of the Outdoor Spaces projects that the PTA have been fundraising to contribute to.

Spot prizes for some lucky students caught wheeling or walking to school....rain or shine!

Congratulations to...

Ava Howard for attaining a bronze award in The Royal Commonwealth Society's Queen's Commonwealth Essay competition.   

Sports News

The School Swimming sports took place on Thursday 21 February at Wharenui Pool.  Congratulations to everyone who took part and provided a great afternoon of competitive swimming.
The following students are the age group champions:

Year 5 girls - Lola Harris
Year 5 boys - Tahere Taylor
Year 6 girls - Zoe Clarke
Year 6 boys - Cooper Reddecliffe
Year 7 girls - Abby Cockfield
Year 7 boys - Thomas Lyall
Year 8 girls - Charlotte O'Connor
Year 8 boys - Ben Evans

PTA News

NEW Date for the Top Team Challenge & Family Picnic -Sunday 10th MARCH. Games commence at 3pm.
Teams who enrolled last year, for this weather postponed event, have had their registration roll over.
NEW teams wanting to register can do so by completing this form: 

The PTA are subsidizing this family event, if the $10 fee to register prevents your family from entering please contact us & we will assist-
What is the Top Team Challenge?- check out the PTA FACEBOOK page for more detailed information.
Who will crowned Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto's TOP TEAM 2019?!!

FIRST PTA Meeting of 2019 & we would love to hear from you. 

Come along - it’s your PTA & we would love to hear your ideas, thoughts, suggestions for this coming year.

See you this Wednesday 27th February at 7:30pm in the Staffroom.

Community Notices

(Notices placed here are contingent on space and do not reflect the views or opinions of the school.)

Jadon dance

New year registrations open now

-Ballet, jazz, Hip Hop & Contemporary
-Beginners through to advanced, including adult classes
-Learn in a fun inspirational environment
-50 years combined teaching experience
-Casual to competition level with exams offered
-End of year production
-Studio : Waimairi Community Centre, 166 Waimairi Road, Ilam
Contacts: Donna Head 0210423621, Jacqui Tieleman, 021630910.

Dyspraxia Support Group of NZ Inc.

We are a non-profit organisation providing information, education and support to all people impacted by DCD/dyspraxia.  Our organisation started in 1992 and formed our Fun Groups in 1994.
We have three Fun Groups aimed at different ages groups which we run on Saturdays during term time.
Funlink 5-10 years, Funtween 10-13 year and Funteen 13 – 18 year of age.
The groups participate in a programme put together and delivered by our team of enthusiastic supervisors.
If you have a child or teen or know a child or teen with DCD/dyspraxia that would like to come and see if the group is for them pleased contact Sue on 358 3249 or email

Mindfulness Group for Children

Does your child struggle with anxiety or stress? Would you like to support them to learn skills to enhance their wellbeing?

The Psychology Centre is offering Pause Breathe Smile (PBS), a group for children (age 7-10 years) who struggle with stress and anxiety and their parents to develop skills of mindfulness.  PBS is an evidence-based program, developed by the Mental Health Foundation.
The group will run from 4 - 5pm, starting Wednesday 20th February for 8 weeks at the Psychology Centre, University of Canterbury and requires both child and parent/ caregiver to attend and learn together. The total cost of the program is $160.
If you would like more information, email
To hear kids talking about PBS watch
For more information about the research and benefits of PBS look at

Cashmere Netball Club

Registrations are open for all returning and new players - years 3 upwards.
Please go to our website to register.
Join our facebook page to keep in touch.

Any questions please email the club on

Sydenham Rugby League Club:

Sydenham Rugby League club welcomes new members to the club for the 2019.
We seek boys and girls of preschool age through intermediate to fill our Juniors division.
We are family focused, community minded club and a great place to join as a beginner.
Come down to our registration day at Bradford Park, Milton Street on 24th Feb 12pm-2pm and see what we're all about.
More info: email

Stellar Strings

Stephen Larsen at Rangi Ruru, concerts and workshops.
Visit for more info.

Cashmere Technical Football Club

Girls Fun Football Fiesta, Whittington Park, Woolston.  4:30 - 5::30pmon Fri 8th March 2019.  Open to any girls ages 4 - 10 with or without football experience.  Register by emailing

Help Tamariki in your Community

Can you provide a safe, stable home for tamariki until it's safe for them to return home?
All children need a place where they can feel at home, with their wider whānau ro caregivers who can give them aroha, a place of belonging and connection with family, whakapapa, and culture.
Come along to our Christchurch Information Session to find out more about the different ways you can care for tamariki.
Our next session is on:Tuesday, 12 March 6 - 8pm, Grand Central Building, 161 Cashel Street, ChCh
Or get in touch anytime on 0508CARERS (0508227377)