Kowhai News Week 2 Term 4

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Wow! What a spectacular first week back we have had. The children quickly settled into their new learning spaces last week and have been very respectful of the new building site and how to keep safe. The main focus for the week was on establishing new routines as our school takes on a new layout. We have been impressed with the way in which the children have all maintained their focus on learning, even when diggers have been dismantling the Intermediate Hub!

We took this as a great learning opportunity for the children to understand how buildings are demolished. The children wrote news articles, poems and recounts along with creating sketches of diggers in action as they witnessed the demolition team sorting the materials into rubbish and recycling, We connected this to the waste that we produce here at school. Many of the children made the comment that they would like to reduce the amount of rubbish they create by not bringing as much plastic wrapped food to school each day. We would like to promote this as a way forward and we encourage you all to consider ways that you can make your child's lunchbox as litter free as possible.

Hub 5/6 came up with these ways in which to to do this:
* Putting items into re-usable plastic containers
* Purchasing larger bags of crisps and putting crisps into usable containers
* Using paper bags instead of plastic bags
* Unwrapping items BEFORE putting them in lunch boxes
* Making your own homemade baking

Water Bottles and Hats
As mentioned in our last newsletter at the beginning of the term, all children need to bring in a NAMED drink bottle and wide brimmed sunhat each day. If you need to purchase a new sunhat, see Jacky at the school office as she has a ready supply for purchase. We are encouraging the children to all drink at least one water bottle each day to assist them with maintaining appropriate hydrations. This will assist the children to have increased focus on their learning. Your help with this is hugely appreciated!

Inquiry- Adaptations
This term we are investigating the concept of adaptability. During this scheme of work, the children will learn about the different biomes around the world. They will learn how animals adapt to their changing environment and the consequences for either not adapting or not adapting fast enough. We will be linking this to how we need to adapt to changing environments and what skills and mindsets we need in order to be successful. This week the children are learning about the different biomes with all the teachers in the Kowhai Team rotating around the classes, teaching a specific biome.

Celebrating Success
This term, we are having a particular focus on 'We Love Learning' and 'We Get There Together' by encouraging the children to take more responsibility for their learning. Across the team we are providing the children with greater agency. This means the children are encouraged to make decisions about their learning and their next steps. At the Year 3-4 level, this is highly supported and monitored by the teaching staff to ensure the children understand how to make appropriate choices about their learning.
Being an effective self-manager (being able to work anywhere, with anyone),  striving to do your personal best, managing time, understanding tasks, having a growth mindset (being a positive and solutions based thinker) and setting and achieving personal goals are some of the key skills we will be teaching and promoting.

Each week at our team hui, we will celebrate individuals who are demonstrating these skills. On Fridays, these children will bake pizzas for their lunch (they just need to bring their own pizza toppings). Here are our first celebration certificates for the term. Well done everyone!

Calendar Art
Last week we sent home order forms to enable you to purchase calendar art. The artwork is currently on display in the school office. Do take time to have a look as, across the team, we have produced some SPECTACULAR artworks which would make wonderful Christmas presents. If you have lost or misplaced your order form, don't fret! Jacky has spares at the school office.

Playhouse Theatre Company
Today we were treated to a visiting performance from the NZ Playhouse. They presented a play to help teach the importance of cyber safety. The key learning points of the play were:
1. Keep your passwords safe and don't tell anyone your personal details
2. Only say things online that you would say to a person face to face

The children had a fantastic time watching this highly entertaining and energetic play.

Art Donations
We would love some donations of newspaper for Hubs 5/6 and Hub 7 to enable the children to make their paper mache sculptures. Please send any newspaper with your child to school and we will sort it out at our end.
Hub 5/6 would also love the donation of any old picture frames that they can use for the mounting of their art works.

PTA - URGENT help with ice-cream sales
TIP TOP BOOKING LINK: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ITX-AIZISr3mYSDHS2PhawZmbhuPXpzixYVgcxHez8M/edit

Well, that's it for now. Have a wonderful week ahead!
Kowhai Teaching Team
Posted in Kowhai.