Inquiry Solutions

We are in our final stages of our Weather Inquiry. The children have all created solutions for weather based problems for animals, birds or people. Here we are in 'full flight'. These items will be on display in the Science and Technology Fair which opens on Monday 4th July. We hope to see you there! 

The Discovery Dome

One day Hub 3 and 4 went to the Discovery Dome and we looked at the wall to see the Solar System. The planets were humungous!

By Saxon

I saw stars and Planets. The planets look like an egg shape. The planets and the stars were on the wall. The discovery dome was like a turtle shell. The planets are big. I saw Jupiter. It is big. Venus is hot and bright. Mars is red.  Mercury is close to the Sun. Saturn is a gas planet. Uranus is cold. 

By Gavin

Week 9 Update

Our choir performed at the South Music festival tonight and they were fabulous. A big congratulations to Jarred and the choir. All of that hard work paid off; we were so proud of you all. A special well done to the talented comperes and beautiful soloists.

This Thursday is our Showcase evening for Year 5 - 8. All children performing need to be at school, in the hall, by 6:50pm. Groups performing are: Te Whanau Mahi Tahi, the choir, Jarred's Passion Friday drama group and the Friday youth band. Ailie and Oakley will be our comperes and Marco and Lennox will be managing the tech support. There will also be groups from Year 5 & 6 performing, as well as a video about Year 7 & 8. All families are most welcome to join us for what promises to be an entertaining evening.

Science Fair is occupying lots of our time at school at the moment. It was reassuring to hear many children have completed their experiments at home. If you have not seen your child working on their experiment at home, please ask questions and encourage them to get busy on this today. Display boards, which are being worked on at school, need to be finished by Thursday.

Ski Trip: On Thursday August 18th (week 4), we will all be at school bright and early (6:45am), ready to jump on the buses and head up to Mt Hutt, for an awesome day of fun and learning on the slopes. For this day to happen, we need the support of parent helpers. Please click on this link if you are interested in joining us for the day.

ASB Financial Literacy

We had a superhero come to visit us this morning... 
Her super power was looking after every money box in the world! What a huge job! 

We talked about money and the difference between the coins and the notes. We discussed the value of them and put them in order. 

We discussed needs and wants. It was based on the story of Larry the goldfish. We related it to our lives and talked about different examples like water, Lego, vegetables etc. 

"Speed to your needs and wait for your wants".