Coronavirus statement Thursday 30 January
Given recent developments, associated media coverage and the return of students to school, it is important to convey accurate information to our school community. We are guided by both the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health.
For those of you concerned about possible infection, the Ministry of Health has provided practical information on their website which we encourage you to read
If you are interested, you can also check in with the information being provided by the Ministry of Education here:
Beckenham Actions:
Any staff member or student who may be at risk of exposure because they or a member of their household has recently been to China or has been in close contact with someone confirmed with the virus, the staff member or the student is to delay the start of their school year for 14 days and stay away until 12 February, or two weeks after the date of their arrival into New Zealand.
Anyone who is unwell should not be at school. Please contact Healthline at 0800 611 116 or your GP for medical advice. Healthline has translators and interpreters available 24/7 in 150 languages. They have Mandarin and Cantonese speaking staff available.
We will keep you updated if and when further information comes to hand.
Sandy Hastings - Principal/Tumuaki
Ester Vallero - Board Chair