Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 4 Week 3

It continues to be all go in the Intermediate Hub! Remember sports day has been moved to Friday this week. Jenny will be emailing out details, including a programme of events. Read on for important messages...

Ōtakāro Orchard Trip

The weather forecast is looking good and we have Simon, Peter and Anne signed up to help, so it is all looking good for Monday's trip to town (Nov 5). Children need to bring gardening gloves and a trowel (in a bag) if they have these at home. Packed lunch, drink bottle, sunhat and sunscreen are musts. We leave school at 11am and return by 3pm.

The Sexuality Road Parent Information Evening

This Thursday in the staffroom. Please fill in this form if you are planning on coming.

Top Team Competition

Our Top Team competition is coming up in week 5 on Tuesday Nov 13th. So far we have Mary,  Sonja, Leigh and Kate signed up to help. Rory, Philippa and Peter are maybes. We still need more adults to help supervise events. This is a great opportunity to see your child interacting in a group situation.  If you can help, please fill in this form.

Parent helpers for Victoria Park and Corsair Bay

May thanks to those who have offered to help with these two trips at the end of the term. We would need you all.
Corsair Bay: Simon, Peter, Kate, Jane and Kathryn (with possibly Mary and Rory)
Victoria Park: Rory, Philippa, Kate, George, Peter, Simon, Nicole and Rebecca. We still need a couple more for this trip. Details on the link above.

Creativity Abound!

There are lots of creative juices flowing in the Intermediate Hub this term. Work is underway with props, costumes and performances for our production in December. If you would like to join your props and costume crew, who work on a Thursday morning between 11 and 12:40, we would love to have your help. All skill levels welcome. Please email if you are available.
On a Thursday during passion time, one group are designing a mural to be painted on the toilet block by the Beckenham ponds. We are excited to have local artist, Ira Kirk, guiding us through this process.

2019 Leaders

We are currently interviewing the 34 Year 7s who applied for house captain and student council executive positions. As you can imagine, this will be a tricky task. We hope to be able to announce these positions by Friday this week. The 11 children who are selected will attend a leadership training afternoon, 'Be Inspired', on Wednesday, November 14th. This is the day of the proposed teacher strike. We will need at least two parents to accompany this group.

Theatre Sports

Our Theatre Sports team hit the stage at the Court Theatre this coming Sunday at 11am, for their first heat. They would love to have a crew of supporters watching. Here is the link if you would like to book tickets. Best of luck team. We think you are very clever and very funny!!

Summer Tournament

Next Wednesday a group of children from Kauri are competing in the Summer Tournament. We have teams entered for orienteering, kiwi tag (touch), slow pitch (all at Hagley Park) and tennis (Wilding Park). Children participating in Summer Tournament will need to be at school for 8:30 next Wednesday. All children will need the following:

  • Beckenham sports uniform
  • Suitable shoes for their sport (tennis players should have shoes that will not mark the courts)
  • A water bottle
  • Warm Layer
  • Sun Hat 
  • Packed lunch

A donation to cover associated costs (transport and entry fees) will be added to your child’s account.

Koru News Week 2 Term 4

Hub 1-4 Inquiry
Next week we are beginning our inquiry Sustainable Building. We will begin our inquiry by exploring materials and constructing and experimenting with shapes and designs.
Please send us your empty boxes - such as, toothbrush boxes, cereal boxes, egg boxes etc.

If you are interested in sharing your knowledge of building, design and materials with our tamariki please send an email to your child's teacher. We are looking forward to hearing from some of our builders, architects,planners, drafts people, joiners and engineers!

News from the Koru New Entrants

Pirate Day on the final day of Term 3 -
We had SO much fun 'yo-ho-hoing' and 'pieces-of-eighting' at the end of last term! Our Pirate theme ended with us all making treasure chest biscuits on the last Thursday of term (our thanks to the parents who helped out on that day), and then we all dressed up, in line with the pirate theme, on the final Friday of term. Alfie's Mum 'knocked together' a splendid pirate ship, complete with plank, canons, and skull and crossbones flag. We were also treated to a show performed by the Natural Magic pirates - we were totally entranced, and all very grateful. How lucky we were!

The pirates in action

Everyone joining in with the fun

We were all totally captivated...

Big pirates, little pirates - we all had a ball!

Beckenham's Got Talent:
Our hearty congratulations to Poppy Holton who made it through to the finals of the Beckenham Talent Quest, which was held on the afternoon of the last day of Term 3. We were SO proud of you, Poppy! What a star you are.

Discovery Stations:
We continue to have loads of fun and learn so much at Discovery Stations time (teachers and children alike!). The children practise the Key Competencies of Relating To Others, Managing Themselves, and Participating and Contributing during these play-based learning sessions. This week and next, we are going to be hosting two small groups of local preschool teachers, who would like to observe our Discovery Stations, and then our Literacy time between 10:50 and 12:40. Enjoy these photos from the last fortnight:
How many penguins altogether, we wonder.

Playing 'schools' at school!

Some clever engineering and sign-writing here.

What can you see through the window, Peter?

Reading's fine at any time, is what we say!!

We absolutely love our new Lego table - thank you, Cath.

Hut construction.

Reading a story to Peter Rabbit.

Now that's a very clever construction! 

More clever constructing going on here.

Working together.

We were given a set of cuisenaire rods by a Beckenham family from some years ago and the children are thoroughly enjoying using them especially to form patterns, but also to help solve Maths problems.

More clever pattern-making.

We love writing, and take any opportunity to have fun practising!

And, of course, we LOVE numbers! Generally the children work in pairs (sometimes, in threes) to solve Maths problems. These problems are usually related to a theme, or an area of interest, which is highly motivating for the children on that day or during that week.

If seven mother sheep each had two lambs, how many lambs would there be altogether?

If Old MacDonald had five horses in one paddock and six horses in another paddock, how many horses would he have altogether?

If you put your hand up nine times and each time you received two pingpong balls in a jar, how many pingpong balls would you have altogether?

In Koru New Entrants, We Love Learning!

Important Forms for Living Springs Camp 13 – 15 November

Hopefully your child brought home the three different notices relating to camp that we gave out on Friday. One notice is an information and gear list for you to keep. The second notice is a Health Profile and Medical Consent form. This is to be filled in and returned to school on Monday. This information is essential for us to plan and prepare in advance, to ensure that we are aware of medical backgrounds and history, just in case! The third form is a Medical Authority form. This is to be filled out if your child is bringing any type of medication to camp. The filled form, along with the medication, should be put into a zip lock bag or ice cream container and handed to Katie on the day we leave for camp (Tuesday 13 November).

We have attached the all of the notices and forms here, in the event that your little poppet misplaced them and they didn't quite make it home!

If you have any queries regarding camp, please contact one of us.