Principal's Patch
Kia ora koutou
What an AMAZING turnout we had at our Treemendous Makeover Day two weeks ago! A HUGE thank you to each and every person who contributed to making this day such a great experience and to getting this area to the stage we now have it at.
Special thanks to the Mazda Foundation, Project Crimson and DOC for all their funding and expertise.
We have lots happening in the school as the term draws to an end with the Breakfast and PJ day last week to celebrate the shortest day of the year. Huge thanks to the PTA for the great breakfast, and for getting up so early to feed us all! Thank you to everyone who donated cans for the Foodbanks too. So good to be able to show 'We Care' and 'We Make a Difference'.
Please remember that school is CLOSED this coming Monday for a staff ONLY professional development day.
Reports are written and are in the process of being proofread and printed so that they will be ready for children to bring home next Friday, 6th July.
Important Dates
Upcoming Events
Fri 29 Jun - School disco. Please see PTA News for details.
Mon 2 Jul - School Closed - Staff Only Day
Wed 4 Jul - CSM Training & Concert Bands Concert. 9:45 - 10:30am in the school hall. All Welcome.
Fri 6 Jul - Celebration Assembly, 10:50 - 11:20am All Welcome.
Mon 23 Jul - Term 3, classes start at 8:55am
Fri 27 Jul - Welcome Assembly. 10:50 - 11:20am. a special assembly to welcome all those who are new to the Beckenham Te Kura community. Morning tea hosted by the PTA will follow this assembly.
Fri 27 Jul - Weekly winter sport
Mon 30 Jul - Zone Winter tournament years 5-8, 9am - 12:30pm at South Hagley Park.
Term Dates
Click here to view 2018 term dates.
Citizen of the Week
Charlie Edens-Griffiths - Year 6
Charlie, you delight our hub with your witty sense of humour and quick comebacks. You are a great self-manager, always doing the right thing at the right time in the right place. Your writing is inspirational and a pleasure to read! You are always on task and show focus when working independently. Thank you Charlie for being a fabulous role model in Pōhutukawa.
Lily Cummins-Newton - Year 8
Lily, you are an empathetic and considerate individual in our Kauri Whānau. You are acutely aware of those around you, noticing and responding when a kind word is needed to lift the spirits. You are a loyal friend and you encourage others in the face of challenge. You have a positive outlook on life and your humour always brightens our day.
School Notices
Our neighbours are trying to keep our kids safe - please help them...!
I had a call from one of our neighbours on Sandwich Road this week letting me know that she, and a number of other Sandwich Road residents, always try to reverse into their driveways so that when they leave their properties, they can see children coming along the footpath.
They do sometimes get negative feedback from parent vehicles parked on Sandwich Road when they do this. They asked that our parents understand that they are doing this to try and keep our children safe.
Teacher Only Day
Just a reminder that Monday 2nd July is a teacher only day. There will be no classes on this day. BOSCO is open on this day if you wish to book in for care here. There is a charge for this service.Lost Property
Once again the lost property bin is overflowing. Please come and check if any of the items belong to your children.
As usual at the end of this term we will be removing any unnamed items from the lost property bin and donating them to the PTA second hand store for them to sell.
Mud, Sweat & Tears
After a month (or more) of rain and cold the temperature soared to 15 C so we took to the mud....and there was plenty to go around! Demonstrating the school values of 'We Love Challenge' and 'We Get There Together', a crazy bunch of Beckenham staff and families leapt in and crossed the finish line together and with bodies intact! What will we conquer next?
Kete Badges:
We have a new scheme in the Intermediate Hub this year, that encourages the children to put our kete values into action. The children have a selection of actions they can undertake that show they are living our school values. By completing these actions and reflecting on what they have done in their kete blog, they are awarded points, which will earn them a kete badge to sew on the sleeve of their school jackets. Badges are very motivating. Actions include, being part of a sports team, contributing to the Treemendous makeover, taking part in the 40 Hour Famine, completing a science badge ... there are at least 30 actions to choose from, as well as the ability to design one’s own challenge. The blogging encourages the children to be reflective about how each action displays a school value; we have been most impressed with the quality of blog posts.

Morvern, a Year 7 student, has designed her own action for ‘We Make a Difference’. You can support her to make a difference by purchasing her reusable bags...
Hello! I'm Morvern from the Kauri Hub and I am making some bags for Plastic Free July. Plastic Free July is trying to not use plastic for all of July, so it would be awesome if you could play your part and not use plastic bags, but reusable fabric ones. I have made these handy bags in two sizes. You can purchase bags for a gold coin, either one large bag or a bundle of 5 snack bags. Pay your money and select your bags from the honesty box in the school office. 100% of the money will go to Christchurch Bull Breed Rescue, who are saving bull breed dogs lives. Thank you for supporting them!
Four students from Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto participated in a belt grading with Cardinals Taekwondo on Sunday 24th June. These students needed to demonstrate perseverance and courage as well as a combination of kicks, punches, blocks and stances, at a demanding 4 hour grading.
The following belts have been awarded:
Paolo Reid - yellow belt with green tip
Luigi Reid - yellow belt with green tip
Amelia Reid - yellow belt with green tip
Weaver McDaid - white belt with yellow tip
This is a significant personal achievement and we are very proud of them.
Congratulations also to the students from Beckenham who auditioned for the Christchurch Schools' Music Festival . Over 550 students applied for the 330 available places so there was plenty of competition.
The following students were successful:
Bonnie Brookland - flute
Eva Cameron - Junior choir
Charlotte Grey - clarinet
Walter McLoughlin - junior choir
Bella Reddecliffe - viola
Emily Rowe - clarinet
Tom Woodhouse - trumpet
Sport News
Canterbury Cross Country
The postponed Canterbury Cross Country event was held at Halswell Quarry last Wednesday on an extremely muddy and slippery course. Five children from Beckenham attended the event after finishing within the top six placegetters at zone level competition. We had some top 20 finishers, an incredible achievement. At this level, the children are racing against the best of the best from all over Canterbury. All children put up a fantastic effort against the tough competition. We are incredibly proud of the dedication and love of challenge shown by these five children.
Netball Trials
A special mention to Tilly Harris, who has successfully made it through three rounds of trials towards earning a place in the Canterbury Primary Schools Netball Representative Team. Tilly is an exceptionally dedicated sports person and this achievement is testament to hours dedicated to training. We wish her the very best of luck for the final trial being held this Sunday.
Staff Versus Students Basketball
Youth and agility met age and experience last week in a very tense and exceptionally close basketball game between our Year 8 student and a team of staff. In the end, there was only one hoop it with with the final score at 22:20 to the teachers. Thank you students for a fun game!
PTA News
The PTA are holding their annual disco on Friday June 29th.
Come along prepared to dance to DJ Don.
Year 0 - 3, 4:30-5:30 pm
Year 4 - 6, 6:00-7:00 pm
Year 7 - 8, 7:30-8:30 pm
Entry will be by gold coin donation.
Community Notices
(Notices placed here are contingent on space and do not reflect the views or opinions of the school.)
Helen O'Grady Drama Academy
3 reasons to join...communication, presentation, confidence.
Join our after school drama classes.
To enrol please contact us by phone or via our website.
0800161131. Mākete
Matariki is the Māori name for the cluster of stars also known as the Pleiades. The cluster rises in mid-winter and heralds the start of a new year. The stars represent a time of seasonal change, the opportunity to reflect over the passing year, prepare ground for new growth and is a time for the community to celebrate.The Matariki Night Markets will include:
Kapa Haka performances and NZ music from singer songwriters
Traditional kai and New Zealand favourites such as Fish and Chips and Pavlova
Art, crafts, jewellery all with a New Zealand feel/twist.
KidsFest - "Volleyball - give it a go"
It's our first time taking part in KidsFest. Designed for beginners, no prior experience is needed, just a keen attitude and loads of enthusiasm! We are really excited to be delivering fun kiwivolley skills and games to this age group.
Information & registrationMagical Musical Mayhem - Holiday Programe
Here at the Christchurch School of Music we are offering a holiday programme for children aged from 7-12 years as part of the Kidfest programme from 16-20 July in our Music Centre at 60 Ferry Rd. The programme will run from 9am-3pm each day. It's going to be a holiday programme with a difference as it has a strong musical theme. Children will be able to learn an instrument, play in an ensemble, participate in singing games and rhythm activities and complete musical themed art activities. Although it says 7-12 years on the Kidsfest website we will also accept 5 and 6 year olds.
We would be very grateful if you could promote this in your school newsletter to ensure we spread the word as widely as possible.
The link to find out more and to enrol is High School Choral Celebration
Cashmere Voices, Chamber Choir, Girls Chorus, Vocal Soloists and a few extra surprises!
Thursday July 26th at
St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral, Manchester St.Door sales only: Adults $10, Students $5 & Family $20
Tea, Coffee and Mulled Wine will be available.