Please send costumes tomorrow

Performance letter Room 11

15 November 2016

Dear Parents/Caregivers

Our Koru performance dress rehearsal is tomorrow. Parents do not to attend the dress rehearsal, but children need their costumes at school by tomorrow. Thanks to those who have sent in costumes already.

Room 11:
Flowers: green or black leggings/pants and pink, red or yellow top
Birds: brown or black leggings/pants and top
Bees: back or yellow leggings/pants and top
Butterflies: leggings or skirt and top. Choice of orange, red or pink.
Suns: yellow or black leggings & yellow or orange top
Speakers: school uniform or own choice of Summer themed clothes

Room 10:
Snow/song group: white top and white pants (if you do not have white pants, bring black pants)
Seed group: black or brown tshirt and pants
Wind group: blue tshirt and pants

We invite you to watch our performance of ‘The Tiny Seed’ this Friday 18 November at 2pm in the school hall.

Kind regards
Amanda & Charlotte

Performance letter Room 11

7  November 2016

Dear Parents/Caregivers

As you will be aware from previous notices, Koru team will be celebrating their learning during Term 4 with a performance.

We invite our families and friends to come and watch ‘The Tiny Seed’ Friday 18 November at 2pm in the school hall.

The children have designed their costumes at school. To help them they will need some items from home. Could you please send the following along to school, named and in a plastic bag, by Monday 14th November:

Flowers (Vanessa, Asra, Keira A, Ruby) - green or black leggings/pants and pink, red or yellow top

Birds (Tyrell, Archie, Kaizah-rae) - brown or black leggings/pants and top

Bees (Abhay, Isla) - back or yellow leggings/pants and top

Butterflies (Lacey, Bailee, Lara): leggings or skirt and top. Choice of orange, red or pink.

Suns (Aine, Michael, Weaver): yellow or black leggings & yellow or orange top

Speakers (Luka, Ashlyn, Keira R) - school uniform (no need to send in prior)

We look forward to you celebrating Term 4 with the children.

Kind regards
Rowe, Andrea, Charlotte, Amanda and Jo
Koru Team teachers

Koru Term 4 Week 4

What an action packed fortnight we have had! Read below to find out about some of the activities we have been enjoying.

*Koru Performance: Fri 18th November 2pm, in the Beckenham School Hall
*Please make sure your child brings a named water bottle and sunhat every day. The hot weather is upon us and we are eager to keep children sun-safe and hydrated.

Reading with Dogs
Noah's Mum has kindly brought their family dog Lottie in to read with Hub 10-11...thanks Nathalie!


We have observed a lot of action on the building site next to our Hubs. We have written about the builders and diggers, and also read stories to help us find out more about construction.


Maths in Hub 10-11
Hub 10-11 have been learning about multiplication using animal stories e.g. how many altogether, if I have 3 owls in each group? There are 4 groups. We have also been learning about fractions and practising addition and subtraction.


Maths in Hub 12-13 
We have been learning about doubles in Hub 12 and addition to 10 in Hub 13. At Maths time we enjoy our self-directed learning activities. Every day we can choose from a number of activities including writing numbers, number bingo, shape magformers, block constructions, making number booklets, counting penguins and Maths jigsaws.  

Teddy Bears Picnic  Term 3
We all had an absolutely fabulous time at our Teddy Bears Picnic at the end of Term 3 and here are some of the lovely photos capturing the joy of this event. It was so much fun making our teddy beds and blankets as part of our Maths measurement unit. Most of all we loved hearing Teddy stories with our parents.

Maybe it is because our children are used to the sight of diggers and dump trucks in Christchurch that it is just like another day at the office as far as being surrounded by these machines is concerned. It has been great motivation for oral language and writing in our Hub. We enjoyed the stories  written by Sally Sutton called Demolition and Construction. The Builders Cat by Gwenda Turner is another lovely book you may like to share with your children.      

Writing about Diggers in Hub 12-13

I saw the claws.
I love diggers. Crunch!
By Davish

I saw a digger yesterday at Beckenham School. Smash went the digger.
 By Bonnie

 The digger crashed the classroom down.
 By Ayla

 I saw the digger smashing down the building. I saw the grabber.
 By Finn

 Crash! Bang! Smash! The digger looks like a crocodile. It is breaking the building down for a new classroom.
 By Hatsumi

I was driving a huge digger. It was fun! It looked like a chomping dinosaur. It has long wheels to smash the floor.
By Quinn

Zzzzzz down went the tree. The dust spread all over the place.
By Xavier

We saw the humongous tree come down and there was a man with a chainsaw.
By Bobby

Rumble! bang! Crash! A yellow digger was lifting a piece of wood. It looks like a chomping dinosaur.
By Elsie

Koru Blog Term 4 Week 2

Kia ora all!
You can find out about our latest learning in this week's school newsletter.

Important Dates (for your diary)
Koru Performance Fri 18th November 2pm School Hall
Run Jump Throw Athletics Wed 30th November 1.45-3pm

* Please check your child has a named water bottle, every day at school.
* You can view your child's calendar art in the office foyer (order forms have been sent home)

Thanks and enjoy the long weekend,
Koru teachers

Koru Blog Term 3 Week 9

Over the holidays...
Can children in hub 10-11 please save and bring in one clean yoghurt container at the start of term 4? Thanks

Firstly, we hope you enjoy family time and stay safe over the holidays. 
Secondly, keep reading over the holidays....stories before bed, going to the library (the new Halswell library is worth a visit). Ask your child questions and make predictions as you read, e,g. 
* Who is your favourite character and why?
* What might the ending be? 
* Why did the author write the book? 
Also, model reading strategies for your child, e.g.
* Using the initial sounds
* Noticing the end sounds
* Reading-on and re-reading when you are unsure
* Notice if your reading does/doesn't make sense

Market Day


Hub 10/11 - Feeding the ducks and ducklings! (Jewel afternoon)


Hub 12-13 Discovery
Here we are working together and discovering new ways of learning.

Teddy Bears Picnic