Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto Newsletter Rāmere (Friday) 31 March 2023

Principal's Patch

Kia ora koutou

Today it was "Welcome to the Beckenham Zoo' as we had every imaginable creature turn up at school, complete with smiles, for the Student Council's Dress as an Animal Day. Our amazing Student Council get the top spot in today's newsletter after having organised a stunning day of 'We Make A Difference' today for the SPCA.

A HUGE thank you from our Student Council to everyone who contributed to the SPCA fundraiser today. We were overwhelmed by the volume of donations, including blankets, towels, sheets, newspapers, food and money that was given. We will be dropping this all to the SPCA tomorrow, including just over $600 in cash! Wow! And all of the animals in the Beckenham Zoo had a fun day too! 

Frida, Grace and Rose - Beckenham Student Council

Next week is the final week of Term 1 - with the last day being Thursday 6th April. 

Ngā mihi nui
Sandy Hastings
Tumuaki - Principal

Important Dates

Upcoming Events

Term 1

Thu 6 Apr - Last day of Term 1
Fri 7 Apr -  School Holidays begin (School closed)

Term 2

Mon 24 Apr - Staff Only Day (School closed)
Tue 25 Apr - ANZAC Day (School closed)
Wed 26 Apr - First day of Term 2
Mon 1 - Wed 3 May - Year 5/6 Camp - Living Springs
Fri 12 May - PTA Discos
Mon 5 Jun - King's Birthday (School closed)
Fri 30 Jun - Last day of Term 2

Citizen of the Week

Banuja Hettiweediya Mudiyanselage - Year 4

Banuja, you are an excellent example of someone who tackles challenges head-on and approaches all that you do with a positive attitude that shines. 'We Make a Difference' is a kete value you demonstrate daily through your passion for helping others along with the proactive approach you take to helping out around the hub. Ka pai tō mahi, Banuja!

School Notices

Financial Statements

You will have received your student's financial statement today.

This is just a reminder that donation payments (including camp donations) are able to be submitted for the Donation Tax Credits from the IRD. This scheme entitles you to claim back 33% of your donation payments, if you meet the eligibility criteria.

Payments made to us today, 31st March, can still be submitted as part of your application for the financial year ended 31st March 2023.

If you need any assistance logging into Hero to view your statement or wish to find out more about setting up payment instalments, you can refer to our website and follow the “Finances and Annual Donation” link in the “Information” dropdown menu.

Payments may be made in part or full to the school bank account - ASB Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto Board of Trustees 12 3148 0131641 000 using the child's name as a reference.

The school office also has Eftpos facilities available.

If you have any queries, please email

Lost Property

A reminder to all whānau to check the Lost Property before the end of term and take your items home.

Whānau Report Feedback - Thank You!

Thank you to those who took the time to complete the 2023 Whānau report feedback survey recently.  We appreciate the time and consideration that you put into this. We are currently working through the feedback.

'Kiss & Go' Drop Off Area

You may have noticed the 'Kiss & Go' signs on the fence at the drop off and pick up area on Sandwich Road (by the bike stands). This area is for whānau to pull in and drop off or pick up their children kerb side and then leave. 

The area works best when it is just the children getting in or out of the car (on the kerb side).  If whānau need to come into the school please park elsewhere on Sandwich Road.

Thank you to all those who have supported the 'Kiss & Go' zone. We have noticed cars moving on more quickly which has freed up the space for drop offs, making Sandwich road move more freely.

Three-point turns on Sandwich Road

Sandwich road is a busy place on either side of the school day. To keep everyone safe please continue along the road and around the block, rather than doing three-point turns or U turns. The road works have moved on from the immediate school block, so access is much easier.


Update for BOSCO whānau:

The government will be making some changes to the childcare assistance grant that will commence on 1st April 2023. What this means is that more families are likely to qualify for this financial assistance under the new guidelines. This is a good opportunity for families who require before and after school care of their children to see if this could help them.

BOSCO provides before school care from 7:30am – 8:30am and after school care from 3:00pm – 6:00pm.

Should you have any questions regarding this please do not hesitate to contact Juanita at

Dental Van Visit

One of our Community Dental Service vans will be making a visit to your school soon.
  • Only the children who currently require a check-up will be seen at this visit.
    Please do not be concerned if your child is not called for a check-up this time.

  • The dental therapist will provide a regular check-up and preventative care which may include:
    Cleaning/Scaling (to remove plaque from teeth)
    Dental x-rays (to check for decay in teeth, or presence and position of teeth)
    Fluoride Varnish (painted on teeth to help prevent decay)
    Fissure Sealants (coating put on teeth to prevent decay) if required.

  • If your child requires any other dental care, they will bring home a ‘Care Plan’ which will explain what dental care and appointment times are required.

  • When you receive the ‘Care Plan’ please contact our Call Centre as soon as possible as you will need to arrange a time to bring your child to one of our Community Clinics for this dental care.

  • Please contact our Call Centre if you want further information on the Community Dental Service, to enrol your child or if you have any specific questions about your child’s dental care (a dental therapist will call you back)

  • Year 8 students: all year 8 students enrolled with the Community Dental Service are transferred from the Community Dental Service to a FREE private dentist from year 9 until their 18th birthday. To help with this transition please ensure you have informed your child of their family dentist (not orthodontist). This will enable us to transfer your child onto the correct dentist for year 9 onwards. More information will be sent home after their year 8 check-up.
To contact our Call Centre: phone 0800 846 983 / email

PTA News

Hot Cross Buns

Orders for hot cross buns are all in and we're looking forward to delivery day on Wednesday 5th April, just in time for Easter!


This recent wet weather has resulted in lots of wet feet - do you have old gumboots (especially in larger sizes to fit 11+ year-olds) that you could donate to the uniform room? We will gratefully receive them and save them for a rainy day!

Community Notices

(Notices placed here are contingent on space and do not reflect the views or opinions of the school.)

Nathan is returning to Christchurch for one night only to present a NEW PRESENTATION.

When:  Tuesday 4th April, 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Where:  Te Aratai College / CHRISTCHURCH
Presentation:  Understanding Your Brain: Building Resilience & Maximising Learning (note: this presentation caters for parents/carers and educators who care for children of all ages.  It is also relevant for us grown-ups!)

More info/tickets available on Eventfinda NZ or by clicking on the link below:

Early bird tickets are still available. Get in quick!

We are very excited to announce the NZSO are returning to the Christchurch Town Hall for Open Doors on Saturday 20 May. Our musicians are going to be running several fantastic events – there will be something for everyone!

Tamariki Time – 10:00-10:45 (Avon Room)

Tamariki Time is a free concert designed for the smallest members of your whānau. Suitable for pre-schoolers or students up to the age of 8 years. This 45-minute concert features various short and instrument demos that your kids will love! Including pieces from the Nutcracker, songs from Encanto and an exciting storytime performance presented by Chris Lam Sam. Have a listen to his catchy Octopus song before the performance!

There is a relaxed attitude to noise and movement during the concert and a chance to get up and move to the music. If you are interested in coming along, register you attendance here.

Relaxed Concert – 11:30 – 12:15 (Avon Room)

Our Relaxed Concert is a free accessibility concert designed for audiences with sensory needs who may feel uncomfortable in a traditional concert environment.

There is a relaxed attitude to noise and movement during the performance, minimal lighting effects, and a 'chill-out' space is available.

The 45-minute concert features a wide variety of short pieces and instrument demos that will grow your knowledge of the orchestra! We will also perform one of our popular Storytime books live presented by Chris Lam Sam, including his popular Octopus song!

If you are interested in attending our session, please register your attendance here.

Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 1 Week 9

 In this post:

  • No technology
  • Sport term 2
  • Animal dress-up day pics
  • Passions pics


There will be no technology this coming Tuesday, as they will be setting up new spaces at Christchurch South Intermediate that day. Children are to arrive at school at the usual time, ready to start learning at 8:55.

Sport in Term 2

Thank you to parents who have offered to help with a winter sports team. Winter sports begins next term on the 25th May and runs for the last 5 weeks of Term 2 and then the first 5 weeks of Term 3. We have had a lot of interest in football and netball, but still need parents to help with a team. If you are able to assist please email

SPCA Fundraiser

A bit well done to the student council for organising a fabulous Animal Dress-up Day today. $600 was raised, and we also have a huge pile of donations.


Today we came to the end of our term 1 passion sessions. The children have developed skills and a passion for American football, working with our younger tamariki, coding, photography, science and quilling. Next week, we will outline the passions for term 2.

In our photography passion we have been learning about different shots and angles such as close up and low angle. The students have been enjoying exploring and trying new things. Today we learnt about trick photography, it was highly amusing!

Kōwhai News Term 1 Week 9

Kia ora whānau,

Week 9 over and out! It’s hard to believe we are approaching the end of term 1 already. We want to take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate the hard work of our year 3 and 4 students. They have all done an excellent job at settling into the new school year, adapting to routines and have made the most of opportunities to learn and build connections within the hub. 


As part of our innovation focus for the year, over the past few weeks, the Kōwhai children have been exploring simple machines and their functions. It has been a great way for them to learn about some of the basic principles of physics and engineering, inquiring into simple machines, such as levers, pulleys, and inclined planes. By understanding how they work, they have begun to develop an appreciation for the everyday technology that surrounds them. The children have particularly enjoyed working with their peers to build a functional ramp and experimenting with different materials. It has been great to see them all so engaged in the scientific process and thinking critically and creatively about their ramp design. 


Ramadan celebrations have officially begun. Ramadan typically falls on the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It is a significant month that holds great importance for Muslims all around the world. It is a time for spiritual reflection, devotion, and self-discipline, where Muslims fast from dawn until dusk and engage in acts of charity, kindness, and worship. We have families who observe Ramadan within our school and wider community and we can support them by asking them about how they observe Ramadan because each family will probably do something a bit different.

Covid Cases 

There have recently been some positive Covid cases within the Kōwhai hub. Being safe from Covid-19 continues to be important to families, students and staff at Beckenham. In order to minimise the risk of contracting Covid or other viruses, we continue to promote regular washing of hands, especially before eating, and we are continuing to ensure the learning spaces are well-ventilated. This week you may have noticed some teachers and students choosing to wear a mask. This is not compulsory and it is up to your whānau to decide whether this is something you would like your child to do. Please continue to keep your child at home if they are presenting with symptoms or if you are concerned that they may be Covid positive. Thank you for your ongoing support with this.


As we approach the cooler months, it is important that your child/children bring a school jersey with them every day. Unless it is raining, students spend their break times outside and will need their jerseys to keep them warm.

School Houses

We have just posted some information on our houses on the school website. Included on the site, are all the words for the chants and a video link below each one if you would like to take a look at them and practise them at home. Here is a link to the site.


As usual, the children have been engrossed in various activities during Discovery over the last few weeks. Here are some photos which show you what some of our tamariki have been up to:

Kahikatea News Week 9 Term 1

Term 1 Week 9

Kia ora e te whānau,

What a busy couple of weeks we have had! A highlight, of course, was our team trip to Ferrymead. It was a successful day, with our learners getting to experience a range of activities and transport themselves back to the 'olden days'. Another big thank you to our whānau helpers, you were wonderful.

Student Voice

"My favourite part was making an olden day toy."- Thalia

"We got to go on a tram! It was the only tram I've been on in my whole entire life that doesn't have walls!" - Neasa

"I liked the chickens, dressing up, and the river." - Sarah

"I liked the chickens 'cos they were fun to look at! My favourite thing to play with was the yo-yo." -Jace

"I liked having activities and the playground. I liked the horse toys and the skipping ropes." - Finn

"I liked the toy babies and the bikes!" - Maryam

"I liked the costumes!" - James

Home Spaces

On Thursday, we moved home spaces. Each teacher moved clockwise around the hub which means that:

- Katie's home group is in the Theatre

- Lisa and Quynh's home group is in the Atrium

- Krystal's home group is in the Breakout space

- Amber's home group is in the Nook

Making this move before the end of the term has allowed all of our learners to know where they will be when returning to school at the start of Term 2.

Uniform/ Lost Property

As summer draws to a close and Term 2 and 3 are ahead, sun hats are no longer a requirement at school. We will send home all hats on the last day of term. We will need them back at school for Term 4.

Over the holidays please ensure that all of the uniform items that belong to your child are clearly and accurately named. In some cases, there is a sibling's or previous owner's name on labels, which makes it tricky to reunite the items with their owner. 

For Terms 2 and 3, your child is welcome to bring gumboots and jackets to school. We have shoe racks and clothing racks to use for these items.  Please make sure these are also clearly named.


We continue our focus on innovation into Term 2, where the main focus is going to be on following a design process to make an instrument. We will explore different types of music and instruments, listen to a live percussion performance, learn about the technology design process, and make our instruments. 

We are looking for items to create these instruments with, such as...

- clean tin cans (with no sharp edges)

- clean plastic containers or bottles (not milk bottles)

- glass jars

- lids (tin or plastic)

- tissue boxes

- other small boxes

- cardboard tubes

- balloons

- thick cardboard

- rubber bands

Ferrymead Photos



- Last day of school for Term 1 is Thursday 6th April

-The first teaching day of Term 2 is Wednesday 26th April

Have a wonderful holiday break with your whānau.

Ngā mihi nui,

The Kahikatea Team

Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto Newsletter Rāmere (Friday) 24 March 2023

Principal's Patch

Kia ora koutou

This week is the start of Ramadan which is a really important celebration for Muslim people and their families. Ramadan is the 9th month in the Islamic calendar and is observed worldwide by Muslims as a month of fasting, prayer, reflection and community.

We can show support to our friends who are Muslim by asking them about how they observe Ramadan - because each family will probably do something a bit different.

It is important to us that we can support all of our tamariki with the values and beliefs that are important to their families. If your family have a faith, values and beliefs that you want us to understand better, please make contact with your child's teacher(s) or one of our team in the office and we will be very keen to learn more.

Last week we were fortunate to have Jeff from the ASB GetWise programme working with our tamariki, from Years 3-8. 

GetWise is a financial literacy programme for children and it was really heartening to see the children engaging with the programme.
ASB have a website with excellent resources for whānau to support you with helping your children about money and to enable them to develop skills that will last them for life.

Being in a 'House' at Beckenham

Once a child has started at Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto, they will be allocated a ‘House’ to belong to. Children from the same family/whānau are put into the same house. Usually, a child will stay in this house for the duration of their time at Beckenham, except if they are made a leader of another house when they are in Year 8.

Each house has its own colour, and there are House Shirts that are an optional part of the school uniform, that can be purchased and worn on Fridays, or sports/special event days as advised in the newsletter.

Each house has its own ‘chant’ and tamariki learn this so that they can participate in the house chant at sports and special events, and in Celebration Assemblies, if it is their house that has won the House Points for that fortnight.

You can find the House Chants here, and there are also videos that you can share with your child to help them learn their house chant

Ngā mihi nui
Sandy Hastings
Tumuaki - Principal

Important Dates

Upcoming Events

Term 1

Thu 30 Mar - Board Meeting - Staffroom 5:30pm - Visitors welcome
Fri 31 Mar - ANIMAL DRESS-UP DAY for the SPCA (New date)
Thu 6 Apr - Last day of Term 1
Fri 7 Apr -  School Holidays begin (School closed)

Term 2

Mon 24 Apr - Staff Only Day (School closed)
Tue 25 Apr - ANZAC Day (School closed)
Wed 26 Apr - First day of Term 2
Mon 1 - Wed 3 May - Year 5/6 Camp - Living Springs
Mon 5 Jun - King's Birthday (School closed)
Fri 30 Jun - Last day of Term 2

Citizen of the Week

Frida Corin - Year 8

Frida, you have grown as a leader and learner within our kura. You are compassionate and thoughtful. When you step up to lead, the respect and trust that your peers have for you is clearly evident. When it comes to learning, you embrace opportunities to improve by responding to feedback and giving your best effort. Thank you for all that you bring to our Kauri whānau.

School Notices

'Kiss & Go' Drop Off Area

You may have noticed the 'Kiss & Go' signs on the fence at the drop off and pick up area on Sandwich Road (by the bike stands). This area is for whānau to pull in and drop off or pick up their children kerb side and then leave. 

The area works best when it is just the children getting in or out of the car (on the kerb side).  If whānau need to come into the school please park elsewhere on Sandwich Road.

Return of the coffee car

The Coffee Car will be on Sandwich Rd on Mondays and Fridays. A reminder to parents who purchase a hot chocolate for their child, that they will need to drink it before the final bell at 8.55am. 
The coffee car will be at school before 8am and leave at approx 9.10am. 


Community Dental Service - Holidays Notice

Congratulations to...

Hayley Rose Ruyters. On the 16th to the 18th of March at Horncastle Arena, Hayley Rose competed in Nationals for Marching. On the Friday they qualified for the champions in March, on the Saturday they competed and came 1st in technical, 2nd in display and were the under 12 championship team.

Student Council News 

Animal Dress-up Day for SPCA, Friday, March 31st

Beckenham tamariki love animals and so the Student Council has decided to support the SPCA. This coming Friday, 31st March, there will be a dress-up day! Your child/children can dress up as their favourite animal! We would love it if you could help your child to donate one of the following options:
  • Old newspapers
  • Towels, sheets, duvet covers, or blankets (especially polar fleece blankets) – but please NO duvet inners, pillows or pillow cases, mattresses, bean bags, or electric blankets
  • Dishwashing detergent and washing powder
  • Unopened pet food that the SPCA can give out to the community – particularly wet kitten and puppy food
  • Or a gold coin donation!
The student council will be in front of the hall before school starts on Friday, to receive your donations. We can’t wait to see your child in their costume! Thank you for your support.

PTA News

Hot Cross Buns

Orders for hot cross buns are all in and we're looking forward to delivery day on Wednesday 5th April, just in time for Easter!


This recent wet weather has resulted in lots of wet feet - do you have old gumboots (especially in larger sizes to fit 11+ year-olds) that you could donate to the uniform room? We will gratefully receive them and save them for a rainy day!

Community Notices

(Notices placed here are contingent on space and do not reflect the views or opinions of the school.)

Sydenham Rugby Club

Sydenham Rugby registrations have started and are looking for players in all grades.  We would love to have you join the Sydenham family.  If interested you can register at

CodeCamp April School Holidays

CodeCamp allows children from the ages of 7-12 to develop 21st century skills in a fun and action packed environment. Develop confidence & initiative through design, creativity, solving problems, presenting & collaboration. Create games, apps. 
Waimari School: 17th - 20th April. 
Book Now at