Term 3 Weeks 4-5

Learning Conferences
Thank you for making the time to attend your child's learning conference. We loved meeting with you and sharing our students' successes. We value your feedback feedback to assist us with our ongoing evaluation and to help us to continuously improvement. 
Please share your thoughts here

Thank you 
...to parent helpers in reading (9-10.30am) and those who put away books. If you would like to assist with our reading and discovery time, or helping to organise resources, please see one of the Koru teachers.

Children are enjoying our Reading Challenge. Congratulations to Robin Reid for reading 10 chapter books!

The whole school Read-a-thon is also happening NOW. Your child will have a green card in their reading folder for collecting sponsors. Please see a teacher if you have any questions.

New Library Days 
Please bring library folders on Wednesday and Thursday from next week. 

If you have any old magazines, please bring in to Charlotte for literacy and play activities. Thanks. 

Useful Websites 
Website with spoken books for children: https://www.uniteforliteracy.com
Healthy Kids Website, with healthy movement and eating ideas, and a downloadable reward chart 

Fun at the Park

We Get There Together in Discovery

Team Koru: Term 2 Week 1-2

* We are ready for parent helpers in Tahaka (Year 1-2 Hub). If you would like to come and join us on a one off or regular basis, please see or email your home group teacher.
* Swimming for Year 1-2 will run 28 May - 8 June. An email was sent this week. 

Reading for Pleasure 
Reading for pleasure has multiple benefits for happiness, wellbeing & success. Learn about the benefits of reading for wellbeing, and key strategies for engaging students in reading here.

Here are some happy snaps from our first fortnight back together: 

We Make A Difference 
Collecting rubbish on our own initiative, at lunchtime.

We Love Learning & We Get There Together
Developmental play / discovery time





We Get There Together & We Love Challenge
The Cross County run


Koru: Week 10 Term 1

Koru Whanau: Learning Together! 
Our tamariki have spent the first term of the year getting to know each other, getting to know the teachers and learning the essential routines of school life and learning. Great work everyone! 

Tricky puzzles with friends


Celebrating and sharing 

Making new friends
We get there together! 

Friendship List  
With the school holidays fast approaching now is a great time to fill in your details for the Koru Friendship List. Your information will only be shared with other families who fill in the form and they will only be able to see what you enter. To fill in the friendship form follow the link: Koru Friendship List 2018

News from the Koru New Entrant hub (Pūkaki)

Maths problem Solving:

Our problem was: Mother Bear has 5 bear cubs. She makes a new jacket for each bear cub, and each jacket will need 3 buttons. How many buttons will Mother Bear need altogether?

We work together to solve our Maths problems. We need to listen to each other, share the pen and the whiteboard, take turns, and make sure we both understand. This problem was: At a birthday party 4 children were each given 2 little prizes. How many prizes were there altogether?
Teaching Mrs Bear to count to 100.
Sharing the pen!
Working with a buddy to join sets together.

Here, we are working on solving the bears and buttons problem.
Counting acorns: 8 + 5 = 13
REALLY sharing the pen!
Starting to think about the concept of subtraction.

Buddy Time:
We love Friday mornings, when our big Year 7 and 8 buddies come over to spend time with us. We work on our poetry together, and they help us reread familiar poems from our poetry books, as well as read and illustrate the new poem for each week. We also see our big buddies out in the playground, as well as in whole school assemblies. We love seeing our big buddies when they go up on to the stage in assembly!

At the End of the Day:
Sometimes at the end of the day, we like to get into a circle and give our friends a massage. We pretend that our fingers are like the different parts of a storm: raindrops, hail, lightning, thunder... it feels baeutiful on our backs! At the end, we all gently lie backwards and close our eyes.

Discovery Stations (learning through play):
Teaching the bears how to sing the alphabet song.

Playing schools.

Guess who?!

Building with the little blocks and animals.

Some clever balancing happening here...

Love that rabbit!!

We are all so careful and caring towards Peter Rabbit.

What a complex set up - well done, boys.

More careful balancing.

Playing the Count the Ducks game.

Colouring at the writing table.

Using a 'home made' pointer to play schools with the teddies.

Playing with one of our new little visitors on his school visit day.

Colouring, cutting and writing together.

Teaching Bounce and Skip how to write.

Clever building with the dominoes and animal counters.

Kings and Queens day:
In our hub, we like to have a Discovery Stations theme each week. On the Friday of Kings and Queens week, we all dressed up as characters related to kings, queens and castles.

Here are some handy links which you might like to check out with your children. The children are very familiar with these songs:

All best, everyone, for a very relaxing and happy holiday! The children have all participated fully in activities throughout their first few weeks at school, and most are showing that they are very tired and definitely ready for a lovely, relaxing, family break. We hope you have a glorious two weeks, and we look forward to seeing all those bright and enthusiastic little faces back at school on Monday, April 30th.

Elizabeth & Rowe (Koru/NE - Pūkaki)
Amber, Caitlyn, Charlotte, Dorinda & Kristika (Koru Year 1/2 - Tahaki)

Koru Term 1: Week 3-4

Team Koru 
A Note About Home Learning It Can Be Fun!!!!
At this early stage in a child’s education, it is very important that home learning is fun, that it doesn’t take a long time and that it can be completed successfully.
Reading a book with an older person is a good way for children to practise reading strategies, and to enjoy sharing what they know.
We send a reading book home in a book bag four times a week.  A library book, for you to read to your child, will also come home once a week. Please…

  • Make reading the book a fun sharing time
  • Choose a time when your child is not tired
  • Read with your child if your child is reluctant to read to you
  • Remember that some books become favourites, and may came home more than once
  • Let us know if you have any questions or concerns. 

Spelling is important, and we want even our youngest students to learn to spell ‘high frequency’ words correctly. At school your child uses a ‘spelling notebook’ to record their words and/or word family (cat, sat, hat).
In your child’s Home Learning book you will find the Essential Spelling List words. As your child learns to spell these correctly, please just give them a tick or highlight the ones s/he knows. Children can practise on a whiteboard, paper, coloured pens and spelling/saying the words out loud.
Alphabet Knowledge and Sight Words 
For some children, teachers may send home alphabet and/or sight words for your child to learn. Please support your child as they learn the letter sound, name and identify a word which begins with the letter. Sight words are learnt by sight, they are not ‘sounded out’. 

Thank you for your help – it does make a difference!
Koru Teachers

Supporting Your Child's Independence

We are thrilled to see so many of you supporting your child towards independence. Throughout the day we encourage and support our tamariki to:
  • Carry their own school
  • Keep track of their own clothing (shoes, jersey, hat)
  • Manage the unpacking and packing of their school bag.
When your child is ready we would also encourage you to:
  • Practice saying goodbye at the hub door in the morning 
  • Meet your child outside on the playground or at an agreed place-perhaps the library veranda or on the hall steps at the end of the day. 
These are fundamental and valuable skills for successful self management and as children develop confidence doing these types of tasks for themselves they are in turn able to transfer these skills into  a learning context. We encourage you to work with your child at their pace. When your child demonstrates independence it is hugely affirming for them to hear kindness and praise for their effort and successes.

Developing Communities of Inquiry in Maths (DCIM)
Massey University: DCIM
NZ Maths Website information
As mentioned in an earlier school newsletter, teachers are using a problem-based approach to Maths this year. This model requires children to work in pairs or small groups to solve Maths problems based on the key Mathematical ideas in the NZ Curriculum.
Working together allows the students to develop their mathematical reasoning, their mathematical language and to explain their thinking and strategies to others. The teacher facilitates and ensures that students have the skills they need to develop deeper understandings of  the key mathematical ideas at hand

For example, a recent launch problem was: 
'There were 6 ducks in the pond and 4 more came along. How many ducks are there in the pond now?'
Key Mathematical Ideas 
* Abstract units that can be partitioned and recombined (level 2) * Numbers can be re-arranged and added to reach the same idea (commutative property) * Subtraction is the inverse of addition * Numbers can be counted by one or counted all (Level 1) * Compensation from known facts: For example, to solve 7 + 6; 6 + 6 = 12, so 7 + 6 = 13. (level 2)
This is a great resource with lots of simple, fun dance and relaxation routines. All of these are connected to learning. Try the science category (water cycle is a great one!) or the mindfulness categories.
We are so lucky to have the library back up and running in its beautiful new home. It is open at morning tea and lunchtime and students will need their library folders if  they want to issue on the day when their class is not scheduled to visit.
Each home group also has an allocated library time:
Charlotte: Thursday
Dorinda: Thursday
Kristika: Tuesday
Caitlyn: Monday
NE Year 1: please check with your child teacher(s).
Community Change Inquiry Project : would you like to help? 
We have been approached by a local engineer who will work with Charlotte and around 15 Koru students on a community inquiry project. If you would like to help students over this three day project, please contact Charlotte at charlotte.verity@beckenham.school.nz. Helpers will be required only for the afternoons of Tues 12th - Thurs 14th March (pending weather). Thank you.

Koru Term 3 Week 10

Thank you
Thank you so much for all your support this term.  We appreciate the parents who come in to help in a variety of ways including sorting and putting books away, helping make and sort resources, listening to children's reading, coming on trips, offering resources that support our prgrammes and all the positive comments you make that help make our days brighter.  We have had a fabulous term in our new learning spaces.

Specialist coaching at Olympia Gym 
The children  had a fabulous fun filled time at Olympia Gym. They were divided up into stations which included  beam, trampoline, rebounder, mat work and  swinging rings. 
Our children were proud of their achievements and the coaches mentioned how well behaved they were. Everyone showed our school value of "We love challenge" and "We get there together".  A huge thank you to Charlotte Verity who spent many hours organising this trip and to our lovely parent helpers.

Our Learning in Mathematics
Hub 10 had an action packed measurement  lessons outside last week.  We all drew our own fish and measured how many footsteps long they were. The children made comparisons about the length of their fish.  e.g. Who had the shortest fish? Who had the longest fish? How many footsteps long is your fish? There was a buzz of excitement and laughter as they worked collaboratively.

Statistics and Probability
Hubs 1 to 4 have been looking at statistics and probability.  We began our term with a special challenge from Sandy.  We were asked to Conduct investigations using the statistical enquiry cycle: - posing and answering questions - gathering, sorting and counting, and displaying category data and discussing the results.  Have a look at our statistics slide show which shares the path of our learning.  
Statistics Slide Show

Our probability unit ended with a probability extravaganza.  The children were involved in playing games which explored probability and then making games of their own to share with others where they used everyday language to talk about chance and classify events as certain, possible, or impossible.

A friendly reminder that the children will be required to wear a named school sunhat in term four. It is really helpful to name the hats in an obvious place where the children can easily see their name. We do have sunscreen at school and the children are encouraged to put this on before play and lunch.

There has been a lot of planting, growing and watching to see the changes as they come about.  Thanks to the many donations of 'Little Gardens.'  Tamariki have loved the thrill of seeing their efforts result in green shoots popping through the soil or cotton balls.  Gail's new entrants enjoyed trying out some science experiments with growing seeds in light, dark, with and without water.
Discovery times have also included many natural reources.  Chopping, cleaning and eating fresh carrots, making lavender bags and playing with lavender scented playdough.  Next term we look forward to more gardening.

We really enjoyed eating the Micro-greens that we grew from seeds!

There has been so much learning and deep thinking involved across our discovery times, some children built bridges with boxes, or towers out of plastic cups.  As the images show, 'a picture speaks a thousand words!'

Making beds for bears and other craft projects in design and technology gives children the opportunity to develop skills, knowledge and understanding of designing and making functional and creative products.

Term 4
We are all looking forward to having the whole school back at the Beckenham site next term, having opportunities for tuakana -teina.  The tuakana - teinrelationship,  provides a model for buddy systems. An older or more expert tuakana helps and guides a younger or less expert teina. In a learning environment the tuakana–teina roles may be reversed at any time. For example, the student who yesterday was the expert may need to learn from her classmate today.  We are also looking forward to having our mediators, sports monitors and older friends to play with in the playground.