Whare Time

Today our whare time focus was on demonstrating the school values of We Get There Together, We Care and We Love Challenge.
Each whare group participated in a variety of fun games being organised by the whare teachers and Year 8 leaders. It was fantastic seeing the children participating in a wide variety of games. 

Scarecrow Making

In one of our reading groups, the children read a book 'Scarecrows from space.' We found out that the children in the book make scarecrows every year. Scarecrows are made to keep birds away from eating seeds. 
Today we made out own scary scarecrows. We had to follow the instructions carefully.

Celebrating Learning

This week at team hui we celebrated some amazing learners across the team. We congratulated hard work, increased focus and smart thinking during writing. Well done everyone! 

M.A.D. Time

We have started our new M.A.D. Time options for the term. We were so impressed with the enthusiasm the children displayed during their first session.