Principal's Patch
Kia ora e te whānau
We are well into the cold, winter weather now and noticing that a number of our tamariki are coming to school without a sweatshirt or polar fleece. The PTA has a good supply of second-hand uniform items at very affordable prices. The second-hand clothing shop is open every Monday and Friday from 2:50 - 3:15pm, in the old dental clinic building on the corner of Sandwich Road and Eastern Tce
Learning Conferences
Reports will be available the week prior to Learning Conferences. This will be an opportunity for you to meet with your child's home group teacher and discuss their progress and next steps.
Matariki Whānau Rōpū Hui
We are very excited about the upcoming Matariki themed whānau hui this coming Wednesday, 22nd June, from 5-6:30pm. Te Whānau Mahi Tahi and the Pōhutukawa and Kōwhai kapa haka groups are looking forward to performing for you all for the first time this year!
The PTA Hāngi will follow immediately after the hui, for those who have ordered kai.
COVID Update
Only two new cases of COVID have been reported in our student/staff population this week which is really great news. You can see from the graph below that our 7-day rolling average is less than 1 and tracking down.
Attendance is still sitting between 76-84%. We know that every day at school is important for our children's progress so please ONLY keep your child at home if they are sick, symptomatic or isolating. Otherwise - send them to school!
Sandy Hastings
Important Dates
Upcoming Events
Wednesday 22 June - Whānau Hui & Hāngī
Friday 24 June - Matariki - School closed
Wednesday 29 June - PTA Meeting (7.30-8.30PM in the Green Room)
Monday 4 July - school closes at 2pm for Learning Conferences
Wednesday 6 July - school closes at 2pm for Learning Conferences
Friday 8 July - Last day of Term 2
Citizen of the Week
Olivia Yeates - Year 6
Olivia, your love of learning is reflected in the way you grasp all learning opportunities on offer at school. Your focus and diligence, along with the high self-expectations that you set yourself, mean that not only is your work completed in a timely manner, it is also completed to an excellent standard. You are a role model in our hub and are a driver of your own education. Tino pai, Olivia. School Notices
Matariki Evening (Whānau Hui) and Kapa Haka Performance
We would like to invite you to our first Whānau Rōpū hui of 2022. Matariki is the start of the Māori New Year and a time of reflection, connection, and planning for the year ahead. We would like to celebrate with you and your whānau on the
22nd of June from 5pm.
5:00 pm - Welcome & Performance - Te Whānau Mahi Tahi
5:20 pm Move to hubs - Matariki activities
6:20 pm Return to hall - performance by Pōhutukawa and Kōwhai joint kapa haka rōpū
6:45 pm Hāngi (for those who have pre-ordered hāngi)
Nau mai, haere mai.
Please let us know if your child is going to be away BEFORE 8.55am on the day of their absence.
When you do this, it saves an enormous amount of time in the Office.
Just a reminder of the ways you can contact us:
BY TEXT - 02102794107
BY PHONE - 03 337 1404
Please note that the voicemail function does not work for the text line, you cannot leave messages on the cellphone number.
If you are emailing teachers, please ensure you copy in the office too.
We have a had a number of cases of head lice reported in the school, so please check your student's hair and head and treat as necessary before sending them back to kura. You can find out more about head lice and treatment on the attachment (HERO).
Have you got your cheese roll order in yet?
ShowQuest 2022
Today a group of 26 students went with Jenny and a group of amazing parents to the Town Hall where they spent the day performing and filming their ShowQuest Entry. Due to COVID, this event is being filmed and critiqued virtually, and we expect that the children involved will have access to the professional recording when it is done.
It was an amazing day and a great culmination of weeks of planning, rehearsal and hard work. Congratulations!
Junior Cross Country
On Tuesday this week, the junior school cross country was held on a beautiful sunny afternoon.
Thank you to all whānau members who were able to come along and support their tamariki during this event.
Congratulations to all those who have participated and put so much effort into completing the course. We are very proud of you indeed!
The following children are our 2022 cross country champions:
New Entrants: Florence Wood & Xavier Duncan
Year 1: Amelia Olykan & Hunter Olykan
Year 2: Ruby Grice & Alexander Pauley
Year 3: Jayme Scott & Max Olykan
Year 4: Laura Stoney & Ben Stoney
PTA News
Matariki Hāngī
Tēnā koe, thanks so much, for your support for our Matariki hāngī.
The preordered kai will be available at the end of the Whānau Rōpū Hui, around about 6.30pm.
We are so excited to be able to celebrate this special time of year as a community!!!
Orders are now closed as we have reached capacity. Sorry if you missed out on ordering, if it all goes well we may be able to go bigger next year!
If anyone is keen to help by chopping up some veggies on a Tuesday evening (21st June) please let us know by emailing
Peanut Butter Update
Thanks for everyone that ordered peanut butter, we sold 380 jars!! That is over $1000 dollars we can give straight back to school to support the children's learning.
Seeking a Parent Helper for Disco Night
The PTA would absolutely love the support of a school parent who would be keen to volunteer their evening to help us with playing the music for the school disco, on Friday 5th August.
Sound system & play-lists will be provided- we just need the support of an enthusiastic & knowledgeable parent to make this disco happen!
If you think you might be able to help us out please let us know asap. We would be very grateful for the help. Thanks!
Please email
BOT Update
School Board of Trustee Elections 2022
Nomination round
Our kura will be undertaking a parent election for 3 School Board vacancies. This process will start with the issuing of nomination papers to our caregiver community by Friday 15th July 2022.
We have employed CES to undertake the election process on our behalf. This year with legislative change, our nomination form and full instruction on how to place your nomination into our own School’s Election website will be emailed to you if we have your email address in our database or you will receive it by post if we don’t have your email in our database.
Nomination papers will also be available at the school office. The school will send those on to CES for processing upon receipt from candidates.
Nominations close on Wednesday 3rd August at 12 noon.
Election day is Wednesday 7th September.
We look forward to your participation in this process.
Community Notices
(Notices placed here are contingent on space and do not reflect the views or opinions of the school.)
Public Meeting 27th June - South Library and Service Centre building
The Council is exploring a rebuild for the library and you are welcome to find out more in person, watch the meeting live, or catch up later on
What's happening to the South Library and service centre building?
We're engaging with the community as we explore plans for rebuilding the quake-damaged South Library and customer services building, Te Kete Wānanga o wai Mōkihi.
The building was badly damaged in the 2010/2011 earthquakes. Temporary strengthening has made it useable, but the community deserves a permanent solution that will future-proof the facility for decades to come.
Even setting aside the earthquake damage, the South Library and Service Centre building opened in 2003, and is due for an upgrade to modern standards – it could be much greener and more energy efficient, and the space inside could be improved to better suit customers and staff.
What happens next?
We’re beginning the design process for a rebuild and will be in touch soon for your input to help develop a concept design for the Council to consider in the first half of 2023. The Council will then make a decision about whether to rebuild or repair. The building will keep the same floor area and remain on its riverside site.
They’ll also need to secure additional funding in a future Annual or Long-Term Plan, because at the moment there’s only $13.6 million set aside for the project, and we know that the cost of the work will be higher.
In the meantime, we’re staying open and you can keep using the building as normal.
There's no start date yet. We expect construction work to take about 18 months, and we're scheduling it for after the new Hornby Centre opens in late 2023.
While the work is underway, we’ll set up a temporary library in a suitable premises.
Cashmere High School
Unfortunately due staff absences we had to cancel our Open Day, however as an alternative we will be hosting three information afternoons, if you are considering attending Cashmere High School in 2023 we invite you to attend one of these sessions. Please click on the link to confirm your place, numbers are limited.