Kia ora tātou,
It has been another busy fortnight, and our students have continued to amaze us with their passion and energy for learning. Well done to all our tamariki! Thanks again to all whānau for your ongoing support. We wish you a relaxing, healthy and fun holiday period.
Discovery Fun
We continue to provide a range of options on a weekly basis that engage and challenge students. Below are some examples of these.
Sphero Bolt Programming
We have had the privilege of learning how to use a Sphero Bolt - a ball-like robot. These are on loan to us for two weeks. Sphero BOLT is a coding robot that lets kids learn coding through hands-on play and STEAM activities. It is a perfect entry into robotics.
Lego Challenge
Each day, the students are set a new challenge. We have some real experts in our midst. Maybe one day you will see them as contestants on Lego Masters.
Mū Tōrere
Some of our students chose to make the traditional Māori board game called Mū Tōrere. It is said to be the only native board game of the Māori. It is played on the points and centre of an 8-pointed star, by two players with four pieces each. The object of the game is to block your opponent so they cannot move. If your child has made one of these, look forward to it coming home just in time for some holiday fun. It is perfect for a wet day. The instructions will be glued to the back of the board. To play it, you will need two different coloured counters. Have fun!
Hear This
We were very fortunate this week to be visited by Cheryl Coughlan, an Educator for Hearing Support Christchurch (a non-profit organisation affiliated with Hearing New Zealand providing education regarding hearing protection to our Primary and Preschool learning community).
‘Hear This’ (Incorporating Dangerous Decibels) is a presentation designed for children aged 4 -12 years, where they learn about the ear, hearing, decibels and how to prevent Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL). It aims to educate about the harmful effects of dangerous noise and how to protect their hearing for life.
Art Shirts Request
The students all really enjoy painting and it would be great to have a new set of art shirts to avoid paint on their clothes. If anyone has a spare shirt at home that they no longer wear, could you please send it along to school. We are sure they will be christened with paint soon!