Kowhai Newsletter 23rd September

Hi everyone,

Wow! What a busy last week we have had in preparation for our BIG move. Everything went extremely smoothly and we are all happily settled into our new learning spaces. Our teaching teams worked exceptionally hard yesterday to ensure the new learning spaces were set up for the children on Friday. Although we have moved location, we will remain being called Hub 5/6 (old staffroom), Hub 7 ( Room 19- Library) and Hub 8/9 ( Rooms 21/22). 

Parent Help

We would really love the assistance of more parents to help us in Term 4. Your continued support with our class programmes is highly appreciated. We understand that many of you are busy, however, any time would be greatly accepted. Please contact your Hub teacher(s) to let them know if you are able to help. We would love any interested parents who would like to take a small group of children to Thorrington Resthome each week and another parent who would be keen on baking pizzas with a group of children each week.
Thank you - A huge thank you goes out to all the amazing parents who have offered to help in our team this term. We appreciate your support with our programmes and trips.

We were thrilled to see such an incredible turn out at our Kowhai  Team Dance Extravaganza last week. The children loved sharing and performing for you and we were inundated with many positive comments from you all. Don Ferguson has kindly offered to put a performance video together. We will send out a link when it is ready.

School Books
If your child has any school reading books or library books at home, can you please put them in a safe place over the holidays. We would love the return of any reading books and Anne would dearly love the return of all the library books. Library sessions will return to normal next term.

Neighbourhood Support
Congratulations goes out to Mia Aramowicz and Ben Newton who received awards at our school Celebration Assembly yesterday. They both demonstrated being honest when finding wallets in the park and handing them in so they could be return to the correct owner. We love how they are living our school values of 'We Care', "We Make a Difference' and 'We Get There Together'.

Have a safe and restful break and we look forward to seeing you all in Term 4.
Kowhai Teaching Team

Olympic Performance Tonight

We are really excited to be sharing our Olympic learning with you tonight at the Kowhai Team's Celebration of Learning.

The children need to be in their home rooms from 5.30pm- 5.45pm to enable them to have time to get ready for the show. This will also provide you time to get a premium seat in the hall. As BOSCO is using the hall foyer, entry to the hall will be via the hall doors on the Junior side of the hall. We will have programmes for you to read prior to the performance to help you understand the meaning behind each of the dances. Please remember to bring along a gold coin donation for each person attending the performance. We are aiming to start at 6pm sharp and the performance is approximately 50 minutes.

The feedback we have had so far have included:
"The dancing and music was awesome. It was so entertaining!" Isla Year 7
"Was I just dreaming? That was so good!" Dartanyan Year 1
"I was astonishd at how professional the dancing and costumes were. It was simply incredible." Oskar Year 8

Olympic Celebration of Learning

Tomorrow, Tuesday 13th September, we are having our matinee performance for any parents or family members who are unable to attend the evening performance on Wednesday. The matinee is from 11.30 -12.30pm in the school hall.

Below are the details for the evening performance on Wednesday night. We need to have the children at school and in their home rooms before 5.45pm. This will enable the children to have time to get ready before the performance begins at 6pm. 
Many thanks.

Newsletter Week 6 Term 3

Firstly, it was so nice to see you all over the past couple of days at Learning Conferences. We were highly impressed with the way the children all spoke about their learning and discussed their next steps. As a team, we feel so fortunate to have such a dedicated parent community and know that this results in the children being supported by us all to achieve their best.

We hope you were able to also take the time to look at the building designs and have a talk with Michelle or Sandy about our future learning spaces. If you didn't get a chance to go into the hall, the display will be put up in the school office foyer for you to view. We highly recommend you doing so.

STOP PRESS!   Olympic Performance (Celebration of Learning)
Over the next two weeks the children are creating dances to share their learning about the Olympics with you. Each hub has discussed what aspect of Olympic learning they want to share and will be using dance as their method of communication. We are really excited about this performance and know that it will be a true visual extravaganza. At this stage, we anticipate the performance to be around 40 minutes long.
We will be putting on a matinee performance for the school and for any parents, grandparents of whanau that can't make it to the evening performance as well as an evening show:

'Matinee' - Tuesday 13th  September- 11.30am- 12.30pm
Evening Show - Wednesday 14th September- 6pm - 7pm

The children will need to be at school by 5.40pm to get organised for the performance. We need to take a roll of the children at school for safety reasons. Please drop your child at their hub room before heading to the school hall to get a great seat. A gold coin donation will be warmly appreciated.
On Monday, we will let you know what your child will need to wear for their performance. Don't panic - no sewing will be needed!

Home Learning
As we prepare for our Celebration of Learning, we will not be sending home spelling words for the next two weeks. Mad Maths Minute and reading will continue as normal. The focus in reading will be on reading for enjoyment so we would like the children to choose books from home or the library that they wish to share. This is an important part of reading and a great way to help introduce your child to different types of books.

School of Gymnastics
This week and last week, we went to the Christchurch School of Gymnastics. The children had a fantastic time exploring new gymnastic equipment and it was wonderful to see many of the children demonstrate our key school value of 'We Love Challenge' by going on apparatus that they had never been on before. Many of these items were high and required courage to complete the task given by the instructors. Here we are in action...


Football - Beckenham vs Thorrington
As part of our P.E. programme, the children have been playing a variety of winter sports. This afternoon, a group of children from our team played against Thorrington School.
Forget 'Match of the Day'... Beckenham produced 19 keen football players to take to the field for two 8-a-side games against year three and four teams from Thorrington School, on home turf.
The friendly games were hard fought, and both schools showed a lot of heart and determination.  Congratulations to all the Beckenham players, you definitely showed our school values, ‘We get there together’ and ‘We love Challenge’!

Thank you so much to our two senior school students, Henry McMeking and William Hanlon for the time you spent with the Kowhai students helping to referee the games and showing excellent leadership skills.  Also, a big thank you to the Kowhai team for coming out to support your team mates and cheering your friends on with pride.

CSO visit
Yesterday we were fortunate enough to have four musicians from the Christchurch symphony Orchestra perform for us and teach us about the instruments they play. We learnt about the different sections in the orchestra as well as how some instruments are played and how they can be used to tell a story or portray characters.

That's all for now.
Have a wonderful weekend ahead
Kowhai Teaching Team

Learning Conferences

Learning Conferences

As you are aware we have Learning Conferences this week. School will finish at 2pm on Tuesday 30th August and Thursday 1st September.

The children are really excited to share their learning with you. At the conference the children will work through a learning reflection booklet. They will discuss the following:
1. What they like doing at school.
2. Reading, Writing, Numeracy and Inquiry
 * What they are proud of.
 * What they need to work on.
 * What they would like help with at home.
3. They will share their learning using examples from books and demonstrate strategies.
4. They have also completed a School Value self assessment.

We will share relevant data with you throughout the conference or as needed. If you have any specific questions about your child's learning, please discuss this at the beginning of the conference so we can ensure your questions are answered.

We are really looking forward to seeing you all over the next couple of days and know there is a lot for us to celebrate!

Kowhai Team