Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 4 Week 0

Kia ora everyone! I hope the holidays are going well at your place. Below are some important reminders and a list of term 4 dates for your diaries.


We need every child to bring their headphones / ear-buds from the first day of term 4.


If your child has signed up for BYOD, can you please check that they are bringing their device to school every day.

Year 7 Leadership

We have shared a form through the Kauri Google Classrooom (children can access this from home), for Year 7 children to apply for House Captain and Student Council exec positions for 2020. Children have until Friday, November 1st to complete this form. Once all applications are in, there will be group interviews. All details are on the form.

Year 8 Yearbook

Every year we put together a book of Year 8 memories that will be presented to each Year 8 child at Leavers' Assembly. Year 8s need to complete their memory and share their doc with a friend and a teacher for their memories to be added. This google doc has been shared with the Year 8s through the Kauri Google Classroom (children can access this from home). It is great to see some children have already filled in their memories and shared the docs with the necessary people. The deadline for this is Friday, November 1st.

Parent / Caregiver Help

We need parent support with a few events in term 4. Please click this link to see what is involved and fill in the form if you can help.

Year 7 & 8 Term 4 Calendar

Thursday Oct 17: Carisbrook School sports exchange
Monday Nov 4: Athletics Day
Wednesday Nov 6: Summer tournament
Tuesday Nov 12: Group photos, including Year 8 photo
Wednesday Nov 13: 'Be Inspired' leadership event for 2020 House Captains and Student Council exec
Monday Nov 18: Zone athletics
Friday Nov 22: Self defence classes for the remaining Year 8 girls commence
Monday Nov 25: Top Team afternoon at school
Wednesday Dec 4: Canterbury athletics
Thursday Dec 5: Kapa haka celebration in evening
Monday Dec 9: Kauri Production in evening - all children involved
Wednesday Dec 11: Kauri Production in evening - all children involved
Friday Dec 13: Corsair Bay trip
Monday Dec 16: Walk to Victoria Park
Monday Dec 16: Year 8 pool and pizza party
Wednesday Dec 18: Year 8 leavers' assembly and lunch (Year 8 finish school after lunch)
Thursday Dec 19: Last day of school for Yr 1-7, morning only

Kahikatea News for Term 3, Week 10

Kia ora Whānau

Thank you for all of your help and support over the term.

He waka eke noa - this is a canoe we are all in together, and we only keeping it moving by paddling together!

South Library Trip

We had a fantastic time exploring innovation and technology at South Library. We used Beebots, Scratch, undertook a library tour and saw a 3D printer operating! Scratch is a free app. It will be key in helping our students learn early programming skills, in line with the new Digital Literacy curriculum. 

Look at these little readers! 

Look what you can make with a 3D printer! Wow!

Watching the magic

Bee Bot Fun

Scratch Junior

Scratch Junior

Keep NZ Beautiful Week

We have picked up rubbish galore this week! We know that the rubbish in our local environment can easily blow into rivers and gutters, and out to sea. We encourage everyone in our community to make a difference by picking up the rubbish they see (even if it wasn't theirs!).

Mental Health Week

We learnt more about Te Whare Tapa Whā and the four (now five!) areas of wellbeing. See here for useful information and lots of ideas for working on your own wellbeing at home. 
Here are some photos of our tamariki doing yoga: 

Connecting with Community

Holidays are a perfect time for connecting with each other, and your local community. Some options: 
* The CCC Libraries have a number of interesting events and workshops for children.
* The Breeze Walking Festival includes free walks....check out the Gruffalo Exploration!
* Local planting and clean-up days are advertised on the Canterbury Enviro Calendar.

March for Climate Change
We are proud to have students who have given up talent show to march in the Climate Change Rally. Here are one family, getting ready to set off.

Kōwhai News – Week 10, Term 3

Litter-Free School

This week, the Kōwhai students have been working hard to keep our school litter-free. Each home group has been involved in one of the daily clean-ups and we even have some students who have taken it upon themselves to scour the school for rubbish in their own time. We are really impressed with the wonderful difference the children are making to our environment.


The children had a lot of fun and learnt some new gymnastics skills during our recent trip to the Christchurch School of Gymnastics. Here are some photos of our trip:


This term Nick and Kate's home groups have been learning to play the recorder with Josie, our recorder tutor. The students have worked really hard and have learned to play several songs.

Paulette and Rowe's home groups will have the opportunity to work with Josie next term.