Kia ora e te whānau,
Term 2 seems to be speeding by! We have been having a busy and wonderful time in the Kahikatea Hub, and we hope that you are all been keeping well.
Cross Country
The kids had an amazing time at the Cross Country on Tuesday this week! They should all be very proud of themselves for giving it a go and trying their best. Thank you to the whānau that were able to come out and support the kids and to everybody for supporting your kids.
Positive Behaviour for Learning
As part of our school-wide Positive Behaviour 4 Learning (PB4L) program, our focus this week has been learning about and using EMPATHY. Kahikatea learners have spent time discussing what empathy looks like, sounds mean tand feels like.
Dress Ups
As the weather is becoming colder we are finding ourselves taking part in a lot more indoor activities. One of our beloved activities is the dress ups. If you have any dress up costumes that you are no longer using please consider sending them our way. The kids would love some more options!
Upcoming Events:
Matariki Whānau Rōpū Hui
We would like to invite you to our first Whānau Rōpū hui of 2022. Matariki is the start of the Māori new year and a time of reflection, connection and planning for the year ahead. We would like to celebrate with you and your whānau on the 22nd of June from 5pm.
5:00pm - Welcome & Performance - Te Whānau Mahi Tahi
5:20pm - Move to hubs - Matariki activities
6:20pm - Return to hall - performance by Pōhutukawa and Kōwhai joint kapa haka rōpū
6:45pm - Hāngi (for those who have pre-ordered hāngi)
Nau mai, here mai. All Welcome!
The Christchurch Antarctic Centre
We are very excited to be visiting The Christchurch Antarctic Centre on Thursday, 23rd June.
Thank you to all those parent/whānau who have volunteered to assist. We now have sufficient numbers of parent/whānau helpers. Thanks everyone!
Some important information:
Katie and Emma’s homegroups will be leaving school at 9am and will return by 12:15pm.
Please ensure that if your children are in Emma or Katie’s homegroups that they are at school on time on Thursday as we need to be boarding out buses at 9am.
Amber and Krystal’s home groups will be boarding their bus at 11.45am and returning to school by 3pm.
Please ensure that your child is dressed in their school uniform.
Please ensure that your child has a warm jacket/clothing.
Please ensure that your child has comfortable shoes.
Learning Conferences
Learning Conferences will be happening during the last week of Term 2, on Monday 4th and Wednesday 6th July, from 2:15pm - 6:30pm. To book your conference, go to
Reports will be available the week prior. Learning Conferences are an opportunity for you to meet with your child's home group teacher and discuss their progress and next steps.
Thank you for all of your support! That's all for now,
The Kahikatea Team,,,,
Take a look throught this important social story all about our upcoming trip :