What a stunning day we had on the slopes today. The children embraced the challenge, supported each other and made the most of their day on the mountain. So much fun!
Monthly Archives: August 2017
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Kauri Whānau Update: Term 3 Week 6
Ski day this Wednesday:
The forecast is looking good for our ski day on Wednesday. We'll have a very early start with all children needing to meet on Eastern Tce at 6:20am. This is due to our lessons being scheduled for 9am.Key reminders:
- Be at school, Eastern Tce, by 6:20am
- Come dressed is: thermal top and long-johns, long woollen socks, warm top, weather-proof pants and ski jacket. We can take off layers in the bus / car.
- In a day pack: gloves, goggles or glasses, large bottle of water, large lunch and inhaler / medication as required.
- In jacket pocket: some energy food for snacking on the slopes.
- Optional: activity for bus / car trip, camera, $5 to spend at cafe.
- All children will be provided with a helmet, skis, boots and poles.
- We will return to Eastern Tce by 6pm.
Learning Conferences:
We are looking forward to catching up with you at learning conferences tomorrow and on Thursday. You can still book a conference by going to www.schoolinterviews.co.nz and entering the code ay2w2
Please come straight into the hub when you arrive. The children will gather their books and start sharing their learning with you. Your child's home-group, maths and possibly reading teacher(s) will drop by to discuss progress and next steps. There will be a list on the large whiteboard to remind the children about all that they have to share.
Winter Sport:
The winter sport season has finished. A huge thank you to all of the parents who regularly gave their time to coach teams. Without you, the children would not have had the opportunity to play. Also a big thank you to Jenny and Gayle for all of the extra hours they put in to coordinate this weekly programme.Congratulations to our Year 7 & 8 hockey team who were placed 9th at the Canterbury Winter Tournament last week.
Today the children got underway with their speech writing. They are writing a 3-4 minute persuasive speech. While most of this will be written at school, some writing will need to happen at home. Please encourage your child to work on their speech.
Celebrating our Cantamath achievements:
We were thrilled with the number of children who achieved excellence and highly commended awards for their display work at Cantamath last Wednesday.
- Highly Commended: Adam, Georgina, Tilly, Isla, Miriélle, Juliette, Daisy, George, Luke, Saraya, Kaia, Bonnie, Jarred's maths class project
- Excellence: Caleb, Jessie, Christopher, Santiago, Constantin, Marlonique, Rosie, Alex, Fynn
- Outstanding: Two pieces of work were awarded outstanding awards this year. We were very proud that Nicky's maths class project was one of them. We designed our own font and created a giant scrabble board that will displayed outside by the junior playground at Beckenham.
A big well done to our Cantamath teams who sweated it out for 30 minutes of challenging questions.
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Finishing off our class project on a Sunday morning. |
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Beckenham School Newsletter, Friday 25 August 2017
Principal's Patch
Kia ora koutou
Apologies for the lack of newsletter last Friday. With no internet from Friday morning through to the end of Tuesday, communications at school certainly became very challenging. Thank you all for bearing with us through this and for keeping in touch via the school cell phone. We are VERY pleased to have our normal internet services fully returned.Building update:
I was going to advise last Friday that the demolition of Rooms 12 and 13 would begin this week - however, those of you who have driven or walked by will have noticed that they are now fully demolished and removed!New Entrant teacher update:
Next week we formally welcome Kristika Burridge to our New Entrant team. Kristika has been doing lots of relieving in the school this year, and from Monday, will be covering for Elizabeth Drummond (Gail Hulme) whilst she and her husband go on a long awaited holiday to Italy. When Elizabeth returns next term, Kristika will continue on as the fourth teacher in the New Entrant team, as the new entrant numbers increase.Learning Conferences
Our New Entrants (in Hub 10 and 11) have had their learning conferences this week and the rest of the school have theirs next week, on Tuesday and Thursday.School will close at 2pm on both Tuesday and Thursday next week.
If you would like your Y1-4 child to be supervised until 3pm, please email office@beckenham.school.nz so the teachers know to take them to the East Hub where they will be supervised until 3pm.
If your child normally goes to BOSCO, they will start at the earlier time of 2pm on those days.
The Champion St buses will leave Champion st at 1:40pm to be back at school at 2pm. You will need to let your child know if you want them to walk home, OR to go up to the East Hub and sign in there for the supervised hour. All children who are waiting at school will need to go to the East Hub - if children are waiting on the playground for parents, we will take them to the East Hub.
If you have not yet booked your learning conference, please do this as soon as possible by going to
www.schoolinterviews.co.nz and entering the code ay2w2
I was fortunate to be able to attend the Canterbury Primary Principals' Conference in Hanmer on Monday and Tuesday this week. One of the excellent speakers was Dr Lucy Hone, speaking about Positive Psychology and strategies to promote Wellbeing.A key concept was the idea of being able to identify our Character Strengths - what are the strengths that each of us, including our children, bring to each day and each situation? One of the areas that the children will be focussing on in their learning conference discussions with you is their strengths - the areas of their learning that they are experiencing success and achievement in. There will be important character strengths that underpin these successes such as persistence, attention to detail, curiosity, humour and teamwork.
Recognising and celebrating our character strengths are an important part of developing resilience and wellbeing. You can help your child to see their strengths by helping them to identify and name them, and the learning conference process is one great place to do this.
I look forward to seeing many of you during the learning conferences at school next week.
Sandy Hastings
Principal - Tumuaki
Important Dates
Upcoming Events
Tue 29 & Thu 31 AugustLearning Conferences.
School finishes at 2:00pm
Wed 30 Aug
Yr 7 & 8 ski trip
Thu 7 Sep
Kids in town - Kowhai Kapa Haka
Term Dates
Click here to view 2017 and 2018 term dates.
2018 Term Dates
Term 1
Thu 1 Feb to Fri 13 Apr
School closed on: Waitangi Day, Tue 6 Feb; Good Friday, Fri 30 Mar; Easter Mon/Tue, 2/3 Apr.
NB: Learning Conferences all day Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd February. Supervision will be provided for families who need it. Classes start Monday 5th February.
Term 2
Mon 30 Apr to Fri 6 Jul
School closed on: Queen's Birthday, Mon 4 Jun
Includes one TOD, date to be advised
Term 3
Mon 23 Jul to Friday 28 Sep
Includes one TOD, date to be advised
Term 4
Mon 15 Oct to Thu 20 Dec
School closed on: Labour Day, Mon 23 Oct; Canterbury Anniversary Day, Fri 17 Nov.
Total half days: 384 (as required by the Ministry of Education)
Citizen of the Week
Olivia Wilson - Year 6
Olivia, you are a superstar in our team. You are a motivated learner and always try your best at everything that you do. You consistently demonstrate a positive and caring attitude and are a great friend to others. You have excellent self-management skills and are a positive role model to others. You are extremely reliable and are always willing to lend a helping hand. We love having you in our team. Well done!Angus Bowden - Year 6
Angus, we are so lucky to have you at Beckenham School! You are an outstanding role model who consistently demonstrates our values of 'we get there together', 'we care' and 'we make a difference'. Your thoughtful consideration of others' viewpoints and feelings shows your exemplary nature, which is highly appreciated by those around you. Your sense of humour shines through in all that you do and we love the laughter you bring to our hub. Keep being awesome, Angus! Tino pai!Sharni Fa'avesi
Sharni, you are a shining star in Team Koru. You demonstrate 'We Love Learning' each and every day by staying focused and challenging yourself. You are a kind and caring friend and always do your best to help others by role modelling excellent self-management skills. Keep up the great work, Sharni. We love having you as part of our team. Ka pai!
Sharing our Learning
Pōhutukawa Team
Team challenges
This term, the Pōhutukawa hub have been participating in 15 minute mini challenges. Our aim is to give our children the opportunity to explore different passions through art, teamwork, and passion time. This also gives our children more of an opportunity to explore the key competencies of We Love Challenge & We Get There Together through agentic learning. Here are some photos of the children in action.Pōhutukawa persuasive writing
This term the Pohutukawa team have been working on persuasive writing. The topic for this has been ‘fidget spinners - pro or con?’ Students have been confidently stating their opinions and providing many reasons to support them. Here is an example from one of our talented writers.I think fidget spinners should be banned
Did you know that there is a world shortage of ballpoint pens because of fidget spinners?
One of the reasons I think fidget spinners are bad is because they distract you from doing work which means you could fall behind in learning, and they were actually made for people with ADHD, but it may seem they were targeted at school children as they are so popular.
They should not be allowed in schools because children would be in despair if they lost them, and worse still people could steal them from other people’s bags and that would be terribly upsetting. They are also “over priced” but the average fidget spinner is three to fifteen dollars. (did you know that the most expensive fidget spinner is three million dollars?)
Another reason fidget spinners are bad is that they are highly addictive. You may think that’s a good thing because it keeps kids away from screens, but did you know that spinning a fidget spinner for too long can damage your skin!
So there are many reasons why fidget spinners are bad, I bet you don’t want one now because of all the horrible things you have heard about them.
By Ruby McNiven
School Notices
Walking to School Safely
Last week I received the following email from a concerned parent. Please do remind your children that they need to stay alert when walking and that using a device (especially with headphones) can distract both your visual and aural perception, leading to potentially tragic consequences.
I have had two incidents recently (I suspect the same child) the first one towards the end of last term where he was walking towards Tennyson Street along Eastern Terrace busy playing on a device. The only thing that stopped him from walking straight out onto Tennyson St was the fact he walked into the garden first and stumbled so looked up from his device and realised where he was.
This morning a boy stepped out onto Sandwich Rd down the Eastern Terrace end and was in the middle of the road before he looked up from his device and realised cars were stopped in both directions for him.
If it is the same child it is only a matter of time before he is hit.
Safe Travelling to School-We Care & We Get There Together
We have noticed a large number of our children are crossing roads in unsafe places and we are concerned this could lead to a tragic accident. Please discuss the following with your child(ren) so they arrive to and from school safely.NZ Transport Agency has some helpful road safety tips for our children:
As a way to get around, walking is an easy, healthy and safe way to travel. There are a number of tips you can follow to keep it that way.
How to stay safe when walking
Use pedestrian crossings or cross at traffic signals.
Stop and check at every driveway.
Walk on the footpath, close to the houses and away from the road.
Hold hands if walking with a young child near roads or in carparks.
When there’s no pedestrian crossing
Be patient and cross the road only when it’s safe to do so (it takes time for a vehicle to stop)then use the kerb drill:
- Stop one step back from the kerb.
- Look and listen for traffic coming from all directions.
- If there is traffic coming, wait until it has passed and then look and listen for traffic again.
- If there is no traffic coming, walk quickly straight across the road.
- While crossing, look and listen for traffic, wherever it may come from.
When picking up or dropping off your children
- Ensure children get in and out on the footpath side of the car.
- Park safely, away from yellow lines, intersections and driveways.
- Drive slowly outside schools and be prepared for surprises.
- Never double park outside a school.
- Walk to the school gate with your children in the mornings.
- After school, walk to the school gate to meet your children and walk them to the car.
- Take extra care on wet days.
We have had a number of cases of head-lice at school recently. Anyone can get head lice – it doesn’t matter how clean or dirty a person’s hair is. Head lice spread by crawling from one person’s hair to another’s – usually between people who are in close contact, such as family or school classmates.We do need to make sure that all known cases of head-lice are treated with urgency as they can infest others and this puts all of our children and teachers at risk. Untreated they can cause severe irritation and even infection.
We will notify you if your child presents at school with head lice, and ask you to take them home and treat them if you haven't already.
We are able to make a referral to the Public Health Nurse if you are experiencing difficulty getting rid of persistent head-lice.
We have confirmed with the local GPs that visits for children up to 13 are free, and the GP can prescribe parasidose shampoo or a new treatment called dimethicone 4%. Both of these are subsidised by Pharmac and free with a prescription.
You can find out more about nit treatment here: CDHB Head Lice Information
Click here for a demonstration video. This is an American video, and it gives very detailed, step by step instructions that match the CDHB handout on how to comb out nits.
- Anyone can get head lice.
- Check your children’s hair every week for head lice.
- If you find head lice or eggs – you need to treat them.
- Repeat the treatment: 7–10 days later for chemical treatments and weekly for wet combing.
- For more information, talk to your pharmacist, doctor or nurse.
Morning Road Patrol
We are searching for some new volunteers to join our dedicated morning road patrol team. Due to our staff being on split sites we have less staff available for road duty in the morning. The role only requires taking out the flags, wearing a trendy fluro vest and assisting children and families across the road. It starts at 8:30am and finishes about 8:55am. This role will only be available until the end of this term so you will need to be in quick!
You will have the opportunity to meet new people and greet our community in the morning. Spring is just around the corner so the weather will be warming up.
If you would like to volunteer for 1 or 2 mornings a week please email deputy.principal@beckenham.school.nz
Year 7/8 parents needed for help with New Zealand research: "Lets Talk about Sexuality"
Last week you will have received a flyer (attached here) from a researcher exploring how parents talk with their children about sex, sexuality and relationships across the lifecourse. The research involves parents/caregivers who have children aged 11-13. They will be part of a one-off focus group where parents/caregivers share some kai and have an informal audio –taped conversation about experiences and understandings of sexuality education. There is no New Zealand data on how parents/caregivers understand this topic and there is an urgent need to find out how they can be supported to enhance the wellbeing of young people.
Two focus groups will be held at Beckenham School on Tuesday September 5 and Thursday September 7.
Each focus group will be a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 6. (Meet at the school Office) Please read the flyer and if you can help please email Tracy on tracy.clelland@canterbury.ac.nz
Christchurch School’s Music Festival
The Pohutukawa Pitch Perfect Choir (Year 5/6) are working hard, practising all of the songs that they will be singing at the Christchurch School’s Music Festival this year. The theme for the festival this year is ‘Whatever the Weather’. We will be performing on Friday 27th October at Horncastle Arena. Tickets are now on sale through Ticketek. Adult tickets cost $19.00 and school age children are $7.00.
Request for old items
Kia ora, I am planning an Inquiry learning session which will involve children looking at old technology and household items. If you have any old cellphones, tools or relics from the past (milk tokens, dial telephones etc) that I could borrow until the end of term 3, please see me in the West Wing. Thanks, Charlotte charlotte.verity@beckenham.school.nz
This fortnight, students and staff have looked at two aspects of Wellbeing:
1. I can identify some of the things that matter to me and why.
Understanding what matters to each of us is a critical part of identity. When we understand what matters to us, we can ensure we make time for those things, and reaffirm our sense of identity, confidence and purpose in the process. What matters to you personally? What matters to your family? Ideas that our children came up with include: spending time in nature, having family time, helping others in the community, your career/profession, church or time with special groups, food, having fun, friends, craft / creative pursuits. Try discussing with your child at home, or asking others in your family.
2. I can think and talk about my feelings. I am learning to understand how my feelings affect my wellbeing.
It is important that children can recognise and name various emotions e.g. sadness, joy, excitement, worry, calm, anger. We can model how to label an emotion, and talk about this to trusted others. It is important that children know that there is nothing wrong with each feeling – everybody feels them at some stage. It is also important that children know that each feeling will pass, but certain strategies (e.g. going for a walk, talking with a friend, watching a movie or listening to music, drawing or creating may help) may help some of those emotions pass more quickly. Key things to discuss at home with you child:
· Practise naming and sharing times when you or your child felt happy, sad, cam, worried etc.
· Practise noticing and naming emotions in books and on those around you (younger children)
· Actively share how you are feeling with your child
· Ensure your child has two-three trusted people they can share their feelings with, if they need
· Discuss strategies for dealing with particular feelings (as described above)
Further insight:
If you haven’t already, check out the fantastic range of events available during Parenting Week
KIWI Competitions-We Love a Challenge
We had a large number of Year 5-8 children participate in the new KIWI Competitions (Mathematics, English & Science). Congratulations to all the children who participated. The certificates have arrived and the children will receive these in their team huis.
Board Talk
You can find out about the Beckenham School Board of Trustees by visiting the Board of Trustees page on our website.
NZSTA - Becoming a school trustee from NZSTA on Vimeo.Upcoming Trustee Elections
In November/December this year, we will be having trustee elections and three of our six trustee positions will become vacant. At least one of our current trustees will not be re-standing for election, so we will be looking for new trustees for the Board.Congratulations
Congratulations to Isolda Rees-Stevenson who has been accepted into Burnside High School's Specialist Music Programme to study vocals in 2018. This is the first time in six years that a voice student has been selected so it definitely is an achievement worth noting.Congratulations to Jordan Hardwick who has been successful in winning a leadership scholarship to Cashmere High School for 2018.
Congratulations also to Kaia Joergensen who was recently selected in the Canterbury Primary A hockey team. The team will compete at the Collier Trophy in Tauranga in the second week of the October school holidays.
Congratulations to Gemma Campbell who has just competed in Auckland at the Allstars Olympia Cheerleading competition. Gemma's team took gold and won a bid to compete in Hawaii in 2019. These girls only formed as a team this year and to have them bring gold home and a bid to compete in Hawaii is such an achievement.
Congratulations to all of the children who participated in the CantaMath competition this week, in the team challenges, the class project and with individual entries. A very large number of our students won Escellence and Highly Commended awards for their entries and the class project entry from Nicky Dunlop's maths class won the Supreme Award for the Class Project!
The project was a huge mural, depicting a crossword about learning across the Curriculum. The mural will be installed on the outside of the West Hub underfloor heating plant, next to the junior sandpit next week.
Sports News
Year 5-8 Winter Tournament
On Monday 31st July the year 5-8 students braved the mud at Hagley Park to compete in the South Zone’s Winter Tournament. Our winter sport teams played games against St Martins, Hillview, Opawa, Waltham, Steiner and Thorrington in football, netball and hockey. Games were fast and furious 5 minute halves and gave our children the opportunity to play many different teams, none of whom we would usually verse during winter sport. Congratulations to our Year 7/8 hockey team, coached and managed by Jenni Adams, who qualified for the Canterbury’s Winter Tournament on the 24th of August. A huge thank you to all the parents who offered their time, enthusiasm and expertise to manage teams and referee games.Cheeseman Ski Race day:
It wasn't a perfect blue bird day so visibility was a bit hit and miss at times but the kids all had a fantastic time and all raced really well. Well done to everyone who participated and special congratulations to Winnie Goldsbury who was third in the girls' year 5/6 group.PTA News
CALLING all BBQ Connoisseurs, shows us your BBQ sausage skills & make some $$$ for the school!! Here's your opportunity to impress
We have TWO slots booked at Mitre 10 Beckenham to use their BBQ facilities.
BBQ volunteers will be in an undercover booth & situated in the car park. Children can assist BUT must be supervised at all times due to location of BBQ. Mitre 10 advise a max. of three people in the booth.
All profit raised will be added to the 'Outdoor Spaces' Funds
We need a min. of TWO people per shift
Shifts will be TWO Hours long
BOTH shifts are on a SUNDAY (27th Aug & 3rd Sept)
If you can help please CLICK on this LINK: http://bit.ly/2xqZn7K
Evening of Style
Thanks to everyone who attended - the models, Becks Mason, Sarah Middleditch, those who had a stall & the businesses that offered prizes to the 'Evening of Style'We received fantastic feedback on a very enjoyable night for all & raised over $4300 profit
This money is targeted for the 'Outdoor Spaces'
It will be used to purchase the NEW Basketball Hoop system & three NEW Netball systems for your children to enjoy (If grant applications are unsuccessful)
So look out for them, arriving soon!!
ASB Summer Starter
We have created a Beckenham School Team for the ASB Summer Starter on Sunday 26 November. Beckenham School will receive 50c per KM for every person from the school community that joins our school team and participates in the ASB Summer Starter. So get your friends, family, neighbours and work mates signed up through the Beckenham School Team. 10km, 4km and Kids 1.5km Dash, Duck & Dive options. Adults $20, 10-15 years $10, under 9s $5, 1.5km option $15. The perfect way to fundraise for our new outfit spaces! How many children will we spot wearing their house tops on the day?http://bit.ly/2vgIuvK
Staff Profile - Jenny Diggle
Kia ora koutou!Teaching had appealed to me as a potential career from a young age. My mum is an early childhood teacher back in England, but she always tried to steer me away from pursuing a career in education. Today, both my sister and I are teachers and my dad has retrained as a careers advisor, so we have all ended up in the educational field, despite her advice! Before teaching, my work followed my love of horses. I worked in the USA, Canada, Australia and NZ as a riding instructor and trail guide. My most memorable job was guiding multi day horse treks through the Victorian Alps.
I met my partner, Sam, while spending a summer mountain biking in Fernie B.C. After a failed Canadian visa attempt, I decided to take a chance in relocating to what was at that time a recently earthquake shaken Christchurch, much to my parents’ dismay! On completion of my teacher training, I worked at Amuri Area School and Gilberthorpe School before starting at Beckenham at the start of 2016. A highlight of my teaching career has been travelling to Nepal where I volunteered in the Solukhumbu region as a teacher trainer. This was a challenging, but incredibly rewarding experience, creating engaging learning experiences with very limited resources.
I feel most at home in the mountains and nearly all my recreational pursuits stem from my love of spending time in the hills. Trail running with my dog, Denver, mountain biking, snow boarding, horse riding and tramping are some of the ways that I enjoy connecting with nature.
I feel extremely privileged to be a part of the Beckenham School community. I relish working alongside an incredible bunch of passionate teachers who are so dedicated in providing engaging learning opportunities; Sometimes I feel like I enjoy our learning programme more than the children do!
Staff Profile - Jeanette Amies
Hi, my name is Jeanette and I have been a teacher aide at Beckenham School for 10 years. I live in Prebbleton with my husband, Scott and son Alexander. We have a large section where there is plenty of scope to indulge in one of my favourite pastimes- gardening. I also love reading, having a cuppa with friends and family and going for walks especially if it's through native bush. I feel very lucky to be part of Beckenham School. I love supporting the children in their learning and whenever they come up to me in the playground to have a chat or just to say hello, it always makes my day!Community Notices
(Notices placed here are contingent on space and do not reflect the views or opinions of the school.)
Smarttouch 2017
We welcome your entries into the term 4 Smarttouch rugby competition. See the flyer for dates, times and costs.
Steps to register:
Get a team organised and appoint a team manager and coach.
Enter online using the URL address www.sporty.co.nz/smarttouch Entries open 21st Aug
On the Smarttouch home page fill out the touch team manager sign up form and submit it.
You will then receive an email giving you the link to enter your player details.
Entries close 29th Sept
Remember the competition is social MIXED and you need to have a minimum of 3 girls on the field at a time. Grades: Year0-2, Year 3-4, Year 5-6, and Year 7-8.
We are all looking forward to a great season,
From the Smarttouch Team.
The Buddy Zone Holiday Programme
Social skills group for ages 6-14 years. Held at the Village Community Centre, Ilam. Term 3 holidays Wed & Fri 8:30am - 4pm. Call today to book your place, 0212436677.Imagination Yoga - Children's Yoga - Weekly Classes!
Parents, your Child will delight in their super-magical-fun yoga adventures, whilst you plant positive seeds for their future mind-body vitality. Double positive!Tuesdays 3:30-4:15pm for 4-6yrs: Huntsbury Community Centre, Huntsbury Ave
Thursdays 3:30-4:30pm for 7-12 yrs: Lyttelton Union Chapel, Winchester St.
Saturdays 10.00-10:45am for 4-6yrs: Lyttelton Union Chapel, Winchester St.
Saturdays 11.00-12pm for 7-12 yrs: Lyttelton Union Chapel, Winchester St.
Drop-in welcome!
More info: siouxiesolar.com/imaginationyoga
Contact Lou 0226 250 321 or hello@siouxiesolar.com
Kowhai Team Newsletter Week 5
Spring is in the air, and the children are loving being out at break times in the glorious sunshine!
Short Film Festival
Thanks to all the wonderful parents who came to support our trip last week to the Isaac Theatre Royal. The children had a wonderful time watching the movies. This has led us to create our own movies that we will share with you all at learning conferences! You will be in for a treat!
Spellathon testing took place last Friday, and now comes the business of collecting all of the sponsorship money back in. No pressure, but...! There is a prize for the whole class which has all of its sponsorship money and cards back into the office FIRST! Congratulations to all the children who have worked so hard to learn their Spellathon words.
Learning Conferences
Learning conferences are next week on Tuesday 29th August and Thursday 31st August. School will finish at 2pm on these days. Please make sure you have made a booking as the children have a wonderful array of learning they want to share with you. To book your learning conference, please go to www.schoolinterviews.co.nz and log in with the code 'ay2w2'. Although the booking slots say 15 mins, please allow 30 mins for the conference.
It's getting to that time of the year where pens, pencils and glue sticks generally start to deplete. Can you please talk with your child about which items they might need to stock up on and send them to school. Thank you very much.Change of Clothes and FootwearThe park is now open and we are actively encouraging the children to use the park. However, it is very wet and muddy as the water table is still very high. If your child likes to play football or be on the grass, please send them with a spare pair of old shoes and shorts to change into. LunchesWe are aware that the new cubbies are going to become quite hot for the children's school lunches. Over the next week, we will be creating a solution to ensure the children's lunches are kept cool. Thanks for you patience while we develop an effective system for this.Writing
The children have been working on writing engaging texts that aim to entertain the reader by including precise vocabulary. Here are a couple of examples:
The marshmallow monster slithered through the water like a snake. He bubbled up to the surface and out of the water. Peering through the trees, his yellow eyes were watching someone. He slowly crept through the trees to the campsite like a spy. Quietly sneaking up behind the boy, he heard the boy’s marshmallow sizzle in the night light of the fire. The monster sniffed the air. He moved much closer. The boy turned around and he stared with unbelieving eyes at the monster. By Dahlia
Swish! The waves washed up and over her feet. The girl was feeling sad as she walked along the beach. Suddenly the waves washed up a mysterious looking bottle. She opened it and hoped they would be magical bubbles. She blew a bubble and the clouds disappeared and the sun came out. “Wow!” she thought. She blew another bubble and this time she jumped on it. This made her feel happy. She smiled as she jumped onto the other bubbles. All of a sudden, one of the bubbles went under the water. She saw two fish swimming under the sea. Then the bubble lifted her up and took her high up into the sky. She smiled as she looked down back at the beach. She spied a lonely a girl who was walking. She looked so sad. “Shall I help her? Would that be the right thing to do?” the girl asked herself.
By Layla
Pōhutukawa Team Newsletter – Term 3, Week 4, 2017
This term, the students in Team Pōhutukawa are involved in a Science/Technology/Drama/Social Studies interchange. One of the topics that the students are learning about is chemistry.
In chemistry, the students are exploring the difference between physical and chemical change by conducting a variety of exciting science experiments.
Here are some photos of their experiments:
In chemistry, the students are exploring the difference between physical and chemical change by conducting a variety of exciting science experiments.
Here are some photos of their experiments:
These students are learning how soap makes things clean.
These students are studying super-absorbent polymers that can absorb over 200 times their mass in water.
These students are conducting tests to determine which substances are acids and bases.
These students are conducting a colour change experiment.
These students are learning how chemistry applies in the kitchen.
Egg Cartons
If you have any spare egg containers, please send them in for one of our up and coming challenges.
It's getting to that time of the year where pens, pencils and glue sticks generally start to deplete. Can you please talk with your child about which items they might need to stock up on and send them to school. Thank you very much.