Kōwhai News Term 4 Week 2

 Kia ora whānau, 

We have had a lovely start back into our final term of school for this year. It has been great to see all these smiley faces again. This week many of the home groups have been using clay to create sculptures. We have seen some amazingly artistic creations. 


Next week we will start practising our athletics sports in the afternoons. The Junior School Athletics Day is being held on Thursday the 11th of November.  

Unfortunately due to Level 2, we are not able to have parents come and watch the sports day this year. 


  • During Term 4 the children are expected to wear a hat whenever we are outside, so please help them remember to bring it to school. 
  • Please help remind your child to bring their drink bottle every day. The drinking fountains are closed during Level 2 and the days are starting to warm up! 
  • Please remember that when you come on campus in Level 2, you need to sign into the office and wear a mask while on campus. 

Here are some photos of what we have been up to for the last few weeks. 

Have a lovely weekend! 

The Kōwhai Team - Laura, Nick, Rowe, Quynh and Meagan

Kōwhai News Term 3 Week 10

 Kia ora whānau, 

What a whirlwind of a term! We are so proud of how our tamariki managed themselves this term, coping with changes in various levels and heading back into online learning. It has been a lovely couple of weeks back in the hub to end the term. Next term is a shorter term with lots of events, such as Athletics. We will send out information around these as they come up. 

Term 4

Next term is a summer term so the students will need to bring their hats back to school for play. Please remind them of this. 

Next term the home groups will be moving spaces. 

The new spaces will be as follows:

Nick - The Nook

Quynh - The Theatre

Meagan - The Breakout space

Laura - The Pathway

Rowe - The Atrium 

Term 4 will start on Monday the 18th of October. 

Here are a selection of photos from Term 3. 

We hope you have a relaxing holiday, and keep safe and happy. 

The Kōwhai Team - Laura, Nick, Rowe, Quynh and Meagan

Kōwhai News Term 3 Week 8

Kia ora whānau, 

What a wonderful first full week back learning at school! It has been great to see all the students back on campus and we are looking forward to everyone coming back on site when we reach Level 1. 

Over the last three weeks of term, our inquiry is "Travelling the World via Art" where we look at different cultures around the world and how art is made and celebrated. This week various homegroups have travelled to Mexico, Egypt, Australia, Vietnam and the UK. Over the next few weeks all of the students will get to learn about art from these countries and create different art using pastels, paint, sketching and clay. 

As Sandy mentioned in the newsletter on Friday, over the next two weeks we will be completing various assessments. This means that your child won't necessarily bring home reading books with them. Please help us by continuing to read books of their choice at home with them. 

Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori 

This week we have been celebrating the Māori language during Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori. Here is an activity you might like to try at home.

Paki Whitu Game

Have some fun with PAKI WHITU - This game requires the use of your hands.

Term 4 Miniball

Please read and fill out this survey if your child is interested in playing Miniball in Term 4.

Kōwhai Hub activities

We have loved getting back in and exploring our learning through play. Here are some pictures of learning through play, and learning throughout the day in the Kōwhai hub this week. 

Have a lovely weekend. 

The Kōwhai Team 

Kōwhai News – Term 3 Week 2

Kia ora whānau, 

It's been a busy start to Term 3 and spring is just around the corner. We can't wait! 

Keeping Ourselves Safe (KOS) 

This term, our wellbeing focus will be the Keeping Ourselves Safe programme. Your child/children may bring home some tasks which you can help them to complete (such as learning their phone number and address). 

Keeping Ourselves Safe is a comprehensive child abuse prevention programme for schools. Its purpose is to:

  • teach students a range of safe practices that they can use when interacting with other people, both online and face to face
  • teach students how to recognise the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships, and encourage students who have been or are being abused to seek help
  • prevent abuse by making parents and teachers more aware of their responsibilities to help students avoid abuse.

School Community Officers are available to support schools to plan and implement Keeping Ourselves Safe.

source: Keeping Ourselves Safe


Your child should have brought home the yellow slip for Readathon last Friday. On Friday the 20th we will have a book character day to celebrate the Readathon, where your child can come dressed up as their favourite literacy characters. We do not expect you to go and buy a costume for your child for this. 

Learning Games 

Please remember that if your child wants to play the Maths and Structured Literacy/Spelling games at home, they will need to sign in with their school Google account. Please talk to your child's homegroup teacher if you are not sure what this is. 

Here are a few picture of our first few weeks of Term 3.  

Have a lovely weekend. 

The Kōwhai Team - Laura, Nick, Rowe, Quynh and Meagan 

Kōwhai Gymnastics Trip Term 3

Kia ora Kōwhai whānau, 

(NB: We sent this post out on Tuesday using the new HERO app. If you didn’t get it through HERO, check your settings on the HERO app so that you get instant notifications. This will eventually become our primary way of sending team notices out so please do try and get your login working. Our staff in the hub, and in the office, are happy to help you if needed.)

Kōwhai students will be attending 2 gymnastics sessions at Christchurch School of Gymnastics (QEII) in Term 3 on Thursday August 26th and Thursday September 2nd. 

Each session will be 1.5 hours long. The Year 3 session will run from 9:30 am to 11.00am and the Year 4 session will run from 11.00am to 12.30pm. 

Children Need to Wear Clothing they can move in:

  • School shirt or equivalent (eg a red t-shirt) 
  • Leggings or shorts
  • Easy to remove shoes
  • No tights, extra long pants, school dresses, skirts, jeans, hoodies, belts, buckles or zippers
  • Long hair must be tied back. 

We will not need additional parent help for these trips. 

The student annual donation is used to help cover the cost of these sessions. If you have not yet made a contribution to your child's school account please do this as soon as possible. You can access this information by logging into HERO. Information about this can be found on the school website.

Ngā mihi, 

Laura, Rowe, Quynh, Meagan and Nick