Kōwhai News Term 1 Week 3

Kia ora whānau!

Welcome to our very first blog of the year. We have had a great start to the term with the children getting to know each other and all the staff in the Kōwhai team. We have had lots of fun doing Discovery every day and also cooling down in the afternoons doing water play (see photos below). We have also been learning how to log on to the Chromebooks and how to access the online resources that we have in the Kōwhai team.


We are on the lookout for spare electronic parts for children to deconstruct. The children have been loving taking bits of machinery apart and discovering how they have been put together, learning lots along the way.

We are also needing more cardboard boxes for construction. The children have been creating all sorts of things with cardboard boxes of all different sizes such as houses, monsters and cars and we are now in need of more boxes such as toothpaste boxes, tissue boxes, chocolate boxes, muesli bar boxes and so on. If you have any that you are willing to donate to the school, please bring them in and deliver them to your child's homegroup teacher. Thank you so much!

Access To The School

We would like to encourage you to access the school grounds by the park side or the main Sandwich Road entrance by the flag. The BOSCO gate access is meant for BOSCO use only before and after school and remains locked at all other times. Thank you for your understanding and support with this.

Top Team

We have organised a Top Team event for our Kōwhai children this term which is very exciting! Weather permitting, the event will take place on Friday 7th March in the afternoon and the children will be taking part in all sorts of fun activities. Just a heads up that there will be some water activities involved so please make sure your child has a change of clothes (including shoes) in their bag and a towel to dry off after the event. 

We also require 11 parent helpers for this event to ensure it runs successfully. You would need to arrive at school before the Top Team briefing at 1:10pm and the event will finish around 2:55pm. It will involve running an activity station, explaining the activity to the children and generally overseeing it. If you are keen to help, please let your child's homegroup teacher know and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Staying Safe Online

As our tamariki spend more time online, it’s important parents and whānau help them stay safe. Now is a great time to talk to them about how we use the internet and digital technology.
Netsafe has created an Online Safety Parent Toolkit so parents, families and whānau have
all the information they need to talk about online safety.
If you or anyone in your whānau needs support, you can contact Netsafe.


Kōwhai News Term 4 Week 10

Kia ora whānau,

We are now at the end of the school year of 2025 and what a year we have had! We just wanted to thank you for all the support you have given us over the year. We couldn't do this without you!

We have ended the year with lots of fun celebrations and events and below are some photos for you to enjoy.

Hut Day

Hut Day was a real success. It was great to see all the children working together and problem solving in order to make their ideal huts.

Peter Pan Ballet

The Peter Pan Ballet was a brilliant performance and the children just loved it. It was an amazing experience just to go into the old theatre which is so beautifully done up. Some of the children were also extremely excited to go on a double decker bus to get there!

Kind Donation

The Kōwhai team were very lucky to receive a kind donation from parents of Beckenham to pay towards something fun for the children. So everyone got a giant bubble wand and had lots of fun, blowing bubbles all over the park!

Finally, we say farewell to Nick who is moving on to Pōhutukawa. We will miss you in the team! We also farewell Tracey who has been an amazing support in Kōwhai, working with all the tamariki across the team as well as taking target literacy groups. Lastly, we farewell Krystal who is moving to Selwyn House School. We wish you all the best and hope that you will keep in touch. 

To all the Kōwhai whānau, we hope you all have an amazing holiday break and we look forward to seeing you back again at the beginning of 2025!

Kōwhai News Term 4 Week 8

Kia ora whānau,

We are rapidly approaching the end of term and the end of the year and we still have lots to look forward to. 

Hut Day

Next Thursday, we are having a Hut Day. This will start after morning tea as we have a Kahikatea performance to go to first up. The children have been forming groups and designing their huts, thinking about what they will need to bring from home. They will be bringing this list home next week. This could be things like pegs, blankets, old sheets or pillows etc. Every child can also bring a soft toy and a game that they want to play - only with your permission! It is always a fun event and the hub will be transformed into a labyrinth of huts which is impressive to see. Below are some photos from last time to give you an idea.

Peter Pan Ballet

Next Friday, we are excited to be going to see the Peter Pan ballet at the Isaac Theatre Royal. Here is a link to the social story if you would like to look at it with your child to go over expectations and prepare for the trip.


Last week, we had transition time with Pōhutukawa when the Year 4 children went over to the Pōhutukawa hub in Parenga to spend time with the Year 5 children whom they will be with next year. The Year 6 children then came over to Kōwhai in Tahaki to join in Discovery with the Year 3 children. This was extremely successful and the children had a great time either connecting or re-connecting with one another. There will be another session on Monday afternoon next week.

This week, the Year 2 children came to visit the Year 3 children and had Discovery together while the Year 4 children had their own programme. This was also great for the children to re-connect with buddies that they spent time with last year in Kahikatea. Again, there will be another session on Wednesday morning next week.


Over the next week, the children's workbooks will be coming home bit by bit in preparation for the end of the year. There will also be artwork coming home and any leftover stationery. If you have any reading books still at home, we would really appreciate if these could be returned to school over the next week too. Thank you so much for you support with this!

Kōwhai News Term 3 Week 6

Kia ora whānau,

The term is progressing rapidly and we are extremely busy with our learning. Here is an update on some of the things we have been doing.


For Inquiry, we are now focusing on learning about world cultures and everyone has chosen a country they are interested in to research and will then create a presentation of facts and information about that country. This may be a leaflet, a poster or a digital representation. Some of the things we have been finding out about are flags, languages, climate, population, animals and food and drink. The children are really engaged in this topic and are learning valuable research skills, looking for and locating relevant information online. Below you can see some of the children making flags from different countries using mini construction bricks.


We are focusing on descriptive writing over the next few weeks, using our five senses to describe a scene. What do we see, hear, smell, feel and taste? In this way, we can create a piece of writing with lots of rich language which creates a moment in time that we really feel part of. We started with describing ice cream which involved having a taste tester that was very much enjoyed by everyone and really helped to motivate the descriptive writers in us!

Willowbank Trip

As you will know, we are preparing to go on a trip to Willowbank on Friday 20th September as part of our inquiry on world cultures. Thank you to all the offers of parent help! We now have more than enough which is fantastic. Here is a link to our social story for this trip. Please do take your time to go through this with your child/children.

Cyber Safety

Staying Safe Online: Bullying

One in five young people in New Zealand have been the target of online bullying – it can happen to anyone, and

it can be hard for parents and whānau to deal with. Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto takes online bullying seriously

and would encourage you to chat to your tamariki’s teacher if you have any concerns about online bullying.

Visit Netsafe’s Online Bullying Advice for Parents to read more.

Kōwhai News Term 3 Week 2

Kia ora Kōwhai whānau,

What a fabulous start to Term 3! We have a busy term ahead. 

Below are some things that are happening within our team.


We are having a focus on fractions, measurement, addition, subtraction, and multiplication.

Here's a Notice, Think, Wonder (What do you notice? What do you think? What do you wonder? Where is the maths?) picture prompt linked to fractions:


For writing this term, we begin with persuasive texts and then move into descriptive writing later in the term. Some literacy groups have been exploring persuasive picture books (I Wanna Iguana and Dear Mrs LaRue).

Parents beware, your child may write you a persuasive letter with reasons why you should get them a new pet, or allow them to extend their bedtime! We have been blown away with the creative ideas from our tamariki.

Inquiry Lessons

Our inquiry focus this term is Social Sciences and we are going to be researching a country of choice and making a presentation to share.


In week 9,we will be having a trip to Willowbank. This will be linked to our inquiry focus on cultures from around the world as we will be learning about different animals from around the world as part of the trip.

Calendar Art

We are all very busy working on our beautiful calendar art pictures! This year the Kōwhai Team have decided to create Zentangle Name Art for the calendars. We can't wait for you to see them all.

Recorder Lessons

This term we are continuing with our recorder lessons with Josie, these will continue until week 6 when Josie goes on maternity leave. The students have learned how to play songs that use the music notes A, B, G and E. Hot Cross Buns is a favourite!


We were fortunate to have a group from Canterbury Cricket come and run a session with us in week 1. We had an amazing time and the children learned some cool skills. Below are some photos from the session, as well as some flyers with information about how your child can get involved in cricket outside of school. 

Cyber Safety

Random Chat Online

How do random chat websites work? And what are the risks for tamariki using them?

Random chat websites, like Chatroulette, pair users randomly through text or webcam conversations. The appeal

is getting to talk to someone new that the user would never meet. But these websites are designed for adults and

often allow nudity and other inappropriate content from users.

If you’re concerned that your young person might be exposed to these sites or you want to introduce parental controls, you can find out more on Netsafe’s Random Chat Websites page


Team Kōwhai