Dunedin, here we come!

The good news about the weather forecast...

  • Most of our activities will be indoors.
  • The rain on Monday isn't meant to fall until the evening.
  • Albatross and other wild life are much more active in stormy weather, note Tuesday forecast.
  • It's a forecast, and might change.

A happy camper is a prepared camper!

Please check through your child's luggage to make sure they have:
  • Clothing suitable for the low temperatures that are forecast: thermals, fleece, wool, and lots of layers
  • A woolly hat is a must
  • A raincoat is a must
  • A spare pair of sturdy shoes
  • Plenty of socks

Remember to have the following ready to hand in when you arrive at school tomorrow:

  • Medication, in a named bag (except for medication that needs to stay on the child, e.g. Epipen and inhalers)
  • Food donations: baking for Mountains and Forest and a bag of fruit for Coast
  • Frozen pasta bake and cottage pies for those who have prepared these dishes.
On arrival at school, children are to leave their luggage on the basketball court and then take their daypack and find their home-group teacher. They will need to show us their raincoat, lunch, drink bottle and warm hat. 

If your child has yet to bring their permission slip for tech devices, please make sure this is ready to hand in when they arrive. If you have lost this form, a note signed by you will suffice. 

Exciting times...

Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 1 Week 9

Goodbye Easter, hello Dunedin! We are down to a single figure sleeps count, before we climb aboard the bus and head off on our Dunedin adventure. 

This week the children will be finishing their ANZAC letter writing assignment. Some will need to spend time working on this at home. Over the long weekend we have given feedback and next steps to guide the children towards success with this assignment.

Winter Sport:
We are not far away from the winter sport season. Our ability to enter teams in the Hagley Park competition on a Friday afternoon rests largely on parent support. Please click this link to let us know how you could be involved.

Camp Fundraising:
We are changing the date for the Comedy Evening fundraiser to next term. We will let you know the date as soon as this is confirmed.

Many thanks to Leone, Leigh and Amy who supported the children with cheese roll making last week. The children did a fantastic job. If you did not get your cheese roll order on Thursday, it will be waiting for you in the hall kitchen freezer. 

Dunedin Camp:
The long range weather forecast for Dunedin is looking cold and wet. It is essential that all children are well prepared with suitable clothing. While most of our activities are indoors, we are outside every day at some stage. All children need a waterproof coat, a warm hat and thermal tops. If you need help sourcing these for your child, please email us now. 

Many thanks to the vast majority of families who have returned their health form. If you are yet to do this, please get it back tomorrow. We have spare copies at school if needed. 

A reminder to all parents coming on camp, that we have a meeting on Thursday at 5:30pm in our hub. 

Ingredients packages for those parents preparing meals for camp will be available for collection after school on Friday.

First thing Monday:
  • When your child arrives at school (at the normal time) on Monday, they must find their home-group teacher and show them their lunch, drink bottle, waterproof coat and sunhat.
  • If they have medication, this needs to be in a named plastic bag and handed to their home-group teacher.
  • If you have prepared a pasta bake or cottage pie, please put these in the labeled chilly bins in the maker-space. 
  • Food donations, baking for Mountains and Forest and bag of fruit for Coast, need to be put in the boxes that will be in the maker-space.
  • Gear (excluding daypack), needs to be put on the basketball court if it is not raining, or if it is wet, in the atrium. 
  • Technology permission slip, needs to go straight to home-group teacher. Children must return this slip if they are to take a device on camp.
Please note that children do not need to bring a pillow as these are provided; all they need is a sleeping bag. The accommodation is quite cosy and very well appointed.
If you need to contact your child during camp please call their home-group teacher: Nicky 0276229403, Jenny 0279614405  or Hannah 0278140454. We plan to arrive back at school around 5pm on Friday. We will text a more accurate time once we are on our way. We will post photos and news, daily, on our blog.
Please email us if you have any queries or if you are having trouble getting any item on the gear list for your child.

Here are some pictures of our children competing at the Canterbury Duathlon and the Police Competency Test last week. All children gave of their best, displaying their love of challenge.

Free Bread Crusts

The Year 7 & 8 children are doing a fabulous job of producing cheese rolls this week. A by-product of our industry is bread crusts, lots of them! 

If you would like to take some to turn into breadcrumbs, or just to nibble on, you are most welcome. Just help yourself from the crate of bags that will be on the deck outside the hall kitchen.

Please read if you ordered cheese rolls.

Firstly, a huge thanks for supporting our Dunedin Camp fundraiser. On Wednesday and Thursday this week we will be making just under 400 dozen cheese rolls!


Thanks to those who have already paid.  If you have yet to pay, please do so by the end of Monday. $8 for one dozen, or $30 for 4 dozen.

  • Online transfer (12-3148-0131641-00, reference cheese rolls)
  • Cash  (Take money into the office at Beckenham in an envelope with child's name on it and place in Eeezy Cheezy Box)
  • Eftpos Payment At School Office
If you have forgotten how many dozen you ordered, please send an email to nicky.dunlop@beckenham.school.nz


We are wanting to cut down on the amount of plastic packaging we use. A sustainable option is to provide your own packaging. If you would like to do this please label your container with: child's name, child's team, number or cheese rolls ordered (by the dozen). We will place a tub for collecting containers outside the school hall foyer on Monday and Tuesday; please drop your labelled container off there, either before or after school.  

For those who don't provide their own container, we will use the same recyclable plastic containers we used last year, placing 2 dozen orders in each container. 


Due to the distribution of orders received, there is a slight change to the pick up days:
  • Wednesday: Koru, Kowhai, Pōhutukawa, Staff
  • Thursday: Kauri
Orders will be delivered to hubs at the end of the day for children to take home. 

Enjoy your cheese rolls, best served toasted with a dob of butter ... yum!

Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 1 Week 7

We have spent the last week and a half learning about  WW1 ANZACs. In the process we have been developing our research skills, using a variety of websites including Cenotaph and Papers Past. Our trip to the Airforce Museum built on this knowledge, including a very good session on Gallipoli. The children are about to start a letter writing task that uses the knowledge they have gained from their research. This ties in with our focus for this term: 'We must act to sustain what is valued'.

Dunedin Camp:

It is just over two weeks until we are off to Dunedin. Tomorrow we will be talking with the children about camp. They will bring home a paper notice that will include a gear list. I will also send you an electronic copy of this notice. The first evening meal will be a pasta bake. We would like these to be prepared before we go. Please click here if you would be happy to prepare a pasta bake for 8 people. We will provide ingredients, including a foil baking dish.

Cheese Rolls:

We have exceeded expectations with cheese roll orders. The only things we now need are a parent to help on Wednesday afternoon and three electric knives. Please click this link if you can help us out.
There has been some discussion around packaging and we have decided that one option will be to provide your own packaging. On Monday and Tuesday we will put a tub outside the hall to gather labelled (child, hub and number of orders) containers. For those who don't provide containers, we will use the same packaging we used last year.

Congratulations and good luck:

A big well done to all of those who competed in the Hanmer 4 Hour mountain biking event last weekend. Beckenham had 6 teams entered and took out two 2nd places and two 3rd places. Congratulations to Boyd, Winni, Paolo, Sam, Tamryn and Charlie from our team.

Next week we have children competing in the Canterbury Duathlon on Monday and the Police Competency Test on Tuesday. We know you will do us proud and give of your very best.

School Fair Tomorrow:

There is lots of excitement about the fair tomorrow. We have a number of children who have volunteered to help setup, cleanup or help on game stalls. The hall is the meeting place for these children. If you have yet to send your can of coconut milk or your mystery bottle to the fair HQ, please send these in tomorrow morning, along with your plate of home baking.

Below is the collaborative art produced by your children. Wouldn't one of these artworks look great on your wall? Make sure you place your bid at the fair.

St Andrew's College Open Day: