Kauri Whānau Update: Term 2, Week 4

In This Post

  • Wellbeing Week
  • Cyber Safety: TikTok
  • Cross Country
  • Getting Winter Ready: Ski Sale

Wellbeing Week: A Focus on Emotional Literacy and Social Skills

We're excited to announce our upcoming Wellbeing Week, dedicated to enhancing our students' emotional literacy, social coaching, collaborative problem-solving, and overall sense of connection.

Throughout the week, we will:
  • Emphasize Emotional Literacy: Helping children understand and express their emotions effectively.
  • Provide Social Coaching: Guiding students in building strong, positive relationships with their peers.
  • Encourage Collaborative Problem Solving: Teaching children to work together to find solutions and overcome challenges.
  • Reinforce Connection: Strengthening the bonds within our school community.
Additionally, we will review our routines and expectations to ensure a smooth and supportive environment in the hub.

If you have any questions about this, please contact your child's homegroup teacher in the first instance.

Cyber Safety: All You Need to Know About TikTok

TikTok is one of the fastest growing social media apps. It’s a platform for creating, sharing and discovering short videos – and many young people love it! From new dance crazes to funny clips to animal videos, TikTok can inspire creativity and bring joy.

But it’s important that parents and whānau help their tamariki navigate TikTok safely. Today we’re sharing the Netsafe Tiktok Family Safety Toolkit so you can help guide your whānau to a fun and safe digital experience.

Cross Country

On Tuesday afternoon last week we had our school cross country. Unlike last year, it was a lovely clear day, perfect for running. All of the Kauri students did well on the day, running hard and supporting others in turn.

On Wednesday, some students from both Kauri and Pohutukawa teams went to Zones at Hansen's Park. We will have a record number of students representing our kura at the Canterbury finals.

A massive thank you to Jenny for organising the school Cross Country and setting our students up for success at Zones.

Getting Winter Ready: Ski Sale

The following was spotted on Facebook in the last week and was passed on to us to share, as it would be great with the cold winter and our Ski Day coming up next term:

City Mission Op Shop
We’ve just received a huge donation of second hand ski gear from NZSki just in time for winter!
Jacket, pants & overalls in a range of sizes are just $5 each!
It’s chilly out there but thanks to NZSki we can keep you warm!
Available at of our City Mission Op Shops.

Kauri Whānau Update: Term 4, Week 9

 In this post:

  • Production Key Reminders
  • EOTC in Week 10
  • Pool Party
  • Uniform Reminder
  • Relationships and Sexuality
  • Week 10 Overview

Production Reminders

We had our dress rehearsals this week, including one on Thursday afternoon to the whole school. The performance is continuing to look great, and we look forward to sharing it with whānau and friends on Monday and Tuesday evening next week. Key points to note are as follows:
  • There will be two performances, Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th of December. Both start at 7pm.
  • Entry is by gold coin donation at the door.
  • The sound and lighting team will need to be at school for setup by 6.30pm.
  • All other students need to be in the hub, in costume and having been fed by 6.40pm.

EOTC in Week 10

Wednesday December 13th: Vic Park Walk

This event involves leaving school by 10am to walk to Victoria Park where we students will take part in some game and activities before returning to school by 3pm. Parts of the walk are quite steep, so good walking shoes (and some fitness) will be required. On Monday we will send out a social story that we will have shared with the students. It would be good to review this at home.

For this trip children will need:
  • Sunhat
  • Sunscreen
  • Backpack
  • Water bottle and lunch
  • Good walking shoes
  • A warm jacket or raincoat
    Activewear can also be worn instead of uniform on Wednesday.

    Thursday December 14th: Cass Bay Trip

    We will leave school by 11am and once at Cass Bay, students can swim, explore, chill, and play in the environment. There will be a guided walk to neighbouring Corsair Bay for those interested. On Monday we will send out a social story that we will have shared with the students. It would be good to review this at home.

    For this trip children will need:
    • To wear school uniform
    • Sunhat
    • Sunscreen
    • Water bottle and lunch (they can arrange a shared lunch with friends, and this would need to be nut free)
    • Togs and towel (best to wear togs under their uniform)
    • A warm jacket
    • Optional: wetsuit, book, game (non-electronic), drawing book, sunglasses
    Phones will be left at school. We will be leaving school at 11am and will be back by 3pm. 

    Previously this has been at Corsair bay, with a walk to Cass bay. We have switched this around due to water quality advice.

    Year 8 Pool Party

    We have booked Waltham Pool and two BBQ spots for Wednesday from 4.00 - 6.00pm for our Year 8 pool party. Children are to bring a water bottle (no fizzy drinks), their togs, towel, sunhat, and sunscreen. We will provide the sausages, bread, and sauce alongside various alternate dietary options.
    If we are not contacted, we will assume that children are being collected at 6pm. If other arrangements are made, please let the homegroup teacher know.

    The cost of entry to the pool is $2, and it is an additional $2 for the hydroslide. A teacher will collect this from students on entry.

    Uniform Reminder

    For the last full week of school, we would like to remind all students to keep their uniform and senior jackets in pristine condition. Year 8s might like to bring a spare school shirt to have signed by their peers. This is not to be worn. Students also need to provide their own pen for signing.

    Relationships and Sexuality

    This week, the homegroups have been talking about intimacy and what this means within the context of different relationships (friends, family, romantic). Some groups have discussed consent and what this means. We also have had an activity which has discussed same and different gender relationships. We have also covered some discussion around communication modes and styles. Finally, some groups have also covered the changes that happen at puberty.

    As always, if you have any questions please contact the homegroup teacher in the first instance.

    Week 10 Overview

    Monday 11th - Production performance (7pm)
    Monday 12th - Technology, Production performance (7pm)
    Wednesday 13th - Victoria Park Walk, Year 8 Pool Party
    Thursday 14th - Cass Bay Trip
    Friday 15th - Final celebration assembly

    Kauri Whānau Update: Term 4, Week 8

    In this post:

    • Cass Bay Trip
    • Pool Party
    • Production Key Points
    • Relationships and Sexuality
    • Week 10 Overview
    • Staff vs Students Basketball

    Cass Bay Trip

    On Thursday December 14th (Week 10) we are hoping to go to Cass Bay. We still need more helpers for this event to go forward, and helpers who are willing to be out on the water for some of the day. If you are able, please sign up via this google form as soon as possible. These events are not possible without the support of whānau.

    Pool Party

    We have not had any volunteers to host the Year 8 Pool Party on Wednesday December 13th from 4pm to 6pm, and so have made the decision to take the event to Waltham Pool. Students will need to pay the cost of entry and hydroslide. We will be in touch with Waltham to confirm the price per student.

    Production Overview

    We had our first full run throughs of the production this week, and things are looking great! Key points for whānau to note are as follows:
    • There will be two performances, Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th of December. Both start at 7pm.
    • Entry is by gold coin donation at the door.
    • The sound and lighting team will need to be at school for setup by 6.30pm.
    • All other students need to be in the hub, in costume and having been fed by 6.40pm.
    • Please see our previous blog post for details about costumes. Most will be in black pants and a colourful top. We don't want whānau spending money on this, so please get in touch if you need assistance.
    • Our dress rehearsals are on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday afternoon this coming week. Our Thursday performance will be in front of the school. Students will need their costumes at school on Wednesday.

    Relationships and Sexuality

    This week, the homegroups have been talking about intimacy and what this means within the context of different relationships (friends, family, romantic). Some groups have discussed consent and what this means. We also have had an activity which has discussed same and different gender relationships. We have also covered some discussion around communication modes and styles. As always, if you have any questions please contact the homegroup teacher in the first instance.

    Week 10 Overview

    Monday 11th - Production performance (7pm)
    Monday 12th - Technology, Production performance (7pm)
    Wednesday 13th - Victoria Park Walk, Year 8 Pool Party
    Thursday 14th - Cass Bay Trip
    Friday 15th - Final celebration assembly

    Staff vs Students Basketball

    On Wednesday this week, the students organised a game of basketball between Year 8s and willing teachers. It was a well-attended game and while both teams competed strongly, The teachers managed to steal the win on this occasion!

    Kauri Whanau Update: Term 4, Week 7

     In this post:

    • Production
    • Pool party
    • Leavers assembly
    • Parent Help Needed
    • Relationships and Sexuality
    • Ski Day Video

    We're inching ever closer to the end of the term, and while this can often be a tricky time of the year with learners (and teachers) tired and ready for a break, the Kauri team is enjoying the vibe we currently have in our hub. So many students are demonstrating our school values and are enthusiastically engaging with the learning taking place throughout the week.


    If you need a reminder, see the previous blog post for a reminder about costume requirements for each production group.

    Please make sure that you have the two performance nights (Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th of December) blocked out already so all students are able to take part - we can't get there together without everyone!

    Pool Party

    We are still on the lookout for someone who would be able to host our low-key pool party for Year 8s on on Wednesday December 13th, from 4pm to 6pm. If you are able to help with this, either because you have a pool or would like to volunteer someone else's pool, please get in touch.

    Leaver's Assembly

    Thank you to the Year 8 whānau who have already RSVP'd via this google form. Please fill this out as soon as possible if you have not done so. We have limited capacity in the hall, which is why we invite up to two people to support our leavers on the day. Some whānau may need than two people. If this is the case, please get in touch with Thomas directly; We need to keep a close eye on the numbers to ensure everyone can fit in the hall so ākonga are able to be represented and supported.

    Parent Help Needed

    Thank you to those who have offered to help on our Cass Bay and/or Victoria Park outings. We still need a few more volunteers in order to make sure these events can go ahead. These two days are for all Year 7 and 8 students, and are always a really great time for all. Please fill in this form to indicate how you can help.

    Wednesday December 13th: Vic Park Walk

    This event involves leaving school by 10am to walk to Victoria Park where we students will take part in some game and activities before returning to school by 3pm. Parts of the walk are quite steep, so good walking shoes (and some fitness) will be required.

    Thursday December 14th: Cass Bay Trip

    We will leave school by 11am and once at Cass Bay, students can swim, explore, chill, and play in the environment. There will be a guided walk to neighbouring Corsair Bay for those interested.

    Previously this has been at Corsair bay, with a walk to Cass bay. We have switched this around due to water quality advice.

    Relationships and Sexuality

    We have completed the "Who Am I?" section of the curriculum, which looked at identity and stereotypes. We have discussed relationships in light of the different types of relationships we have and the qualities that we value in different relationships. We are also discussing through intimacy and consent at the moment. If you have any questions, please get in touch with your child's homegroup teacher.

    Ski Day Video

    Despite our very best efforts, we have been unable to share the video in a school assembly of the fantastic day we enjoyed last term up at Mount Hutt. The media team have done a fantastic job of putting together a reflection of the day, and on the off-chance you missed it last time, it's attached below for all to enjoy!

    Kauri Whānau Update: Term 4, Week 6

    In this post:

    • Production Costumes
    • Year 8 Pool Party
    • Parent help: Cass Bay & Vic Park
    • Graduation RSVP
    • Cashmere High School Whānau Hui
    • Relationships and Sexuality Education

    Production Costumes

    Our aim is to keep costumes for the production simple and effective. We have chosen a colour scheme that reflects the original illustrations of Oh The Places You'll Go. It is our hope that whānau can source costumes from clothes that children already have, can borrow, or can cheaply buy. We also have a large collection of clothes from previous productions, and so may be able to help out if needed. If you get stuck or have any questions, please let us know.

    Students taking part in the dramatic speaking group will wear block colour shorts, and will be making Dr Seuss "Thing" characters at school to pin onto their tops. They can wear black shorts/pants and will have crazy "Thing" hair, so either a wig or crazy hairstyle will do.

    Students who are part of the singing group will be wearing a plain pastel-coloured top with black pants.

    Students who are part of the Geometric Dance group will be wearing a black short-sleeved top or singlet and black leggings, shorts, or trousers.

    The Giant and Lovely dance group will be wearing pastel shades and colours as much as possible, though white would also be fine. This should be a plain t-shirt or singlet and leggings, shorts or trousers.

    The students who are supporting with sound and lighting will be wearing black or similarly dark colours.

    Pool Party

    It has become one of our traditions to have a low key pool party for our Year 8s one afternoon in the last week of school. We organise pizza and drinks along with games. We are hoping for it to take place in Week 10, on Wednesday December 13th, from 4pm to 6pm. It is optional for children to attend. Those that are there need to be picked up at 6pm, or teachers notified that they are walking home.

    Each year this has taken place, it has been generously hosted by school whānau. Is there anyone with a suitable property who would be willing to host this year?y

    Parent Help Needed

    We have two outdoor education events planned for this term and will require parent help for them to go ahead. Please fill in this form to indicate where you can help.

    Wednesday December 13th: Vic Park Walk

    This event involves leaving school by 10am to walk to Victoria Park where we students will take part in some game and activities before returning to school by 3pm. Parts of the walk are quite steep, so good walking shoes (and some fitness) will be required.

    Thursday December 14th: Cass Bay Trip

    We will leave school by 11am and once at Cass Bay, students can swim, explore, chill, and play in the environment. There will be a guided walk to neighbouring Corsair Bay for those interested.

    Previously this has been at Corsair bay, with a walk to Cass bay. We have switched this around due to water quality advice.

    Graduation Invitation

    On Monday December 18th, in just over a month, our Year 8 students will be completing their primary and intermediate education. We would like to warmly invite whānau to their graduation assembly. Please click this link for the invitation and to RSVP.

    Cashmere High School Whānau Hui

    Cashmere High School has formally invited our Ākonga Māori and their whānau to attend the CHS Year 8 hui to welcome them to their kura. It's a great opportunity to meet some of the CHS ākonga and kaiako before they are welcomed with a pōwhiri next year. 

    Date/Time: On Thursday 30th November at 5:30pm
    Where: Wharenui, Cashmere High School

    Relationships and Sexuality Education

    We will be keeping you informed as we work our way through the Relationships and Sexuality Education curriculum on the content of our lessons.

    Our first session focused on creating shared expectations for these lessons. The children identified what would make them feel safe during these conversations, which included sentiments such as respecting everyone’s contributions and questions, laughing along with someone, not at them, and being mindful of your own boundaries and the boundaries of others. 

    Rights and Responsibilities

    We reflected on how our rights and responsibilities changed as we matured. The children thought about what rights and responsibilities they would have in the future and how some of these would occur automatically while others would occur according to individual readiness. 


    In these sessions we identified the different stereotypes that we see in society today and how these have changed over time. We also looked at how stereotypes may be reinforced in the media and how these are being broken down. We talked about the influences that stereotypes have on people's lives and how can can stand up to these and be our own person. 

    If you have any questions about anything that's been covered so far in Relationships and Sexuality Education, please get in touch with your child's homegroup teacher in the first instance.