Principal's Patch
Kia ora koutou
Another big 'Thank-you' to our PTA for the Mid-Winter Breakfast and to the Student Council for the City Mission Food Bank Can-collection this week. It was wonderful to see so many happy faces enjoying the porridge in the hall on Wednesday, and the huge collection of nearly 500 cans of food that was able to be delivered to the City Mission to supplement its Foodbank. As our roll hit 500 children this week, that is nearly one can per student! Thank you everyone who contributed to 'Make a Difference' for others in our community!
Readathon begins on Monday...
On Monday, another important PTA Fundraising activity begins - the annual 'Readathon'. Your child will bring home a Readathon card, which will invite you to help them to get sponsorship for engaging with Reading every day over the next three weeks. The aim of this is to both raise funds for the PTA to use to support the school with trips and equipment, AND, to encourage a daily reading habit for all of our children.
The final day of the readathon will be Friday 11th August, when there will be a 'Book Character Day' and everyone is invited to come to school dressed as their favourite character from a book.
During the following two weeks, until Friday 25th August, the PTA will be collecting in the Readathon cards and money. This is one of the biggest fundraisers that our PTA does each year, and your support of it is very much appreciated.
Year 7/8 Open Evening - Tuesday 1 Aug, 7 - 8pm
Our Year 7/8 Team will be hosting an Open Evening on Tuesday 1st August, from 7:00 - 8:00pm. Whilst this is particularly targeted at the whānau of our current Year 6 students, all are welcome to come along and find out more about learning opportunities in our Year 7/8 Team.
Keeping Ourselves Safe programme and Parent Information Session
From 7th August the New Entrant to Year 6 teams will be teaching the personal safety programme by New Zealand Police - Keeping Ourselves Safe. Years 7/8 will be doing a combination of the 'Keeping Ourselves Safe' and Choices' programmes. We cover this programme every two years as part of our Health curriculum.
Parents and whānau are strongly encouraged to support Keeping Ourselves Safe.
You can:
- attend a meeting at school to find out more about Keeping Ourselves Safe on Wednesday 2 August at 2.15 pm in the staffroom
- find out about abuse and what to do if you think a child you know is being abused
- talk to your child about what they have learnt in Keeping Ourselves Safe.
- set safety guidelines with your family
- help young children with the Keeping Ourselves Safe activities they bring home
- give the same safety messages as the school is giving
- look at the whānau section of NZ Police Keeping Ourselves Safe for more information and frequently asked questions
I will be away from Friday 28th July - Thu 3 August, attending the Australian Primary Principals' Conference, in my capacity as president of the Canterbury Primary Principals Association. Jo Smith and Sue Leadbetter will be sharing the leadership of the school in my absence.
Ngā mihi nui
Sandy Hastings
Tumuaki - Principal
Important Dates
Upcoming Events
Mon 24 Jul - Readathon begins - cards come home
Fri 28 Jul - 10am Celebration Assembly
Tue 1 Aug - 7:00 - 8:00pm - Year 7/8 Open Evening
Wed 2 Aug - Keeping Ourselves Safe - Parent information session 2-3pm Staffroom
Fri 4 Aug- PTA Discos - see below for details
Fri 11 Aug - Book Character Day - final day of Readathon
Fri 11 Aug - 10am Celebration Assembly
Fri 18 Aug - School Closed - Staff Only Day
Wed 23 Aug - 5:30pm - BOT Meeting - Staffroom
Wed 23 Aug - 7:30pm - PTA meeting - Staffroom
Fri 25 Aug - Final day for returning Readathon Money
Fri 25 Aug - 10am Celebration Assembly
Fri 8 Sep - 10 am Celebration Assembly
Thu 14 Sep - am - Year 8 testing at Cashmere High
Wed 20 Sep - 5:30pm - BOT Meeting - Staffroom
Fri 22 Sep - 10am Celebration Assembly
Fri 22 Sep - final day of Term 3
Term Dates: Click here to view 2023 & 2024 term dates
Citizen of the Week
Vienna Aldridge - Year 4
Vienna, you bring such positivity and exuberance to all you do. Your energetic nature and your ability to help others both in and out of the hub is striking, and you always ensure you finish what you begin. You maintain motivation in all areas of learning, and take pride in all you do. Self-confident, able and kind...thank you for the energy you bring to our school, Vienna!School Notices
Lucky Book club Issue 5
This lucky book club issue is out now. Click on the link to see what is available.
Staffing Update
It was lovely to welcome Jenny Diggle back this week from her Refreshment leave during Terms 1 & 2. Jenny returns to the Year 7/8 kauri Team and Sarah Junghen will be starting in the Koru Team with our third New Entrant class later this term.
Jenny Diggle - Kauri Team - Year 7/8 |
The Board of Trustees have reluctantly accepted the resignation of Elizabeth Drummond in her permanent position as a full-time teacher at Beckenham, effective at the end of this year. Elizabeth has been on our staff since Term 1 1996 and there may even be one or two parents now at Beckenham who were students in her class when they started school! However, we are delighted to be able to confirm that Elizabeth has agreed to return in a fixed-term capacity during 2024 when we are ready to start our third New Entrant class, so we are not losing her skills and smile for good!
Elizabeth Drummond - New Entrant Koru Team |
Sports News
Two of our students competed in a Cyclocross event held recently. Isabella placed 5th in the U13 girls South Island Schools champs and Zac placed 3rd in a club race.
Get in touch with if you would like more details about this sport which takes place outside of school hours.
PTA News
Midwinter Breakfast
Another successful Midwinter Breakfast is done and dusted. Looking forward to seeing everyone again next year and thank you to our extra helpers!
PTA Meeting
We have our Monthly Hui next Wednesday 26th July, at 7.30pm in the staff room. All welcome!
Readathon: July 25th - August 11th
Look out for Readathon cards that should come home on Monday 24th July. Please support your child to get sponsorship for reading each day during the Readathon. The Readathon finishes with Book Character Day on Friday 11th August. Cards and sponsorship money should be returned in the two weeks after that.
Book Character Day - Friday 11 August
August 11th - dress up as your favourite book character to celebrate the last day of the Readathon
PTA Disco - August 4th
New Entrants and Year 1/2 2 - 2:45pm
Year 3/4 4 - 4:45pm
Year 5/6 5:10 - 6:10pm
Year 7/8 6:30 - 7:30pm
PTA Second-hand Uniform Shop
A reminder that the second-hand uniform shop is open each Tuesday from 2:45-3:15pm and Fridays from 8:45-9:15am.
As well as uniform items, we also have a large selection of gumboots which are absolutely needed in this very wet weather we are having!
Community Notices
(Notices placed here are contingent on space and do not reflect the views or opinions of the school.)
Mainland Pouākai/Basketball
The Mainland Pouākai want you to be a part of the action this year as they take the floor in what will be an exciting season. For the games listed below, we are offering your school an exclusive 10% discount on tickets which will be a great night out for the whole family! Get yours your tickets today!
Mainland Pouākai vs Northern Kahu Home Game - Sunday 20th August, 3:00pm at Cowles Stadium
Mainland Pouākai vs Whai Home Game - Sunday 27th August, 3:00pm at Cowles Stadium
If you are interested in purchasing tickets to other home games, please click the link: