Kōwhai News Term 1 Week 11

Kia ora koutou,

What an amazing term we have had! The Kōwhai team are extremely proud of the hard work and effort that each of our students have put into their learning, as well as the awesome things they have achieved!

For the holidays....some simple spelling word practise 

Heart words are frequent words that we read or write. These are not words we can 'sound out' (e.g., c-a-t = cat) or use known spelling patterns for, but they are ones we learn by memory.

Click here to view our Heart Word list. Feel free to practise reading and writing these at home. You could read the words, make flash cards or ask your child to spell aloud or write them. We focus on stages 1-4 until the children are really confident and fluent with these. After that, they can also work on the stage 4+ words.

Science - Forensic Unit

All of Kōwhai have had a blast with our Science unit this term. Our focus has been forensics and the students participated in a 'Who did it?' type of scenario as they worked their way through a series of lessons about different aspects of forensic science.

One of the staff members had been brainwashed by a corporation called "Evil" and it was the students' responsibility to figure out who this staff member was and to save them before it was too late. The students received secret video messages and had to find hidden packages in different locations around the school and used these to test chemicals, explore footprints, learn about fingerprints, understand the properties of different fibres and materials, and crack codes. It was so much fun.

For those who missed out on our final lessons..... Reihana was the staff member who was brainwashed and we were successful in saving her!

Making a Difference

During the past few weeks, some of our students have been working hard to make a difference 'Nā mātou he rerekē te ao' by picking up rubbish around our school. When we make sure that rubbish ends up in the bin and we collect rubbish that we see floating around, we are not only ensuring that we have a clean and tidy school, we are protecting our environment. 

Kapa Haka and Te Reo Māori

Next term, we will be commencing our 'opt-in' Kapa Haka sessions. The students who were interested in participating in Kapa Haka have expressed their interest this week and signed up. All students will be part of te reo lessons and those who have chosen not to be part of Kapa Haka will do extra te reo Māori during this time. 

Feel free to chat to your child's homegroup teacher if you would like more information about this.


A reminder to all our whānau that the homegroup teachers are always happy to be contacted throughout the year if there is anything you would like to share or discuss about your child. The home/school relationship is important and communication plays a large part in this. So please see your child's homegroup teacher in the first instance.

Notice, Think, Wonder - Have you got your maths eyes?

As a warm-up to some of our maths lessons, students are looking at every day images and discussing what they notice, think and wonder about the picture. They are then coming up with different mathematical ideas that are evident in the picture or ideas that they would love to explore further. 

Above are two photos that some groups have looked at.

Holiday challenge - if you are keen, take a picture (or multiple pictures) of some maths that you have seen in your day-to-day activities and ask yourself 'What do you notice? Think? Wonder? Where is the maths?'

Feel free to send your photos to krystal.hunt@beckenham.school.nz with the subject line 'Notice, Think, Wonder.' Krystal would love to see what you have come up with!

Have a great holiday! From team Kōwhai

Koru News: Term 1 Week 11 10/04/2024

Kia ora e te whānau,

Wow, what a term it has been! Our Koru children have completed their first term at school - what an awesome achievement! There has been so much learning take place throughout this term, and we have noticed all our tamariki making great progress. We have learnt about: our Solar System, our sounds and how to decode to read words, counting and equations, problem solving in Maths, different cultures and traditions within our hub, waiata during our Kapa Haka sessions, and exploring different aspects of Art. Our tamariki have also learnt about our school-wide "Word of the Week", our daily routines, our expectations at school, and have continued to grow their social skills both within our hub and throughout the school. We are so proud of our tamariki!

We are also very excited to welcome Elizabeth back to the Koru team in term 2! She will be taking the second class. 

Word of the Week:

Over the last two weeks, we have had a focus on the words RESPONSIBILITY and KINDNESS. We have some ideas to korero to your your tamariki about over the holidays: How can we show responsibility and kindness both at home and at school? What are some examples of showing responsibility? What are some examples of showing kindness? How can we show responsibility and kindness in the school holidays?

Maths: Notice, Think, Wonder

A challenge over the holidays: What do you notice? What do you think? What do you Wonder?


  • Literacy folders are staying at school over the holidays and will be handed back out next term. 
  • If library books are at home over the holidays, please make sure these come back in the first week of term 2 so your child can get new ones. 
  • Our tamariki won't be needing hats for Term 2 and 3 so these can stay at home, ready to be brought back for Term 4.
  • The school term finishes at the end of this week and Term 2 will begin on Monday 29th April.
  • Lunchboxes next term: Can you please ensure your children have minimal wrappers in their lunchboxes. This makes it more accessible for your child and easier for them to eat. If there are wrappers or yoghurt pouches, could these please be slightly cut/ripped so your child can independently open these. Thanks for all your support with this. 

We hope you have an awesome, safe and restful holiday break, and we look forward to seeing our tamariki back refreshed and ready for Term 2. 

Ngā mihi nui,
Georgia, Stacey and Paul


Kahikatea News Term 1 Week 11

Kia ora e te whānau,

What a fantastic term we have had in the Kahikatea team! Ngā ākonga have settled in beautifully with their 2024 home groups, and it has been wonderful to see friendships grow and rich learning taking place. Thank you for your ongoing support as we 'fill our kete for the journey.'

Katie and Amber have enjoyed co-leading the Kahikatea team during Term 1. Amber will be the Acting Team Leader from the beginning of Term 2. She is very excited to be stepping back into this role for 2024 while Katie continues working in her Acting Deputy Principal role for the remainder of the year.


Our concept-based inquiry this year is Identity. This term, we have worked really hard to learn new kupu (words) and rerenga kupu (phrases) by learning our pepeha (introduction) in Te Reo Māori.

Pepeha is a way for all of us to express to others who we are and where we come from. In Te Ao Māori it builds whanaungatanga (relationship/connection).

For Maōri (tangata whenua), pepeha is a set form of words that is recited. Pepeha is about places and people that Māori are connected to through their whakapapa (genealogy).

Non-Māori (tauiwi/tangata tītiri) can have a pepeha if they think about some rules (tikanga Māori). They can express their connection to the places and people they connect to through their own whakapapa.

Each child planned their pepeha, similar to the one below. They then practiced and practiced their pepeha. We are so proud of how well everyone has done! You can look forward to seeing your child's pepeha in their mid-year report learning post.

Teddy Bears Picnic

It was such a treat to come to school in our pyjamas with our favourite teddy bear yesterday! We did a range of fun teddy bear related activities. Here are some photos of the fun!

Wishing you all a wonderful holiday! We look forward to seeing you and your child back at school on Monday the 29th of April.

Team Kahikatea


Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto Schoolwide Newsletter, Rāmere (Friday) 5 April 2024, Week 10

Principal's Patch

Kia ora koutou

Staffing update
Congratulations and thanks to Amber Donovan. Amber will be the Acting Team Leader for the Kahikatea team for the remainder of 2024, while Katie McFarlane is the Acting Deputy Principal. Amber is excited to support the team in this role.

Next week is the last week of Term 1 and then it is the April school holidays (2 weeks). The Beckenham team wish all the tamariki and their whānau a safe and restful holiday ready for the start of Term 2 on Monday 29th April. 

Ngā mihi nui
Jo Smith - Tumuaki (Acting Principal)

Important Dates

(you can also find the Community Calendar on our website here)

Fri 12 Apr - Last day of Term 1
Mon 29 Apr - First day of Term 2
Fri 3 May 
- Welcome Assembly, 9.15-9.30am, Hall
Tue 14 May 
- School Cross Country TBC
Wed 22 May 
- PTA Meeting, 7.30-9.30PM
Wed 29 May
 - BoT Meeting, 5.30-7.30PM, Staffroom
Fri 31 May
 - Staff Only Day (kura/school closed)
Mon 3 Jun -
 King's Birthday (kura/school closed)
Tue 25 Jun - Matariki Evening at Kura
Wed 26 Jun
 - BoT Meeting, 5.30-7.30PM, Staffroom
Wed 26 Jun -
 PTA Meeting, 7.30-9.30PM, Staffroom
Fri 28 Jun
 - Matariki (kura/school closed)
Fri 5 Jul
 - Last day of Term 2

Term Dates: Click here to view  2024 term dates

Citizen of the Week

Jensen Greig - Year 6 

Jensen, your kind and caring nature is noticed on a daily basis. You have a love for learning new things and for sharing your vast array of awesome knowledge. You bring laughter and fun to the Pōhutukawa hub. Your ability to talk things through sensibly is admirable. Ka mau te wehi!

Citizen of the Week

Briana Kokkinidis - Year 8

Bree, you are such a deep thinker and we so appreciate the richness you add to discussions in our hub. You are full of sparkle and creativity. Organisation, empathy and courage shape you into the wonderful person you are. Ka rawe, Bree!

School Notices

Cheese Rolls

Thank you to everyone who ordered cheese rolls! This fundraiser supports the various Education Outside the Classroom activities planned for Year 7 and 8 this year. Thank you also to the high functioning team who made the rolls, a tremendous effort! We hope you enjoy eating them.


3min area on Sandwich Road

A reminder please, that the stretch of road adjacent to the Admin building on Sandwich Road is a 3 minute drop-off zone from 8:30-9:30am and 2:30-3:30pm, on school days. This means drivers are not able to sit in their cars from 2:30pm waiting for children, or to park cars in this area and go into school. If you arrive early and wait for children, or if you need to get out of your car and come into school, please find an alternative place to park. Having this area just for drop-offs means that the traffic on Sandwich Road moves smoothly before and after school, and this is much safer for our children.

Eastern Terrace

Please be considerate to bus drivers, and other road users by ensuring you are not parking in the signposted areas that are reserved for bus parking during certain hours. 

BOSCO School Holiday programme

Monday 15th April – Friday 26th April

Closed for ANZAC Day

For all bookings, please follow the steps on bosco.aimyplus.com
New families will need to register as a new parent following the simple steps.
Any issues or questions please don’t hesitate to call or email.

To see an enlarged version of the above Holiday Programme Schedule, please click here.

Remembering the ANZACs

Next week the student council will be selling ANZAC biscuits, with all money going to the RSA. Children bring a gold coin donation on Thursday morning to order their ANZAC biscuit from in front of the hall before school. They will receive their biscuit on Friday in time for morning tea. A lot of fun was had deciding on the perfect recipe! A gluten free option will be available to order. There will also be a poppy badge making activity at lunchtime on Thursday for those who would like to take part.

PTA News

Keep in touch with the PTA
To stay up to date with the PTA, please check out our Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto PTA Facebook page, linked here. Or come along to one of our meetings - all welcome.

Meeting dates can be found in the fortnightly School Newsletter, or on the school calendar - linked here.
These meetings are usually held on a Wednesday night 7.30-9.30pm.

Community Notices

(Notices placed here are contingent on space and do not reflect the views or opinions of the school.)

ACTT's Mandarin Parenting Seminar

Arts Centre April School Holiday Fun Programme

Methven Scarecrow Trail: Saturday April 13 – Sunday April 28, 2024

The Methven Scarecrow Trail is a hugely popular and fun family event run in the April school holidays. It is suitable for all ages!

Every year, members of the Methven community build scarecrows to a particular theme and these scarecrows, usually around 30+ in number, are scattered around the town for families to find and try to identify the name of the character.  This year's theme is Children's Movie - Animated Characters. Families or small groups purchase a Trail Map/Entry form from the iHub Information Centre and there are sponsored prizes for the most correct entries and for the most popular scarecrows.

Don't forget to like the Scarecrow Trail FB page if possible - this is where we post messages and the results - https://www.facebook.com/MethvenScarecrowTrail/

Starting May 1 free bus fares for 5-12 year olds no longer available

Upcoming fare changes mean 5–12 year olds need to top up their Metro card.

As of 1 May, 5-12-year-old's will no longer travel for free on the bus following the government’s changes to its Community Connect concessions scheme. This is a nationwide change, decided by the new government. Children 4 years old and under will continue to travel for free without a Metrocard. 

Children 5-12 will now need to top up their Metro cards in order to pay the $1 bus and $2 ferry concessions as part of the half-price Under 25 concession from May 1. The Council had already planned for the continuation of the Under 25 concession in its 2022/23 Annual Plan, as part of its flat fare trial.   

All other Metro concessions for Greater Christchurch will remain the same including Community Services Card holders, tertiary students, and Total Mobility customers.

April School Holiday program being run by 'Thrive in Sport'

Here is the registration link for people interested in attending.