Koru Newsletter Term 1 Wk 2 2016

Welcome & Reminders

Once again, welcome to hub 10-11 at Beckenham School! Thanks (and a reminder) to please send the following every day:
* Drink bottle (named)
* Hat
* Reading Folder
* Library Folder (Fridays only)
To help your child make new friends, we encourage you to organise play dates. A Koru Friendship List with phone numbers for all our students is inside your child's reading folder.
Rowena Barker (Team Leader) will contact many of you over the next month, to share your child's Mutukaroa assessment. 

Discovery Sessions

Starting each day with 'discovery based' learning has helped the children feel welcome and settled. We love hearing their ideas and watching them work and play together! During discovery sessions, teachers focus on building friendships between students, practising clear speaking (oral language), and inquiry learning (e.g. gardening, building, open ended art).


Our School Values: Getting There Together & We Care

We have been focusing on two of our school values, 'WE CARE' and 'WE GET THERE TOGETHER'.  In hub 10-11, we have been playing lots of name games and doing various buddy activities to show we get there together (photos below). We will have our first WHARE TIME where our New Entrant students will work with older buddies from across the school and teachers, and complete various 'get to know you' activities.

Some of the children working in buddies for maths:


Ideas for maths at home http://koru.beckenham.school.nz/p/cool-maths-links.html

Some of the children working in buddies for whare time on Friday:


We have been showing 'We Care' by putting our materials and bags away, and using kind words. We are very good at looking out for and buddying up with each other in the playground too!



We have started our writing programme, focusing on letter formation and shared writing. Room 10's story, 'Amanda in a bubble,' was very funny! We have also been practising our 'crocodile pencil grip' (photos below). Encouraging your child to write, draw and use hands at home will help them develop hand strength for writing. Construction, play-dough and lego also strengthen hand muscles. Take home reading books will be sent home Mon - Thurs.  thanks for reading and returning books each day. On Friday, the children will bring home their poetry book. Enjoy reading their weekly poem with them and please return on the following Monday.
Websites and apps to support Literacy: http://koru.beckenham.school.nz/p/super-online-literacy-games.html 


Last few days in Kauri for 2015

Lots and good times, challenge and celebration has been had over the last week for Year 7 & 8. All the very best of luck to those children and families who are moving on from Beckenham. Safe and happy holidays to everyone. We look forward to seeing all of our Year 8s at learning conferences on Feb 1st or 2nd. Contact the office if you still need to book a conference time.

We had a brilliant day to spend at the beach last Thursday.

Still had lots of energy to play after the steep trek up to Victoria Park.

Year 8s celebrating at their pool and pizza party. Thanks Tracy, such fun at your place.

Lots of proud moments at the Leavers' Assembly.

We made it! Dressing up at our Christmas lunch.

Trip to the Transitional Cathedral, City and Gardens

What a wonderful time we had on this trip! Our children sang beautifully at the cathedral. Their behaviour as we walked through the city was exemplary and our time at the Botanic Gardens was a welcome respite from the heat of the day.

As we walked to the Gardens, the children worked in teams to take photographs of items on a scavenger hunt. We were all amazed by the huge number of artworks and sculptures on display in our changing city.

We even had a student's aunty come down to the square to sing for us!

It was a great experience.

Wizard of Oz hits the stage!

Awesome original sounds, dazzling backdrop and props, stylish dancing and fun-filled acting ... there is something for everyone in The Wizard of Oz! The audience thoroughly enjoying the opening performance. Bring your friends and family along on Tuesday or Thursday this week. Gold coin entry, 6:30pm start. Please make sure the children are here by 6:15pm.

Quail Island

Yesterday, we had a wonderful day at Quail Island. The weather was perfect and we had a lovely time walking around the island, swimming in the safe beach, and enjoying ourselves in the outdoors. We would like to say a HUGE thank you to all the wonderful parents who came with us. You are awesome!