Koru Blog Term 3 Week 9

Over the holidays...
Can children in hub 10-11 please save and bring in one clean yoghurt container at the start of term 4? Thanks

Firstly, we hope you enjoy family time and stay safe over the holidays. 
Secondly, keep reading over the holidays....stories before bed, going to the library (the new Halswell library is worth a visit). Ask your child questions and make predictions as you read, e,g. 
* Who is your favourite character and why?
* What might the ending be? 
* Why did the author write the book? 
Also, model reading strategies for your child, e.g.
* Using the initial sounds
* Noticing the end sounds
* Reading-on and re-reading when you are unsure
* Notice if your reading does/doesn't make sense

Market Day


Hub 10/11 - Feeding the ducks and ducklings! (Jewel afternoon)


Hub 12-13 Discovery
Here we are working together and discovering new ways of learning.

Teddy Bears Picnic

Koru Blog Term 3 Week 6

We have been discussing what gratitude looks like with the children recently. We frequently share something we are grateful for (friends, warm weather, our parents helping us get to school etc) during the roll. We have also been writing thank-you letters for our wonderful parent helpers . Gratitude is a key tool for resilience in our children. Why not discuss things you are grateful for around the dinner table at home?

From the staff team....thanks a million to all our parent helpers, especially the Friday gingerbread bakers, Ali, Nicola (Archie), Oliver's Mum, Cam (Ashlyn) and of course Nicole (Layla), Kate and Tanya who have spent hours laminating resources and putting books away. Your help is very very appreciated!! The kids love working with you.

We Get There Together

The children have been working on listening and working with their peers in line with our school value,  'We get there together.'
One activity we use to develop listening is 'talking buddies'. Children sit facing their buddy, and discuss a question starter given by the teacher e.g. What is your favourite place to go?
What superhero you would like to be?  What does respect mean? They practise listening to and responding to their peer, and then sharing their own thoughts.

As ever we are loving our books!  We are also using picture books as stimulus to help us in our own writing. We read the picture books , 'My Brilliant Dad,' and 'My Mum,' and then described our own family members, and favourite places. We are practising the key writing skills of:
* Saying our sentence
* Saying and hearing letter sounds and having a go at writing new words
* Using our knowing words (high frequency words)
* Re-reading our work as we go
* Adding fullstops and checking we have capitals at the start
* Adding 'wow' words to make our writing interesting
e.g. 'Inflatable world is totally awesome'
What can you do at home?
* Have a special notebook for your child to record the 'wow' words they read in picture books.
* Encourage your child to write and make cards for others
* Have a range of writing materials available e.g. pens, felts, pencils etc
* Offer fine motor tasks such as putting clothes pegs in a line; threading; building and dough work


Developing independence in our students

We encourage all our children to put their own belongings away in the morning on arrival at school. There are 3 things that we would like the children to do independently.
1. Put their backpack on the hook.
2.Take their fruit out for morning fruit break.
3.Put their reading folder away in the labelled reading container.

If the children become independent in these tasks it will help them as a learner and transfer into other learning areas at school. Our students will become confident in their ability to manage their belongings, themselves and ultimately their learning.
A key example of this would be the child who independently turns the pages in their reading book and points to the words in the text themselves.

There are a few bugs going through the school at the moment. We are reminding children to wash their hands after going to the toilet and before eating. Please ensure that your child knows how to do this.

Koru Blog Term 3 Week 5

The SPCA came to visit! 

The SPCA talked to the children about what they do and how to care for animals.

Learning Sight Words

A novel way of learning some sight words! Can anyone better this? These two had lots of fun inventing this new game.

Thank you !!!!
Thank you Amy McDaid  so much for the many hours you spent making the beautiful painting smocks for Koru children. You certainly modelled the Beckenham Kete of We love Challenge and We Make a Difference.The children love these and I'm sure the Parents will too.They thought the different colours were very cool and were very excited.At long last paint free uniforms hopefully.A dream come true.

We can learn a lot through playing and talking with our friends.

This group of children tested their developing measurement skills during Discovery Time when a one car garage needed to be extended to accommodate three cars! The children learned from each other as they discussed how to make sure that all three cars were going to fit.

Book your Learning Conference online now. Refer to the school newsletter for further details.

Koru Term 3 week 2

Welcome back to Beckenham for term 3!
We have an action-packed term ahead, and we can't wait to see where the children will take us with their learning!

A huge welcome to our new students!
Welcome to our new students in room 12. We can see you are already busy with learning and working together.

Spellathon lists
These have been sent home this week. Thank you for practising at home with the children. You can encourage them to read and write the words, spell the words verbally, or trace them.

Winter is upon us and our tissue supply is dwindling. If you can donate an extra box, we would be grateful.

Our Inquiry topic this term is Cultural Celebrations, with a focus on Asia.  Talk about your family celebrations at home e.g. Christmas, birthdays, cultural events. What do you do to celebrate?
Would you like to share a celebration or event from your culture? If so, please see Amanda, Rowe, Andrea or Charlotte.

Wonderful writing

Writing letters

Write around the room

This term, we are trialling some new independent writing activities. These are helping students engage in writing, and write for a real purpose.
Examples include: writing around the room (copying labels, signs), book making, letter writing, list writing (e.g. birthday wish list, shopping list). We also enjoy 'fast words' writing as many words as we can in 5 minutes, and writing rhyming words e.g.
mat, sat, pat, cat....
run, sun, fun, bun...
Why not try some of these at home?

Oral language
Teachers were inspired at an Oral Language workshop this week!
Oral language is essential for navigating life and the curriculum.
Activities for you to try at home:

  • Say and act out a word e.g. shivering; round
  • Draw a picture to show a word meaning
  • Have a word jar for new 'wow' words you discover in your reading books
  • Encourage talk and thinking in your children by using open ended questions e.g. how would...., why...., who...., when....., where.... 


We have started our gym unit, and are learning to create key movements: hop, skip, run and poses: stretch, tuck and straddle.

We are continuing to learn about addition and subtraction. Here are some children solving a problem with penguin toys: 
' There are 5 penguins and some went missing. How many went missing? How many left? Can you write this with a buddy using maths symbols?'

Have a lovely weekend, 

Rowe, Andrea, Charlotte & Amanda