We have had a mixed bag of weather over the last two weeks, with the rain coming at inopportune times!
It was disappointing to have to miss out on our beach clean up trip to New Brighton this week. Thank you so much to the adult helpers who planned to help us on Monday. With the rain lingering, and knowing that everything would have been sodden, the children (and staff) were warmer and drier inside at school, if a little sad. Thank you also to Mitre 10 Beckenham, who kindly supplied us with latex gloves and black rubbish bags for our clean up. The teachers had planned to use this trip as motivation for writing. Showing Kiwi ingenuity, we set the children the challenge of building sand sculptures in the junior sandpit at school on Tuesday. Amid the cold and slightly damp sand, the students worked collaboratively, showing creativity and grit. Not quite as nice as working with the sand at New Brighton, but a close second, I’m sure!
As the weather gets a little cooler and a bit wetter, we strongly encourage children to bring along indoor shoes/slippers to wear inside. Presently they do not have to take their shoes off to come inside the buildings, however this will change when it is wet outside.
Next Thursday sees us off to visit Rapaki Marae on Thursday 8 March. Thank you to these adult helpers for volunteering to accompany us on this excursion: Angela du Rand, Terrance Broughton, Amanda Clancey, Kerryn Allan, Andrea Cairns, Judy Dalrymple. We will be leaving school at 9:30am, and returning before 3pm. The children will need a packed lunch, a drink bottle, their school hat and a rain jacket. We have been working with Sherrilee on the process when visiting a marae, and we are confident we will represent our school admirably during the powhiri and the visit generally.
We are currently in the middle of our art week, with a daily dose of visual art. There are three collaborative art pieces being created, which will be auctioned off at the school fair.
Camp Fundraising:
Many thanks to those who offered to help with fundraising projects later this term, particularly our comedy evening on Saturday April 7th. If you are keen to help and have yet to complete the form, click here. This week we are selling banana berry smoothies at lunch time for $2. Year 7 & 8's day is Friday.
Many thanks for the team who manned the sausage sizzle last weekend. We made over $800 towards our Dunedin Camp. A big thanks to Countdown for providing all the food and equipment.
Writing Motivation Trip:
On Thursday March 15 we are off to the Airforce Museum for a writing motivation trip. The only cost is the bus fare and we will let you know that cost as soon as the quote comes through. We would like to take three parents with us for the day. Please email your home-group teacher if you are able to join us.
Entry forms for the Year 5-8 Duathlon are now available. Children can pick up a form from the box in the theatre. Entries need to have signed parental permission. The hand in box is also in the theatre. The event is on Monday March 12th in the afternoon. A course map will be available by the end of the week. We encourage children to enter as a personal challenge, however they need to have a reasonable level of fitness.
Leadership Week:
Tama from Attitude.inc got us thinking about personal leadership in his presentation on Monday. He will be back to deliver workshops as part of Leadership Week.
Next week is our leadership week - exciting! Please read either the Year 7 or Year 8 information below, as the two groups have different programmes.
Year 7:
Year 7 have a leadership day on Monday. They can wear mufti to school on this day. We have introduced the 7 habits of highly effective people to the children, however on this day we look at the habits through a series of practical activities. Later in the week the Year 7s will work in pairs to plan an activity to deliver to a small group of younger children.
Year 8:
Year 8 have a leadership camp on Thursday and Friday, March 8 and 9. We will be based at school on the Thursday, venturing out after dinner for some physical activity. We sleep overnight in the hub. On the Friday we head off to Spencer Park at 9:30 and return by 2:30 - 3:00. Children need to bring their lunch on the Thursday. We ask for a donation of $25 to cover the cost of food and bus fares. To keep the price down we ask parents to donate the following:
Mountains (Nicky's home-group): A packet of breakfast cereal
Forest (Hannah's home-group): Some baking
Coast (Jenny's home-group): A bag of fruit
Please send these food items along next week.
Year 8 leadership camp gear list: Your child needs to come to school on Thursday dressed in clothes suitable for physical activity, i.e. track pants or shorts, t-shirt, polypro if cold, a warm top and sports shoes, suitable for running. The following needs to be packed in an overnight bag:
Sleeping bag, pillow and something to sleep on, e.g. sleeping mat, stretcher or lilo
Toilet gear and towel
A change of clothes for the next day, again suitable for physical activity
These things should be packed in a day pack:
Packed lunch and refillable drink bottle
Waterproof jacket
Optional: camera, cell phone (these will be collected in)
Tomorrow we will be sending home a health profile and medical consent form, with all Year 8 children. Please complete this and return it to school by the end of this week.
If you have any questions about leadership week, please send us an email:
As part of our fundraising for Dunedin Camp, Kauri whānau will be making and selling Banana Berry Smoothies.
These will be available from the Kauri Hub Makerspace window, just opposite the park, before lunchtime eating (after 1:10pm). Children who wish to purchase a smoothie should place their order at the flag pole before school (under the eaves of the Hall Foyer, if raining). We'll be charging $2 per smoothie and junior children will receive a stamp on their hand to show they have ordered one.
In order to keep up with demand, we'll be offering smoothies to one hub each day.
The term is now well underway and we are all settling into the school routines again. We have had a busy start to the term with the Life Education classroom visiting - unfortunately there was a miscommunication between the educator and the trucking company and it was removed two days early - we are expecting to have it back to finish those two days later in the term!
Teachers as Learners
Our teachers have all been focusing on their teaching of maths with coaching happening this last week as part of the professional development focus we have in mathematics this year. Our children were wonderfully supportive as the teachers became the students and were 'coached' during the lesson they were teaching by our mentor, Liana from Massey University. I have joined the teachers in this learning as I am teaching a maths group in Year 7/8 this year! It is exciting for me to be spending regular time in the classroom again as a teacher, and great to be learning alongside the other teachers in our school.
Children being dropped at school prior to 8:30am
I have been aware of many instances over the past couple of weeks of children being dropped at school well before 8:30am - sometimes as early as 7:50am. Please remember that school is not open until 8:30am. If teachers are here before 8:30am it is because they are trying to do planning and preparation for the day ahead. We are not a childminding service and cannot take responsibility for looking after children until we open at 8:30am. Please make alternative arrangements for your child's care prior to 8:30am if you need to be elsewhere.
School Twilight Fair
Our PTA are working so enthusiastically towards making our upcoming Twilight Fair a huge success. Please make sure you have the date in your calendar - Friday 23rd March - and do read the regular Fair updates (including the one further below in this newsletter) to find out how you can get involved.
Our new Library reopens, 6 years after the Fire...
What an exciting week it has been for our school this week as our new, refurbished library finally opened in what used to be the Room 1 junior classroom.
That we have had a library for the past 6 years is completely due to the passion and tenacity of our Librarian - Anne Chin. She has almost single-handedly packed the library into banana boxes at the end of each year and, without complaint, moved it to another space in the school. This week, without any great fanfare, she let the children know that the library would be open, for classes to visit during learning time, and also, at both morning tea and lunch breaks. From the first day, it has been buzzing! Every break time it is full of children who are enjoying having space to enjoy the nearly 10,000 books that it holds!
Thank you Anne, for your determination and commitment to our children and for sharing your love of books with us all!
Ngā mihi Sandy Hastings Tumuaki - Principal
Important Dates
Upcoming Events
Mon 26 Feb - Pohutukawa Beach Clean Up Trip Wed 28 Feb - Walk or Wheel Safely to School Day BOT Meeting 5:30pm Thu 8 Mar - Pōhutukawa Rapaki Marae Visit Mon 12 Mar - School duathlon Y5-8. Racing starts at 1:30pm Tue 13 Mar - Zone swimming sports for Y5-8 at Jellie Park. 9am-3pm
Ben, you are such a kind and thoughtful student. You are always willing to lend a hand to anyone. You show a lot of empathy when relating to others. Continue to be a stunning role model in Pōhutukawa!
Congratulations to...
Tracy and Phil Inwood (Tracy is the Team Leader of the Pōhutukawa Team)
For 18 years, Tracy and Phil Inwood have been fostering children through what was Child, Youth and Family Services and is now Ministry of Children, Oranga Tamariki, in Christchurch. During this time, they have cared for over 200 children in a variety of ways: short term, long term, emergency care and for respite. Tracy and Phil believe that if their family can help these children in need, then they should. Their whole family usually becomes involved, with their own children being called upon for babysitting and big brother/sister duties. Phil is a fabulous male role model, being very active outside with the children and always there for support. Tracy sets the routines, making sure that all teeth are brushed after breakfast, and before bed! On March 9 Tracy and Phil will travel to Wellington, where they have been invited to the Beehive to receive an "Excellence in Foster Care" award from the Minister of Children, Hon. Tracey Martin. Tracy and Phil are delighted to be recognised for their contribution to the community, and are very grateful for all of the support they receive from their colleagues, friends and family.
School Notices
Kauri Hub - Smoothie Fundraiser this coming week
Kauri Hub is planning a smoothie fundraiser using the ingredients gifted to us by the PTA, to raise funds for our Dunedin Camp at the end of this term.
We will be selling the smoothies at lunchtime from the sliding window in our hub makerspace (facing the park). We'll charge $2 per smoothie and each team will have their own day for purchasing smoothies (to ensure we can keep up with demand). The schedule of hubs will go as follows:
Tuesday 27 Feb - Koru (including New Entrants)
Wednesday 28th Feb - Kōwhai
Thursday 1st March - Pōhutukawa
Friday 2nd March - Kauri
Christchurch Schools’ Music Festival - Auditions for 2018 Representative Groups
Our best musicians need to be part of this!
Applications for individual singers and instrumentalists to audition for one of the Festival’s Representative Groups – Junior or Senior Choir, Concert Band, Orchestra – are now open. This is the opportunity for singers and instrumentalists to achieve at the highest level of performance and to excel in their chosen area of artistic endeavour.
We want to make sure that our talented singers and instrumentalists put in an application.
Please checl out the festival website www.musicfestival.school.nz where all the information, and an application form, is available. There is information on the website that will answer every question of a parent or potential participant.
Audition applications close on the last day of Term 1.
Our Pōhutukawa Choir, under the direction of Katie McFarlane, are already registered to participate at this awesome festival!
The Community Dental Service approached Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto regarding visiting during 2017. After discussion with your school, it was agreed that we will delay our visit due to building work on school grounds
We will be visiting your School during the 2018 school year where we will see all students who are due for their examination.
If there are urgent concerns about your child’s oral health prior to our 2018 visit, please call for an appointment at a clinic convenient to you.
To make an appointment you can contact our Call Centre:
The Wellbeing team involves staff, BOT, parent and student representatives from Years 3-8. The team work together to develop wellbeing initiatives for the whole school, such as student movies and our ‘We Care’ day. Each year we look for a couple of parents or whānau members to join us for the year. Meetings are once or twice per term, during lunch time (skyping or facetiming your presence in would be fine if you can’t attend in person). If you would like to volunteer or know more, please email charlotte.verity@beckenham.school.nz by Sunday 25th February.
Walk and Wheel Wednesday - 28th Feb
Due to the inclement weather this week, we postponed Walk and Wheel Wednesday to next week, 28th February. We know that we have lots of families who already walk or wheel to school and we would love to have more! It's great for our health, for the roads and traffic challenges, and an opportunity to have social time together as children and adults travel to school.
There will be badges and stickers being given out at the main entrances around the school for all those participating!
Mindfulness Course for Children
Kia ora all,
Please find below information about a new group at the Psychology Centre – offering mindfulness to children who struggle with stress/anxiety. Please pass it one to anyone who you think may be interested. The group will be limited to 8 children (with parent/caregiver in attendance).
Mindfulness for Children
Does your child struggle with anxiety or stress? Would you like to support them to learn skills to enhance their wellbeing?
The Psychology Centre is offering Pause Breathe Smile (PBS) a group for children (age 7-10 years) who struggle with stress and anxiety and their parents to develop skills of mindfulness. PBS is an evidence-based program, developed by the Mental Health Foundation, found to improved focus and attention, enhance self-awareness and reduced stress.
The group will run from 4 - 5pm, starting Wednesday 28th February for 7 weeks at the Psychology Centre, University of Canterbury and requires both child and parent/ caregiver to attend and learn together. The cost of the program is $120.
University of Canterbury Clinical Psychology Training and Research Centre.
Private Bag 4800, Christchurch 8140
Phone 3694289, Ext 94289
Sports News
Swimming Sports
Our Year 5 to 8 tamariki demonstrated their love of challenge this week during our school swimming sports. Wharenui pool was a hive of excitement as children cheered on their peers in a variety of events. A huge congratulations to all the children who chose to compete. We love to see you challenging yourself and taking advantage of the opportunities available to you. Thank you to the parents who helped out with the running of the event.
Our swimming sports champions are: Year 5 boy: Cooper Reddecliffe Year 5 girl: Zoe Clarke Year 6 boy: Thomas Lyall Year 6 girl: Abigale Cockfield Year 7 boy: Ben Evans Year 7 girl: Charlotte O’Connor Year 8 boy: Joel Kingham Year 8 girl: Tily Harris
The Hanmer 4 Hour Mountain Bike event
Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto would like to promote an upcoming mountain biking event in Hanmer Springs that may be of interest to you.
The Hanmer 4 Hour, run by Hanmer Events, is a super fun event, suitable for children looking to get into competitive mountain biking. Competitors work as part of a team with the aim of completing as many laps of a set course as they can over four hours. The course this year is a mixture of forest trail and non technical single track. 12 year olds may compete as an individual in the under 17 category. There is a separate course for Super Junior Teams (aged 8 - 11 years) that uses tracks in the Heritage Forest. These children need their own Tail End Charlie (an adult to keep up with them) for each lap they do. While these tracks are suitable for children, competitors should be confident riders, who are capable of controlling their speed and direction on single track.
Hanmer Events are welcoming entries from school teams with a category for school teams. More information can be found on the Hanmer Events website (www.hanmerevents.co.nz).
While Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto encourages participation in this event, children will remain the responsibility of their parents for the entire duration of the event. Please let me know if you plan to enter an individual or team or if you would like support in connecting with possible team members.
We would love to build or create a new compost system for our school. Can you help with this? Please contact Charlotte at charlotte.verity@beckenham.school.nz. Thanks
PTA News
Weetbix Tryathlon
Only 3 more sleeps till your Weetbix Tryathlon 2018 event. We hope you are all looking forward to a fabulous day. We have had a huge number of entries this year which means we qualify for a group school photo! This will be taken at 7.30 am before the event so keeping in mind transition closes at 8.15 am this’ll give you plenty of time to set up your gear before or after the photo. Keep an eye out for the Beckenham Flags where we’ll create a base for everyone for the day. The weather looks fantastic, pack a picnic, get your support crew ready for a fun fun day. Any questions about the event don’t hesitate to make contact with Nicola - 021532996
Twilight Fair
FAIR HQ will be OPEN from Fri 23rd FEB till the day of the Twilight Fair, Fri 23rd MARCH Come over to Hub 22 (next to the NEW Basketball Hoop, Eastern Tce end of the school) & check what will be happening on the day. OPEN every day BEFORE & AFTER school.
At FAIR HQ -we will be accepting donations of Quality Clothes, Toys & Books. NO White Elephant please. There will be competitions for ALL to enter. Rosters to sign up on, posters advertising the Fair to distribute & Fair Team helpers to answer any questions & discuss any Fair Ideas you may have. We would love for YOU to pop in & help in whatever way you can manage- be part of the FAIR TEAM. For this Fair to be the best ever Fair we need YOU to help. To keep up to date on all things "Fair" make sure you LIKE the https://www.facebook.com/ptabeckenhamschool/ For those unable to get to school, & keen to HELP click on this link: https://goo.gl/forms/0FKQ45Gojlc53dyC2
In the PC world of “participation certificates” the Beckenham School PTA are offering all the ‘BECKENHAM BLOKES’ out there an opportunity to COMPETE & WIN! For the first time ever the Twilight Fair is having a ‘Beckenham Blokes Cake Decorating Competition’ Theme “Anything starting with the letter B” No cost to enter. Cakes are delivered to the Fair already decorated ready to be judged. Cakes must be edible as they will be auctioned off at the end of judging. Bought PLAIN sponges can be used to decorate. NO Female involvement allowed. Open to all ages. Register your interest NOW: https://goo.gl/forms/8BDiFF8WtPBRcdxk2 Please note this is a family friendly event, any “B” body parts must be dressed!
Community Notices
(Notices placed here are contingent on space and do not reflect the views or opinions of the school.)
Cashmere Netball Club
Future Ferns (Year 3-5) : No trials Juniors (Year 6-13) : We will be running two trial dates (morning and afternoon). Please try and attend both trials.
Sunday March 4th
Year 6 & 7 : 9am -10.30am Year 8 : 10.40am -12noon Year 9 - 13 : 10am - 11am
Sunday March 11th
Year 6 & 7 : 2pm - 3.30pm Year 8 : 3.40pm - 5pm Year 9 - 13 : 2pm - 3pm
Halswell United AFC
Latino Market Carnival
Bring your colours!!! Enjoy our Carnaval at the Square! Latino Market Carnaval - Cathedral Square - Saturday 24th of February - from 4pm to 8pm - Enjoy our popular event, full of colour and fun, with Latin Street food, Live music, workshops, dance floor and performances with Latin rhythms. (including capoeira and samba do Brasil)
Our camp in Dunedin is just seven weeks away. It is time to get fundraising. We have the following projects planned:
Sausage sizzle at Countdown this weekend. Many thanks to the parents and children who have volunteered to man the BBQ and busk. Pop down and buy a sausage between 10 and 2 on Saturday or Sunday.
Next week we will be selling banana berry smoothies at school. The children will manage this, under the direction of Hannah.
On the 12th of March cheese roll orders will go out, with production days on the 28th and 29th of March. We will be seeking parent help for some equipment and supervision of groups on the making days.
The weekend before camp, on the evening of April 7th, we will be holding our comedy evening. Jarred and his crew will keep the audience rocking with laughter. This will be a major fundraising event and one that we need your support to run. Please complete this form if you are able to help out.
Vicki is currently applying to the Southern Trust for a grant towards our transport costs.