The troops were pretty settled over night and arose to a gorgeous Wainui day. Today has been filled with action and adventure, with six different activities happening. The children have been loving the challenge and showing they care, in the great way they have supported each other. We finished the day with a night-line activity, which the children enjoyed and parents loved! Everyone is settled down for the night. We're looking forward to another fabulous day tomorrow.
Monthly Archives: February 2017
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Kauri Whanau: Wainui Camp Monday
We have had an awesome first day on camp. The tramp to camp challenged some, but we all made it with smiles on our faces once we saw camp. Once we arrived and settled in, we explored the area and enjoyed some free time. The pasta bake was delicious! Thanks so much to all of the cooks. Dishes are done and we are about to meet the YMCA team for a wide game. Fingers crossed for a good nights sleep.
Kowhai Team Newsletter Week 4 Term 1
Kia ora,
We hope this sees you all well. Across the team in each of our learning hubs, we have been working very hard to establish our daily routines for the core areas of reading, writing and maths. It has been wonderful to see the children focusing on becoming effective self managers during this time.
This week your child will have three components to complete for their home learning.
1. Nightly reading- 10-15 minutes of either a book from school or a book of their personal choice
2. Nightly spelling (4-8 words)
3. MMM (Mad Maths Minute) - 1minute nightly timed test
If your child has completed any of the 'pick in mix' activities, please let your point of contact teacher know so they can share it with the learning hub.
Next Thursday, Sport Canterbury are coming to school to run a selection of highly interactive team games and challenges for the children to participate in. We need ten parents to support us with this by taking a activity stations for the children. Firstly, thank you to the parents who have already offered their time. We do need another 4-5 parents. If you are able to help, please let your point of contact teacher know.
Thanks to all the parents who have either emailed or sent their child's baby photos in. We need all the children to have a baby photo by Friday. Next week we are going to be using these for a 'Guess the Baby' competition. The family/whanau photos are needed for us to use during inquiry as part of our investigation into our whakapapa (ancestry).
Next Thursday the 9th of March, the Student School Council have organised a school mufti day to raise money for the emergency services who supported the Port Hills Fires. Your child will need to bring a gold coin donation on this day.
That;s all the important information for now. Have a great week ahead!
Kowhai Teaching Team
We hope this sees you all well. Across the team in each of our learning hubs, we have been working very hard to establish our daily routines for the core areas of reading, writing and maths. It has been wonderful to see the children focusing on becoming effective self managers during this time.
This week your child will have three components to complete for their home learning.
1. Nightly reading- 10-15 minutes of either a book from school or a book of their personal choice
2. Nightly spelling (4-8 words)
3. MMM (Mad Maths Minute) - 1minute nightly timed test
If your child has completed any of the 'pick in mix' activities, please let your point of contact teacher know so they can share it with the learning hub.
Next Thursday, Sport Canterbury are coming to school to run a selection of highly interactive team games and challenges for the children to participate in. We need ten parents to support us with this by taking a activity stations for the children. Firstly, thank you to the parents who have already offered their time. We do need another 4-5 parents. If you are able to help, please let your point of contact teacher know.
Thanks to all the parents who have either emailed or sent their child's baby photos in. We need all the children to have a baby photo by Friday. Next week we are going to be using these for a 'Guess the Baby' competition. The family/whanau photos are needed for us to use during inquiry as part of our investigation into our whakapapa (ancestry).
Next Thursday the 9th of March, the Student School Council have organised a school mufti day to raise money for the emergency services who supported the Port Hills Fires. Your child will need to bring a gold coin donation on this day.
That;s all the important information for now. Have a great week ahead!
Kowhai Teaching Team
Beckenham School Newsletter, Friday 25 February, 2017
Principal's Patch
Kia ora koutou
This week saw our students at both sites acknowledging the 6th anniversary of the Christchurch Earthquakes by again creating a river of chalk flowers and messages of hope on the footpath at Sandwich St and at Hills Road in Edgeware.We realise that many of our younger children don't have strong memories of the earthquakes, which isn't a bad thing, and we focus on the positive aspects that being a community that works together and whose members support one another.
There has been lots of action on the building site for the West Hub this week as we have seen the wall and roof panels trucked in and then each panel craned into place. The wind provided some challenges but the week's work has been achieved to plan. Next week the iron will go onto the roof.
Change to newsletter frequency
We are always conscious of finding a balance between too many emails and messages home, against not enough communication about what is happening at school.
We have decided that we will put out the school newsletter now as a fortnightly newsletter, with each team sending out a newsletter on the alternate week. This means that you will get a team newsletter next week, and another newsletter in a fortnight.
Sandy Hastings
Important Dates
Upcoming Events
Mon 27th Feb - Fri 3rd MarKauri team camp at Wainui
Mon 27th Feb
2:45 - 3:15pm PTA Uniform Room open
Thu 7 Mar
Flouro Mufti Day to support Volunteer Firefighters
Fri 10th Mar
1:30-3pm School Duathlon
Tue 14th Mar
Zone Swimming sports at Jellie Park Recreation
Wed 22nd Mar
School photos at Beckenham School (class and individual)
Term Dates
Click here to view the 2016 and 2017 term dates.Citizen of the Week
Keira Ryder - Year 2
Keira - you are growing so much as a leader in our hub. You encourage and support your peers in the whole class and small groups. You are putting 110% effort into all learning - it is wonderful to see your passion! You are respectful to all those around you and make such responsible choices, often helping with tasks before you are asked. Your interest in the environment and the care you show for our world is inspiring. Thank you for all the energy you bring to our hub and school!Sharing our Learning
Kauri Team
Fridays are always a popular day in our hub, as we get to explore our passions for 90 minutes each week. This term we have four passion groups: code club, photography and movie making, gardening and gaming (outside) and J-rock choreography. We have a group of passionate dancers who are working with Jenny to conceptualise, plan and choreograph a dance routine that will involve our entire hub. This will culminate in an 8 minute dance performance at Horncastle Area, early in term 2, as part of J-rock and Stage Challenge. The team are developing a storyline that explores the whakapapa of Beckenham School. This links to our focus on identity where we are unpacking: Whakapapa shapes identity which can build confidence and awareness of uniqueness.
Creativity, deep thinking and a love of learning are flowing in our Kauri whanau!
Staff Profile
Caitlyn Downing
Kia ora! I am in my third year teaching at Beckenham and my first year teaching in the year one and two team, Koru. I am originally from Greymouth where I grew up with my family swimming, kayaking, hiking, biking, basically anything and everything outdoorsy. This is still a huge part of my life. I have now lived in Christchurch for seven years with my boyfriend, Jake, who is also a West Coaster. We love spending our weekends watching movies and hitting up the new Adventure Bike Park.Student Council - Mufti Day - 7 March
Our Student Council have decided that they would like to recognise and support the enormous efforts made by all of the emergency services who have, and are continuing, to work to put out the Port Hills fire. They have organised to have a Mufti Day on Thursday 7th March - Wear FLOURO!
Gold coin donation please.
School Notices
Good luck to all our competitors who are getting out there and giving it their best in this weekends Weetbix Tryathlon. We're so proud of you all for giving it a go. HAVE FUNCelebrating Success:
Whilst we enjoy celebrating student’s successes at school, we would love to acknowledge their triumphs and achievements outside of the school day. If your child has has been a representative in art/sport/cultural activities or similar at a local or national level, we would love to hear about it. Please send details and a photo to
Congratulations to...
Luke Menzies
Who competed in the New Zealand Schools Kayaking Nationals at Lake Karapiro last weekend.
Luke had a great weekend up at the nationals. He got two bronze medals. One in the 200 metre race and his second one in the 100 metre race. He also got 4th in his 500m race and his K2 200M race and 5th in a K4 200M race.
Luke was presented his medal by Lisa Carrington.
Sports Notices
Beckenham School would like to promote an upcoming mountain biking event in Hanmer Springs that may be of interest to you.
The Hanmer 4 Hour, run by Hanmer Events, is a super fun event, suitable for children looking to get into competitive mountain biking. Competitors work as part of a team with the aim of completing as many laps of a set course as they can in four hours. The course this year is a mixture of forest trail and non technical single track. 12 year olds may compete as an individual in the under 17 category. There is a separate course for Super Junior Teams (aged 8 - 11 years) that uses tracks in the Heritage Forest. These children need their own Tail End Charlie (an adult to keep up with them) for each lap they do. While these tracks are suitable for children, competitors should be confident riders, who are capable of controlling their speed and direction on single track.
Hanmer Events are welcoming entries from school teams with a 10% discount on entry fees and a special category for school teams. More information can be found on the Hanmer Events website (
If there is a team wishing to represent Beckenham School, I will attend the race to cheer the bikers on and offer support. I will bring the Beckenham School flags and set up an area where the children can relax and re-energise between laps. Children can use Beckenham sports tops as their team uniform if they wish.
The entry fee is $80 per team, however we do have a special code that will give you 10% off! If you are interested please email me on for the code.
While Beckenham School encourages participation in this event, children will remain the responsibility of their parents for the entire duration of the event.
Community Notices
(Notices placed here are contingent on space and do not reflect the views or opinions of the school.)
TimberNook provides innovative nature-based programmes for children designed to foster creativity, imagination & play in the great outdoors.TimberNook - the Ultimate Sensory Experience
TimberNook programmes are now offered locally! Amazing outdoor experiences in natural settings –Cracroft Guide Centre (151 Cashmere Road). Limited places for Tiny Ones preschool playgroups, Going Wild weekend club, a range of school holiday programmes, special events & birthday parties. To view programmes visit or contact Kim via email, 027 9340409, fb TimberNook Christchurch NZ South
TimberNook doesn’t entertain – we empower!
Christchurch Netball Centre are running an ANZ futureFERNS FUN Have A Go Day for all children in Years 1-6.This event is free and showcases the ANZ futureFERNS programmes for Years 1-2, Years 3-4 and Years 5-6.
Parents, caregivers and potential coaches welcome.
Information about the programmes will be available as well as information about clubs in Christchurch and ways you can be involved in Junior Netball.
To register simply follow the link below:
Child, Youth and Family
Child, Youth and Family are looking for people, in and around the Hornby area, who are interested in making a difference in the life of a vulnerable young person.James is a friendly teen with a great sense of humour. James is mad about cars and would like to be a mechanic when he grows up.
James is a member of the Christchurch City BMX club and by all accounts is quite good and will be competing at competition level. He is also involved in his local cricket club and attends youth group weekly. He enjoys playing video games - X-Box and PSP, watching and playing sport, and listening to music. James takes pride in his room, which is remarkably clean and likes to help with chores around the house.
James would do really well in the care of a local couple who have experience with young people. He needs someone, who can build his self-esteem, offer opportunities and experiences while at the same time providing consistent and clear boundaries.
Like most teens James behaviour can be challenging, at times, particularly when he is anxious or unclear about what is happening. James needs someone with patience, to help him learn positive behaviours and help to manage challenges positively.
With your support and care James will have every opportunity to develop positively and achieve his full potential.
Please call us to discuss fostering a young person and the support package we can offer you. Call Karina Langley for a chat on 03 961 4130 or email or call toll free on 0508 FAMILY (0508 326 459).
Orchestral Extravaganza:
Wed 22 Mar, 7:30pm, Christ's College Assembly Hall. Free admission. No bookings required. Put on by orchestras from Rangi Ruru, Christ's College and St Margaret's College.Holi Festival
Revel Events and Christchurch Multicultural Council are excited to bring Holi back to Christchurch on Saturday 4th March. We would like to invite you to join in the fun from 11am - 3pm at 221 Gloucester Street, opposite Latimer Square.This year Holi is all about bringing life, colour and fun to our central city. Cultural fusion dance performances will showcase the many different cultures in our community joining together in celebration!
Holi is a day to forget worries and connect with family and friends. Come along and throw colors, dance, and enjoy DJs, traditional Indian games, cultural performances and festive Holi delicacies. We would enjoy seeing your school there. If you’re interested, the entry to this event is free, colors will be available to purchase $5 for 2 packets. Please see the event here
Southern Cross Irish dance:
Beginner Classes1ST LESSON FREE
Saturdays 10am-11am (from 4th March 2017 onwards) St Mary’s Church Hall329 Halswell Rd, Halswell
Tuesdays 4pm-5pm (from 28th Feb 2017 onwards) Christchurch Irish Society Hall 29 Domain Tce, Spreydon.
to book, contact Shannon & Argene on 0220403109,
Great for kids to gain confidence, co-ordination and rhythm,
Kia ora whaanau,
It has been another action packed week of learning and fun in Koru hubs.
Quick reminders:
* Great to see drink bottles and reading folders brought in each day. Well done families!
* Please send library folders in on your class' day:
Hub 1 - Thursday
Hub 2 - Friday
Hub 3/4 - Monday
Hub 10/11 - Friday & Monday
We've been continuing to get to know each other and celebrate our individuality. The 'Me Bag' have helped us to share about ourselves. Thanks to every body for the time and effort spent in creating these at home. We will continue to share our 'Me Bags' over the coming weeks, so for those who haven't bought theirs, there is still time.
Each class is now in full swing, teaching and learning in maths, reading and writing.
In maths, we have been revisiting number knowledge and counting, as well as strategy areas (addition and subtraction). Most of our maths sessions involve short blocks of teacher time, activities set by the teacher, and self-chosen maths tasks or games. We love working together and using maths words, and having hands on materials like beads and counters to help us.
In writing, we have been learning how to set up and use our books. We've been writing about ourselves and other topics of interest. Here is one class' writing and art about sharks!
In most hubs, insects and animals have been a topic of high interest...our teachers have found books so we can learn even more! We've loved making animal crafts too. Check out the spiders that Hub 1 made this week!

Our Values
We have been continuing to learn about the Beckenham School values, We Care and We Get There Together. To help us develop social skills and Get There Together, we have worked in small groups. Some children have been collaborating and drawing scenes (e.g. a farm or zoo) which means talking about and agreeing things before we start. Another group has also been constructing a playground model out of cardboard. We've had to trial lots of designs and problem solve when things don't quite work the first time.
It has been another action packed week of learning and fun in Koru hubs.
Quick reminders:
* Great to see drink bottles and reading folders brought in each day. Well done families!
* Please send library folders in on your class' day:
Hub 1 - Thursday
Hub 2 - Friday
Hub 3/4 - Monday
Hub 10/11 - Friday & Monday
We've been continuing to get to know each other and celebrate our individuality. The 'Me Bag' have helped us to share about ourselves. Thanks to every body for the time and effort spent in creating these at home. We will continue to share our 'Me Bags' over the coming weeks, so for those who haven't bought theirs, there is still time.
In maths, we have been revisiting number knowledge and counting, as well as strategy areas (addition and subtraction). Most of our maths sessions involve short blocks of teacher time, activities set by the teacher, and self-chosen maths tasks or games. We love working together and using maths words, and having hands on materials like beads and counters to help us.
In writing, we have been learning how to set up and use our books. We've been writing about ourselves and other topics of interest. Here is one class' writing and art about sharks!
In most hubs, insects and animals have been a topic of high interest...our teachers have found books so we can learn even more! We've loved making animal crafts too. Check out the spiders that Hub 1 made this week!
Our Values
We have been continuing to learn about the Beckenham School values, We Care and We Get There Together. To help us develop social skills and Get There Together, we have worked in small groups. Some children have been collaborating and drawing scenes (e.g. a farm or zoo) which means talking about and agreeing things before we start. Another group has also been constructing a playground model out of cardboard. We've had to trial lots of designs and problem solve when things don't quite work the first time.