Happy holidays 2017 / 2018

Kia ora koutou whānau,

What a fabulous year we have had.  Thank you for all your support and the phenomenal feedback we have received.  We have appreciated both positive and constructive feedback which helps us reflect on our practise and reinforces the parts of the programme that are working well.
We are looking forward to 2018 and a full year in our learning spaces.

Te Whatu Manawa Māoritanga o Rehua
Before we visited Rehua Marae on Thursday, some of our children were treated to amazing Marae presentations that had been created by the Year 3 and 4 children in Kowhai hub.
The children used all sorts of resources and media to teach our children about what to expect when we visited the marae. 

We had a fabulous trip to the Marae on Thursday.  A great big thank you to all the parents who came along and enjoyed the experience too.  The children were great ambassadors for Beckenham School.
Have a look at some of the photos we took over the day.

Discovery Time Photos from Monday Week 10

The challenge was to make a tent out of just tarpaulins and large blocks that could withstand a heavy downpour. The children were excited when it started to drizzle so they could test out it's waterproofing!

Amazing collaborative structure complete with hidden treasure and secret rooms.

A Few Holiday Ideas and Tips

  • Loose Parts Play - at Christmas time, there will be plenty to occupy your lovelies. Keep any packaging / boxes / wrapping and set these up on a table with a 'provocation' (challenge). e.g. Make a house for a mouse, make a bridge that can hold a toy, make a tent for a pet or toy, make a boat that can float a toy - you will be amazed at the creativity that will abound.
  • Screen time - Have a balance of time on a screen and time doing other activities - this will change the demands needed for young brains and help with energy levels. Find APPS that encourage creativity and learning. Here are just a few. Puppet Pals, Scribblenauts, GarageBand, Bitsboard, Memory.
  • Pinterest - when you are really stuck for ideas - use this wonderful tool to become inspired.
  • Reading - enjoy self selecting books to read for fun. We have wonderful libraries in Christchurch. Reading together or enjoying a favourite book can be a great way to spend some quiet time at any part of the day.
  • Maths - encourage children to help with cooking or measuring - helping out with any DIY jobs. Telling the time, baking, measuring, solving puzzles, taking a family vote, are all ways we can show our children how we use maths everyday.
  • 'I'm Bored' - welcome this statement with a hearty - "Fantastic! I wonder what you are going to do next!" Allowing children to create their own play is not only extremely valuable - it also takes the pressure off adults. Children can be incredibly innovative, given the right level of 'boredom' and downtime. Having a 'switch off day' where no outing or anything is planned is a great way to recharge young batteries.
  • Top Five Toys of All Time for Children

    1. Stick
    2. Box
    3. String
    4. Cardboard Tube
    5. Dirt

Useful Websites
Remember children need supervision when on the internet

Have a very, very happy, relaxing holiday.  It will be great to see everyone back in 2018 for our student conferences.
We are all looking forward to 2018 and a full year in our new spaces.

Merry Christmas.

Final Beckenham School newsletter for 2017

Principal's Patch

Kia ora koutou

This is definitely the FINAL newsletter of the year!

Did you get your child's report today?
Today your child(ren) should have brought home their report, stationery list and a letter about their teacher and team for 2018 and a request to book a learning conference for the start of the year.  We encourage you to order your stationery online through OfficeMax - the stationery lists are there also, and on our website.

BYOD for Year 5-8 students in 2018
Year 5-8 students are strongly encouraged to bring their own device to school in 2018. Any tablet, chromebook or laptop will work, however, if you are considering buying something new, then we would recommend a Chromebook. OfficeMax do a very reasonably priced bundle, again - this can be purchased online using the Office Max Back to School website.

Learning Conferences - 1 & 2 Feb
PLEASE book the learning conference now, before you go on holiday or forget, so you can tick that off your list and put your time in your diary!
The Booking link is www.schoolinterviews.co.nz and the code is pdfwh. Learning Conferences will be on Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd February.

Year 8 Graduation
We had a fabulous celebration yesterday with the graduation of our 40 Year 8 students. Each and every one of them has made their own unique contributions to our school, and we wish them all the very best as they head to their various high schools in 2018.

Finally, I would like to share a huge THANK YOU to you all from all of the staff here at Beckenham for your support and encouragement through this challenging building year.

We wish you all a Merry Christmas a Happy New Year, and a very safe summer.

Ka kite koutou

Sandy and the team.

Important Dates

Upcoming Events

Thu 1 Feb & Fri 2 Feb - Learning Conferences
Book NOW! www.schoolinterviews.co.nz CODE: pdfwh

Mon 5 Feb - classes begin 8:55am.

Click here to view 2018 term dates.

Citizen of the Week

Torun Joergensen - Year 3

Torun, you are a friendly, polite, curious and motivated learner. You display a positive attitude towards your school work and learning tasks - you get to work on your tasks, settling quickly, focussing well and seeing activities through to completion.  These excellent self management skills make you a wonderful role model to others in large groups, small groups and in individual learning situations. You are a kind, caring friend to others and you show that you love learning and that you love a challenge by the way you give all new learning your best effort. Your growing confidence is letting these attributes shine.  We love your positive attitude and reliability in the Kowhai team. Well done Torun!

School Notices

School Office - Holiday hours
The school office will close for the summer holidays on Thursday 21st December at 3pm and will re-open on Monday 29th January.

Carisbrook Tournament

Three weeks ago, Kauri Whanau welcomed a team of 20 Year 7 & 8s from Carisbrook School in Dunedin for our annual sports interchange. We played three very close and exciting games of basketball, football and touch. One win and two narrow losses for us, saw the trophy head back down to Dunedin, this time.  Many thanks to the PTA for providing a scrumptious lunch for our visitors and to Aaron Flynn and Becky, Rachel, Joe and Jake from Cashmere High, who refereed our games. We look forward to winning the trophy back next April, when our whole team heads down to Dunedin on camp.

School Working Bee

We are still looking after a pair of loppers and a spade that were left behind after the recent working bee at school.  Please come to the office to claim them.
Many thanks.

Year 8 2018 School Based Vaccination Programme

We are pleased to inform you the Canterbury DHB will continue to offer a School Based Vaccination
Programme to Year 8 boys and girls, who have not completed their eleven year old vaccinations in
General Practice.
The School Based Vaccination programme will offer the two dose HPV vaccinations to protect
against genital warts, cervical cancer, throat and mouth cancers, and other types of cancers later in
life. In 2018 the programme has been extended to include a one dose Boostrix vaccination to
provide protection against Tetanus, Diphtheria and Whooping Cough.
To enable students to receive the vaccinations at school, a vaccination pack will be sent home in
Term one, Parent/Caregivers will need to complete and return the consent form to school.

Sports News

Canterbury Athletics
We were gifted with a respite from the intense heat of recent days to provide great conditions for Canterbury Athletics at Ashburton last Wednesday. Twelve children from Pohutukawa and Kauri represented our school and zone as they competed against the best of the best from our region. It is such an achievement to get through to this level of competition. We are very proud of all our athletes’ determination, character and preparation.

Kaia Joergenson 2nd 1200m
Tilly Harris 2nd 100m

13 year old girl’s 1200m)

Community Notices

(Notices placed here are contingent on space and do not reflect the views or opinions of the school.)

Play Football during the warm months of the Summer at Halswell Domain

First Kicks / Fun Football for 4-8 year olds
Fridays: 4:30-5:30pm
Skill Centres for 9-12 year olds & 13+ years
Tuesdays/Thursdays: 4.30-5.30pm (9th/10th), 5.45pm-6.45pm (11th/12th)
Wednesdays: 5.45pm-6.45pm (13+ years)
Girls Only HUB for 9-12 year olds
Wednesdays: 4.30pm-5.30pm
Visit website for information and registration links

For TERM 1, 2018

Our Senior Players get together every Wednesday 6.30pm for a friendly kick around (registration not necessary for this)
Email: huafcGM@gmail.com or
phone: 0277 748 232 for more information

Kiwivolley Holiday Fun
Three sessions of fun-filled volleyball and games.  Includes a mini tournament.  Suitable for any level - complete beginners welcome!
Learn all the basic skills, meet other volleyball players and have a ton of fun.
Dates: 23,24,25 January.
Time: 9am-12pm.  where: St Margaret's College.
Cost $60 per person.  Register at www.canterburyvolleyball.org

The Christchurch City Libraries Summertime Reading Club

The Christchurch City Libraries annual Summertime Reading Club programme is for kids between 0 and 13 years old inclusive. The competition starts on Friday 1 December 2017 and finishes on Friday 19 January 2018 at 5pm. Try an eBook, read an eMagazine or read to someone – tell us your reading experiences and be in to WIN great prizes.

Children and families with children aged 0 to 13 years inclusive are encouraged to share their reading experiences this summer. All kinds of reading are to be celebrated! Pick up a challenge sheet from any Christchurch City Libraries or download a copy from the library website: https://my.christchurchcitylibraries.com/summertime-reading-club/

The emphasis this year is on encouraging shared family experiences – have fun together as you celebrate the joy of reading!  Children will be asked to get a teacher, librarian, or parent to ‘stamp, sticker, or tick’ the five experiences they have had.


459 Cashel St
Ph:381- 0299
Learn to Swim
& Coaching
AquaGym and Sumner Pool
Book now for January Holidays and
Term 1
Leaders in Aquatic Education

Pōhutukawa Team Update – Term 4, Week 9, 2017

It's almost the end of Term 4

The children in Pohutukawa hub have had a fabulous term in our new learning space. At some point this week the children will be bringing home their stationery and pencil cases etc.  Please remind your child/ren to have a look at home for any school journals or library books that will need to be returned to school.

Canterbury Athletics competition

Congratulations to Nadia Russell, Nina Callaghan, Jesse Ferguson and Hebe Butland. These talented children from the Pohutukawa hub represented Beckenham School and travelled to Ashburton on Wednesday 6th December, to compete in the Canterbury Athletics competition.  What an amazing effort, performing to such a high level in athletics! Ka pai.

Annual Summer Reading Challenge - Wild About Reading Challenge

The Christchurch City Libraries annual Summertime Reading Club programme is for kids between 0 and 13 years old inclusive. The competition starts on Friday 1 December 2017 and finishes on Friday 19 January 2018 at 5pm.  Try an eBook, read an eMagazine or read to someone – tell us your reading experiences and be in to WIN great prizes.


Pick up a challenge sheet from any Christchurch City Libraries or download a copy from the library website: https://my.christchurchcitylibraries.com/summertime-reading-club/

The emphasis is on encouraging shared family experiences – have fun together as you celebrate the joy of reading!  Children will be asked to get a teacher, librarian, or parent to ‘stamp, sticker, or tick’ the five experiences they have had.

Kauri Whanau Weekly Update: Term 4 Week 9

Waltham Pool tomorrow, Wednesday:

We have checked the raindrop graph on MetService often today. It looks like the rain, if it comes, will settle in around midday. Our plan is to be at Waltham by 11am, for a 45 - 60 minute swim, before walking back to school for the afternoon. Can you please make sure your child has the following packed for tomorrow:
  • A raincoat
  • Togs and towel in a plastic bag
  • Sunscreen
  • Sunhat
  • Lunch and water bottle. No lunch orders please, just in case the forecast changes and we stay for longer.
  • Medication if needed, e.g. asthma and hay fever

Year 8:

We had a lovely time with the Year 8s on Monday evening at the pool and pizza party. Excitement is building rapidly as they approach their final day on Monday. Many thanks for replying to the graduation assembly invitation. The hall will be open soon after 10:30am on Monday, ready for an 11:00am start.

The message below was in the daily notices today. Please encourage / support your child to sort out their google drive.

If you are leaving Beckenham School at the end of the year and want to keep any of your school Drive files or emails, please go to the website below before the end of the term. This website will ensure that all files are properly copied to your personal account. If you are under 13, ask your parents to create an account for you using Google Family Link.


Your Beckenham accounts will be permanently deactivated over the holidays so if you don't use the transfer tool, your files will be lost forever.

Walk up to Victoria Park on Thursday:

At the last minute we have had a parent let us know they are unavailable to join us on the walk up  to Victoria Park on Thursday. We are hoping that someone will be able to step in at the last moment. Please email me if you can help. nicky.dunlop@beckenham.school.nz. All children will need the following on Thursday:

  • Day pack
  • Hearty lunch
  • Large bottle filled with water
  • Sunhat
  • Sunscreen
  • Rain coat
  • Mufti suitable for walking, including sturdy shoes
  • Medication if needed, e.g. asthma and hay fever
We leave school soon after 10:30 and will return by 3:00pm.

The children will be bringing their school books home on Friday. 

Photos from the last week:

Our passion mountain biking group had an awesome afternoon at the bike park last Friday.

It was pretty cosy in Jarred's pool on Monday.

Fun at the pool party.

Leading our young learners in Christmas decoration creation.

Exciting News! A new name for us!

Special Edition Newsletter

Tēnā koutou e te whānau o Beckenham School

Over the past few years, our wonderful school has faced many challenges including damage sustained from earthquakes and a fire that claimed our library which has resulted in the design and rebuilding of our beautiful school. This is something that our school and community will never forget.

During this time our Board of Trustees and senior management team have worked alongside our students, staff, community, and iwi to create a new vision and values for Beckenham School which is now well embedded in the culture of our school. We have been fortunate to have been very well guided and supported through the consultation process by Dianne Collier from Matauraka Mahaanui (Ngāi Tūāhuriri Education Committee) and the Ngāi Tūāhuriri rūnanga (mana whenua of the area that Beckenham School sits in).

The Ngāi Tūāhuriri rūnanga has generously gifted Beckenham School with a name that reflects our place in the area around the Ōpāwaho River. The name we have been gifted is “Te Kura o Pūroto” which literally translated means “The School of the Ponds”.

Discussions at our November Board meeting resulted in the acceptance of this name which has been linked with Beckenham School’s existing name. We are proud to announce that both Ngāi Tūāhuriri and the Ministry of Education have accepted our new school name as being

Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto

Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto (Beckenham, the School of the Ponds) will take effect from 01 January 2018. Work is already underway to ensure the new name, logo, and signage will be ready to go in the new year.

The Board of Trustees believes that Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto not only affirms a sense of place and belonging for our tamariki, but that it also reflects the bicultural nature of Aotearoa New Zealand and shows our commitment to upholding the Treaty of Waitangi.

There will be a ceremony late in term 1 2018 to unveil the new name officially to our community which everyone will be invited to.

If you have any questions or if you would like to know more about the process we have followed please see the school website to find a Trustee (from 2017) you can talk to about it.

The BOT wishes you and your families a safe and happy holiday break. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Beckenham School Board of Trustees