BYOD Information for Year 5 and Year 6 whānau

BYOD at Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto

Kia ora to the families of our Year 5 students

As your child is coming into the senior part of our school this year (Year 5) or continuing on (Year 6), they have the option to participate in our 'BYOD' 'Bring your own Device' programme.

Usually we have sent detailed information about our BYOD programme to parents at the end of Year 4, so that you have had an opportunity to look through this and consider if you want your child to participate and we have realised today that this information didn't go out at the end of the year as it has done in the past.

If you follow this link you will be taken to a detailed site that outlines our rationale, links to the New Zealand Curriculum, information about Digital Citizenship, links to Reading and Research, an outline of responsibilities, information about devices, and a FAQ page.

Please don't hesitate to raise any questions you have about BYOD with your child's home group teacher at their learning conference, or by emailing Tracy Inwood (Year 5/6 Team Leader) or Nick Bruce (ICT Leader)

Ngā mihi nui

Sandy Hastings
Principal - Tumuaki

Start of Year Newsletter 2019

Principal's Patch

Kia ora e te whānau

Today was Day 2 of our Staff Only Days and it is wonderful to have all of our staff back on site and talking with excitement and anticipation about the year ahead.

Yesterday we spent time introducing our 7 new staff and getting to know one another. We talked about how we work at Beckenham and what collaboration across and within our school looks like.

Today we spent the day working with Jo from Autism New Zealand as we learned about the way that we, as adults, can understand and support those children who are, or who might be, on the Autism Spectrum. It was a very interesting day which provided lots of great information and examples for us to reference during the year ahead.

Below are some important reminders for preparing for the start of school.

Ngā mihi nui

Sandy and the team

Learning Conferences - this Thursday and Friday

We are looking forward to seeing you all at Learning Conferences on Thursday and Friday this week. There is still time to book if you haven't yet done this.

Go to and enter the code: xn8bm

If you have any questions or need help with booking, please ring Jacky in the office between 8:30am and 4pm on 337 1404

The Learning Conference will take two parts. In the first 10 or so minutes, you will have the opportunity to meet all of the teachers in your child's team. The remaining 20 or so minutes will be spent with your child's homegroup teacher.

Your child’s homegroup teacher will be asking some questions to find out a bit more about the things that are important to your child and your family.
We are sharing these questions with you so you have the opportunity to discuss them with your child before the conference:

  • What are your child’s strengths/passions - both academic and other. 
  • What kind of play (juniors) or after school activities do they enjoy/engage in regularly?
  • What specific needs does your child have?
  • What goals / aspirations do you and your child have for this year?
  • Is there anything else you would like to share (eg particular needs - glasses, left-handed etc)
How does your child learn best? (the following questions may help)
  • What physical space helps your child to focus and learn best? e.g. seating, desk, high table standing, comfy seat, ground, need to move around a bit …
  • Would you rather work on a task: on their own/in a pair/group
  • Do you prefer learning something new through: a small group with teacher/with a buddy/show me website and I’ll teach myself thanks/other
  • Would you rather learn by: reading and writing/seeing pictures, mind maps etc/hearing and listening/doing a practical activity/other
  • What helps you to focus: exercise break/particular working space?
  • Noise level: silent to focus/Ok with low noise/don’t mind
  • How much water do you usually drink during school day?
  • What are your after-school commitments?
  • Is there anything else you would like to share?

Contact sheets being updated at Learning Conferences

During the Learning Conferences, you will be given a copy of the contact details that are held on our files for your child and your family. Please take the time to check these carefully and return them at the Learning Conference so we can ensure our records are up to date.


If you have not yet organised your child's stationery, and are not sure where you have put the list, you can download the stationery lists from the website here, or pop into the office and pick up a new one during the learning conferences. Children can bring their stationery to the learning conference or bring it on the first day of school.


Please remember that sunhats are required for all children (and staff!) during Term 1 and Term 4. Sunhats need to be either plain red or plain black and can be either wide-brimmed (purchased through another supplier) or a bucket style hat which is available through the school office for $10.00

Nude Food Lunchboxes
During our schoolwide focus on Sustainability last year, we began to realise how much rubbish we end up with at school that then has to be disposed of, and the impact of rubbish on our planet. Many of our children became more aware of actions they can take to reduce their use of plastic, including cling film. Our PTA also promoted the use of beeswax wrappers for food. Please consider if you need to send food to school wrapped in clingfilm so that we can all be making a positive impact on reducing waste.


Remember new uniform can be sourced from Mainland Uniforms CITY store (189 Peterborough St) or purchased online:

House Shirts are only available from the school office and cost $25. They are worn on Fridays and help the children to recognise the other children in their house and develop a sense of pride in their house group.

The PTA will be opening the SECOND-HAND UNIFORM shop  on BOTH the school conference days, Thursday 31st Jan and Friday 1st Feb from 10am-12pm & again at 3-5:30pm. The shop is located on the corner of Eastern Tce & Sandwich Rd in the old dental clinic.

All items need to be named, please!

Please make sure that all items sent to school are clearly named. This includes uniform, bag, shoes, lunchboxes, and all other items. We regularly end up with an enormous volume of un-named uniform in the lost property box - all of which could be reunited with its owner if it was named.

Contact sheets being updated at Learning Conferences

During the Learning Conferences you will be asked given a copy of the contact details that are held on our files for your child and your family. Please take the time to check these carefully and return them at the Learning Conference.

Drink to Think

Staying well hydrated is critical for good brain function and for learning. Please ensure that your child brings a named water bottle to school from Day 1 of the term.

School hours

Please remember that school does not open until 8:30am each day. Children should not arrive at school before 8:30am as staff will not be available for support or supervision until 8:30am. If you need to drop your child at school before 8:30am please contact BOSCO and book your child into the before school care programme.

The bell to begin classes goes at 8:55am. Please ensure that your child arrives at school in time to be ready to start in class by this time. It is difficult for children to start the day successfully and is disrupting for other children and the teacher when children are late to school in the morning.

School finishes at 3pm and at 3:15pm there will be a bell rung to remind any children who haven't been collected to come to the office. This bell also reminds teachers that any meetings that they have are starting. Children should all be collected by 3:15pm. If your child is still at school at 3:15pm they need to come to the office and we will contact you to let you know that they haven't been collected.

Parking- Drop off Zone

Please remember that the parking area closest to the Administration building on Sandwich Road is a drop-off / pick-up zone only from 8:30-9:30am and from 2:30-3:30pm each day.

School Values

Our school vision and values underpin everything that we do. We encourage you to become familiar with them and use them as one way of talking with your child about school life.

Shared Common Language

With the shift from individual classrooms with one class and a teacher, to collaborative learning spaces, the language we use at school to describe groups and spaces has had to change accordingly.

Home Group

What we used to call a ‘class’ - a group of 20-30 learners who have a teacher as their primary point of contact. This home group will typically start and end each day together, and will spend other parts of the day together too, depending on the way that the team has organised their teaching and learning programme.
Each home group’ belongs to a larger team - eg Kauri Team
Home groups are identified by their point of contact teacher’s name - e.g. Elizabeth’s Home Group.

Learning Group

A learning group is a group of learners who have been put together for learning. These groups can be fluid or fixed; and children can be in a number of different learning groups, based on need, social groupings,  and the type of programme that is being run
Examples of learning groups are reading groups, maths groups, sport rotations, arts groups, writing groups, etc.

Year Level

Every child belongs to a year level eg Year 1, Year 2 etc. These groups are rarely used for physical grouping of children within school and exist to show the annual progress of a child through the NZ schooling system. 
Year groups are used for supporting teacher judgements about assessment, progress and achievement - how is the child doing in relation to expectations for that year level.

Team - (Collaborative Team)

Koru, Kahakitea, Kōwhai, Pōhutukawa, Kauri, Ferndale
A team made up of teachers and their home groups who plan, teach and learn together.
A team usually consists of learners from 2- 3 year levels eg Kauri Team is where all of the Year 7&8 learners are. This year the Pōhutukawa Team has all of the Year 5/6 learners, plus a small group of Year 4s


A hub is the learning area of a building, occupied by a particular team. Eg - Parenga building has three learning Hubs within it - one for Ferndale, one for Kauri and one for Kōwhai - usually referred to as the ‘Ferndale Hub’, the Kōwhai Hub’ and the ‘Kauri Hub’
A team may operate in more than one building, eg Koru team have the Y1/2 hub in Tahaki and the NE Hubs in both Pukaki and Kōmanawa.


Each building in the school has its own name. These names were given in consultation with Ngāi Tahu as part of the Canterbury Rebuild process. The names of our buildings all reflect bodies of water - and relate to our school name - ‘Te Kura o Pūroto - the school of the ponds’.

Room numbers

Room numbers are now redundant and are not used for anything other than allocating a number to a teacher and a group of children in eTap, our Student Management System.
Teachers do not refer to their Home Group by the Room number to whānau or to children.

How you can help at school

The support of whānau at school is always very welcome. There are many ways you can help at school, including coming into the class to support during the day with particular groups, helping at lunchtime as a Parent Duty Helper in the Junior playground, helping on a school trip or camp, helping the teachers with resource preparation or organisation, joining the PTA or putting your name forward to be on the Board of Trustees, to name a few.
Please keep an eye on the school and team newsletters for requests for help that you can respond to as fit with your circumstances.

2019 Term Dates

Click here to view 2019 term dates.

Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto Newsletter Wednesday 19th December 2018

Principal's Patch

Kia ora koutou

This will be our final newsletter of 2018. Another very busy year is almost over. Today we farewelled our Year 8 leavers with their graduation assembly. It was a wonderful celebration of their achievements and successes at Beckenham over the past years. Some have only been with us from part way through this year, through to others who started as far back as 8 1/2 years ago. We wish them all the very best as they head off to high school in 2019.

Staffing update

In our 23rd November newsletter, we noted that we had decided to restructure our leadership team and were advertising for a second deputy principal. In the last newsletter, we advised that Michelle Maule, our current Deputy (on secondment to the Ministry) has won another leadership position. This left us with two Deputy Principal positions to fill.

We were fortunate to have an excellent field of candidates and are very pleased to have been able to fill both positions, ready for the start of 2019.

Sue Leadbetter (who has been the Acting Deputy Principal this year) has won one of these positions. We are delighted that she will be able to continue the wonderful work that she has been doing this year.
Sue Leadbetter
We are also pleased to announce that Nigel Easson (past principal of Kaikoura School) will be joining us as our other Deputy Principal. Nigel and his family will be moving to Christchurch over the holidays.
Nigel Easson

As some of you will have worked out, Sue being appointed to Deputy Principal leaves us with a teacher and team leader position vacant in our New Entrant / Year 1 area. We are very pleased to have Jo Smith taking up the role of Acting Team Leader for the Koru Team for 2019. Jo has been working in our New Entrant team this year, and also in 2016, and she brings previous leadership experience to this role, and to our Leadership Team.

So - to clarify, here are the teams (with the home group teachers) again for 2019:

Koru (New Entrants and Year 1)
Jo Smith (Team Leader)
Stacey McLachlan & Elizabeth Drummond (sharing a learning group)

Kahikatea (Year 1-3)
Amber Donovan (Team Leader)
Charlotte Verity
Jules May
Anna Reid

Kōwhai (Year 3/4)
Paulette Newton (Team Leader)
Rowena Barker
Nick Bruce
Kate Swan

Pōhutukawa (Year 5/6)
Tracy Inwood (Team Leader)
Gayle McNaughton
Katie McFarlane
Steve Cooke
Rae Marsh

Kauri (Year 7/8)
Nicky Dunlop (Team Leader)
Jenny Diggle
Hannah Elliott
Megan Culver

Reports and start of year information

Tomorrow your child will come home with their end of year report in an envelope. Also inside that envelope will be their 2019 stationery list and a letter explaining who their home learning group teacher and the teachers in their team will be. Also in that letter, will be the important information you need to book your start of year learning conference with your child's teacher for 2019!

Our staff have earned a very well-deserved break and are looking forward to taking some time out from tomorrow with their own whānau.

The office will be closed until Monday 21st January.

Our best wishes to you and all your whānau for a safe and relaxing summer.

Sandy, and the amazing team at Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto.

Important Dates

Upcoming Events

Thu 20 Dec - last day of term 4.  School finishes at 12:30pm
Thu 31 Jan - Learning Conferences
Fri 1 Feb - Learning Conferences
Mon 4 Feb - Classes start, 8:55am

Term Dates

Click here to view 2019 term dates.

Citizen of the Week

Marlonique Wolmarans - Year 8

Marlonique, you bring positivity and tranquility to our Intermediate Hub. Throughout the year, you have demonstrated diligence that has supported your growth as a learner. Thank you for the thoughtfulness and consideration that you show each day. Your kind and caring nature makes a difference to others.

Sophie Macdonald - Year 4

Sophie, you are an outstanding role-model  learner in the Kōwhai team, where you always put in 100% to all you do! You are always eager to learn new things and have a genuine interest in space, wildlife and the environment, where you love to share your learning with others. You always show that you care for others by always being a courteous and kind friend, making you a delight to be around. Thank you for all your wonderful contributions that make our hub a wonderful place to be.

Max Graham - Year 6

Max, what a joy and inspiration you are to the Pōhutukawa team. You display impeccable manners, always holding the door open for us to enter the hub. Your creative and humourous comments entertain and often enlighten us. Max, you are kind, caring and so very flexible and you make a difference in our hub. 

School Notices

Dental Care over the School Holidays

The Community Dental Service will be providing emergency dental appointments on the 20th and 21st December 2018.
 A service will also operate Monday, 7th January – Tuesday, 29th January 2019.

This service will operate by appointment only and if we are unable to see your child, alternative options will be given. If your child has dental pain as a result of an accident please contact your dentist in the first instance.

You can phone and make an appointment for these clinics by ringing 0800 846 983.

Julie Denton
Service Manager

A few reminders for the Pōhutukawa team

Hut Day (Monday)

Hopefully you have been alerted to the fact that tomorrow is hut day! The children have chosen groups and have made lists about the materials they require to construct their hut as a group. Each child wrote on a slip of paper the particular items they are to bring tomorrow. If you haven't spotted this, it may be in the depths of your child's bag! Any items brought to school are to be taken home at the end of the day.
The children asked if they could share food whilst in their huts. We have decided that if a child wishes to share their morning tea with their group, that would be fine. They can bring food to share, food that fits with the healthy eating which we promote at school. No lollies, chocolate, chips, popcorn or any drink please.  We would prefer that they eat their own lunch. This is completely optional and by no means a requirement of the day.
Although the students believe they won't be doing any  learning tomorrow, we expect (and will discuss with them) that the NZ key competencies (thinking, relating to others, using language, symbols, and texts, managing self and participating and contributing) will be used throughout the day.

Waltham Pool (Tuesday)

We are really looking forward our a trip to Waltham Pool on Tuesday. Your child will need to bring their backpack with:

A sufficient packed lunch
Water bottle
Goggles (optional)
A warm jacket/school sweatshirt
School sunhat

Children will not be able to ride on the hydroslide or purchase food at the pool,.
We will be departing school to walk to Waltham Pool at 11:00am, and we will return by 3:00pm.
Thanks again to the large group of adult helpers supporting us on this trip.

Last day (Thursday)

On Thursday morning the children will be meeting as a team in next year's hub. There they will learn who their teacher is going to be next year, and who is in their class. 
Between 11-12 there will be water fun on the park. The children will be encouraged to bring their togs and a towel, as we will have the slip and slides available. They will also be allowed to bring water guns as there will be water gun fun on the park. There will be an inside option for those children not keen on getting wet.
School closes at 12:30.

We would like to wish all families a safe and happy holiday. We have loved teaching this team of children, and have enjoyed getting to know many families. A special mention goes out to our 10 Year 4 students, who have coped admirably in the Pōhutukawa team, and have in fact blended in so well, that we often had to be reminded that they weren't Year 5 students! Although we are going to miss our big Year 6 students, we know that most of them are going to be just through the door to next door, so we'll still get to see them. And we look forward to seeing our lovely Year 4 and 5 students again next year! 

Enjoy your break everyone!

Kauri Whānau: Term 4 Week 9

What a fabulous day we had at Corsair Bay today. A number of children commented that we should be doing days like this more often! Many thanks to the parents who helped to supervise, especially those who went swimming. Check out the photos at the end of this post.

On Tuesday, the children will be bringing school books, artwork and stationery home. Please make sure they have plenty of room in their bags.

Victoria Park Walk on Monday:

On Monday we will be leaving school soon after 10am, on our way to Victoria Park on foot. Children may wear mufti to school. The must have a sunhat, sunscreen, water bottle, good sized lunch and any medication they may need, all packed in a backpack.


We are still in need of jars for our inquiry learning. Any size will be greatly appreciated. Please send these along on Monday.

Year 8 Party:

 On Monday we are having a pool and pizza party for the Year 8s at Georgie's house, which is up by Cashmere Primary School. Please check the map below for how to get there, via walking through the school grounds. It would be good to come with togs on under clothes. The forecast is for a brilliant day on Monday, so it will we wonderful to make use of the Cockfield's pool. We will also have access to the basketball court at the school. Pizza and a drink will be provided. Please arrive at 4pm and arrange pick-up at 6pm. 

Walking to 79 Dyers Pass Road from Cashmere Primary carpark.