Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 1 Week 5

 In this post:

  • Technology on hold
  • A great week of challenge and leadership development

Technology at Christchurch South Intermediate

Due to the current impact of Covid, technology classes at Christchurch South Intermediate are currently not happening for both South and Beckenham students. We will be filling this space on our timetable with science and technology learning. Technology will resume at South once the impact of the pandemic on schools has reduced. 

Leadership Week

We have had a great few days developing our understanding of the '7 habits of highly effective people' and how these impact us as leaders, both of ourselves and others. Many thanks to all of the parents who have helped out, either on our walk or supporting with activities on the Year 8 leadership day. Without your help, such opportunities cannot happen. Below are a few photos from the last few days.

Builders and architects - Seek first to understand and then be understood.

Inspiring activist, Lucy Gray, got our Year 8s thinking about how they could make a difference.

Ending our Year 8 day with pizza and ice-cream.

Think win win - building elevated rafts to rescue apples from a sinking ship!

Group Initiative Challenges

Time to 'sharpen the saw'!

It was a challenging climb for many and we enjoyed chilling out at Vic Park.

Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 1 Week 4

 In this post

  • Leadership week happenings this week
  • Great start at technology
  • Mark Inglis talk
  • Great initiative to make a difference

Leadership Week is this week

In last week's post, I explained our plans for leadership week this week.  Below are key reminders.

On Wednesday, Feb 23, we have our Year 7 leadership day. The Year 7s can wear activewear (instead of uniform) that day and will be involved in practical activities that put the '7 habits of highly effective people' into action.

On Thursday, Feb 24, we have our Year 8 leadership day. Again, the Year 8s can wear activewear (instead of uniform) that day and will be putting the 7 habits into action in a practical way. Usually, this day stretches to an overnight stay. Instead this year, we would like the children to stay on at school until 7pm. We have some fun activities planned for after 3pm and will finish the day with a pizza dinner. The fun activities include water, so togs, rash tops (or a change of clothes) and a towel will be needed. We also encourage the children to bring a water-propelling device. This could be a water bottle. 

On Friday, Feb 25, the whole hub will head for the hills. We will be walking up Bowenvale track to Victoria Park. We have had four parents offer to join us and would love a few more. If you are available between 10 and 3 on Friday and are up for a walk in the hills, please fill in this form.  All parent helpers will need to have vaccination passes. Activewear can also be worn instead of uniform on Friday.

Sunhats are a must for each of these days (and every school day), as we will be spending a lot of time outside. 


The children had a great start at technology last Tuesday. Remember to set those alarms for an early start so that all children are at Beckenham by 8:30 on Tuesdays. Tamariki who are doing food tech and hard materials need to have long hair tied up.

Mark Inglis

Hopefully, your child came home on Thursday afternoon with lots to share after listening to a presentation by Mark Inglis. The children looked to be enthralled by his story and there were many takeaways to apply to our own lives.
Below are some of his key messages:
  • It’s all about how I react to what happens.
  • I think of new ways of doing things when people say I can’t.
  • It’s really important that I take care of myself.
  • Sometimes in life, you just have to get on with it.
  • It’s how we look at things. ‘The death zone’  should be renamed ‘the must do zone’
  • If you're bored - then you're not thinking hard enough.
  • Disability does not define my life.
  • Fear is about knowledge; knowledge eliminates fear.
  • It’s about how we look at things. (I will never get frostbite in my feet again. A broken leg is no big deal)
  • When stuck, don’t feel sorry for yourself - work out what you can do?
  • Give all people the opportunity to be their best.

We make a difference

Concerned about the possibility of damage to phones with our current phone collection system, two Year 8s researched and created (in record time) a system to make our phone storage safer. We love seeing such initiative and innovation!

Fun Times in the Koru team: Term 1 Week 3

 Kia ora, e te whanau,

We have had an amazingly busy and productive fortnight - it's been SO much fun, and in amongst all of the fun, the children have very quickly shown fantastic gains in their independence and their confidence.

We have:

  • made ice cream
  • started visiting the library
  • started exploring simple 'programming' with the help of Kate, from Code Club (Kate's coming in each Thursday morning to introduce us to Digitech (or Digital Technology); this link will take you to the area in the New Zealnd Curriulum which relates to e-learning and will explain more about this aspect of Technology
  • been exploring the Maths equipment, and in particular, the shape equipment
  • been practising our phonological awareness skills (rhyming, hearing and saying the initial sound in words, hearing and saying the final sounds in words, hearing the two parts in compound words and joining them together); you'll find more about this area of the children's learning on the Koru page of Learning At Home on our school website; just click on this link to get there quickly
  • been finding out about interoception (which is to do with understanding and feeling what's going on inside our bodies, and being conscious of and learning to describe these feelings) and engaging in interoception activities
  • practised our core strength exercises and our finger strength and dexterity exercises, in preparation for the start of handwriting, with Bounce and Skip, our two soft toy monkeys
  • and... we have been making new friends, and talking about showing our school value, We Care, and what this looks like and sounds like

We Care
The children have been introduced to our Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto values - our main focus so far has been on 'We Care'. The children came up with the following ideas to describe what others would see and hear when they are displaying this value: 
  • following kaiako instructions quickly and quietly
  • sharing the equipment
  • playing nicely with others, and inviting them into our games
  • having gentle hands and feet, and looking after anyone who hurts themselves
  • and being super amazing with helping to tidy up at the end of our learning through play times and before we go home at the end of the day
  • using good manners, like 'please', 'thank you', 'excuse me' and 'I'm sorry'.
Here are some photos of tamariki showing we care.

Washing our hands thoroughly before kai, showing that we care about being clean when eating

Look how careful we are to ensure that our hands are completely clean

Good job, tamariki!

Working together and helping each other to complete a huge and challenging jigsaw puzzle

More helpful team work with this jigsaw puzzle

Using our new sandpit equipment respectfully and carefully

Forming new friendships

Teamwork: listening to each other and working towards a shared goal (building a home for Bounce and Skip)

Welcoming others into the building team

Keeping the area round the sandpit clean and tidy, thereby showing care for others' health and safety...

...and ensuring that the sand isn't wasted

Core Strength exercises, in preparation for handwriting with Skip and Bounce:


The Stone Lion

Structured Literacy:
Your children's Literacy folders will be coming home in their school bags this week. There will be a letter to parents included in the folder and this will provide an explanation of our Structured Literacy programme for you. Please note that at the start of the children's literacy learning, there will be letter cards in their folders, and perhaps some heart word cards too, but no book necessarily for the first few weeks. Please click on this link to listen to exactly how we are teaching the children to make the 'pure' sound for each of the letters of the alphabet. This will help you enormously at home, when you are supporting your children with their learning.

Greedy Cat:
In Week 2, we read the shared book 'The New Cat' which is the first story in the Greedy Cat series, and tells the story of how Katie, the little girl in the stories, first received her new kitten for her birthday, and also tells how Greedy Cat got his name! Following on from this, some of our tamariki created Greedy Cat paintings. The children learned how to hold a paintbrush, how to dip their brush into primary colours in order to create the secondary colour they wanted, and to then paint their Greedy Cat image. Once the paint had dried, the children then drew on various features including the eyes, the nose, the mouth, the whiskers, and the claws, using black pastel. These paintings are on display in the hub and we have added a photo here, so that you can see the beautiful display we now have!

In Week 3, our Koru tamariki made some delicious banana and chocolate chip ice-cream with Aunty Ali, who comes in and helps support the Learning Through Play during the first session on Wednesday mornings. The children followed a simple recipe, which included whipped cream, condensed milk, mashed banana and chocolate pieces. Different groups of children all had a go at adding in the various ingredients to help create the ice-cream. We all waited very patiently for the ice-cream to freeze! This took all of Wednesday night and most of Thursday, and the icecream was then able to be enjoyed on Thursday afternoon. Please note that one or two children weren't at school on 'ice cream day' and we do have some icecream left over for when these children are back at school. Here are some photos of the ice-cream-making process and also of some of our tamariki enjoying the delicious result! Keep scrolling down! We simply couldn't leave any of these photos out :)

Our focus for Maths throughout Weeks 2 and 3 has been Geometry, looking at shapes and the different attributes they have. We have been exploring shapes by sorting, based on the different attributes the shapes have, going on shape walks to work out how many sides and corners a shape has, playing shape hopscotch and following shape patterns, making different patterns using our wooden shapes, and creating our own pictures by cutting and gluing different shapes such as squares, triangles, circles and rectangles. Below are photos of some of our tamariki involved in the game we call Shape Hopscotch.

Our Library time has now been confirmed as being on Fridays, and you will have noticed your child's library folder in your child's bag the last two Fridays. Library books can be kept at home until Friday each week, but need to be returned by then, if your child is to have new books issued.
You will also have noticed that your child's poetry book is coming home too. Please read the new poem, as well as the previous weeks' poems, with your child. Any colouring that hasn't been completed can be finished off at home. Your child could also colour in the title page at the front of their book. Please ensure that your child's poetry book is returned to their school bag and comes back to school each Monday.

Friendship List:
We are hoping to put together a contact list to make it easier for you all to set up playdates for your children. Please let Georgia or Elizabeth know if you are willing to have your contact details (cellphone number and/or email address) included on the Friendship List, and we'll get this together as soon as possible. We'd like to do this soon, so please email us by the end of this week (Friday, 25th February).

Your children's photos:
Kate, from Code Club (mentioned above), has asked if I would check to see whether parents would be willing to have their children's photos included in any funding applications she might have to make to the Ministry of Education. Kate endeavours to ensure that photos include the backs of children's heads. Please let Elizabeth know if you would prefer that your child's image NOT appear in Kate's proposals.
Below, you'll see some of the photos taken on Thursday when Kate taught the children how to play the Kidbot challenge. So much fun was had by all!!

...and a final few Learning Through Play photos:

Dancing to The Nutcracker Suite

The Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy

What treats are being created here, we wonder?

Don't you just love a good book?

These good friends definitely do!

The Family Corner

Someone else who loves a good book

...and who could this possibly be?!

A reminder to please ensure your child is bringing a named hat to school each and every day.

Well... what a lot of great times we've been having in our first weeks at school!

Your children are doing a fantastic job, as they settle (back, for some of the children who started with us last year) into the Koru team and learn about the routines at school, and the different activities and ideas for play and learning that are on offer. We hope you all have a wonderful and warm week ahead, and we look forward to seeing all of those happy, smiling, little faces back at school tomorrow.

Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou,
Elizabeth, Georgia and Stacey

Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto Newsletter Rāmere (Friday) 18 February 2022

Principal's Patch

Kia ora e te whānau

Covid-19 Information - your questions answered

In today's newsletter, we would like to draw your attention to our planning for Covid-19 and the steps that will be put into place when we get active cases within our school community.

To help you with the process, we have put some key information, in the form of Questions and Answers, onto our school website. You can find it here under Covid-19 Questions & Answers 

On this page we hope you will find all of the immediate information you need if you, your child, or someone in your household either tests positive for Covid-19, or is a close contact of someone who has tested positive.
The page has questions that you can find the answers for by clicking on the arrow on the left of each question...

Please keep Sick Children at home...

As you will know, we take the health and safety of our school and wider community very seriously. We are therefore being extremely cautious when children present at school with any Covid-19 symptoms. Unless we have heard from you e.g. 'My son Johnny has hayfever which is the cause of his runny nose at the moment', we will be calling you to come and pick Johnny and his runny nose up and take him home!
While your child has any Covid-19 symptoms, we are strongly encouraging you to take them for a Covid test. This helps to reassure everyone that they are OK to come back to school. Even if you haven't had a test, please keep anyone who is unwell at home.

Learning At Home

As we see more cases in the community, we know that the number of people needing to isolate at home is going to increase. We know that most of these people will not be symptomatic and that the children will need to keep learning if possible. For that reason, we have once again reactivated our "Learnng at Home" website. Teachers will be working through the website with the children next week, so that they are very familiar with it, and it is set out in a similar way to last year.

All of our teachers' contact email addresses are on the site, so that you can contact them if you have any questions. We are currently working on developing hard packs for those children for whom digital learning is not so easily accessible. Please let your child's teacher know if you need a hard pack.
Now is a good time to think about getting a few basic stationery supplies at home.

We expect to keep going as normally as possible at school, as we can with good staffing levels. If our staffing situation changes, we will let you know about any adaptations that we might have to make to our teaching and learning programmes.

Ngā mihi nui
Sandy Hastings
Principal - Tumuaki

Important Dates

Upcoming Events

Wed 23rd Feb - BOT Meeting (5.30 - 7.30pm, Staff Room)
Wed 23rd Feb - PTA Meeting (7.30 - 9.30pm, Green Room, Vaccine pass required)
Mon 14th Mar - School Photos

Term Dates

Click here to view 2022 term dates.

Click here to follow our school Facebook page.

Citizen of the Week

Harshit Rana - Year 6

Harshit, you are a marvellous example of how to live our kete values every day. You shine in your learning, have a cool, calm, and collected personality and are a wonderful friend. Keep shining, Harshit! He tino pai rawa atu tō mahi.

School Notices

Broadband for those who don't have it

If you have a Year 5 to 13 student who currently does not have broadband at home, or is on a prepaid Skinny Jump internet connection, and/or the cost of in-home internet access is a barrier, they could be eligible for the free broadband for learning. Ciena Jump for Student Fund provides a free wireless modem and free 150GB monthly broadband data for their home until the end of 2022. Please contact Sandy at school if you would like to know more. principal@beckenham.school.nz

Call to our community

Kōwhai team need help with re-creating our garden space, so that we can grow edibles and flowers! We want to make several raised garden beds, measuring 700 wide by 700 high and 1100mm long. Can any one kindly donate wood and / or help us construct these? If so, please email charlotte@beckenham.school.nz

PTA News

Keep in touch with the PTA

To stay up to date with the PTA, please check out our Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto PTA Facebook page, linked here. Or come along to one of our meetings - all welcome (with a Vaccine pass or by Zoom at request - (please email PTA@beckenham.school.nz).
Meeting dates can be found in the weekly school Newsletter, or on the school calendar - linked here.
These meetings are usually held on a Wednesday night 7.30-9.30pm.

You can email the PTA at pta@beckenham.school.nz

Community Notices

(Notices placed here are contingent on space and do not reflect the views or opinions of the school.)

NZ Modern School of Music - Christchurch Music Teacher Information and Enrolment Form

Erin Grigson has been playing various instruments for 25 years and teaching for 12 years. She has a degree in music education and taught in primary school in the USA for 2 years before moving to New Zealand. She can play and teach piano, voice, ukulele, flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, French horn, tenor horn, trombone, and euphonium.
Erin’s instruments: piano, voice, ukulele, flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, French horn, tenor horn, trombone, and euphonium
Erin’s prices: $20 for each 20-minute lesson and $30 for each 30-minute lesson.

Sam Jones teaches drums. He has been playing and teaching for almost 20 years and has travelled all over the world making and teaching music. He uses popular songs from current hits to rock classics to teach all the techniques students need to know to be successful on drum set.
Sam’s instrument: drumset
Sam’s prices: $30 for each 30-minute lesson.

Lessons will be held at St. Marks Methodist Church in Somerfield (5 Somerfield St.).

NZ Modern School of Music - Christchurch has other teachers as well who teach a variety of other instruments.

For more information or to enrol, contact Erin Grigson at nzmsmchristchurch@gmail.com or fill out the Google enrolment form at the link below:

We look forward to hearing from you! 

Torpedo7 Friends & Family Offer begins Wednesday 16th of February! 

The Deal: Save up to 50% off 
Valid Dates: 16 February – 1 March 2022 

How to redeem:  
In store – I have attached your event flyer. Our store staff will scan the unique barcode. 
Online - See the promo code on flyer to use at the online checkout – F1D4A3A36 

Terms and Conditions: Discounts are off RRP. If the product is already on promotion customer will receive the lower offer or promo pricing. 

Not all products are eligible for a discount. Variations in the regional COVID-19 alert levels may cause a delay in non-essential orders being shipped. 

Not available in conjunction with any other offer.  Excludes Bikes and Frames, Electronics, Freight, Gift Cards and Workshop Services. 

Valid from 16/02/2022 to 01/03/2022. 


Burwood Education Centre (15 Parnwell St., Burwood, ph 027-460-3765) is accepting new enrolments for after school tutoring for students struggling, or needing extension, with their maths/spelling/reading etc. Sessions throughout the school year are Monday - Thursday in either 3.30 - 4.50 pm or 5.00 - 6.20pm classes with maximum four students per group. See the website - www.nztutoring.org - for further details or contact Paul on ph. 027-460-3765

St Andrew's College

Kōwhai News Term 1 Week 3

Kia ora whānau,

We are now well settled into the school routine again and we are so impressed by the way everyone has been wearing their masks. Ka pai, everyone!

Over the last 2 weeks, we have gradually started getting into our regular learning, delving into geometry for maths, focussing particularly on 2D and 3D shapes, and introducing free writing and reading groups. 

Have a look at some of the shape patterns some of the children have been making in maths:

For art, we are creating collage self-portraits and to begin with, we have been practising drawing ourselves. We are going to be using scrap material, magazines, patterned paper, ribbons, crepe paper straws and many more materials to create these masterpieces which we are calling, "Sustainable Me!" Here is an example from one of our practice sessions:

Every Friday this term, the children will be going to Kapa Haka with Whaea Cath and they will get the opportunity to learn a special karakia and the Kōwhai haka. At the end of Term 1, they will then have the option of continuing in the Kapa Haka group for the rest of the year if they want to. We have been going in our homegroups for 20 minutes at a time and while a homegroup is at Kapa Haka, the remainder of us have been focussing on circle time and wellbeing. We are currently looking at Te Whare Tapa Whā and getting the children to think about how they, for example, look after their physical wellbeing, their spiritual wellbeing and their emotional wellbeing.

As we are unable to have full school assemblies, we have decided to have a weekly team hui in the hall instead. At these hui, we are celebrating birthdays, learning clapping songs and handing out Kete Certificates. This gives the children a chance to get together and celebrate in a setting where there's plenty of room to space out! This week's Kete Certificate recipients were Lilly, Levi, Jaxon, Ben, Paige, Tom B, Julia, Adele, Nelly and Arlo. Congratulations!

Yesterday, during Discovery, we were lucky to be given a concert by Erina on her cello. She had quite a captivated audience. Thank you for your beautiful playing, Erina!

We have also been having a bit of a tower building competition during Discovery. Here are a couple of

photos of a wooden block tower versus a plastic cup tower.

Our apple trees behind Tahaki have been thriving this year and producing a lot of apples so some of the

children had the privilege of stewing some apples with Sonya, out wonderful teacher aide. You can see

that they were delighted with the experience!

We would like to give a big shout out to these three rubbish collectors. Look how much rubbish they found! Thank you so much for showing that you care and how you can get there together.

Finally, just a few reminders:

  • Could you please make sure your child brings a polar fleece to school every day as it can be quite cold at times. Thank you!
  • Home group library days are as follows: 
    • Monday = Nick and Rowe
    • Tuesday = Anna
    • Wednesday = Charlotte and Quynh
  • Laura is in for Rowe every Friday so if you have something you need to share on this day then please communicate directly with Laura.
Thank you all for your continuing support. We look forward to sharing more of your children's learning in our blog in two weeks' time.

From the Kōwhai team

Anna, Nick, Quynh, Charlotte, Rowe, Sonya and Elizabeth