Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto School Newsletter, Rāmere (Friday) 24 November, 2023

Principal's Patch

Kia ora koutou

The end of the year is rapidly approaching, with Summer trying to appear on Thursday this week, with a reminder on Friday that Spring weather can be extremely changeable and unpredictable!
The PTA were disappointed to have to postpone the picnic on Friday evening. We are looking forward to having it in the new year - on Friday 9th February - so get that date into your calendars now!

Outdoor Spaces - New Basketball Hoops

There has been huge excitement over the past two weeks as two new basketball hoops and two new netball hoops (in the Year 5/6 and 7/8 courtyard) were finally installed. This brings our current programme of Outdoor Spaces improvement to an end. Our thanks to Gayle McNaughton who has been the teacher leading this mahi, with support from Richard Scott (BOT), a team of teachers and liaison with students. At times it has been a frustrating and slow process (we remember the 'pond' at the bottom of the green slide!), so it is hugely satisfying to now see these projects come together and reach completion. 

The next areas we are looking at include:
  • shade opportunities within the school grounds
  • increasing the footprint of the Sandwich Road bike storage area
  • re-designing the main entrance area on Sandwich Road to provide more space and safer movement of people at high usage times 

Cycle Safety - Year 6

This week our Year 6 students have been participating in the Christchurch City Council Cycle Safe schools programme. On Thursday they had the additional opportunity to sit in the cab of a large truck to get a front seat view of a driver's blind spots when driving a large vehicle, and thinking about the implications of that when they are on a bike.
We are very grateful to the Council and the Cycle Safe team who fund and provide this important programme for Year 6 students across Christchurch.

An invitation to join us 

On Monday 4th December at 12noon, we will be holding a special assembly to celebrate the contribution made to our school over the past 27 years by Elizabeth Drummond. Whilst Elizabeth is absolutely not retiring, she will be finishing her permanent full-time role at the end of this year. 
You are invited to join us - please RSVP to the office if you are planning to attend.

Showing appreciation at the end of the year.

We are aware that gift-giving is one way that some people choose to show appreciation and that this is particularly so at the end of the school year, and for those who celebrate Christmas.
We talk with the children about the importance of showing appreciation in an ongoing way through words and actions, rather than necessarily through the buying of gifts. Our teachers talk with the children about the value of making and writing cards or small gifts when special occasions do occur. In that same spirit, we do appreciate hearing that what we have done has been appreciated, and we do not expect parents or students to buy gifts for staff. 

We are also aware that some groups of children may be organising gift-giving activities between friends at school (i.e. "Secret Santa"). Please let your children know that this is not something we do at school,  and that this needs to be something organised outside of school. Our goal is to ensure that our school activities are inclusive of all children and their whānau beliefs and values. Please ask children to keep activities such as this to friendship groups outside of school, where you know one another’s families.

Ngā mihi nui
Sandy Hastings
Principal - Tumuaki

Important Dates

(you can also find the Community Calendar on our website here)

Fri 1 Dec - Student Council - Celebrating Diversity and Culture Day (non-uniform)
Fri 1 Dec - Celebration Assembly, 10am, in the Hall
Thu 7 Dec - BOT Meeting, 5.30pm, Staffroom
Fri 8 Dec - Celebration Assembly, 10am, in the Hall
Fri 8 Dec - 12:15-3pm, Kahikatea Team trip to Isaac Theatre Royal, Southern Ballet
Mon 11 Dec - 7-8pm Kauri Production, in the Hall
Tue 12 Dec - 7-8pm Kauri Production, in the Hall
Fri 15 Dec - Final Celebration Assembly, 9:45am, in the Hall
Mon 18 Dec - Year 8 Graduation, 11am-12pm
Mon 18 Dec - Year 8 Leavers' Lunch 12:30-1:30pm
Tue 19 Dec - Last Day of Term 4, School finishes at 12.30pm

Tue 30 Jan - Learning Conferences
Wed 31 Jan - Learning Conferences
Thu 1 Feb - Classes begin

Term Dates: Click here to view 2023 & 2024 term dates

Citizen of the Week

Isabelle Parrett - Year 8

Isabelle, your involvement in various aspects of school life has been truly commendable. You are a keen hockey player and have shown determination and drive throughout the school competition and Koru Games this year. You have excelled in music, being involved in band, music lessons and choir. We've sincerely appreciated all your hard work, and it's been a pleasure to witness your growth as a leader this year. Tino pai rawa atu, Isabelle!

Congratulations to...

Isla Graham
Science Cup Winner

Isla, your enthusiasm for the living world and marine environment is obvious for all to see. You thrive on discovering new facts about animals and creatures, and your eagerness to share your knowledge with others is fantastic. I always anticipate your moments of enlightenment, when you casually remark, "Did you know…?" You teach me so many new things! During our science lessons, your genuine interest and involvement shines through. You've earned numerous Science Badges, and your work has consistently improved over time. Keep nurturing your curiosity and continue sharing your passion with others. Congratulations, Isla! 

Cahlen Stace
Band Directors Cup Winner

Cahlen was awarded this for amazing contribution to the school bands over the past four years. Cahlen you truly shine as a talented performer. 

BOT Update

We would like to thank all of our candidates for their interest and participation in our Mid-term elections. 

School Notices

Scholastic Lucky Book Club - Issue 8 Out Now!

Issue 8 is out now, please follow the link below to look at the catalogue online, and to order. Orders close Tuesday 12 December.

Misplaced Scooter/s

The scooter below was taken home by accident at the start of this month from the school bike stands, which means someone else may have the wrong one too. Please contact the Office if this is relevant to you.

End Of Year Reports

The end of year summary reports are now available through the Hero portal. The end of year report reflects aspects of your child's learning for the second part of the year. 
Please take the time to sit with your child and share their report with them, celebrating their learning.

To find your child's report; open Hero, click on their name and then click '2023 report'. 

If you need any help accessing the report through Hero please contact your child's Home Group teacher or come into the office for assistance.

Lost Property

We have approximately 30 School Uniform tops in our lost property, the majority are un-named the rest the name is unfortunately unreadable. The lost property is located on the library veranda.

Year 8 Whānau Hui for Ākonga Māori

Cashmere High School has formally invited our Ākonga Māori and their whānau to attend the CHS Year 8 hui to welcome them to their kura. It's a great opportunity to meet some of the CHS ākonga and kaiako before they are welcomed with a pōwhiri next year. 

Date/Time: On Thursday 30th November at 5:30pm
Where: Wharenui


We have been very generously donated a number of metal drink bottles.  If your child needs a drink bottle please send them to the office with a note and we will provide them with one to keep.
Please ensure you name these drink bottles as there may be quite a few that look the same!

Sports News

Sport Tops

With the end of year fast approaching we would appreciate your help in the return of all sports tops that were issued to your children this year for school-related sporting events.

PTA News

Order your Panforte via the link below by the 1st of December, using the code "BECK", for delivery to the school on the 8th of December!

Community Notices

(Notices placed here are contingent on space and do not reflect the views or opinions of the school.)

BNZ Breakers

The school holidays are nearly upon us – keep the kids entertained by taking them to an action-
packed game of basketball.
The BNZ Breakers have 8 Auckland games remaining this season and every single game promises
plenty of fun, giveaways, and entertainment for the whole family. Choose the dates that suit you
and get behind the BNZ Breakers. Tickets are on sale at


Huntsbury Preschool is holding an Open Day on Wednesday 29th November 10-11:30am. 
We are a not-for-profit community preschool, who operate out of Huntsbury Community Centre. We are for 2-5year olds and have an amazing nature play area. Come and check us out. 30H Huntsbury Ave. Ph 332 6001.

Jewellery Making Classes

Join us at Workspace Studios for these creative jewellery classes. Make some unique and precious gifts for others - or yourself! 3 hour classes, $115 Early Bird Price, $128 Full Price

2 Dec, 10am - 1pm, Earrings and Pendants
3 Dec, 10am - 1pm, $128 Lampwork Glass Bead Making
9 Dec, 10am - 1pm, Christmas Ring Making
10 Dec, 10am - 1pm, Earrings and Pendants
16 Dec, 10am - 1pm, Earrings and Pendants
17 Dec, 10am - 1pm, Christmas Ring Making
5, 12 and 19 Dec, 5.30 - 8pm, Tuesday Casual Class $59

Use the code Beckenham10 for 10% off your class. Kids aged 12 (or so) are welcome to attend these classes, but any person under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an enrolled parent or caregiver.

Book on our website now! 

Exciting Announcement! 
Next year, The Malthouse, home to Canterbury Children's Theatre and Malthouse Costumes, is restarting its Drama School! The reformed Malthouse Drama School team is thrilled to offer your child a front-row seat to creativity and confidence-building in the world of drama. With head tutor Briar Patrick, your child will explore the art of storytelling, build confidence, and work collaboratively with others, all while having a big bucket of fun. And because the courses are co-designed by theatre industry veteran Dan Bain, you can rest easy knowing what they’re learning is well worth your investment. Watch as your child's talents blossom in the heart of Canterbury Children's Theatre! Places are limited, so for more information and enrolments, visit or call Head of School, Jenny, on 021 536 692.

Kauri Whanau Update: Term 4, Week 7

 In this post:

  • Production
  • Pool party
  • Leavers assembly
  • Parent Help Needed
  • Relationships and Sexuality
  • Ski Day Video

We're inching ever closer to the end of the term, and while this can often be a tricky time of the year with learners (and teachers) tired and ready for a break, the Kauri team is enjoying the vibe we currently have in our hub. So many students are demonstrating our school values and are enthusiastically engaging with the learning taking place throughout the week.


If you need a reminder, see the previous blog post for a reminder about costume requirements for each production group.

Please make sure that you have the two performance nights (Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th of December) blocked out already so all students are able to take part - we can't get there together without everyone!

Pool Party

We are still on the lookout for someone who would be able to host our low-key pool party for Year 8s on on Wednesday December 13th, from 4pm to 6pm. If you are able to help with this, either because you have a pool or would like to volunteer someone else's pool, please get in touch.

Leaver's Assembly

Thank you to the Year 8 whānau who have already RSVP'd via this google form. Please fill this out as soon as possible if you have not done so. We have limited capacity in the hall, which is why we invite up to two people to support our leavers on the day. Some whānau may need than two people. If this is the case, please get in touch with Thomas directly; We need to keep a close eye on the numbers to ensure everyone can fit in the hall so ākonga are able to be represented and supported.

Parent Help Needed

Thank you to those who have offered to help on our Cass Bay and/or Victoria Park outings. We still need a few more volunteers in order to make sure these events can go ahead. These two days are for all Year 7 and 8 students, and are always a really great time for all. Please fill in this form to indicate how you can help.

Wednesday December 13th: Vic Park Walk

This event involves leaving school by 10am to walk to Victoria Park where we students will take part in some game and activities before returning to school by 3pm. Parts of the walk are quite steep, so good walking shoes (and some fitness) will be required.

Thursday December 14th: Cass Bay Trip

We will leave school by 11am and once at Cass Bay, students can swim, explore, chill, and play in the environment. There will be a guided walk to neighbouring Corsair Bay for those interested.

Previously this has been at Corsair bay, with a walk to Cass bay. We have switched this around due to water quality advice.

Relationships and Sexuality

We have completed the "Who Am I?" section of the curriculum, which looked at identity and stereotypes. We have discussed relationships in light of the different types of relationships we have and the qualities that we value in different relationships. We are also discussing through intimacy and consent at the moment. If you have any questions, please get in touch with your child's homegroup teacher.

Ski Day Video

Despite our very best efforts, we have been unable to share the video in a school assembly of the fantastic day we enjoyed last term up at Mount Hutt. The media team have done a fantastic job of putting together a reflection of the day, and on the off-chance you missed it last time, it's attached below for all to enjoy!

Kōwhai News Term 4 Week 7

Kia ora e te whānau

Welcome to the Kōwhai team's week 7 blog.


Recently, our students had a visit from Kerry, a representative from the Department of Conservation. Kerry taught the children lots of valuable information about kea. During the visit, the children participated in a tracking exercise where they used a device to locate a toy kea in the park. This hands-on experience allowed them to connect with nature and learn more about conservation work.


In our mathematics lessons, we've been delving into the world of measurement. Students have been mastering the use of a ruler and exploring concepts of perimeter and area. These practical lessons not only enhance their mathematical skills but also provide a real-world context for understanding the importance of accurate measurements in various situations.

Instruction Writing

Another exciting aspect of our curriculum has been instruction writing. Students have been engaged in crafting clear and concise instructions in a variety of ways such as, writing programming instructions for Bee-Bots and creating delicious recipes!

Transition Visits

As part of our ongoing efforts to support students in their educational journey, Year 4 students have been making transition visits to the Pōhutukawa Team during their Learning Through Play sessions. These visits are designed to familiarise them with the environment and routines they will encounter next year. It's a positive way to ease the transition and ensure a smooth start to the upcoming academic year.

Have a great weekend!

The Kōwhai Team

Koru Team News: Term 4, Week 6

 Kia ora, e te whānau,

Believe it or not, we are well over halfway through the term! We have had our school Athletics day, our second house games session and our tamariki continue to work very hard in their Literacy and Maths groups, as well as in the other learning areas such as Aotearoa NZ Histories, Science and Digitech, and with a further focus over the next few weeks in the areas of Visual Art and Wellbeing. 

Another plea to ensure that your child has a sunhat every day, please. If you can also apply some sunscreen before school, that would be much appreciated.

As the weather warms up, we have been engaging in some amazing water play during Learning Through Play. Our tamariki are really enjoying this and it would be great for them to have a spare change of clothes in their bags.

Some important dates for this term are as follows:

  • House games afternoon - Monday, 20th November and Monday, 4th December (wear your house T-Shirt, if you wish)
  • Celebrate Diversity and Culture Dress Up day - Friday, 1st December
  • Tamariki meet their 2024 teacher and final day of school for the year - Tuesday, 19th December

Koru Athletics Morning:

What an amazing event, and even the wind wasn't able to stop us from giving it our full effort. The tamariki displayed our values of 'We Get There Together' by supporting and encouraging their peers, and 'We Love Challenge' by giving 100% to all activities. The gumboot toss, sprints and high jump were all a huge success. Well done to everyone!

House Games:

Every fortnight our wonderful Senior House Captains have been organising house games for the whole school. Students are put into teams within their house groups and participate in a variety of outdoor physical activities. So far we have been involved in playing Octopus, Duck Duck Goose, parachute games, egg and spoon races, potato sack races and All In Tag, just to name a few. The tamariki are loving it and they are encouraged to wear their house T-Shirts on these days. The next house games afternoon is tomorrow, Monday 20th November, with the final house games afternoon for the year being on Monday, December 4th.


Sun hats need to be brought to school every day. These will stay in your child's bag whenever the children are indoors. Unfortunately, no hat means no play.

If you use the sandpit at the end of the day after school, can you please make sure to put the cover back on before you leave. We really appreciate seeing that you are already helping us with this. Thank you!

Literacy folders need to be brought back to school and unpacked from schoolbags every day, so that they can be used during our Literacy sessions.

Library folders and poetry books need to be brought back on or before Fridays, so your child can get a new poem for their poetry books and some new books from the library. 

We hope you all have a fabulous week ahead, and we look forward to seeing you at drop off and pick up times!

Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou,

Georgia, Sarah, Elizabeth and Stacey

Kauri Whānau Update: Term 4, Week 6

In this post:

  • Production Costumes
  • Year 8 Pool Party
  • Parent help: Cass Bay & Vic Park
  • Graduation RSVP
  • Cashmere High School Whānau Hui
  • Relationships and Sexuality Education

Production Costumes

Our aim is to keep costumes for the production simple and effective. We have chosen a colour scheme that reflects the original illustrations of Oh The Places You'll Go. It is our hope that whānau can source costumes from clothes that children already have, can borrow, or can cheaply buy. We also have a large collection of clothes from previous productions, and so may be able to help out if needed. If you get stuck or have any questions, please let us know.

Students taking part in the dramatic speaking group will wear block colour shorts, and will be making Dr Seuss "Thing" characters at school to pin onto their tops. They can wear black shorts/pants and will have crazy "Thing" hair, so either a wig or crazy hairstyle will do.

Students who are part of the singing group will be wearing a plain pastel-coloured top with black pants.

Students who are part of the Geometric Dance group will be wearing a black short-sleeved top or singlet and black leggings, shorts, or trousers.

The Giant and Lovely dance group will be wearing pastel shades and colours as much as possible, though white would also be fine. This should be a plain t-shirt or singlet and leggings, shorts or trousers.

The students who are supporting with sound and lighting will be wearing black or similarly dark colours.

Pool Party

It has become one of our traditions to have a low key pool party for our Year 8s one afternoon in the last week of school. We organise pizza and drinks along with games. We are hoping for it to take place in Week 10, on Wednesday December 13th, from 4pm to 6pm. It is optional for children to attend. Those that are there need to be picked up at 6pm, or teachers notified that they are walking home.

Each year this has taken place, it has been generously hosted by school whānau. Is there anyone with a suitable property who would be willing to host this year?y

Parent Help Needed

We have two outdoor education events planned for this term and will require parent help for them to go ahead. Please fill in this form to indicate where you can help.

Wednesday December 13th: Vic Park Walk

This event involves leaving school by 10am to walk to Victoria Park where we students will take part in some game and activities before returning to school by 3pm. Parts of the walk are quite steep, so good walking shoes (and some fitness) will be required.

Thursday December 14th: Cass Bay Trip

We will leave school by 11am and once at Cass Bay, students can swim, explore, chill, and play in the environment. There will be a guided walk to neighbouring Corsair Bay for those interested.

Previously this has been at Corsair bay, with a walk to Cass bay. We have switched this around due to water quality advice.

Graduation Invitation

On Monday December 18th, in just over a month, our Year 8 students will be completing their primary and intermediate education. We would like to warmly invite whānau to their graduation assembly. Please click this link for the invitation and to RSVP.

Cashmere High School Whānau Hui

Cashmere High School has formally invited our Ākonga Māori and their whānau to attend the CHS Year 8 hui to welcome them to their kura. It's a great opportunity to meet some of the CHS ākonga and kaiako before they are welcomed with a pōwhiri next year. 

Date/Time: On Thursday 30th November at 5:30pm
Where: Wharenui, Cashmere High School

Relationships and Sexuality Education

We will be keeping you informed as we work our way through the Relationships and Sexuality Education curriculum on the content of our lessons.

Our first session focused on creating shared expectations for these lessons. The children identified what would make them feel safe during these conversations, which included sentiments such as respecting everyone’s contributions and questions, laughing along with someone, not at them, and being mindful of your own boundaries and the boundaries of others. 

Rights and Responsibilities

We reflected on how our rights and responsibilities changed as we matured. The children thought about what rights and responsibilities they would have in the future and how some of these would occur automatically while others would occur according to individual readiness. 


In these sessions we identified the different stereotypes that we see in society today and how these have changed over time. We also looked at how stereotypes may be reinforced in the media and how these are being broken down. We talked about the influences that stereotypes have on people's lives and how can can stand up to these and be our own person. 

If you have any questions about anything that's been covered so far in Relationships and Sexuality Education, please get in touch with your child's homegroup teacher in the first instance.