Koru Team News: Term 2 Week 10 (5/07/2024)

 Kia ora e te whānau,

Woohoo!! What an amazing term we have had!! We cannot believe it is already the end of Term 2! Your tamariki are doing so well, as they strive to keep up the momentum with their learning! It's been a very busy fortnight, including our Matariki hui, our Art Gallery Trip, and several children having their transition to school visits. We welcome Millie who started in Week 9, and Audrey who have started on Monday of this week. We are so thrilled to have you in our Koru team!

We also welcome Nicola Reddecliffe to our Koru teaching team. Nicola will be the home group teacher for our third homegroup, as more tamariki (children) start throughout next term. We are so excited to have her back in our Koru hub!

Art Gallery Trip:
What amazing outing we had at the Art Gallery. A massive thank you to the wonderful family helpers we had, we could not have done it without you! The children had such an awesome time, and it was great to see their engagement, enthusiasm, and excitement towards the different activities that were on offer. If you have any photos from the Art Gallery trip, please send these through to your child's home group teacher. Here are some snapshots the teachers took:

We will have the amazing art works our tamariki (children) created, up in the learning space next term.

Matariki Evening:
Thank you to those who attended our Matariki evening. It was a lovely celebration for a special event significant to Aotearoa (New Zealand). It was great to wander around and have a look in all the different hubs and see the wonderful activities that were on offer. It was extra special to see happy smiling faces, and seeing plenty of interactions between whānau (families). We hope you all  enjoyed the evening, and had a lovely and safe long weekend. 

A few reminders for next term:
  • Term 3 starts on Monday 22nd July
  • We will be having a Welcome Assembly on Friday 26th July to welcome all our tamariki (children) who started from Week 2 of Term 2, as well as those who begin at the start of Term 3. 
  • Literacy folders are staying in the hub over the holidays and will be handed back next term.
  • Lunchboxes next term: Can you please ensure your children have minimal wrappers in their lunchboxes. This makes it more accessible for your child and easier for them to eat. If there are wrappers or yoghurt pouches, could these please be slightly cut/ripped so your child can independently open these. Thanks for all your support with this. 
  • If Library books head home over the holidays, please make sure these come back in the first week of next term so that your child can get new ones. 
We hope you have an awesome, safe and restful holiday break, and we look forward to seeing our tamariki (children) back refreshed and ready for Term 3. 

Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou,
Georgia, Stacey and Elizabeth


    Koru Team News: Term 2 Week 6 (07/06/2024)

     Kia ora e te whānau,

    We have made it halfway through our second term of the year! We hope you are all managing to stay clear of the winter bugs which are starting to circulate. We'd like to share a warm welcome to Bruno who started school with us on Tuesday. Bruno has a big brother in the Kōwhai team, so we welcome Bruno's family to the Koru team!

    If your child started during Term 1, they will be receiving a Mid Year report. These have beem sent out today, so please check Hero to view this. We have had a busy last few weeks, and still have some exciting upcoming events. Below are the important dates:

    • Learning Conferences (next week); Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th June 
    • NZ Opera; whole school performance in our Hall; Thursday 13th June
    • Koru trip to the Christchurch Art Gallery; Monday 24th June  
    • Matariki Evening at school; Tuesday 25th June 5:30-7:00pm
    • Matariki (school closed); Friday 28th June
    • Hillview Cross Country Zones; Tuesday 2nd July (Anna Reid will have been in contact if this applies to your child)
    • Last day of Term 2: Friday 5th July
    • First day of Term 3: Monday 22nd July
    Morning routines:
    We are so proud to see the children continuing to show 'We Love Challenge' by carrying their own bags; putting their lunch box and drink bottles on the shelves; putting their Literacy folders in the group boxes and then settling down quietly into a game or activity each morning! 
    We thank all the Whānau for the quick and calm 'good byes' in the morning. As we get more children starting school, sometimes we notice it feeling very overwhelming and busy with so many people in the Hub before school, it is really helpful when you say goodbye and leave your child with us, leaving them to have some fun with their new school friends.

    House Groups:
    Our Koru children have all been allocated a 'House' to belong to: Fisher, Heathcote, Tennyson and Waimea. Children from the same family/whānau are put into the same house. Each house has its own 'chant' and tamariki learn this, so they can participate in the house chant at sports and special events, and in Celebration Assemblies, if it is their house that has won the House Points for that fortnight! You can find the House Chants here, and other are also videos that you can share with your child to help them learn their house chant. Mā tātou katoa te waka e hoe! We Get There Together!

    Lunchbox Reminders:
    • Please ensure your child is only bringing water to school (no juice or other drinks)
    • It is also important to help teach your child how to open and close their lunch boxes, so they can do this independently at the start and end of eating times
    • It would be great if you could also either pre-cut or teach your child how to open packets in their lunchboxes (for example potato sticks, chip bags, twisty yoghurt pouches, muesli bars etc.)
    Thank you for your help and co-operation with this!

    Word of the Week:
    Each week, we have a school-wide word of the week that we discuss, watch videos about, and try to implement throughout the day. The words we have had so far this term include:
    • Upstander: Standing up for others in situations that aren't right, and supporting others who may need your help
    • Honesty: Being truthful in what we say and do 
    • Inclusion: Making others feel a part of something and including others in your activities/games. 
    • Kindness: The quality of being considerate, friendly, and generous.
    • Respect: Accepting others for who they are, even when they are different from who you are, or don't agree with you. 
    • Resilience: Bouncing back from challenges and trying again. 
    Our Koru tamariki are becoming very knowledgeable about these words! Have a look at some of the awesome photos of our tamariki showing our "Word of the Week" and our school kete values:

    Today, we celebrated our school PTA Disco. Our tamariki had some awesome outfits, and showed off their amazing dance moves. Have a look at some photos showing the fun we had:

    Learning Conferences:
    A reminder we have Learning Conferences coming up next week. If your child started at the beginning of the year, the Learning Conferences are optional if you would like to chat with your child's homegroup teacher about their mid year reports. If your child started at the beginning of Term 2, we recommend you booking a Learning Conference time so that your child's homegroup teacher can discuss their transition with you. School will be finishing at 1:30pm. Please refer to the School-wide newsletter from last week for more information about this, and for how to book a learning conference. 

    Reminder - Art Gallery Trip: We are still in need of some parent helpers for our Art Gallery Trip. If you are able to be help for this trip, please email your child's home group teacher. Thank you to those who have already done this. 

    Staying Safe Online: Bullying

    One in five young people in New Zealand have been the target of online bullying – it can happen to anyone, and it can be hard for parents and whānau to deal with. Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto takes online bullying seriously and would encourage you to chat to your tamariki’s teacher if you have any concerns about online bullying.

    Visit Netsafe’s Online Bullying Advice for Parents to read more.

    We hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and stay warm!

    Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou,
    Georgia, Stacey, and Elizabeth


    Koru News: Term 1 Week 11 10/04/2024

    Kia ora e te whānau,

    Wow, what a term it has been! Our Koru children have completed their first term at school - what an awesome achievement! There has been so much learning take place throughout this term, and we have noticed all our tamariki making great progress. We have learnt about: our Solar System, our sounds and how to decode to read words, counting and equations, problem solving in Maths, different cultures and traditions within our hub, waiata during our Kapa Haka sessions, and exploring different aspects of Art. Our tamariki have also learnt about our school-wide "Word of the Week", our daily routines, our expectations at school, and have continued to grow their social skills both within our hub and throughout the school. We are so proud of our tamariki!

    We are also very excited to welcome Elizabeth back to the Koru team in term 2! She will be taking the second class. 

    Word of the Week:

    Over the last two weeks, we have had a focus on the words RESPONSIBILITY and KINDNESS. We have some ideas to korero to your your tamariki about over the holidays: How can we show responsibility and kindness both at home and at school? What are some examples of showing responsibility? What are some examples of showing kindness? How can we show responsibility and kindness in the school holidays?

    Maths: Notice, Think, Wonder

    A challenge over the holidays: What do you notice? What do you think? What do you Wonder?


    • Literacy folders are staying at school over the holidays and will be handed back out next term. 
    • If library books are at home over the holidays, please make sure these come back in the first week of term 2 so your child can get new ones. 
    • Our tamariki won't be needing hats for Term 2 and 3 so these can stay at home, ready to be brought back for Term 4.
    • The school term finishes at the end of this week and Term 2 will begin on Monday 29th April.
    • Lunchboxes next term: Can you please ensure your children have minimal wrappers in their lunchboxes. This makes it more accessible for your child and easier for them to eat. If there are wrappers or yoghurt pouches, could these please be slightly cut/ripped so your child can independently open these. Thanks for all your support with this. 

    We hope you have an awesome, safe and restful holiday break, and we look forward to seeing our tamariki back refreshed and ready for Term 2. 

    Ngā mihi nui,
    Georgia, Stacey and Paul


    Koru News: 15/03/2024 Term 1 Week 7

     Kia ora, e te whānau,

    Wowzas! We are already at week 7! We have been very busy with all of our learning. Thank you to those who met with Georgia for your child's 6 week transition meetings this week. It has been so lovely to catch up and chat about your child's start to school. 

    Parent Playground Helpers

    Last year, we had a wonderful group of parents and caregivers who came along to school during lunch play to support our tamariki in the junior playground. We will be restarting this again from the beginning of Term 2. The benefits of being on the parent playground roster include being involved in the school day, and getting to know other parents and your child's friends. Please email Katie if you would like to offer your help for Term 2. 



    This week's Blog is about our Literacy learning. 

    At Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto, we follow a Structured Literacy approach. Sounds are broken into stages, and these stages have heart words and books that align with each stage. In our Literacy learning at the moment, we have been focusing on learning our stage 1 sounds and characters. We have been working on learning the characters' names and the sounds that go with them, as well as learning some heart words. 

    Below are some Literacy videos, which will be really valuable to have a look at to help with your tamariki Literacy learning at home. The Speech Sounds of New Zealand English is a great video to watch and listen to how we pronounce our sounds. The Stage 1 video was created by a kaiako from school, Lisa, and talks about how we teach our sounds and heart words for Stage 1. The last video is about activities you can do at home to help support your child.  

    Here are some photos of our Literacy learning:

    Move it, say it boards

    Practicing our letter formation

    "What sound matches this character?"

    Heart Word writing practice

    Heart Word writing practice

    Heart Words

    If you have any questions about our Structured Literacy approach, please let us know.

    We hope you have a wonderful weekend, see you Monday!

    Ngā mihi nui,
    Georgia, Stacey and Paul

    Koru News 16/02/2024: Term 1 Week 3

     Kia ora, e te whānau,

    What a wonderful start to the year it has been in the Koru team! The tamariki are doing a great job at independently completing their morning jobs of putting their lunchbox and drink bottle on the shelf, sliding their name up on the board and settling into a quiet activity before the bell, learning our school routines, and getting used to school life. Over the last two weeks we have been very busy! We have learnt some of our new Milo the Monkey sounds and characters (Little Learners Love Literacy), explored some different areas of Mathematics, completed different types of artworks, played with a range of equipment within our hub, and have started creating relationships with others in our hub. Our tamariki have settled in beautifully and we are so proud of the progress they have made already in the first few weeks of school. Some photos of what we have been up to:

    What our year will look like: In the Koru team, we learn lots of amazing new things. Here is an overview of some of the things we will learn in our different learning areas:

    Literacy: We will learn about our sounds, how to use these sounds to make words by segmenting and blending, and using our skills to read Sam, Pip and Tim books. We will also read different picture books and big books, and will look further at the different elements these stories have (sentence structure, vocabulary, grammar, big and exciting words, punctuation etc.)

    Maths: In Maths this year, we will be looking at a wide range of elements within mathematics. We will explore problem solving, rapid routines, addition and subtraction, equal sharing strategies, counting, statistics, measurement, patterns, time and sequencing and much more. We will also practising writing our numbers.

    Kinetic Letters: For handwriting, we follow the Kinetic Letters Handwriting Programme. We teach the children about different movements, strong body positions, and letter families. The letter families contain different letters that have similar movements, to help support the child in writing these. Once the children have learnt the different letters in lowercase, they then go on to learning uppercase.

    The Arts:  We will be looking at a range of aspects of the Arts this year such as Visual Art, Dance, Drama and Music. In Visual Arts, we will look at different styles of Art such as painting, collage, pastel and crayon work, drawing, and will use one of these styles for our Calendar Art. In Dance, we will look at different ways to move our bodies in the time to a musical beat. In Drama, we will look at story telling and role play and this will be incorporated into our Learning through Play. In Music, we will explore different rhythm patterns, and finding different ways we can make sound using different objects/things. 

    Te reo Māori: We will explore different aspects of Te reo Māori including learning our mihi, the words for colours, body parts, numbers, days of the week and months of the year, different instructions, and lots of waiata. 

    Wellbeing/Health and PE: In Wellbeing/Health, we will learn about Hauora through Te Whare Tapa Whā, exploring the physical, emotional, spiritual, and whānau aspects of our wellbeing. We will also be taking part in Life Education this year. In P.E, we will learn different movement skills through games, ball skills, and fitness. We will also be partaking in our whole school Cross Country and Athletics.

    Science: In Science, we will be looking at Planet Earth and Beyond and will learn about our Solar System, our Earth Systems and will explore their natural features and resources. 

    Social Sciences: In Social Sciences, we will be looking into our school wide concept of Identity. This will be interlinked through our other curriculum areas, as well as learning about Matariki, who we are, and our stories. 

    Technology/Digitech: Later on in the year, we will be exploring different concepts of Digitech. We will learn about coding, looking at what it is and how we can explore it through using unplugged and plugged resources. 

    Friday Waiata sessions: We are so lucky to spend some time with Whaea Cath on Friday's singing waiata and learning some te reo Māori. It was such an awesome session, we can't wait for Whaea Cath to come back!

    Friday Buddies: On Friday afternoons, we are very fortunate to be able to have 4 big buddies from the Kauri team come down and hang out with us. We have had two sessions with our big buddies so far which have been awesome! We have created some butterfly art, read lots of stories, played with the vehicles, and built really all towers with our Duplo. We had so much fun, we can't wait until next Friday!

    Library: On Fridays during the middle block, the Koru tamariki get to go down to our school library and have a look at the different books there are on offer. In our team, we get to choose 2 books to take home that have a yellow dot in the top right hand corner. We get to keep these stories until the following Friday, where we can bring them back in to swap them for 2 more new ones. If we forget to bring our books back, that's okay, we just keep them for another week. If the Library books are forgotten a couple of times in a row, we will get an email from Anne to say these books are overdue and we need to bring them back. Here are some photos of what our Library looks like, the types of books we can get out, how we wait in the line to get our books issued from Anne, and where we wait with our folders once they have been issued. 

    This box is where your child will put their Library Folder when they bring them back

    Some Reminders:

    Friendship List: On Friday 9th February, Georgia sent out the Koru Whānau friendship list to all families who wished to be on it. This will be updated every term as new tamariki start school. If you have not received this yet, please check your spam/junk folder as sometimes these emails end up there. Any questions, don't hesitate to email or ask.

    Lunchboxes: A few reminders about your child's lunchboxes:

    • Please ensure your child is only bringing water to school in their lunchboxes/drink bottles (no juice or other drinks). 
    • It is also important to help teach your child how to open and close their lunchboxes, so they can do this independently at the start and end of eating times. 
    • It would be great if you could also either precut or teach your child how to open packets in their lunchboxes (for example potato sticks, chip bags, twisty yoghurt pouches, muesli bars etc.)
    Thank you for your help and co-operation with this!

    We hope you have a lovely weekend ahead, and we will see you on Monday ready to go for another fantastic week!

    Ngā mihi mahana,

    Georgia and Stacey