The children have enjoyed the variety of activities and learning they have been involved in this week. They hung on every word of 'The Good Lie' movie. This gave them a good base understanding of the challenges faced by refugees. Hopefully your child has come home and discussed the movie.
A big thanks to Tracy for her superb organisation of the school swimming sports. Thanks also to the students who helped with media coverage and organisation. Congratulations to all of those who took part. Tracy will be announcing the team for zones once she has processed the results. The south zone swimming sports are on the morning of March 14 at Jellie Park.
Next week is our art week. We are spending every afternoon learning about and creating visual art. The children have chosen from street art, optical art and art using block letter words.
One of the big weekly highlights at the moment are our basketball sessions with the Rams. The children are giving 100% for the full hour and basic skills are progressing really well. Below is a video of the boys' training this week.
Next week we are closing the kitchen, as we have had some issues with children being in the hub at lunchtimes when they shouldn't. Please make sure your child doesn't bring lunch that requires toasting, heating or hot water. All going well, we will be back to normal kitchen operation in week 6.
Dunedin camp is getting closer! We currently have four parents who have offered to join us and we would like two more. If you can be available from April 4 - 8 and would like to spend a week in fabulous company, please let one of us know. The full cost of camp is $315, however the actual cost will be lower than this. We are in the process of finalising fundraising totals and Audrey has applied for a grant to go towards transport costs. As soon as we know the actual cost, I will pass this information on.
A couple of reminders: please check and return contact details sheets if you haven't done so already and get Year 8 girls' HPV vaccination forms back to the office.
Below is a picture of our Room 16 whiteboard for week 5. This outlines our timetable and may be helpful to have at home for some children, to assist with their organisation. We will include a timetable photo in the blog each week.
Monthly Archives: February 2016
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Koru Newsletter Term 1, Wk 4, 2016
Alphabet Ideas
Team Koru currently have a big focus on building on our alphabet knowledge (this includes the letter names and the letter sound). It would be fantastic if you could support this at home.You could do this by;
Contact Information and Cyber Safety form
If you have not handed in your 'Contact Details' sheet or 'Cyber Safety' form yet, please hand this into the office next week.
Word Pack
You would have received a 'Word Pack' from Rowena, please practice a few of these each night adding in a few more as your child gets to know some words. It is important to keep reviewing words until they are mastered.Your Mutukaroa learning pack also has a list of games to support learning these words in a fun way e.g. The Ladder game and the Slap game. If you have not received this pack yet, it will be given to you at your child's learning conference. If your child started at the end of last year and has lost this pack please see your child's 'Point of Contact Teacher' so they can organise you another pack.
Team Koru News
Just letting you know that we will be sending out a fortnightly newsletter via a blog update. Please make sure you check this so you know what has been happening and be aware of future events.
Please check the Notices Board (in the entrance to Hub 10/11) daily as we use this to convey any important messages.
River of Flowers
On Monday the 22nd February Hub 10 & 11 participated in the chalk river of flowers to remember the people who passed away in the earthquake 5 years ago. The children demonstrated great respect and worked well together during this activity. We were also very proud of them during our whole school and community remembrance gathering on the field. The children are a credit to all of you.
Most of these children have only been at school a few weeks.
Getting there together
Team Koru currently have a big focus on building on our alphabet knowledge (this includes the letter names and the letter sound). It would be fantastic if you could support this at home.You could do this by;
- Using the packs that you would have received from Rowena through the Mutukaroa Programme.
- When your child is writing their name, talk about what letters make up their name.
- Get your child to help write shopping lists and talk about the sounds that go with letters.
Contact Information and Cyber Safety form
If you have not handed in your 'Contact Details' sheet or 'Cyber Safety' form yet, please hand this into the office next week.
Word Pack
You would have received a 'Word Pack' from Rowena, please practice a few of these each night adding in a few more as your child gets to know some words. It is important to keep reviewing words until they are mastered.Your Mutukaroa learning pack also has a list of games to support learning these words in a fun way e.g. The Ladder game and the Slap game. If you have not received this pack yet, it will be given to you at your child's learning conference. If your child started at the end of last year and has lost this pack please see your child's 'Point of Contact Teacher' so they can organise you another pack.
Team Koru News
Just letting you know that we will be sending out a fortnightly newsletter via a blog update. Please make sure you check this so you know what has been happening and be aware of future events.
Please check the Notices Board (in the entrance to Hub 10/11) daily as we use this to convey any important messages.
River of Flowers
On Monday the 22nd February Hub 10 & 11 participated in the chalk river of flowers to remember the people who passed away in the earthquake 5 years ago. The children demonstrated great respect and worked well together during this activity. We were also very proud of them during our whole school and community remembrance gathering on the field. The children are a credit to all of you.
Most of these children have only been at school a few weeks.
Getting there together
A huge thanks to Steve for coming to play for Hub 10 & 11
Weaver's father Steve came into Hub 10 & 11 to play his electric guitar. Children asked questions about the equipment, requested songs, and some children even had a turn at playing the guitar! This experience created a platform for some wonderful discussions. We all think you ROCK Steve ! We hope you come again and if you would like to bring your band you are most welcome.
Team Building:
Team building challenges teach us to work together and help us to learn more about ourselves and each other. They have also been amazing at helping us to deal with the HEAT! In the afternoons, when our rooms get hot and stuffy, what could be nicer that team building challenges with WATER?
Water Balloon relays! |
Slip and Slide! |
Sharing our Learning – Statistics
Have you ever wondered which coloured jelly bean is easiest to identify by taste alone? How about which one is the most difficult to identify? This question formed the basis of a statistical investigation in both hubs in Team Pōhutukawa.

We worked together to gather data and then were able to make statements using the data as evidence. (In case you were wondering, the easiest colour to identify is definitely black, and the hardest one appears to be pink!) Of course, nobody minded testing the colours!
We are now working in groups on our own statistical investigations, using Google Forms to gather data. It is a real challenge to ask the right questions so that the data we gather will be useful.
When our surveys are completed Google Forms automatically generates graphs to show us the information we have gathered. Here are some examples:
This is such valuable information for our teachers!
Intermediate Hub Update: Feb 19
What a fabulous leadership week we have had, with so many highlights. We hope your child has come home with many experiences to share. We are hearing great things about the Year 7s being leaders in Year 1- 4 classes today. The Year 8s have applied the habits and leadership traits we have been talking about, in a range of ways over the past two days. Many of them have taken great leaps in confidence as they worked together in groups to achieve goals.
On Wednesday the Year 8s watched and discussed a TED talk about redefining leadership. We learnt all about 'lollipop moments'. You may want to view this talk so that you can reinforce the message at home.
As part of our exploration of synergy, we looked at the flight formation of migrating geese, with both Year 7 and Year 8. Here is a link to a slideshow that we unpacked with the children. Again, this would be something good to discuss and reinforce at home.
Social Studies
On Monday and Wednesday next week we will be launching into our study of refugees by watching and discussing the movie 'The Good Lie'. This is a PG movie. Check this review from Common Sense Media.
Remembering February 22nd
You are most welcome to join us on the park on Monday, from 12:30, as we stop to remember Feb 22nd 2011.
A big thanks to Simon, Rod, Elise, Mike and Gloria, parents and grandparents who contributed their time and skills to our leadership week.
Looking back on the week...
What a fabulous leadership week we have had, with so many highlights. We hope your child has come home with many experiences to share. We are hearing great things about the Year 7s being leaders in Year 1- 4 classes today. The Year 8s have applied the habits and leadership traits we have been talking about, in a range of ways over the past two days. Many of them have taken great leaps in confidence as they worked together in groups to achieve goals.
On Wednesday the Year 8s watched and discussed a TED talk about redefining leadership. We learnt all about 'lollipop moments'. You may want to view this talk so that you can reinforce the message at home.
As part of our exploration of synergy, we looked at the flight formation of migrating geese, with both Year 7 and Year 8. Here is a link to a slideshow that we unpacked with the children. Again, this would be something good to discuss and reinforce at home.
Social Studies
On Monday and Wednesday next week we will be launching into our study of refugees by watching and discussing the movie 'The Good Lie'. This is a PG movie. Check this review from Common Sense Media.
Remembering February 22nd
You are most welcome to join us on the park on Monday, from 12:30, as we stop to remember Feb 22nd 2011.
A big thanks to Simon, Rod, Elise, Mike and Gloria, parents and grandparents who contributed their time and skills to our leadership week.
Looking back on the week...
James teaches us about leadership in a very amusing way. |
Year 7s synergise to draw a smiley face. |
Using individual strengths to create a water container. |
Supporting each other to scale the climbing frame. |
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Success! |
The flying fox challenge. |
Discussing strategies. |
'Seek first to understand and then be understood.' |
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Year 8s 'unlock the grid' using non-verbal communication and teamwork. |
More strategising |
Aaron shares great ideas about goal setting. |
'Sharpening the Saw' |