What a fabulous year we have had. Thank you for all your support and the phenomenal feedback we have received. We have appreciated both positive and constructive feedback which helps us reflect on our practise and reinforces the parts of the programme that are working well.
We are looking forward to 2018 and a full year in our learning spaces.
Te Whatu Manawa Māoritanga o Rehua
Before we visited Rehua Marae on Thursday, some of our children were treated to amazing Marae presentations that had been created by the Year 3 and 4 children in Kowhai hub.
The children used all sorts of resources and media to teach our children about what to expect when we visited the marae.
We had a fabulous trip to the Marae on Thursday. A great big thank you to all the parents who came along and enjoyed the experience too. The children were great ambassadors for Beckenham School.
Have a look at some of the photos we took over the day.
Discovery Time Photos from Monday Week 10
The challenge was to make a tent out of just tarpaulins and large blocks that could withstand a heavy downpour. The children were excited when it started to drizzle so they could test out it's waterproofing!
Amazing collaborative structure complete with hidden treasure and secret rooms.
A Few Holiday Ideas and Tips
- Loose Parts Play - at Christmas time, there will be plenty to occupy your lovelies. Keep any packaging / boxes / wrapping and set these up on a table with a 'provocation' (challenge). e.g. Make a house for a mouse, make a bridge that can hold a toy, make a tent for a pet or toy, make a boat that can float a toy - you will be amazed at the creativity that will abound.
- Screen time - Have a balance of time on a screen and time doing other activities - this will change the demands needed for young brains and help with energy levels. Find APPS that encourage creativity and learning. Here are just a few. Puppet Pals, Scribblenauts, GarageBand, Bitsboard, Memory.
- Pinterest - when you are really stuck for ideas - use this wonderful tool to become inspired.
- Reading - enjoy self selecting books to read for fun. We have wonderful libraries in Christchurch. Reading together or enjoying a favourite book can be a great way to spend some quiet time at any part of the day.
- Maths - encourage children to help with cooking or measuring - helping out with any DIY jobs. Telling the time, baking, measuring, solving puzzles, taking a family vote, are all ways we can show our children how we use maths everyday.
- 'I'm Bored' - welcome this statement with a hearty - "Fantastic! I wonder what you are going to do next!" Allowing children to create their own play is not only extremely valuable - it also takes the pressure off adults. Children can be incredibly innovative, given the right level of 'boredom' and downtime. Having a 'switch off day' where no outing or anything is planned is a great way to recharge young batteries.
- Top Five Toys of All Time for Children
- Stick
- Box
- String
- Cardboard Tube
- Dirt
Useful Websites
Remember children need supervision when on the internet
- Radio New Zealand Stories for Children
- Storyline Online - Storybooks read by actors
- Kiwi Kids News - Children's online newspaper
- GoNoodle - Movement and Mindfulness
- StoryBird - Creative writing website where children can write their own books
- Dorinda's Website for other ideas and resources
Have a very, very happy, relaxing holiday. It will be great to see everyone back in 2018 for our student conferences.
We are all looking forward to 2018 and a full year in our new spaces.
Merry Christmas.