Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto Newsletter Friday 3 May 2019

Principal's Patch

Kia ora koutou

Welcome to term 2. It has been fabulous to see so many smiling faces this week.
As part of our long term whole school focus on Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L), this term we have a whole school focus on encouraging positive relationships including the use of good manners e.g.
  • Saying "please" and "thank you"
  • Listening as others talk
  • Looking people in the eye when we are talking to them or listening
  • Smiling when we greet people
  • Opening a door for an adult and waiting for them to pass through.
Earlier this week I was showing visitors around the school. When we came to the end of our walk around both parents commented on the way three children had opened doors for them and waited as they passed through. Another example of good manners that is beginning to happen more and more is at the school crossing.  It has been so nice to hear both parents and children say "thank you" to the Road Patrollers for the job they do rain, hail and shine.

We appreciate your help in encouraging manners, be it at school, or at home. 

What can we all do to encourage the use of good manners?
Manners don’t come naturally to children. They need to be “caught, taught and modelled” (Dianne Levy)
Teaching our children good manners encourages gratitude and respect, add assertiveness, confidence, consideration, courage, courtesy, enthusiasm, generosity, kindness, love, respect and self-discipline – to name a few. The list of what we are teaching goes on and the sooner we start the more automatic the response will be.  

When you have time these articles are worth a read

Thank you for all you do as parents to help make our children the best they can possibly be.

Nga mihi nui
Sue, Nigel, Paulette and the team.

Important Dates

Upcoming Events

Mon 6 May - School Cross Country in the afternoon. This is the corrected date
Tue 7 May - School closing at 1:45pm for Paid Union Meeting.
Bookings/Queries can be done via, or contact Yvette on 0276456632.
Fri 10 May - Celebration Assembly.  11:00 - 11:30am.  Everyone Welcome.
Thu 16 May - BOT meeting, 5:30 - 7:30pm

Note that school will be CLOSED on both Monday 20th May and Monday 12th August for Teacher Only Days

Term Dates

Click here to view 2019 term dates.

Citizen of the Week

Annabel Grantham - Year 4

Annabel, your positivity and enthusiasm radiate through all that you do. You are an active and reflective learner in the way you focus on learning, always putting in your best effort, and seeking feedback to enable you to set new learning goals. You are a polite, caring and considerate member of our hub and your manners and courteous nature are appreciated by many. You are a kind and thoughtful friend to all and we love your willingness to lend a hand no matter the task. Tino pai rawa atu!

School Notices

School Cross Country

We will have our school cross country this coming Monday 6th of May. The senior races (Year 5-8) will begin at 1.30 pm starting with Year 8 and concluding with Year 5. The junior races (NE-Year 4) will begin at approximately 2.15 pm, starting with Year 4 and concluding with NE students. 
We are anticipating that each race will be roughly 10 minutes in duration. To ensure you do not miss your child’s race, we recommend that you are here 15 minutes before the race is due to start. Students can wear their house top or school polo shirt, will need sensible running shoes and a drink bottle. We look forward to seeing you all there.

Paid Union Meeting Early closing - Tuesday 7th May

As you may be aware, the negotiations between our teachers' union, NZEI, and the Ministry of Education continue with no agreement yet in sight. 
As mentioned in the last newsletter (12 April), we are hosting a paid union meeting at Beckenham on Tuesday 7th May (replacing the meeting that was cancelled last term following March 15th events). We will be closing at 1:45 pm on that day and request that you arrange for your children to be collected at 1:45 pm, please.

School 2019 Board of Trustee Elections

Canterbury Education Services (CES) are providing BOT election services for our School in the forthcoming BOT elections. In May, nominations will be called for people to become members of the Board of Trustees.
Key dates are as follows:

Friday 10th May - Nomination forms will be posted to everyone on the school’s caregiver roll.
Friday 24th May - NOMINATIONS CLOSE at noon. An election will then take place if the number of nominations exceeds vacancies. There are three parent vacancies for Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto.
Wednesday 29th May - Voting papers will be sent by post to all on the school caregiver roll.
Friday 7th June - Voting closes at noon.
Thursday 13th June - Votes are counted, and you will be advised of the results.
Friday 14th June - New Board takes office.If you have any questions about our 2019 BOT elections, please contact the school office or one of our current Board members.

Term 2 Interim Reports

Following on from Learning Conferences at the beginning of Term 1, we will be sending out a 
Term 2 Interim Report in week 6, this term. The purpose of this report is to give you an overview of your child's engagement with school, with their peers and with learning so far this year.  
In week 7, we will be holding learning conferences with your child’s home group teacher. At this conference, teachers will share your child's progress and achievement in relation to the curriculum levels and identify the next learning steps.

The format for the Term 2 interim reports will look like this.

BOSCO - Teacher only Day
BOSCO is open for the full day and has spaces available for the teacher only day on Monday 20th May.
Bookings/Queries can be done via, or contact Yvette on 0276456632.

Scholastic Book Club

Issue 3 2019 is out and will be coming home with your child this week.
Scholastic recommend you submit your order online by Friday 17 May 2019
Close date is Saturday 22 June 2019. 

Book Amnesty

This term we will be doing a stocktake of our reading books at school.  Please would you have a really good look for any readers that may be lurking behind the bookshelf at home, under a bed, or (as in our case) the toy box! Please send these books back to school as soon as possible.

Kauri Fundraiser

Book your tickets now at

PTA News

Save the date
Friday 14th June: KIDS DISCO
Saturday 15th June: ADULTS 80s/90s DISCO. More info to come, start practising those moves!!!

Bookings are NOW Open for the Sunday 26th May Car Boot Sale, located in the staff car park. LIKE @BeckenhamBooty Facebook page for the latest updates
Book NOW:

Community Notices

(Notices placed here are contingent on space and do not reflect the views or opinions of the school.)

Jennian Homes Mother's Day 5km fun run/Walk in Hagley Park.
Sunday 12th May.  Join us for a run, walk or stroll this Mother's Day.  It'll be a great start to the day and you'll be doing your bit to help beat heart disease.  All participants receive an event t-shirt designed by Dick Frizzell.  Register online at

Cross Country on Monday

Our school cross country is on Monday 6th May. The Year 3 race will start at approximately 2:15pm and the Year 4 race will start at approximately 2:20pm. The children will need to wear appropriate footwear and are welcome to wear their house shirts on Monday.

Here is the map of the route that the Year 3 and 4 students will take:

The route is as follows:
  1. Start at the cricket pavilion facing school
  2. Run towards school
  3. Turn right to run parallel alongside school
  4. Turn right to run away from school and in front of the tennis courts
  5. Turn right to run along the back fence behind the row of trees.
  6. Turn right to join the gravel path that runs in front of the cricket pavilion. 
  7. Stay on the gravel path and follow it along the ponds and back up to the school for a second lap of the park.
  8. Turn right and run behind the tennis courts.
  9. Turn right to run along the back fence behind the row of trees.
  10. Turn right to join the gravel path that runs in front of the cricket pavilion. 
  11. Turn right, guided by the cones into the finishing shoot.

Cross Country

Cross Country 
On Monday 6th May we are having our school cross country! Your child/children are welcome to wear their house shirts on Monday. They will need to wear appropriate footwear.
Our Year 1-3 children will be out on the field from approximately 2.05pm.

Swimming information for all, please read.

30th April 2019 

Dear Parents/Caregivers

Swimming at Aqua Gym

We are really looking forward to the swimming lessons at Aqua Gym that start  Monday 13th May.

Please make sure that your child has a separate named swimming bag to keep all their swimming belongings in. Over the weekend, we would appreciate you taking the time to check your child’s uniform, towel, togs, swimming cap and bags are all clearly named. As you can appreciate, it would be quite challenging to find the owners of unnamed clothing when taking 97 children swimming. 

Reminder: Aqua Gym requires ALL children to wear a swimming cap for their lessons and the children will be required to wear a suitable swimming  costume: either shorts or togs. Please no bikinis. If you have any spare swimming caps that you are happy to loan us, please send them to school on Monday for us to use for any students that don’t have a cap.

We recommend you packing a few extra items in their lunch box too as they will no doubt have a greater appetite when swimming everyday.

Thank you to the wonderful parents who have kindly offered to help us at the pool. 

For parent helpers:
Thank you so much for offering to be a parent helper. Here is the timetable for the week.

Expectations of parent helpers:

Please be at school by 8.50am to leave on the bus at 9am for the first group of swimmers. If you are unable to parent help on your given day, can you please email Kate or Rowe as soon as possible so we can organise another parent helper.

Your role is to be an extra pair of hands to help supervise children on the bus and at the pool. As a parent helper, you will be helping out at the pool until the last group of swimmers has finished which is 12pm.

At the pool during changing times, please check that all children have their belongings in their swim bag and they will need to bring these out from the changing rooms and put them  into the cubbies by the pool.
Please could you assist children with putting on swim caps before their lesson.
At the end of the swimming lesson, the children will change independently and we would love for you to help the children put on shoes and socks and check the changing rooms are clear of belongings.`

Monday 13th
Tuesday 14th
Wednesday 15th
Thursday 16th
Friday 17th
Emily Gray
Carolyn Aitken
Bel Moneypenny
Jody Smith
(all able to help if possible for the first session)
Sarah Henderson
Jaana Aramowicz
Bridget Clayton
Olivia Grantham

Justine Eade
Rachel Reedy
Kate McDonald
Jacqui Radford
n/a - we have enough
Justine Eade
Nathalie Doering
Olivia Grantham
Nathalie Doering

Monday 20th
Tuesday 21st
Wednesday 22nd
Thursday 23rd
Friday 24th
NO Swimming
Staff Only Day

Justine Eade
Jaana Aramowicz
Nathalie Doering
Nicola Reddecliffe
Rachel Reedy
Olivia Grantham
Kate McDonald
Jacqui Radford
Nathalie Doering
Kelly- Anne Bullen
Justine Eade
Tracy Roberts

Have a wonderful week ahead
Kind regards

Kowhai Teaching Team
Paulette, Nick, Kate and Rowe

Kōwhai News Week 1 Term 2

Welcome back, everyone!

We are really looking forward to seeing the children on Monday and hearing all about their amazing adventures over the past two weeks.

This term we welcome Dorinda to our teaching team. She is super excited to be working full time with our tamariki and we are so pleased to have her incredible talents at our disposal! Our home groups are all beginning in new spaces this term so the children and teachers have an appreciation of the areas in our learning space.
Kate- The Breakout Room
Dorinda- Atrium

What's on this term?

This term we will be learning about inventions and what it means to be innovative. We have some really cool learning experiences for the children to explore these ideas and we will also integrate this into our Literacy programme.


This term, children reading Level 20 and below will continue to have a guided reading session every day with their teacher and will take home a browsing book for reading fluency each night.

Children reading above Level 20, will be asked to have a chapter book that they can comfortably read and for enjoyment. If your child is reading a chapter book at home, please send this to school on Monday in their book bag. Each day after morning tea, the children will DROP and READ for 15minutes. This will also be the book they will read at home at night for 15-20 minutes.
We would encourage you to discuss what your child had read to you to ensure they understand any new vocabulary and to monitor they are comprehending what they are reading. Continuing to read to your child is invaluable!

School Photos

Apologies, in the madness of packing up the hub in preparation for getting the carpets cleaned, the school photos didn't get sent home. These will come home with your child on MONDAY and will be found in their book folder. Please make sure your child has their book folder at school.


THANK-YOU to all the wonderful parents who have kindly offered their support at our swimming lessons. Rowe and Kate are taking over the organisation of this and will be in touch to confirm the days that you are needed. We only need one more parent for Wednesday 22nd May. If you can help, please fill in this form.


We have our school cross country on Monday 6th May. Our start times are at approximately Year 3- 2.15pm and Year 4 - 2.20pm. We do need the help of some parents on the day to be course marshalls. If you are able to help us, please fill in this google form ASAP so we can ensure the safety of the children on the day. On Monday, we will walk the children around the course so they know where to go.  Here is the map of the route they will run for your reference.
The track is as follows:

  • Start at the cricket pavilion facing school
  • Run towards school
  • Turn right to run parallel alongside school
  • Turn right to run away from school running in front of the tennis courts
  • Turn right to run along the back fence behind the row of trees.
  • Turn right to join the gravel path that runs in front of the cricket pavilion.
  • Stay on the gravel path and follow it along the ponds and back up to the school for a second lap of the park.
  • Turn right and run behind the tennis courts.
  • Turn right to run along the back fence behind the row of trees.
  • Turn right to join the gravel path that runs in front of the cricket pavilion.
  • Turn right, guided by the cones into the finishing shoot.
  • After crossing the finish line stay in order and line up at your year group’s
Reminder from school newsletter 12 April
Early closing - Tuesday 7th May
As you may be aware, the negotiations between our teachers' union, NZEI, and the Ministry of Education continue with no agreement yet in sight. We are hosting a paid union meeting at Beckenham on Tuesday 7th May (replacing the meeting that was cancelled last term following March 15th events). We will be closing at 1:45pm on that day and request that you arrange for your children to be collected at 1:45pm, please.

That's all for now! Have a wonderful week ahead

Kōwhai Teaching Team