Te Whanau Koru Highlights Weeks 3 and 4

Kia ora whanau,

Spring is in the air, and the children are loving being out at break times in the glorious sunshine!

New Entrants:
A very warm welcome to our new children and their families. The children have all settled beautifully, and have made a great start to the next phase of their learning.
Parents of new children, if you feel that your child is feeling extremely tired at the end of the day/week, touch base with Gail Turner to make a temporary arrangement - you know your children and their needs best of all!

Spellathon testing took place last Friday, and now comes the business of collecting all of the sponsorship money back in. No pressure, but...! There is a prize for the whole class which has all of its sponsorship money back into the office FIRST!
Congratulations to the children who have worked so hard to learn their Spellathon words.

Baby photos:
Many thanks to you for hunting out all of those very cute baby photos. They have proven to be highly valuable as we focus on our topic, Change. Check out some of the Youtube clips relating to babies and their first experiences!

Film Festival:
What a wonderful outing - the 13 short films we saw were each, both fascinating and entertaining. The fact that we were able to view them in the most splendid of venues, was the icing on the cake.

Excited anticipation...

Discovery Stations:
Hub 10 have been focusing on fairy tales, as a motivation for both Discovery Stations and writing. There was a lot of hilarity and creativity displayed as children put time, thought and effort into setting up the Three Billy Goats Gruff 'small world'. We love seeing the children follow their passions and take the lead, as they feel able. The Key Competencies exhibited throughout these sessions are wonderful, including: Thinking, Relating to Others, Managing Self and Participating and Contributing! Have a browse through the photos below. Many thanks to the parents who help to support these activities, and particularly by recording the children's discussions and contributions at the time.

Setting up the 'goats' with their horns

Creating the river...

...and a bridge which would hold the three goats

More work on the river

Ta da!! Horns for one of the goats

And finally, a stable bridge, complete with festive tinsel!
We Love Numbers!!
Michelle loves dropping in to visit, and the children take great delight in explaining to her, their learning and how it relates to numbers.
As we look around the room, we are always amazed at the levels of self-management, engagement, and enjoyment that the children are showing. It's gorgeous to see even the very young children so highly engaged and motivated, and at the same time, directing their own learning. Well done, Hub 10 children! Every day, you display the Beckenham value of We Love Learning.

Guess how many teddies will fit on the sofa and in the bed!

And how many teddies will fit in this big bed?

Can you count?

Ollie the Orca and his little penguin friend need to learn their tens frame patterns!

8 + 3 = ?

Making up equations using dominoes, number tiles and unifix cubes

Dots plus spaces equals ten

More equations to show our learning about addition

The apple tree playdough mats

Writing addition equations by throwing the 'dice within the dice' (each large dice has a smaller dice within)

More dots plus spaces

Skip counting in twos

Let's make the tallest tower we can

Wow - how many gems are there sitting on this big octopus?

'The animals went in two by two...'

Skip count in twos to work out how many animals altogether on these blocks

Practising writing addition equations

I know the groupings with numbers up to 10

Addition equations using the dominoes, the number tiles and the unifix cubes

...and more!

Addition equations up to 10 and doubles up to 20

Give Your Friend a Massage!

At the end of the day ...

... aaaahhhhh!

Click on this link - we love it!
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

Have a wonderful Week 5, everyone!


Kia ora whanau,

What a busy start we have had to Term 2!

Learning Conferences
Heartfelt thanks to those of you who were able to participate in Learning Conferences last week. This is a very special time for children as they share their learning with their families. Your feedback written on the Celebration Stars is very much appreciated, and will mean a great deal to the children.
Talking about my Maths learning in Hub 3

Sharing my learning with Dad!

Rhythm Interactive experience
Last week our children were treated to an outing to the local Methodist church hall, where John and Lucy (Rhythm Interactive) taught everyone how to drum, keeping time as one!
In 2002, Rhythm Interactive was born in a garage in Queenstown. The interactive drum shows are such that each student is given an African-styled hand drum to play along during the show. Rhythm Interactive shares its unique teaching methods, such as "If you can say it, you can play it" to demonstrate how children can learn rhythm, music, singing and dance in a fun way.

Small Stix
On Tuesdays over the next few weeks, the children will all be involved in junior hockey lessons, which are led by specialist hockey teachers. Please ensure that your child is wearing sensible shoes and warm clothes, as these lessons will be outside (weather permitting).

Self Portraits
Some of the children have been working on making their own self portraits, and have modelled their work on Picasso. We're sure you'll agree they're fantastic!

Book Review
The Incredible Book Eating Boy by Oliver Jeffers

This gorgeous story, about a Belfast boy who eats books to absorb some smarts, is so charming that it makes you want to join Henry on his culinary literary journey. Henry loves eating all sorts of books – story books, dictionaries, atlases, joke books, books of facts and even maths books.

Amazingly, as Henry gobbles, his knowledge bank increases and increases until he starts to feel a little ill. Is it all the paper and cardboard stuffing his belly? It seems so. Poor Henry is subsequently reduced to learning from books the old fashioned way – by reading.

Numeracy Links:


  • Please ensure that children arrive at school any time from 8:30 a.m. onwards, as prior to this time, teachers may be involved in meetings and/or will be setting up Discovery Stations for the morning. BOSCO is open from 7:30 a.m. for families who need to have children at school before 8:30 a.m.
  • It is very important that children bring their reading folders back to school every morning. Reading folders are a crucial part of hub reading routines.
  • As the weather cools, please ensure that your child has a school polar fleece (named!) each day.

Toy Donations:
Many thanks to those of you who have been able to donate toys and games to Te Whanau Koru. We appreciate your generosity enormously! If, by chance, any of you have any of the following items, they would also be gratefully received:

  • jigsaw puzzles
  • matchbox toys
  • sandpit vehicles (diggers, tractors, cranes, fire engines, trucks, concrete mixers!!)
  • lengths of plastic piping (left over from plumbing jobs)
As always, we appreciate your help and support very, very much!

Kahikatea Newsletter Term 4 Week 2

Writing focus

Our writing focus throughout the past week has directly related to the demolition activity which we've been surrounded by recently.

Building Demolition

The builders put dynamite in the building, then ... Wow! It fell down.
Dust everywhere.
by Flynn

Police Station Demolition

The explosion experts are quietening down.
The boy was excited.
The explosions sounded like fireworks.
It slid. It fell.
There was dust everywhere.
The trees survived.
There was some rubble that was white.
Everyone was shouting in joy!
by Ben

Police Station Demolition

The demolition experts have put the TNT into the building, then we heard big explosions.
They blew a hole in the side of the building.
It made the building fall over.
There was a big cloud of dust, then there was a pile of gravel.
There was glass everywhere.
There were pieces all over the place.
by Josh

Breaking Ground 

Some of us made it into school early on Friday morning to be part of the Breaking Ground ceremony. Witnessing the big digger taking the first bite of earth was a very moving experience for us all...

First bite

Discovery Stations 

The children continue to arrive at school with an enthusiastic and energised attitude, eager to get started on the Discovery Station of their choice.
Teachers are asking their students such questions as:
  • Why have you chosen this Discovery Station?
  • What new skills are you learning?
  • Are you completing a challenge before moving on to a new station?
  • How are you showing respect for your own and others' work?
  • Are you being wasteful or caring of resources? How are you showing care?
  • Which of our school values are you displaying at this station?
  • How do you actually know if you are learning?

Word Wheel challenge
Boat building
Will it still float when carrying weight (70 grams)?
Detail of painting
Care and attention at the water colour painting station
Making 3D shapes using plasticine and toothpicks 
Collaborative block modelling
The Eiffel Tower
Working together to create a Duplo marble run

Oh, how we love Discovery Stations!

Art Gallery outings

Hub 1 and 2 children are looking forward to their outings to the Art Gallery and the Botanic Gardens this Friday. 
Hub 4 children will be having their outing on Thursday, November 3rd, and Hub 3 children will be going on their outing on Friday, November 4th.
Many thanks to those parents who have been able to commit to parent helping on this outing. We appreciate your support! 

PTA Tip Top Fundraiser

The PTA are working hard to try and fill all the shifts for the Tip Top Ice Cream sales fundraiser at the A&P Show in November. Please click on this link to find more information and book a slot: Tip Top A&P Show Fundraiser


Please remember - to keep our children safe during the summer months, we ask that all children wear a brimmed sunhat while outside during learning or play time. This is now compulsory throughout Term 4, and again at the start of each year in Term 1. Children who do not have a sunhat will be asked to play in the shade during break times. Please support your child in remembering to bring their sunhat every day.

Art Gallery outing

Dear whanau,
In Weeks 3 and 4 of this term, each of the classes in Kahikatea are going to be participating in an art lesson run by the Gallery Educator from Te Puna o Waiwhetu. The lesson is entitled ‘Clay Beasts’. Sounds exciting, doesn’t it?!
Classes are booked in for their lessons as follows:
  • Room 1  departing school at 9:30 a.m. and returning to school by 1:30 p.m. on Friday 28th October
  • Room 2  departing school at 10:45 a.m. and returning to school by 2:30 p.m. on Friday 28th October
  • Room 4  departing school at 10:45 a.m. and returning to school by 2:30 p.m. on Thursday 3rd November
  • Room 3  departing school at 10:45 a.m. and returning to school by 2:30 p.m. on Friday 4th November.
We will need several parent helpers to accompany each class. Hopefully the times which you will see above, will give you a reasonably clear idea about just how much time you will need to commit, when considering parent helping on this excursion. Each class will be away from school for about 4 hours. This time will need to be somewhat flexible as the travel time is an estimate.
The cost of this trip is between $5 and $10 per child and a request for this donation will be added to your school account once the cost of the bus trip has been confirmed.
If the weather, on the day of your child’s outing, is looking inclement, we shall adjust our timing to include the Gallery lesson only, and shall let parent helpers know as soon as we are able that morning.
Please complete the parent help form which will come home with your child tomorrow, and return it to school as soon as possible.  
Kind regards,
Amy, Amber, Dorinda, Jenny, and Gail  

Term 3 Week 2 in the Kahikatea Team

Kia ora koutou,

Here we are into the second week of Term 3 already. We all had a wonderful first week back at school, following fantastic holidays, and what incredible weather we enjoyed throughout our two week break!

Here are some highlights and points to note from Week 1, as well as for the week to come:

Over the next couple of weeks, our children are going to be working on developing their mihi. This is going to provide a springboard for us into our focus, Amazing Asia, this term. We are currently delving into the meaning of the word 'culture', looking at what that means for us, before looking into the cultures of various countries in Asia. It would be very helpful for us if you are able to discuss with your child, the names of the following:

  • The name of a mountain (if appropriate to your family)
  • The name of a river/lake/sea (if appropriate to your family)
  • The name of the town or city which you hail from
  • Your Christian names (father and mother)

 You or your child could write this information down so that it can be brought into school. Many thanks for your support with this.

Please note that all children in the Kahikatea team will now be visiting the library on Fridays. Children will be taken to the library at times throughout the day, so if, for some reason, some children don't manage to exchange their library books on Friday, they are being encouraged to visit the library during a lunchtime instead.

Home Learning
Thank you so much for your ongoing support with your child's home learning. Regular practice of both Mad Maths Minute equations and spelling words is making a huge difference to your child's progress in each of these areas!

Please ensure that your child has a water bottle each day. We are actively encouraging the children to drink water throughout the day, so that they remain hydrated. Please also remind your child to bring his or her water bottle home regularly for cleaning!

Snack Station
Learning spaces are going to have (or already have) a 'Snack Station' set up each morning. Children are encouraged to select a (wrapped and named, or in a named container) piece of fruit from their lunchboxes to put out at the Snack Station. This can then be eaten at some point between 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.

Years 1 and 2 Kapa Haka
Congratulations to our Kapa Haka group - the group travelled into the Art Gallery last Thursday, to perform for members of the public. The children were accompanied by Sherrilee and Jenny, as well as some parents. We are all very proud of you, children! You performed beautifully and were all very well-behaved. Well done.

We are currently learning about a new genre of writing: persuasive writing! In this genre of writing, we follow a format in which we give our opinion, back it up with supportive statements, give examples and then restate our opinion. Please feel free to come into our learning spaces and have a look at some of our persuasive writing!
Last week we also wrote recounts telling about holiday events. Here are examples from two Hub 3/4 authors:


I went to Japan. At Japan, I went to Disneyland. It was awesome. I went with my Mum and sister.
I saw Tigger and Donald Duck. I saw Mickey Mouse as well.
I saw a Disney car. It was so cool. People were standing on the car. There were lights all over it.
I saw a giant castle with my Mum. It was awesome on the castle. I saw a thousand lights on the castle.
When it was night at Disneyland, it was time for the going party.
There were Disney characters zooming past my face!


I went shopping to get some milk and bread to have some lunch.
I went with Mum and Dad and my brother.
When I went home, I ate some bread.

All best for the week ahead, everyone.

Nga mihi,
Kahikatea team teachers