Kahikatea Newsletter Week 8

Week 8 Newsletter


We have enjoyed learning about shapes, symmetry and patterns these last two weeks with geometry. We are also enjoying using Numicon equipment to help us understand numbers.

What a great way to show the number three!

Sumdog has also proved to be very popular for many of you - it is a great way to practise our maths skills and it's so much fun!

Here is the link for our Shapes Song - it's a great way to learn the different shapes this term. See if you can notice what happens to the shapes' eyes at the end of the clip!

Discovery Dome

Science Alive came to school on Monday with their fantastic Discovery Dome. It was a great way for us all to see the constellations and planets up close. 

Matariki Show

This Thursday we were lucky to see the Court Theatre's Matariki Show. Wow! So many fabulous things happening all in one week. We are blown away by how our Kahikatea children are soaking up their learning, definitely demonstrating 'We Love Learning'.


The School disco is on this Friday night. It's all go here at Beckenham School! Get on your dancing shoes and break out those moves!

Circle Time - Respect and Upstanding

Our Circle time has focused on how we can demonstrate respect. Talk at home about what respect looks like, sounds like and feels like. What are ways you all show respect to each other at home?
We also have been talking about not just standing by and watching if someone is in trouble, but stepping in or seeking help. By looking out for each other, we build a strong, responsible community.
Great conversation topics for around that dinner table!

What's On Next Week? 

Week 9 and we're feeling fine!

  • This week sees the children taking Financial Literacy lessons - ask them about how they will invest their hard-earned pocket money!  
  • It's the second last week of school and time has certainly gone too fast. Start thinking about ideas for the school holidays. Sumdog can help keep their maths skills humming along. Below are some links you may also find educationally rich and fun for your children. We use these sites at school.


Matariki is very special to New Zealand. If you all read all about it you might not know what I know. Matariki is a family of stars and there are seven sisters. This is what people call the stars. We celebrate Matariki with kites only when it is May and June.
Well that's all for today. I know, I know that is not enough. Just keep on following me and you are going to be very very smart.
That's the end of my Matariki.

By Bella


The seven (7) sisters are stars called Matariki. There's one very small one but I think I can tell you more about it.
The seven (7) stars are the sign of the Maori new year. The Maori new year is in June and May. And it is only in New Zealand.
Did you enjoy?

By Lola H