Kahikatea Newsletter Term 3 Week 9

Reading Programme

Next week, Hub 3 and 4 are practising plays in place of their usual readers. Children will be practising one play for the whole week. Please practise these at home also.

Centenary Performances

As you will be aware the children in the Kahikatea team have been practising dances. We will be performing these dances at the Beckenham School Centenary. This will be held at school on Saturday 24th October from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.. It would be wonderful if all students could come along and enjoy this exciting celebration and perform their dance on this day.
A notice will be coming home next week about what your children will need to wear for their dance. The dances are coming together very nicely. it has been great so many children have been practicing at home.

Science Alive 

The children had a wonderful time engaging in the Science Alive fun. The children planned and built wonderful houses out of Duplo. A lot of thought was put into making the houses strong, and making good choices about where to put the rooms and furniture. Thank you so much for all the parent support we had. It made it a really successful session.

Print Making Update

Print making will be displayed for the start of next term. The calendar art is looking outstanding. We can't wait to get it on display.

The Reverse Report

The Reverse report has some very interesting news and facts all based around good news... not bad news. Check out the website if you're interested.

Rugby World Cup

At assembly each class was asked to pull out a rugby ball with the name of country on it. This is to support the rugby world cup.
Hub 1 and 2 are supporting Samoa
Hub 3 and 4 are supporting South Africa
We will be inquiring into their culture, food, songs, dances anything to do with their country. 


Some of the children have been reading the story 'How to make a Happy Cake'. Look at the wonderful happy cake that was shared with Hub 1 and 2. It is so wonderful to see children engaged in their reading. 

Quaky Cat Hub 1 and 2 Book Creator