Dunedin Day One

As I write this, all the children are snuggled up in bed, with not a sound coming from their bunk-rooms. Long may that continue throughout the night! We had a great trip down today, with lots of  fun burning off energy at Caroline Bay and Moreaki. The children have been fabulous! As we drove down into Dunedin, the rain descended with us, making unpacking slightly challenging, but we quickly got settled in. The chicken pasta bake was delicious; a big thanks to all of the cooks. After a story and final instructions the children settled well for the night. We are excited for tomorrow and have our fingers crossed that there will be some breaks in the rain. 

Kōwhai News Week 10 Term 1


Wow! It is hard to believe that we are already in the last week of the term. This newsletter is to inform you of the essentials for the week ahead.

We have had another report of headlice in our team. We have discussed the importance of keeping hair up while at school and for children to keep their heads away from each other. Please take a couple of minutes to check your child's hair to ensure there are no unwanted pests taking up residence!

As part of our inquiry, the children are learning how we can sustain our fitness and leadership skills by planning a Top Team activity. The children have organised themselves into learning groups and have designed a 'Top Team' style event for the Koru team to participate in.
They have worked hard to think about the school values this activity promotes and how they will organise and run the station. This week, the children will conduct their activity with some of the children in Pōhutukawa team for them to give them feedback on their instructions and suitability of the activity. On Thursday, the children will run this event, let's hope the weather is fine! It should be loads of fun. Here are some pictures of the children in action.

We had an exciting finish to the Term 1 mini ball season at Pioneer with two of our teams, Bombers and Bandits, playing off in the finals for their pool. These were both nail-biting games and resulted in both teams winning and becoming the Term 1 champions. Well done!
We would like to take this time to thank, Jamie Day, Anna Clarke, Katie McFarlane and Joe Chapman for coaching and supporting the teams at the games. Without this wonderful adult support, we would not have been able to have so many children play. We need all mini ball shirts to be returned to school before Thursday please. Miniball will start again in Term 4.

We would like to express a HUGE thank you to Charmaine Pedersen and Narina Sutherland who have supported our class programmes each week. Thank you so much for working with the children to support their learning, creating resources and putting away books.
We desperately would love MORE parents to come and support our programme. We are looking forward to growing our parent/adult help in Term 2. Please come in and see us or send us an email if you are able to help.


We need the wonderful help from one parent to help some children bake pizzas on Friday. If you are able to help out from 11-12pm, please let your child's home group teacher know.

The axolotls are really excited about the up and coming holidays and would LOVE to organise a friend or two to stay with over the holidays. They are really easy to look after and only require feeding each day. If you would like to look after them, please email Paulette or come in and see her.

FYI- As part of our P.E programme in Term 2, the children in our team will be having two weeks of swimming lessons at Aqua Gym. Each day we will bus to the pool and have a 30minute lesson with the instructors. At the moment this will look like it will cost us $80-$100 per student and we are still seeking grant applications to support us with this.

That's all for now
Kowhai Teaching team

Dunedin, here we come!

The good news about the weather forecast...

  • Most of our activities will be indoors.
  • The rain on Monday isn't meant to fall until the evening.
  • Albatross and other wild life are much more active in stormy weather, note Tuesday forecast.
  • It's a forecast, and might change.

A happy camper is a prepared camper!

Please check through your child's luggage to make sure they have:
  • Clothing suitable for the low temperatures that are forecast: thermals, fleece, wool, and lots of layers
  • A woolly hat is a must
  • A raincoat is a must
  • A spare pair of sturdy shoes
  • Plenty of socks

Remember to have the following ready to hand in when you arrive at school tomorrow:

  • Medication, in a named bag (except for medication that needs to stay on the child, e.g. Epipen and inhalers)
  • Food donations: baking for Mountains and Forest and a bag of fruit for Coast
  • Frozen pasta bake and cottage pies for those who have prepared these dishes.
On arrival at school, children are to leave their luggage on the basketball court and then take their daypack and find their home-group teacher. They will need to show us their raincoat, lunch, drink bottle and warm hat. 

If your child has yet to bring their permission slip for tech devices, please make sure this is ready to hand in when they arrive. If you have lost this form, a note signed by you will suffice. 

Exciting times...

Waiata today