Kauri Whanāu: Camp Photo Book

We have finally finished the 2019 Wainui Camp photo book. This is a 26 page hard covered book filled with photos and descriptive writing from our camp at the end of term 1.

A quarter of our children have written descriptive pieces that are included in the book: Eva, Gemma, Kate, Millie G, Millie J, Tessa, Ruby M, Paolo, Maddi, Charlotte Grey, Abby C, Lucy, Isla, Olivia K, Florence, Mia, Holly, Charlotte T, Daniel C, Freddie, Ben E, Ruby L, Joel, Meg, Emma, Ella C, Sumaiyah and Arran.

If you would like to order a photo book, you need to do two things.
A) Fill in this form.
B) Pay $30 either into the school account (Bank number, 12-3148-0131641-00, reference Camp book) or at the school office.

I will be placing the order on Monday, July 8th. Orders will be placed for those who have paid before 4pm on that date.

Term 2 Week 10 Koru News update

Kia ora, whānau,
It's hard to believe, but yes - it's the final week of term! The children are thoroughly enjoying the last few days before their break, and are over the moon to be able to play and explore on the new playground area beside Pūkaki. It's absolutely beautiful and very inviting for the wee ones.

Joining Our Friends From the Ferndale Hub for Play-based Learning:
From time to time, the tamariki from the Ferndale Hub join us for Play-based Learning. This week we were invited into their learning spaces to explore and play. We had so much fun and can't wait to go back!

Tomorrow we're going to be baking Matariki star biscuits. A big thank you to the parents who have offered to help us - we really appreciate you!

...and on Friday, we're going to be making popcorn. If you are able to lend us your popcorn maker, we'd be very grateful. Please see your child's Home Group teacher.

A reminder that there was a notice in our school newsletter on June 14th, about plans for Term 3:
Elizabeth will be returning to full-time teaching in Term 3. Elizabeth will continue to teach her home group in Term 3, and Stacey will work three days a week across the team.

Your children's home group spaces will remain the same in Term 3, and Stacey will begin and end each day in Kōmanawa.

We hope you all have wonderful holidays, wherever you may be. Keep safe and warm!
Ngā mihi mahana,
Jo, Elizabeth, Stacey and Kristika

T2 W10 in Pōhutukawa

No winter sport this Friday

Our travelling winter sports teams do not play on Friday, the last day of the term.
Winter tournament is on Tuesday 23 July, the first Tuesday back of the term.

CCC - Cool Curriculum Classes

This term for CCC we have offered music, culture (Social Studies), well being (Health), library and coding. On Monday, for the last session of the term, the children rotated around every class.

Lillie - "I really enjoyed music because you got to learn about different kinds of genres and got to learn more than you knew already."

Katya - "My favourite CCC was coding because it was really fun. It was good for your brain to learn about coding and it will be good for the future."

Josh - "Culture was my favourite subject because we learn about the ways people are different and about the NZ culture."

Luca - "I enjoyed going to the library because it's a calm, fun space where people can enjoy their books."

Lachy - "Well being helped me because doing mindfulness is good for my body and brain."


Drama Day

Today we have had a focus on drama. The students made groups, chose to select a script, adapt a book or movie, or make up a play. They have practised, made props, acquired costumes and then have volunteered to perform their play on the stage before our hub. It has been really pleasing to see the children working collaboratively, compromising and using their imagination.Who knew we had such a fabulous bunch of aspiring actors and actresses?


Have a super break. Fingers crossed the weather plays its part, and we look forward to everyone returning back to school safe and sound, on Monday 22 July.