Writing Competition Opportunity

EssayCompetition TwoLines
The Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition is the world’s oldest schools’ international writing competition, managed by The Royal Commonwealth Society since 1883. Every year, it offers all Commonwealth youth aged 18 and under the opportunity to express their hopes for the future, opinions of the present, and thoughts on the past, through the written word. The competition will help to build confidence, develop writing skills, support creativity and encourage critical thinking, using literacy to empower young people to become global citizens.
If your child is keen on writing, they might like to enter the competition.

Here are the options for children under the age of 14.

Junior CategoryBorn after 31st May 2004 (under 14 years of age)
  1. What does a 'safer future' mean to you and your community? 
  2. Write a recipe for a common future: what ingredients will you need? What is the best method for making it? What will it look like?
  3. ‘A Day in the Life’. Imagine you are your country’s Head of Government for the day: how will you build a better future for young people?
  4. Our Common Earth.
Judges described entries to the competition in 2017 as ‘emotive’ ‘hauntingly assuring’ ’striking’ and as having ‘powerful narratives’, that ‘this letter should be read by everyone’. We expect a similarly high calibre of writing for 2018.

If you want further information, here is the link with all the details.

Kauri Whānau: Weekly Update Term 2 Week 3

This week we welcome Sharon Tipene to our hub. Sharon will be working with our children to learn about the Treaty of Waitangi and New Zealand history, over the next three weeks. Each home-group will spend six 90 minute sessions with Sharon.

We are now building time into our classroom programme each week for the children to work towards their kete badges. These were introduced at learning conferences at the start of the year. It would be good to talk with your child about what they have planned to do and which badge they are working towards. It is optional to continue working this at home.

Comedy Evening:

Many thanks to those who have purchased tickets and offered to help with our Comedy Evening on Saturday. We now have 33 tickets left to sell. A final promote and purchase would be really appreciated.  We have sent home flyers to those who can advertise at work today. If you have offered a hamper item, please send it along to school tomorrow. We have a box for collection on the spotty table. If you offered to make a supper plate, please check the instructions that Leigh emailed through today.
Still to book your ticket? Click here now.

Cubby Holes:

We've had a few instances of things moving around in the cubby holes outside the hub. If you see anything come home that doesn't belong to your child can you please let us know - we've had a sketchbook and drawing implements misplaced and the student who they belong to would really like them back!

It's a good idea for students to bring their lunch boxes inside at the start of the day and keep anything special in their bucket as only one set of cubby holes is easily visible from inside the hub.

Winter Sport:

At last we are underway with winter sport this Friday. A huge thanks goes out to Jenny for her many hours of work to coordinate and prepare the teams, and also to those parents who will be giving their time to support teams. Without you our children would miss out on this opportunity. On Friday your child needs to come to school with their sport uniform, drink bottle, asthma inhaler, boots, mouthguard and shin pads, as appropriate.

Ski Trip

Many thanks to those who have offered to come on our ski trip. We now have plenty of helpers.

High School News:

Cashmere High School Open Day is on Tuesday May 22 from 4-6pm

Christchurch Steiner School Open Day is on Thursday May 24 from 9am - 3pm

Team Koru: Term 2 Week 1-2

* We are ready for parent helpers in Tahaka (Year 1-2 Hub). If you would like to come and join us on a one off or regular basis, please see or email your home group teacher.
* Swimming for Year 1-2 will run 28 May - 8 June. An email was sent this week. 

Reading for Pleasure 
Reading for pleasure has multiple benefits for happiness, wellbeing & success. Learn about the benefits of reading for wellbeing, and key strategies for engaging students in reading here.

Here are some happy snaps from our first fortnight back together: 

We Make A Difference 
Collecting rubbish on our own initiative, at lunchtime.

We Love Learning & We Get There Together
Developmental play / discovery time





We Get There Together & We Love Challenge
The Cross County run


Pōhutukawa – writing motivation and cross country tomorrow

Hopefully your child/ren came home from school yesterday buzzing about the fun they had experienced during the writing motivation yesterday afternoon. We had such a great time!
At the beginning of the session the students were given a passport to enable them to travel between the four countries. They filled in the details on their passport and then had to answer two questions about each country (Japan, Italy, France and USA - Hawaii) before they received a stamp, which meant they could commence their travel. Whilst at each country, along with finding the answers to the passport questions, the children were able to watch a slideshow, listen to music, make a flag and sample delectable edible delights. There was a fabulous atmosphere in the hub as children learnt, munched and drank, all the while dressed in fabulous outfits or clothing from all around the world. Many thanks to those parents who sent along food, encouraged dressing up and supported the fun afternoon. We are very sure that the interest sparked yesterday will be translated into terrific writing! Most children will have decided which country they are going to research, so should be able to tell you at the dinner table.

Tomorrow is our cross country. This is a whole school event. We will be eating lunch at 12:15pm, and then having lunch play. We will take the roll at 1:10pm and then the students will all assemble on the field at 1:20pm for a briefing. The Year 7 and 8 students will be running first, with the Year 5 and 6 students following and then the Year 3 and 4 students after that. Everyone will be finished running by 3pm.

To prepare for this event it would be great if all children had a drink bottle at school, wore appropriate footwear for running and have with them an inhaler if they require one. They are able to change into sports clothing at lunchtime if they wish. If a student is unable to run the cross country due to illness or injury, a signed note is required from home to explain the situation.

Having the whole school participate in a sporting event is a new initiative. As our school wide focus is on sustainability we support the following school outcomes:

  • If we value our physical and mental well being we must act to sustain it. One way to sustain our health and well being is through regular physical exercise. 
  • Cross country running exercises the heart and lungs, developing our physical fitness. 
  • As we run, the body releases serotonin, a feel good hormone that can improve our mental well being. 
  • Cross country running will present a variety of challenges. Success can take on many forms, depending on the goals of each individual. Working to overcome challenge can increase resiliency, which is vital to our mental well being.
  • Being a part of something bigger than ourselves can support our well being. 

The desired outcome for this year’s whole school cross country is to:

  • Provide a platform for children to experience success in a sporting context - We love challenge
  • To promote sustaining a healthy and active lifestyle - We love learning
  • To demonstrate our school spirit - We make a difference
  • To foster tuakana teina - We get there together and We care
Good luck to all our runners in achieving their personal goal!

Image result for cross country running clipart

Kauri Whānau: Weekly Update Term 2 Week 2

Comedy Evening:

We need everyone to click on this link to indicate how you can support the Comedy Night. This is our last major camp fundraiser and could also provide some funds towards ski trip next term.

Self Defence:

Our Year 8 girls have started their 5 week self defence course. They are working with Lynda Maindonald from Self Defence NZ. This is a programme that our Year 8 girls have been involved in for a number of years. Past feedback has been extremely positive, and no doubt the girls are practising their moves and responses on you at home already!


The inaugural whole school cross country event is this Thursday. Our team will be the first to run, with the event starting at 1:40. Following their race the Year 7 & 8s will be supporting our younger tamariki. They may wear their house t-shirt on this day.

Winter sport starts next Friday. Information can be found in last week's school newsletter. Those not travelling to Hagley Park will be involved in a sports programme at school. If you have any shin guards or football boots that your whanau have out grown or no longer require, please consider donating them to the school for children who don't have their own gear to borrow.

Basketball games get underway this week. On Friday we have the zone competition at Hillview in class time. If your child is involved in this you would have already received information. We are still looking for a couple of cars to call on for transport if it is raining. Please email Jenny if you can help. Pioneer competition starts next week. The draw for the first three weeks of competition will be emailed to you within the next day. Next week our Monday teams play each other at 5:30pm and our Friday team plays at 4pm.

40 Hour Famine:

Last week our famine leaders spend a day with World Vision, learning about the 40 Hour Famine and how they can support and encourage tamariki at school. Famine packs have been sent home with those who are interested and permission forms need to be returned to Hannah this week. If you have any questions about the famine, either check out this website, or contact Hannah.

Leadership Awards:

At our assembly this Friday, starting at 11:00, we will be awarding bronze and silver leadership awards to the following children. You are most welcome to attend.
Bronze: Jordy, Kate and Lucy
Silver: Gabriel, Joel K, Marlonique, Tilly, Rekha, Thom and Constantin

Kete Programme:

We are excited that our first Kete Badge has been earned and will be presented in assembly on Friday. A big congratulations to Lucy. We are currently looking at offering more support and encouragement to work towards these badges. It will be an expectation that all children are working towards a badge. Each Monday they will have 35 minutes of class time to focus on this, as well as 45 mins of self directed learning time on a Friday, when this can be a priority. Of course giving some time to this at home will result in more speedy progress.

Sleep Programme:

Over the next few weeks our classes will be taking part in Yes, I can! Sleep. This is a learning unit based around sleep and finding ways to improve your own sleep. Research has shown that as little as 10 minutes of lost sleep a night can lead to symptoms similar to ADHD. Our school is doing this unit in partnership with the University of Canterbury to try to improve the duration and quality of children’s sleep. We would like to equip children with the knowledge and skills required to make positive changes to their own sleep.       

The tamariki will have the opportunity to learn about sleep. They will conduct their own research and present their information in unique ways. Together we will learn about the benefits of sleep and positive sleep hygiene. Tamariki will then be given the opportunity to monitor both the duration and quality of their sleep. They will be given a clock to put near their bed so that they can track the duration of their sleep. During this time, we encourage you to talk to your child about sleep and support them if they would lie to make small changes to their sleep environment and routines.

If you would like sleep support or to share your own knowledge on sleep, please join the parent Facebook group….

Ski trip helpers:

Our next big outdoor education experience is our ski trip on Thursday August 9th, next term. We will have a very early start this day, with buses leaving school at 6:30am. At this stage we need offers of adult help, both on the snow skiing and around the base lodge and beginners slope, on foot. If you are willing to help, please fill in this form.

High Schools Info:

Christchurch Rudolf Steiner School
OPEN DAY  on May  24th. We have only 5 places for students in our Year 9 class next year, so if any are interested, this is a  perfect opportunity for them to see our school in action, watch what  students do and even interact with potential class mates for 2019.